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10279330 No.10279330[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

being black is literally the worst thing to be if you’re red pilled on socioeconomics, foundation of black families backgrounds, and minority inferiority regarding business related subjects.

How can I cope and/or progress when society and my black culture as a whole is literally set up for us to regress and remain stagnant ?

t. 20 year old black uni undergrad w/ 25k link & 6k nano

>> No.10279345

Black culture is American culture.

Move to Europe.

>> No.10279350
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this gon be gud

>> No.10279355

>believing this

>> No.10279361
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>> No.10279372

Fuck off we're full.

>> No.10279378
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You have a real mess on your hands. Cope, be strong. Your people need stronk leaders.

Remember who brought you here and who keeps you on the plantation, and help us eliminate them.

>> No.10279396

couldn’t imagine living around people with such cringe accents

>> No.10279397

Blacks were just a test subject for what’s to come to the rest of western society.

>> No.10279411

>this post
>unironically posting this meme
fuck you nigger, kys

>> No.10279416

London isn't Europe, Chavmire.

Vitiligo really is a wretched disorder.

>> No.10279423


>> No.10279447


>> No.10279448

when i used to work at a convenience store, this black guy would come in everyday and eventually we ended up talking about business. he became quite successful

he started with a shit credit score and some debt as a wagecuck, then managed to buy some properties during the real estate bubble burst.

he flipped the properties, turned them into rentals, and built up a local clientèle.

the last time i saw him, he was joking around about being the unlikely new owner of a tanning salon. i told him about ETH back when it was $40 and he was one of the only people who i had an interesting back-and-forth about with crypto. cool guy. did it right.

>> No.10279454

BEING black isn't the cause of it, you dumb faggot. Not having a father, not being educated, having a low IQ, combined with a low impulse control and absolute garbage for culture will do it. Now, as it so happens, blacks share in all these characteristics, but if you were asian or irish or indino r whatever and you had the misfortune of the above, then your life would probably be shit, too.

>> No.10279469

You can progress. Being black in your position makes you sought after. You will make it.

Progressing the black culture as a whole is a seperate and larger issue.

>> No.10279473

yes it is, culture is a result of genetics

>> No.10279490

nigger youre looking at it all the wrong way
you have an opportunity that literally none of your ancestors have had for millenia
take advantage and secure your line
your redpilling will be your ticket to the promised land

>> No.10279505

Genetics doesn't mean anything.

>> No.10279515

brb, changing my height

>> No.10279529
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Yeah, there's no correlation at all between genetics and things like intelligence and impulse control.

>> No.10279543

how about you do a little research on the black community and it’s values. being born black (genetical predisposed to low iq, poor mental health, poverty, etc.)

This is what my race is composed of

>> No.10279546
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>m-muh opression

pic related, a successful nigger who didn't cuck himself with excuses

>> No.10279553

Genetics may give you a starting point, but willpower is the catalyst for a change in your bloodline.

>> No.10279555

>Vitiligo really is a wretched disorder.
But it won't straighten your hair.

>> No.10279571

Elsa jean was whoring herself out on eros in nyc a couple years ago I should have bought

>> No.10279581

You're being a pussy and letting the whites get what they want. Fuck the whites. The only reason I speak to them at work is to get ahead. Once I am in management I will only hire black people. I will start charities for black students to get to the same position as me. They won't win, its fine.

t. 22 year old black uni undergrad from poor family who made more than both his parents salary combined in crypto in the last 12 months and is currently employed as an engineer by one of the most sought after companies in the world

>> No.10279585
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When other black people hate on you for "acting white" and getting your shit together ignore them.

Keep improving yourself. Do research on any decisions you make and come to your own conclusions.

Never stop improving yourself.

You're in uni and have a good start. Keep on improving, fuck what your crab bucket culture says to keep you down, they are legit jelly af because they are worthless.

>> No.10279630

They tell you things like they're fact to make you feel worthless. They teach history in ways which do not benefit you. You think you are red pilled because they have been successful. Do your eventual children a favour and send them to one of the black saturday schools in north london, it will do them a wealth of good in combatting said obstacles.

>> No.10279636

dont listen to this dumb nigger
hes trying to keep you trapped in your genetic prison
youre at least smart enough to get this far, youre so close to being free

>> No.10279644

>>10279585 here

see >>10279581

He's another crab trying to keep you in the bucket

>> No.10279653

get a load of this diversity hire

whites invented higher education, so you're welcome, you ungrateful ape

>> No.10279678

Willpower can be catastrophic if it is not accompanied by high IQ, or at least by good morals.

Despite what your monkey friends tell you, having a high IQ, both parents, and being educated and listening to classial music will not make you non-black. And that's my point. It's not blackness that causes poverty and a shitty life. It's certain characteristics which pool together in blacks that does it. If these characteristics were pooled together in other races, and some times they are, there they fuck those people up, as well.

You may not be able to do much for your low IQ, but you can do something about your education, and your family (f your father left, you can choose to stay for your bastards), and join a church or something.

>> No.10279680

Note to self: only hire white people.

>> No.10279707


IQ is 134 anon. Poorly attempted projection, 3/10.

>> No.10279763
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unironically this
some whites think they're superior so let them try to prove it. voluntarily segregate and dominate. Let it continue. where's all your sports teams whiteys? you still have bowling (I think)

>> No.10279785

so superior you move to white countries to take advantage of the institutions and offerings built upon by the death, struggle, and sacrifice of millions of Europeans

>> No.10279792

Move to a place where it's mostly blacks

Fuck mixing

Not racist but look at history

Shit doesn't work

>> No.10279803

I take it you aren't big fans of diversity and do not share in the great liberal hope of integration. A lot of whites suspect this about blacks.

>> No.10279812

the japanese are a mix of 3 distinct ethnic groups and it seems to have worked out well for them.

>> No.10279823
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lets be honest here.
Blacks belong in Africa.
Europe is cold. Leave tiny europe for us whites okay.

You need lots of sun for your black skin.
We need lots of darkness for our white skin.

I'm not a racist.

You just don't belong in europe.

please go back to super sun sunny land.

>> No.10279837

I am very understanding of the black man's struggle and I just want to say I completely endorse your struggle. I would be extremely glad if a black companies could take over the fortune 500, please work hard and show racist whites how fucked up they are.

I am not racist at all just show us who is the real boss.

>> No.10279840

>has 25k link
actually you're probably not going to make it

>> No.10279846

>white people build civilizations
>but can they play football?
Whitey btfo

>> No.10279858

>20 year old black uni undergrad
>25k link & 6k nano

>> No.10279859

I like diversity, I'm just aware of the structure white people have built and know how to infiltrate it and bring other blacks along with me

I'm actually living with two white girls currently, they're both really really nice people.

>> No.10279861

i know you lurk there so read the fucking sticky. there's a line between biological functions and reason and you're retarded for flirting with it

>inb4 reasoning is genetic

>> No.10279889

You like diversity, but you work towards the betterment of blacks because they are black rather than anyone else? Do you extend the same norm to whites? Where do you see society heading if everyone follows your advice?

>> No.10279912


But they all look the same

Looks are evryething

Or what take eyes out ? Lol

Stay where you belong fix ya shit then explore with your riches

>> No.10279915

To clarify, I mean to ask whether you think that whites who only hire and help whites are worse people than blacks, like you, who only hire and help blacks....and what society would look like if everyone followed this dictum.

>> No.10279938

Whites in my country aren't systematically held back by the powers that be, so in that case I would say they are worse for only hiring whites. If there were similar oppressive systems towards whites in, for example, Africa, I would not look down upon them for wanting to even the playing fields. We are equals, after all

>> No.10279950

Most africans would be happy to do this. The problem is American and European governments provide funding and support to African dictators and corrupt "democracies" which are really just feudal societies where there is no income inequality. Ironically the only way to stop immigration is to stop exploiting the rest of the world and making it a shitty place to live. Tell your government to stop supporting the Saudi government and to invest in green technology so that they're less oil dependent. Tell them to stand up for liberals and human rights in the muslim world and maybe stop sucking chinas dick so much because while a world with the US in power does suck, a world with the chinese in power is fucking terrifying.

Rest assured, I don't want to fucking live in the USA. But my government in Pakistan is full of corrupt crooks, has backwards infrastructure, promotes hatred towards minorities, nonmuslims, women and lbgt people and there is no chance to make a decent business without bribing everyone and their cousin. For a guy with liberal values like me, there is no place in Pakistan unless you're rich. It's nice to be able to get beer whenever I want, look at porn whenever I want, and insult my government without worrying about consequences. Theres still downsides though. You think I like feeling like an outsider all the time? Having to hide my accent, pretend I'm interested in american sports or culture and politely laughing off insulting shit to my face all the time? You think I can sleep easy knowing that the US has backed three military dictatorships in my country and yet I'm giving them my money instead of the nation that raised me? But living here will ultimately be better for my kids so I choose to stay.

USA isn't perfect but they're miles better then the developing world.

>> No.10279951

your parasitic behavior and sense of entitlement only makes me want to systematically oppress you for real

>> No.10279958

I love the contrast of white on black skin

>> No.10279971

Name two oppressive systems.

>> No.10279987

>inb4 police don't let us break laws and resist arrest

>> No.10280045

I doubt you as an individual is in a position to oppress anyone in any capacity

You seem to think we're in a debate lol, we're not. You asked me a question and received my answer

>> No.10280054

This. It's shit my dude.
Not all black guys have big dicks, it's a fucing meme, we aren't all from Congo.
Then when you hook up with somebody they probably believe the stupid meme and then are suprised that you don't have a gigantic magnum dong.
I had a fucking cunt lliterally just laughing and walking out to the party again.
You can't believe how much hate I feel for normalfags.

>> No.10280065

> boo hoo muh race is holding me back
how about you grow some balls and own your situation mate?

>> No.10280070
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Everyone thinks I'm a millionaire because I'm white. When I roll up to date in my BMW instead of a porsche I get laughed out of the driveway.

>> No.10280073

>haha just be urself xdd
Kill yourself reddit shit

>> No.10280077

>muh corporate job, muh nepotism
>muh white bitches, muh dick
at the end of the day, you can't stop trying to grab what "the white man" has and feeling resentful about some supposed institutionalised discrimination, when in reality being black in 21st century murica is life's easiest mode (provided you have 110+ IQ)
nobody gives you shit when you're white. as a top performing kid i was shunned at school, when i dropped out there wasn't gibs to help me, later on universities rejected my applications in favor of shitskins with lower grades "because we need to help them", and no cushy corporate job ever dropped in my lap for filling a quota
who cares. have all that shit, dance for the jews and revel in it. i make a living just fine freelancing on my own, and so do many other white men. you see yourself as some kind of revolutionary fighting against the power as you engage in sociopathic corporate culture, whereas the "enemies" you're obsessed with are shrugging their shoulders and leaving the world behind

>> No.10280091

And then I asked another, and you didn't answer lol

>> No.10280092

Take advantage of the privilege afforded to you for your skin colour. If you can consistently show up on time, clean and with clean clothes, and do the minimum work you are potentially a tremendous asset to a company. Raise your family and be the improvement you want to see in the world. Best of luck.

>> No.10280096
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>But they all look the same
yes, because they've been race mixing for so long.
the japanese are actually one of the strongest arguments FOR race mixing.

>> No.10280108

>insists one man can alter systematic oppression

>> No.10280120

You go from being a poorfag to richfag without having to cut up your own body
Penis enlargment shit isnt that easy and you wont feel shit

>> No.10280143

im in crypto to retire in a couple years. capitalist culture is retarded. 9-5 is the dumbest shit. but to most people it matters and so even in retirement i will help other blacks chase the corporate dream.

sounds like you're a high school or college dropout making excuses for himself, though

no you didn't

>> No.10280185

> tfw 8.5 inches, 6'0, 140 IQ and from Kenya
>200k Net worth
> Bout to start Masters degree in the fall

Nurture >> Nature. Don't fall for the IQ meme. Stack your bread and travel.

>> No.10280208

We need more like you or OP in our community. We should be able to make Africa to the shining jewel it is supposed to be.

>> No.10280216

I'm willing to admit that whites have a generally negative attitude towards blacks, but when you compare other races and their attitudes towards blacks...there's no doubt that whites are the only friends that blacks have, and we're losing patience.

>> No.10280218

Read Thomas sowell...also why'd she do it.

>> No.10280228

>why'd she do it.


>> No.10280250

Can confirm.

muslims/arabs and asians really, really dislike blacks a shit ton more than whites.

>> No.10280251

Kek. Obviously can’t come up with an answer.

>> No.10280281

>niggers cant read: the thread
and this isnt coming from a yt either lol

>> No.10280348
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>literal porn and thots are allowed but making based caveman wojak threads gets you banned
yeah okay mods. fuck you.

>> No.10280428

This thread is utter garbage.

Visit /pol and get redpilled on your race. Blacks are a joke and have been subjugated by middle East, Asians and Europeans throughout history. There are strong genetic factors at play, i.e. no neaderthal dna which added a new group of microcephalin genes for those that do. Lower average IQ has massive implications.

You have nothing to be proud of outside athletics.

>> No.10280450

>hires people based on race over merits
enjoy falling back into poverty

>capitalist culture is retarded
you saying this makes a pretty good case for you *not* being a self-made individual, but rather someone who receives a lot of help and needs a corporatocrary to siphon money from successful individuals and businesses to keep your ventures alive
you don't like free market capitalism? okay—do us all a favor, stop being a part of the force that has been changing american culture into something that it isn't, and leave america
9 to 5, in a capitalist society, is available to nearly everyone in one for or another—but so are dozens of other options, including—if the economy is strong enough (not to be confused with a massively inflated stock market)—very low-hour jobs that provide living wages
the beauty of real, actual free market capitalism, is that you can decide *not* to do things.

>> No.10280473

ah another person that doesn't know what a question is
classic 4chan in effect

nigga whut

>> No.10280484

>what is affirmative action
you're in luck anon. the bar for black people is set so low that if you're of average intelligence and dont act like a thug companies will be tripping over each other to hire you. the fact you're self aware about all this stuff shows you're probably going to do fine.

>> No.10280489

Max delusion.

>Muh wakanda
>Muh we wuz kangz

Learn some history and genetics.

>> No.10280495

Imagine being this dumb

>> No.10280498

>complaining when it's never been easier for blacks to succeed in america
all you have to do is make good grades and white liberals at google or any other modern sjw corporation will be literally begging you to come work for them. you are given way more leeway than any white man in your position.

>> No.10280512
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Blacks will almost never get into med school if not for affirmative action.

They can't compete in cognitive focused merit based systems