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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1027940 No.1027940 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of classes at major universities are so large (60-250 students) that many of the teachers don't even bother with attendance.

Is it possible to just show up to a university (that you do not go to) and attend a class (that you are not enrolled in) and just hang out for the lectures and actually learn the material? I know some classes have online material that you need to be enrolled in to have access to (powerpoints, exams, etc) but if you just stuck around the lecture to solely learn the subject matter (and maybe even take an exam or two as a guest test taker) throughout the entire semester would this be akin to free college?

What are the consequences if you're caught doing this? It would be difficult to unless you show up on an exam day and they ask for a student ID and see your not enrolled but if that is how exams are you could just avoid exams and come to lectures only.

Is it possible to get jail time for this?

Thoughts guys?

Has anyone actually tried this with success? Please do tell.

Btw I'm not a NEET, just a recent college grad of a STEM major who wouldn't mind "crashing" a couple business and finance courses during my gap year without actually paying for them.

>> No.1027942

>recent STRM grad
>if ID is needed for exam
>not NEET

Your thread is a train wreck OP

>> No.1027951


You won't be able to do the tests, but I guess you could give it a try

>> No.1027957

When I went to college for IT, the Business school was in the next building over from a couple of my classes and I sat in on a couple of economics classes. I was at a small Community College, tho, and a few students eventually asked me who I was - they thought I was there to evaluate the prof or something. After I told them I was just sitting in to learn, the prof came to me and said I could stay if I just kept in the background and didn't let everyone know (apparently the college views someone sitting in class without paying for it as a loss and doesn't like professors allowing it)

>> No.1027979

>Is it possible to just show up to a university (that you do not go to) and attend a class (that you are not enrolled in) and just hang out for the lectures and actually learn the material?

>What are the consequences if you're caught doing this?
The teacher might ask you to leave.

>Is it possible to get jail time for this?

>> No.1027993

It's called auditing a class, dumbass. Just ask the teacher. As long as the class isn't completely full, there's no reason for them to say no. This goes for small colleges/classes too.

>> No.1028044


With auditing you still have to pay tuition and university fees, essentially you have to be enrolled.

Also my university stopped auditing in 1988.

>> No.1028139

Any type of lecture-hall class (usually gen-eds and intro type courses) would be easy enough. Depending on how your school does it, you could probably sit in on exams.

Universities and community colleges have 'zero-tolerance' polices for any kind of academic integrity, and stealing education is basically the same as cheating. So it would get you expelled and possibly make it harder to get into another school by transferring.

But you say you have your degree already, so if you aren't interested in going for Post-graduate, I fully encourage you to get sum free learning.

>> No.1028143
File: 78 KB, 500x333, jaws and raccoongirl having a laff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Americans

>> No.1028325

please photoshop this girl crying blood

>> No.1028332

How stupid are you? You can't just read a book?

>> No.1028335

Just get some lectures from The Teaching Company. They have video and audio available and the quality will probably be better than whatever school you plan to sneak into. Plus you can "attend" the lecture at home and naked if you want.