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File: 132 KB, 1000x842, 420blazeitpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10277644 No.10277644 [Reply] [Original]

>"Weed isn't addictive, I smoke every day and am still a straight A student with a full time job and a girlfriend!"
Who else fell for this meme? Daily smoker for about 3 years here. Today's day 1 of no bud and I'm having hot flashes like a fucking old lady going through menopause, my appetite is non-existent I can barely get through half of a meal without being full, and my mood is fluctuating from glee to despair at the drop of a hat. One minute I'm in a great mood loving life so happy I stopped smoking, the next minute someone on the train bumps into me and I feel my entire body start heating up and my skin tingling with rage. I'm clearly a fucking addict, and I'm pissed at myself for falling for this meme.

To relate this to /biz/, what weed industry genius started this meme that weed is a cancer-curing miracle drug that isn't addictive? They fooled literally every millennial in america and have created a psychopathic cult following. If you try telling a classroom of college students that weed is addictive you will be looked at like a Sandy Hook denier and laughed out of the room.

>> No.10277662

shut the fuck up faggot. You are just like an alcoholic and shouldn't blame weed for your personal failures

>> No.10277669

Your not supposed to smoke it all day every day, once a week is enough. The hot flushes will calm down in a few days, it's hardly a hard withdrawal is it.

>> No.10277676

Weee is not the issue here. If youll do anything every day for 3 years and then just stop doing it, there will be effect on your body.

>> No.10277687

weed withdrawl is 3-4 days. smoke a little if it's too much. was smoking daily, decided to cut back. you're doing the right thing. any escapism drug (alcohol included) should be used sparingly.

>> No.10277688

no joke - i used to smoke all the time, but since going dankrupt 6 months ago (dealer moved away) laziness just caused me to give it up. Don't want to go through the bs of finding a new reliable source, and it really doesn't matter because it's not addictive too me.

Sounds like anon just has an addictive personality problem

>> No.10277696

What's interesting is that even rastas aren't into the weed that the millennials are smoking now. The problem is that the balance between THC and CBD is very one sided in the favour of THC in most of the strains being sold in dispensaries today. This is bad because you need CBD to counteract the psychoactive effects of THC otherwise there's a good chance that you will eventually smoke yourself into psychosis. There's an interesting Vice documentary about skunk weed that covers this. It will get easier anon don't give up.

>> No.10277700

You smoked weed everyday for 3 years, what did you expect?

>> No.10277716

Fasting is healthy, useless eater.

Cannibis eats cancer, and you have the symptoms of an acute magnesium deficiency.

Cannabinoid withdrawal is real, how terrible. Vape some tobacco.

>> No.10277729

>Today's day 1 of no bud and I'm having hot flashes
Really? daily pot smoker for about 17 years here, had surgery on month recently so no smoking, no vape, decided i would not do it for a week/until healed, I am fine you weak willed little shit. I thought i might digest some but no need.

Don't ever do any hard drugs if you can't stay away from pot for 24 hours.

>> No.10277731

Meh, I smoked weed every day for 8+ years. I gave it up and it didn't bother me at all. OP is just retarded.

>> No.10277735

i used to work criminal defense in here in the UK, and i can promise you that 99% of all criminals i saw were major pot smokers.
some of the more reflective clients were able to tell me how weed had changed thier persnality completely. it's not a safe drug at all.

>> No.10277740

I think the most dangerous aspect is REM supression. Not getting enough REM day after day after day is outrageously dangerous and prevents mental growth among other things.

It's kinda how like fluoride isn't itself poisoness, but how it disrupts iodine uptake is dangerous.

>> No.10277746
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Good lad. Well done for recognizing the “I smoke weed and am still productive” meme. It’s so easy to self deceive by telling yourself this because you don’t want to quit smoking.

Weed weakens your soul and makes you a passive shell of what you can and ought to be. Good luck anon, we’re all going to make it.

>> No.10277745

Jeez ur really irritable. Ran out of weed? Lmao

>> No.10277756

Americucks should smoke some hash instead of that dry shit. And yeah smoke everyday and you are a addict. Not the worst thing thou.

>> No.10277767

weed smokers are scum and should never be trusted.

t. former weed smoking scum


>> No.10277770

But you have to agree that weed is no worse than alcohol or cigarettes? Weed far more safe than either of those, millions of people are damaged in some way shape or form from alcohol addiction....weed addiction??? Not so much

>> No.10277779

I'm vaping weed juice rn looking at my zrx gains. It's definitely not super healthy and will likely give me exotic cancer. But holy shit these zrx gains.
OP I will help you, since you seem fucked in the head anon. Your body is a system it needs food and vitamins to recover from what you did. Start taking: Vitamin D3, BComplex, Niacin, Vitamin C and maybe some 5HTP. Eeat well, get some exercise and take up a mental challange to get your brain up to speed again...find something new to learn. Give yourself a week or two and you will feel much better. You get your "soul" back week 2. Also consider you may have been prone to mood swings or anger before the weed. Go market buy zrx.
gay rastas don't give a fuck because they're mostly uneducated from jamaica. they smoke whatever dudes give them generally. skunk weed is a retard euro term, and the cbd ratio is a meme. high thc will fuck you though.
this kinda

>> No.10277781

classic reefer madness bullshit
>potheads are criminals because weed is illegal

>> No.10277791

Quads of Amazingness

>> No.10277792

Honestly smoking weed every day isn't a problem. It's when you smoke all day, every day that it becomes a problem.

>> No.10277800

I dunno anon
Been smoking weed daily for 15 years
Took a tolerance break a year ago just for shits
Only side effect I had was I didn't know what to do with myself
I think you are just an addict and would be the same with alcohol or meth
T. 30yo boomer

>> No.10277810

>But you have to agree that weed is no worse than alcohol or cigarettes? Weed far more safe than either of those, millions of people are damaged in some way shape or form from alcohol addiction....weed addiction??? Not so much

ahh i remember when i was this naive, wish i could be 16 again

>> No.10277823

no they were criminals b/c of all the insane cirmes they committed b/c their brains had been fried from smoking dope.

>> No.10277841

Are you gonna make a point or just pretend to make a point?

>> No.10277842

i know weed affects everyone differently but DAM what did it do to you?
t. daily smoker for 17 years
personally i think it improves my life

>> No.10277861

That isn't quads, you drug-addled newfag

>> No.10277879

look at the zombies. literally proving OP's point

>> No.10277882

How old are you anon? Daily smoking for 17 years is a long fucking time

>> No.10277892


>> No.10277933


>> No.10277952

lmfao. you fucking brainlets. i fell for this meme when i was 16. at least i wasnt a tard. even after three smokes within the span of a month i already felt like i was craving to "just get high" all the time. it also gives you brain fog for the next week or two after you smoke it. max you should be smoking is like once or twice or maybe even three times a year. more than that and its a problem

>> No.10277953

i've been a daily weed smoker (and grower) for 10 years quit cold turkey since 2 months and had no problem at all.
Regarding the thc/cbd ratio it's not a meme at all, a 1:1 strains almost have no "high" or and are a panacea for headache/nausea/insomnia.

>> No.10277960

Whats with all the weed FUD recently, this isnt /fit/ you shouldnt care about mental health, or phoscal health. All you should care about is money and numbers.
This isnt your blog space go to /adv/ or /fit/ for this bollocks.

>> No.10277975
File: 85 KB, 271x286, crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that weed is addictive/deadly and Big Weed companies are pushing the "its safe" for years now. Absolute scumbags

>> No.10277981

We must stop the memes. We stop the weed culture here in /biz/. We are anonymous. We do not forgive. We do not forget.

>> No.10277987

there are multiple researches showing that smoking weed before the age of ~20 damages (which is the age the brain is fully grown) your brain on some degrees.

>> No.10277994
File: 80 KB, 545x788, letsmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join Seal Of Secrecy Club.
We specialize in self improvement, crypto trading and ascending.

sounds like you would fit.

Weed isn't as addictive as many of the other drugs. But it's still addictive.

D1sc0rd Code : Ahx8f

>> No.10278022

The only thing more pathetic than posting on 4chan is posting on 4chan sober. At least the stoners have a reason to be here- you sober faggots are just embarrassing.

t. stoner who is more successful career wise and financially than 99% of people on this board

>> No.10278029


I agree with this research personally, i waited till i was 18 to even try, i do think it help me

>> No.10278088

LMAO at all the weed apologists in this thread. It's funny how they always say "you are the problem not the weed" while being completely oblivious to their own addiction.
>it's not addictive
It is.
>dude people smoked weed for thousands of years
And they were always the lazy, dumb dregs of society, every single time
>I smoke weed and I have a degree and a high paying job
NPC's don't have souls and they go through life well. They are good oiled machines.
Face it. Weed is the devil's drug. The bad effects are so subtle that you don't feel them like on different drugs, so you say to yourself "hey, I could quit for a month and I was ok. I'm just gonna keep smoking because I can stop whenever I want" and then the cycle begins again. Without noticing you're spending years of money and time just getting high just for the sake of being high.

>> No.10278096

Can I join anon. Have similar beliefs and values

>> No.10278107

>he doesnt dab ice wax daily


>> No.10278127
File: 29 KB, 452x333, gobulls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure. if the description of topics resonates with you, sure join.

>> No.10278151

>he fell for the rat ice wax meme
youre never going to make it

>> No.10278177

Sweet. Thanks fren

>> No.10278184


>> No.10278191

I agree. It's far from a meme. There are plenty of successful people, including myself, who run successful businesses and generally are liked by the public. Not everyone is a "heyyyyy man. wanna get baked?" type of "stoner".

>> No.10278209
File: 219 KB, 327x333, psyops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will be looked at like a Sandy Hook denier

CIA psyops detected, this is the classic "2 birds 1 stoner" trick


>> No.10278437
File: 75 KB, 640x595, 1531138871176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of the straight edges/closet Alcoholics bashing weed
For the millionth time, it's the individual and not the substance. You all claim not to be addicts and that some things are inherently addictive. I've got a challenge for you, go without 4chan for a week.

>> No.10278463

You have to be some kind of betamale bitch to get withdrawal from smoking. Especially after 3 years you’re a fucking infant in the game. I smoked for 10 years every day about a quarter of fire a day sometimes more depending on the holiday, and I quit this year for my job and have never felt better. Fucking pussy

>> No.10278524

Correlation is not causation. Would you go into a hospital and ask why everyone there is sick? Your argument is lacking self reflection.

I don't even smoke pot, hate the stuff, but anyone in 2018 that feels strongly about either side is retarded.

>> No.10278596

>typical upper-middle class bubble dweller opinion

>> No.10278958

Muh weed. Just learn some self control and stop crying around you dumb bitch

>> No.10279128

My homies always smoked way too much. Blunt after blunt. I'd always just false inhale once I was comfy. When I got tired of weed I just vaped it in smaller and smaller quantities. I don't know if I would've gotten withdrawl but I took it to easy to give that a chance.

Take it easy. Ween yourself off. Don't quit cold turkey. Get a little vape pen or something and just do like 1 or 2 hits a day until you're comfortable to put that in a drawer somewhere.

>> No.10279156

THC is addictive
CBD is healthy
You got a low IQ

>> No.10279311

Where are you from OP? The weed you're smoking might be too strong. Find some lighter bud.

>> No.10279340
File: 772 KB, 1280x1880, tumblr_pbg6t23FXl1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre a degenerate if you smoke weed

weed is illegal because its against christian morals to get high not because of any side effect it may or may not have

>> No.10279401

its bad but nothing to do with your retarded christian morals

>> No.10279403

you are a degenerate because muh gawd said so mkay?

>> No.10279407

And you're that gook poster that cant even get laid so you resort to the Christianity meme.

Its funny how it's always losers like you calling shit degenerate

>> No.10279652

Anything you take daily for 3 years straight will cause withdrawal symptoms

>> No.10279752

Get out of here you fucking faggot retard.
Back to where you came from.
Don't come back.

>> No.10279781
File: 41 KB, 720x697, 1832B57F-77C7-4A56-8E02-ABC5F7A86867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I quit today and these threads came at a good time.

>> No.10279789

You will feel a lot better after the initial withdrawal (1-3 days). Around a week (6-8 days in), expect some mania. Expect fog. Your dreams should return to you after a few days.

>> No.10279909
File: 267 KB, 540x300, tumblr_p4s2glRgZk1uy6fwao3_r1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that sounds exactly like masturbating

who would have thunk that happens when you blow up your dopamine

>> No.10280017

I was thinking about reading this guy's books but this is the dumbest fucking video on the internet. Is he trolling?

>> No.10280026

>Don't ever do any hard drugs if you can't stay away from pot for 24 hours.

LMAO so true

>> No.10280029

boomer here
iim gonna blaze one up right now. stay salty you faggots.

>> No.10280119

Genesis 9:3
Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.

>> No.10280136

Haven't blazed in like a month that really feeling the urge to blaze

>> No.10280140

talking about food
not talking about getting high on drugs thats a sin

>> No.10280193

Same. 16 years. I enjoy it still. I quit for a month or so every couple years. Pretty easy to quit. Its harder to stop biting my nails honestly.

>> No.10280196


>> No.10280212

Just treat weed the same way you treat alcohol. If you need it to function everyday, then you are a high-functioning weed addict. Weed is not bad if you don't go overboard

>> No.10280220

We're not all passive pussies on weed. In fact, I used weed as a reward for myself and it motivated me to build a literal multi-million dollar annual internet empire. Is it just easier to blame your lack of success on weed?

>> No.10280224
File: 619 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_pbg6nz31uZ1s2yc47o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weed is not bad

its a sin
thats the definition of bad

christians dont support marijuana smoking ask your church

>> No.10280235


t. 16 yr vet

>> No.10280284

Sir, point me to a place in the Bible where it says this. All I see is "be sober minded" which at the time referred to alcohol. This type of ultra purity Christianity also led to the prohibition. Do you know what happened then?

>> No.10280288

I smoked 3-4 joints a day for 6 years. I quite because of getting a severe headache and schizophrenia.

>> No.10280301

Sin isn't about being bad, it's about missing the target.

>> No.10280308
File: 383 KB, 1200x1920, tumblr_parikzp2qm1s2yc47o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesnt say in the bible not to molest kids either

true born again christians know to get high on weed is a sin its inherently built into your conscious

you can ask them they all agree only unbelievers smoke weed

i guess you could say its debauchery or even witch craft

>> No.10280341

Yeah I casually smoked weed for years now, never every day. It's an occasional thing, but I definitely agree OP. Heavy weed smokers are deluded as fuck. Not even worth the energy to try to tell them they're stupid.

>> No.10281481

Pretty sure 'thou shall not smoke blunts" is in there buddy

>> No.10281486


Good luck friend. Stay the course.

>> No.10281527

Good to know there are deluded fundamentalist Evangelicals on this racist Mongolian basket weaving forum. I thought irony had certain limits.

>> No.10281545

Every daily-smoker I've known is emotionally unstable.

>> No.10281549

Who would have thought that a drug that alters brain neurochemistry and homeostasis could have side effects when stopped?

>> No.10281572

you can do it bro

>> No.10281733

You can get addicted to anything that makes you feel good. It’s a psychological addiction, not a chemical addiction.

>> No.10282213

t. weed addict

>> No.10282237

hardest part for me was sleeping after over 6 months of quitting it still hasn't re-adjusted, to used to smoking weed before bed, I've recently started smoking hasj again. Hasj is not as heavy as weed and less chemicals.

>> No.10282238

Going without weed is easy and Ive been smoking daily since 15. First night you have to lay in bed for another hour or two before falling asleep. Second night isnt so bad. Rest of the nights are ez.
Do you mix with tobacco btw? A lot of people do but dont smoke cigarettes and when they stop smoking weed they get nicotine withdraws.

>even after three smokes within the span of a month i already felt like i was craving to "just get high" all the time
>it also gives you brain fog for the next week or two after you smoke it
>max you should be smoking is like once or twice or maybe even three times a year. more than that and its a problem
perfect baits

>> No.10282255

Calm the fuck down nigger. The side effects are similar to stopping drinking caffeine after years of heavy pop/coffee drinking. In order words it aint shit.

>> No.10282283

>Its harder to stop biting my nails honestly.

>> No.10282288

Where in the bible does it say getting high is a sin? Because I can show you parts of the bible where it was used as incense in the temples :^)

>> No.10282295
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>start interracting with a bunch of dude weed lmao dudebros
>literally every single one is using it as a shitty bandage for their severe depression
>strong majority of which would be unable to continue their lives and contemplate suicide if they were somehow unable to get any more

>> No.10282332

Everything in moderation. I however, don’t have much self control. Also, I smoked high grade bho for 6 months heavy and quit and had basically 0 withdrawals besides appetite. I started smoking again and only smoking flowers for about 6 months, stopped and had some uncomfortable withdrawals. Felt just like you. I realized it’s all the particles in flower that fuck us up. It isn’t clean no matter how much they say it is. High quality and tested hash oil seems to be the best bet if you want clean meds. My friend smoked his own hash oil for 10 years straight, heavily, maybe atleast a gram a day. And he stopped and said he had 0 withdrawals. Opened my eyes.

>> No.10282341

Yeah it’s true, I have a longtime friend who’s graduated to smoking wax all day every day. He just randomly explodes into an emotional outpour for no reason now. It’s really weird and uncomfortable, I would feel bad for him but he chose to go down that road.

>> No.10283029

>Going without weed is easy and Ive been smoking daily since 15
confirmed fucked your brain

>> No.10283472

Lol o please. You’ll be fine tomorrow, sounds like me on the speed comedown literally every day. Not that bad bruh

>> No.10283899

i'd rather no withdrawal than "not a hard one" :/

i'll admit i have a kind of addictive personality, true, but the physical effects i feel are far more than just mental addiction.

i'm very confused by your grammar, but i'll look into magnesium pills thanks bro

it has nothing to do with my will, i'm not having a hard time not buying weed. i'm literally just sitting around doing work and all of a sudden boom hot flash, or boom random fit of anger.

thanks bruv

you may have a point, i smoked from the time i woke up till the time i slept pretty much


this x1000. i'm successful too, make very close to 6 figures at an easy job. that doesn't mean i couldn't achieve much more sober.

i went years without 4chan

anger = denial. also, not new in the game. i've smoked for like 9 years, daily for 3.

i think you meant to say "you have a low iq." based on your incomprehensible post, i'd say you're high or projecting.

NY, but yeah it's pretty mf strong shit from out west

so will you eat a poisonous berry that god gave you? how about a pile of dirt?

so you're saying it's not true that if you tell a college student that weed is addictive, they look at you like you have a second penis growing out of your forehead?

>> No.10283985


I used to work criminal defense. I can promise you, 90% of the criminals I dealt with always liked to drink water. Water is fucking dangerous.

>> No.10284421
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, bongsergey1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: pussy cucks who can't handle the buzz 24/7

>> No.10284789

most dispos will have at least one 2:1 strain and one 4:1 strain. where I live (CO) if you get to know the CBD shop owner you can buy <.3% THC weed. something like 18%CBD. hits like weed, tastes like werx, doesnt get you 'dude weed' stoned

>> No.10284880


>> No.10284919

its good for neets only

>> No.10285107


have been smoking for 5 years. quit for 3 months, the worst part was the vivid dreams that can be horrifying and strange. also i only vaporize bho. the mental fog is a meme. im just as sharp, in fact more sharp, because weed opens up your third eye. its a psychedelic technically due to thcs psycho-active components. But these ignorant people that dont know shit about weed yet talk shit are hilarious. Thinking theyre woke when they aint even take any psilocybin mushrooms, lsd, dmt... theyre missing the point of life, to discover themselvesz Excuse me while my spirit gets blazed and i get rich :) pajeet poorfags....

>> No.10285320

>they thought weed was a meme

new Phillip Morris copy pasta. Thanks boomers.

>> No.10285348

this thread again, stop wanking all day and do some exercise you fat neets.

>> No.10285381

>that one stoner that went schizophrenic after high school

any other early 20s brahs know this feel?

>> No.10285693

I'm a 32-year-old boomer who's a corporate lawyer. I've started recently. It's allowing me to taper off of my ssri

>> No.10286278
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> mfw biz is mostly subhumans with 91 iq.

>> No.10286286

Just keep yourself busy. Go out, see friends, watch movies, read books, exercise. Find a new hobby. It's easy. Daily smoker for 8 years. Quit recently. Be thankful you're hooked on the least addicting drug it's possible to be hooked on. And don't be a pussy.

>> No.10286548

Stuttering potheads ffs