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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 170 KB, 1200x739, comparison chart v2 final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10282025 No.10282025 [Reply] [Original]

the most profitable among these coins will be :


in 2018 EOY. Mark my words.

Anyone who says this chart doesn't do justice to any coin...share why is that ? Also share a proof by sendin Jamie a TG msg pointing out the issue, if you mean it and are serious.

We need serious cryptonians here, no Noobs.

>> No.10282057

this should add a row for those cryptos that rely on outside oracle networks or have an in-network solution.

>> No.10282062

Neblio and KMD for me. Icon is too hyped out. TAU is good but in the end, its listings are only on smaller exchanges, this makes me skeptical.

>> No.10282065
File: 8 KB, 243x177, SupaGreg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just thinking of this chart yesterday. Thanks

>> No.10282106

Yea but I've heard Big exchange listings for Tau ahead of its mainnet launch. They're tight-lipped on it, but its on the cards.

Second you on Neblio!

>> No.10282165

>>10282025 In the order of preference (according to returns) :

- Neo
- Eos
- Lsk
- Icx
- Tau

(if Eos gets out of this massive negative PR)

>> No.10282215

Icon is the only lot among those with all the big partnerships. NEO has no China gov connections, and their network is based on ETH, which can only handle a few TPS second.

>> No.10282224


The rest won't make it sadly.

>> No.10282275

- eos - too much money to lose
- icon - too many partnerships + crypto adoption in korea too high to ignore
- neo - chinese population
- lisk - javascript will win developers in the end
- wanchain - financial tx can be sent anonymously. this will be huge when institutional $ start onboarding

in that order

>> No.10282308

Exactly, low tps is the biggest issue when it comes to scaling and adoption.

EOS with its 100k TPS might take a considerable lead, but its red flags are frightening.

>> No.10282324

Adding on to your ranks

Tau - Nothing to loose, with 6 cents, rock solid features and one of the top ranking under-valued coins in my 2019 $$$ bucket list.

>> No.10282402


TAU is targeted at developers and enterprises, with 10,000 Tx p/sec it has a classic adoption model.

Apart from this, Tokenized fiat would make DApp build on Lamden, to go fiat and vice versa in seconds.

There is more to this, the Tx fee is zero (and network can't be spammed without node signatures) even thought its free.

I'm very bullish on this, bought 100k coin at around $6,200, going to HODL this for another year. I also m able to have MN with 100k TAUs.

>> No.10282547

Shift is a fork of lisk with working atomic swaps and sidechains. Also it will soon solve the problem of delegate cartels, by changing consensus system and also more core improvements.
Lisk at the actual stage is too centralized, and it's already too late for an hardfork because the delegate mafia won't allow it

>> No.10282593


>> No.10282597

Lisk delegate cartel was the only reason I sold this coin at $12. Let me check out shift.

Do check Lamden as well at 6 cents, this is a fuckin black friday sale grab.

>> No.10282627
File: 88 KB, 1024x839, WhatsApp Image 2018-05-25 at 16.07.40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


M saving bucks these days ...I reckon the bears wont go till another 2 months or so...I wanna buy Lamden MN for this coin...once it gets that mainnet and Bittrex or Binance exchange listing, this coins goes to moon... Hell yea

>> No.10282658

>no one is picking WAVES

yup, now I know I will be rich since my biggest holding is WAVES

>> No.10282686

In this moment it has the same consensus system of LSK, but there aren't still any "cartels" because of the small community and marketcap. All the delegates and also the community as whole are in line with the developer's views and choices, so there won't be any problem at the moment of an hardfork. In the meantime devs are preparing an alternative consesus system that will prevent what happened to lisk and it will release within months

>> No.10282691

Literally none of these "platforms" will see any significant volume.
Literally none of these "platforms" are actually decentralized
Literally none of these "platforms" have people working on them whonare competent at creating complex cryptoeconomic incentive alignment schemes
Literally only Ethereum and the very small family of in-group projects surrounding it are even relevant from a tech standpoint

If you don't understand this by now I don't know how to help you.

>> No.10282729

Lamdem (TAU), marketcap $9mill can't even get on a decent exchange. LOOOL

>> No.10282767

Smart investors put their money in undervalued projects. Have fun with your 1% gains on Apple stocks

>> No.10282815

>posting an unbiased chart
>asking for unbiased discussion of the coins
>shilling the fuck out of one of the coins mentioned

ok then

PS: buy lamden

>> No.10282818

Agree but a few others will be top 10 because these projects will conquer their mainland. (e.g. NEO & ICON). EOS only has a chance because of its $$ warchest. AION might work because it connects the others, but ICON is already doing that so NFI. ARK might be useful too. The rest will be battling up a hill. As I posted above, Lamdam suffers from being on crap exchanges. It might have a chance if more buyers are able to reach it but the trading volume is so low its ridiculous.

>> No.10282826

ICX will do the best of all of them.

>> No.10283852

NEO lists Digital Identities as a selling point. NeoID does not exist yet and is still only a stub in their GitHub. Is it similarly accurate for the other chains?