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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10277878 No.10277878 [Reply] [Original]

Take a guess

>> No.10277898


>> No.10277927

3rd august

>> No.10278023


>> No.10278036

when hell freezes over

>> No.10278056

Okay, memes aside it’s going to be Q3, early Q4 at the latest. They’re already working on UI tasks in the tracker, they were added to the IC3 partners page, and Tom Gonser quit the board of Docusign to become their marketing director. It’s happening sooner rather than later. I think August/September

>> No.10278065

just because they have main net doesn't mean the price will go up

you're a moron

>> No.10278099

Probably before Q2 2019. By then, it won't really matter because btc price will dictate the price of LINK anyway.

>> No.10278214

I didn’t mention the price at all you dumb bitch, learn to fucking read before you try to insult people

>> No.10278247

But sir, the price will go up when the primary network lunches.

>> No.10278296

Maybe, maybe not. Personally I think it will, but I’m not going to have any expectations that will lead to disappointment in the event mainnet doesn’t trigger a major price increase

>> No.10278344

Exactly 1yr after it originally hit the market.

>> No.10278364

September 2018

>> No.10278375
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See pic related.

>> No.10278501

He never said anything about the price.
Sir, are you retarded or just stupid?

>> No.10278512

Oh fugg, my id says lit nazi

>> No.10278538

over/under lines:
first iteration: oct 1
complete with biggest partners at full utilization: Q2 2019

>> No.10278548

september 19/19 this will explode

cap this bros!

>> No.10278555

who else here still gonna fud this shit after mainnet?

>> No.10278565

You already made it.

>> No.10278609


>> No.10278906
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>> No.10279122

>and Tom Gonser quit the board of Docusign to become their marketing director
wait WHAT
you're shitting me arent you

>> No.10279148

No, he is coming, probably

>> No.10279163

based on what?

>> No.10279173

price spike wont happen with mainnet launch; it'll happen shortly after mainnet when people start to realize how much money can be made through node staking. there isnt a single crypto that actually "generates" money in a relaible way, except LINK. once this becomes apparent the 1000eoy meme wont be a meme anymore.

>> No.10279184

Lol this guy is falling for the fud.

>> No.10279196

Whatever, the dump really starts the day mainnet is out.

>> No.10279199
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Yeah, based on what? Don't do that to us anon, some of us have heart problems.

>> No.10279202

memes of course

>> No.10279205

Wild speculation

>> No.10279206

check out the pinned tweet on top of his twitting page:


>> No.10279228
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>Tom Gosner marketing director


>> No.10279229
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>mainnet launches
>it actually is a JSON parser
>tokens useless

>> No.10279230



>> No.10279240

Please tripfag so I can filter you.

>> No.10279256




>> No.10279266

>pinned Tweet

It's his last Tweet. He is a VC. He has likely invested in Link and sees value in it. He does not need to work as their marketing director.

>> No.10279273

Unironically this.

People are expecting waaay too much from this mainnet release.

>> No.10279280

>glad to have you as a link marine.
all this time you turd burglars thought this meant he was holding a fat stack, when in reality he liked the tweet because he joined the team.

>> No.10279298

>Tokens useless
>no incentive for node operators

I think you're onto something, anon.

>> No.10279358

>he states he's leaving to focus on startup businesses
>he has years of marketing experience
>the first of his skills on LinkedIn is "strategic marketing"
>he retweets a Link meme page and hasn't done anything on twitter since
>Chainlink team has been searching for a marketing director since Jan, still hasn't announced anyone
>Gonser posts his LinkedIn article as the team prepares for mainnet, which Rory said would coincide with a marking campaign

My guess is he posted that to give the required notice to the company and shift his focus towards devising the Chainlink marketing campaign. Probably 1-2 months till mainnet max. If he really is the new marketing director, you can expect the campaign to be very well managed and executed.

>> No.10279370
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>> No.10279383
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>> No.10279385
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feeling real comfy now

>> No.10279419

If this ends up being real it would be pretty incredible

>> No.10279421

He's got enough money from founding Docusign that he doesn't need to work as a marketing director. He will be investing in tech startups, like Chainlink, not working for them.

>> No.10279433

unless he has serious interest in seeing chainlink succeed

>> No.10279460

smart contracts are pretty much the next stop forward from what he tried to accomplish by founding docusign
not everything is about money anon

>> No.10279471

He's already made it, and he's on the board or a member of a bunch of different businesses. He clearly has a passion for crypto- I don't think money would drive him, it's his desire to see the innovations in the space (like smart contracts) flourish. He has enough money, he's a guy who just wants to work to improve the world

>> No.10279485

Doesn't mean he can't help them by using his connections, but to claim he will be their marketing director is a stretch.

>> No.10279520

maybe, he would fit perfectly for the job

>> No.10279575

If I'm Sirgay, I want a marketing director putting in 60+ hour weeks plus traveling marketing this product. Tom Gosner is nonot doing that. Will he help do what he can as an interested investor? Provide connections, shill it to his connections, advise the marketing team? Sure, that's plausible.

>> No.10279589

>He will be investing in tech startups, like Chainlink, not working for them.
there's a big overlap. gosner has held public panel discussions with sergay. i think he'll be veru involved with chainlink now he's left docusign.

>> No.10279611

Based on nothing, of course. This is Chainlink, remember?

>> No.10279640
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>"and will also be working with exciting new technology companies looking to achieve the same kind of success we have seen at DocuSign"

>> No.10279641

even if Tom Gosner spends only 1-2 hours per week for the chainlink marketing... It still would be more maketing since since chainlinks ICO

>> No.10279769

>marketing director
>Directs other people what to do.
>Attends 2 hour conference once a month
>Works 10 hours in a month

>> No.10280158

Not as stretched as your loose asshole, faggot.

>> No.10280187

So hard right now, mmm

>> No.10280217
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Do people really get "comfy" reading this? I feel so much anxiety when I think my coins might pump, but dead when I think they'll dump.

>> No.10280264

I just feel hard. Just relax and be ready to sell at your targets if and when we gets the pumps

>> No.10280304

What's significant about this date?

>> No.10280313

I'm just scared that there is someone who somehow got my walletkeys and just waits for the big pump to transfer it all so I will get maximally justed

>> No.10280344

25% off labia rejuvenation surgery.

>> No.10280373

I gotta think that Seven Peaks would get exposed to potential investments with Tom networking for Chainlink. The other 6 peaks would endorse this kind of appointment.

>> No.10280381

just a date pulled out of thin air, don't put any stock in it

>> No.10280402

get a ledger and be worry free

>> No.10280420

maybe you had that tab and authenticator app open for a little too long..

>> No.10280436


>> No.10280443

Best alternatives to hardware wallets?

>> No.10280455

so @silentwhstlblwr on Twitter who shills link has started a countdown which ends on August 3rd. Only problem is that that account has posted obviously false or completely speculative info and stating it as fact. Would not trust.

>> No.10280456

paper wallet in a safety deposit box

>> No.10280458

Also guys, is someone please capping this great detective work that has been going on since September? If LINK fails or succeeds, doesn't matter. It will be the most epic collage of screencaps ever.

>> No.10280478


He's not interested in getting paid dollars, he'll be paid with a sum of the reserved LINK, which will also incentivise him to ensure it's success.

Someone with that amount of money and business connections guarantees it's success

>> No.10280509
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Unironically ironycally just use archive them with 7zip or winrar with a hard password then hide away.

>> No.10280898

hardware wallets are the best alternatives to everything else

>> No.10280981

1. Mark Oblad has been working on his own companies (valcu.co) product whilst being given a big salary from SC.com. Source: check his GitHub.

2. Codeship has been a resounding failure so far according to the team in the pivotal tracker demonstrating a lack of technical competence and poor guidance from Steve Ellis. Is he even up to the job?

Here is the pivotal quote from John Barker:

>The Codeship CD has been IMHO a little dissapointing:
It can't do CI on forks
It's slower than Travis (how!?!? this might just be the extra work it's doing to build docker containers)
The pause mechanism is a little weird: it runs the whole build again, the pause button dissapears under some set of conditions I don't understand, the pausing/deployment of builds is not super visible

Which brings me to my third point, a lack of professionalism.

3. I quote John Barker in pivotal.

>BUT when I did this I got a metric fuck tonne of output from docker-compose, it's almost as if it had been buffering output and had already actually restarted chainlink for us.

Does using this language in public really endear the team to large corporations? It screams amateur hour to me.

In conclusion, someone needs to get a grip on the project. Employees are running riot on large salaries, working on their own projects, swearing in public and the CTO is making school boy errors with his technical judgements.

>> No.10281013

and the new FUD is born.

>> No.10281023

Why are you copy pasting this in every Link thread
Also still waiting for the evidence

>> No.10281036

You must be new

>> No.10281057

First time trying Olive Garden’s all you can eat pasta?

When you’re here, you’re family Marine.

>> No.10281068

Check the icebox ninny muggins.

They are within the first 7 entries there. I'm not going to spoon feed you any more

>> No.10281090

There is literally nothing

>> No.10281601

not anytime soon.

>codeship failing

>> No.10281845

>He's not interested in getting paid dollars, he'll be paid with a sum of the reserved LINK

ROFL LMAO my sides

>> No.10282494
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chanlink.org is on sale for 250 usd.

lets organize and buy it for the meme war to come.

We need an outpost to facilitate marketing strategy.

If all us LINK marines help out, under the guidance of your commanding officers, we will win the great meme war.