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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10275388 No.10275388 [Reply] [Original]

if every single person coordinated and withdrew their money from a bank the banks would collapse

>> No.10275399

Look up "bank runs"
(((They))) don't let that happen.
Fucking zoomers. What do schools teach you anymore? How to grow onions?

>> No.10275410

This. You do realize when you put your money in a bank it then becomes their money, right? They allow you access to it but are legally allowed to do whatever they want, such as stop you from withdrawing it. A “bank run” will NEVER happen in a way where people will actually all take their money out. It’s far more likely the banks say “no” and close their doors and people can resort to rioting and getting shot to death in the street if they like.

>> No.10275423

I think crypto exchanges could possibly do this too during a currency crunch. They are becoming quasi-banks, especially CB. More reason to keep your stash on a hardware wallet.

>> No.10275450
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You will LITTERALLY be gunned down by blackboots if you tried this

>> No.10275460

Kill yourself

>> No.10275470

you think every branch has the cohesion to prevent this? if it happened in the same day within the same hour it would all be over before the executives could react

>> No.10275484


Just look at what happened to Greece when society tried doing this kek.

>> No.10275491

>he wants to carry around briefcases full of cash with him
>implying you won't get robbed

>> No.10275499

IF 10-30% of people with medium deposits did this they would be fucked. But they won't let them. ((()))

>> No.10275500

>sweating banking executive types furiously

>> No.10275505

how will (((they))) pay the blackboots to shoot?

>> No.10275517

crypto went up, that's what happened

>> No.10275527

You think there aren’t automated processes already in place to prevent this? Kek. If any bank had more than X withdrawn in X time period all withdrawals would be frozen. The first handful of people to withdraw would get their money. Everyone else would lose access until the government stepped in.

>> No.10275544

You have serious mental issues.

>> No.10275564

bank branches don't even have enough cash on hand for this to happen, they'd just run out of cash, say "sorry" and close for the next month