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10274919 No.10274919 [Reply] [Original]

Who here dosing on Zinc supplements? I hear lots of great things about zinc, and have started recently. Yesterday I stupidly took it on an empty stomach and suffered 6 hours of severe stomach-ache, diarrea, and nausea. Anyone else doing zinc? I'm taking 2 50mg pills( one in the morning, one at night)

>> No.10274926

Isn't this way too much? I think 20 mg is normal per day

>> No.10274937

That's what I thought too, but I've read online about people dosing up to 300mg per day, with no negative effect. Want to hear from anons who are on Zinc as well. To keep it /biz/ related, taking zinc apparently makes you manlier (more decisive, assertive etc) and that translate well to a better trading mindset.

>> No.10274939

Used to, it gave me a big boost of energy during the day, felt chad. And the ones taken at night gave me vivid weird dreams. I stopped some months ago when it didn't have effects anymore, I might start again. (25mg daily)

>> No.10274944

This dude is right 20 to 25mg is the daily recommended limit, aren't you wondering why the fuck you got those stomach aches with 100 fucking mg

>> No.10274951
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Also careful about copper.

>> No.10274952

Used zinc a lot, you're overdosing anon. I've been prescribed 6mg zinc selenium tablets, one a day.

>> No.10274957

How long were you on Zinc for? Haven't heard of zinc losing its potency after regular dosing, but will keep that in mind if I start feeling it. Do you use the ones with some copper in it? I read that zinc causes copper deficiency, which might be the reason dosing on Zinc alone isn't enough

>> No.10274962

>with no negative effect

As they KNOW of. That is a huge dosage that will most likely end with something bad happening after a while.

>> No.10274963

Enjoy your hair falling out due to excess of testosterone zinc cause

>> No.10274966

I felt similar effects too
I supplement with Krill Oil now

>> No.10274968

I started balding anyway when I started lifting so fuck it desu

>> No.10274974

It is too much. OP, split the pill in half and that should be enough. Better yet, just eat oysters. They have a shit load of zinc along with other nutrients. Also, the thing about it increasing testosterone is only if you have a serious deficiency, as far as I know.

I've come to believe most supplements are memes. Even if some of them aren't, there's so much conflicting information out there, it's hard to decide which ones to take, and I don't want to be taking a shit load of supplements every day. Only one I'm taking nowadays is Vitamin D/K2

>> No.10274977

I did it for like 4 to 6 months.

I believe you have pills that have copper and other stuff in it to compensate but couldn't be assed to buy them again.

First time I took them I could wake up completely rested. This is one of the reason I kept religiously taking them. That blissful feeling of easily waking up... when I forgot to take them it was painful.

I was more energized during the day, and was more motivated about working out (might be placebo)

Another side effect I had was muh dik, idk if it me but I had a spike in libido an hour or so after taking them. And morning woods were getting way more frequent and strong... I never asked for this.

>> No.10274979

I know 100mg seems to be pushing it, just wanted to see what happens. Was on 50 mg (my caps come in 50mg doses), wasn't quite feeling it. Stomach ache must have happened because I was on a 12 hour fast before taking the zinc. Will resume my 100mg dosing with food tomorrow and see how it goes. Thanks anons for your feedback, upboats for everyone

>> No.10274981

L-Optizinc 30mg here. Work in an ER, never get sick.

>> No.10274986

What‘s zinc selenium?
You mean zinc & selenium?

>> No.10274990
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How many a day?
Ok so it seems mamy anons are saying 100mg is too much. I'll cut back. After all it's due to /biz/ that I could even afford Zinc in the first place so I trust you guys

>> No.10275002

/fit/ here.
2x50mg daily over long time periods is retarded and a great way to fuck your shit up. 50mg daily is the maximum you should take (tolerable upper intake).
Also, as others pointed out, you should be taking copper in addition to this at a rate of 1:10 (1mg copper : 10mg zinc).

>> No.10275010

Taking 25mg from time to time.
I also did the mistake and had it on an empty stomach, felt like shit.
Gave me good testosterone boost, and really amazing how legit this actually is.
Side effects only happen when my diet is shit, then I get soft shit easier.
Also I get intense dreams from that.

>> No.10275017

Read "Dead doctors don't lie", lots of info about mineral deficies and what sicknesses they cause

>> No.10275020

Oysters. Just two oysters will give you around 20 mg of zinc, along with other nutrients. Fresh is best, otherwise get the ones canned in water or olive oil (not sunflower/canola) and drain the oil off.

>> No.10275026
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Do they sell copper only supplements? I was a brainlet and bought pure zinc caps. Also would you recommend stopping the dose occasionally so as not to run into this problem>>10274939. Thanks fit anon

>> No.10275034

I love a good oyster binge but haven't /madeit/, can't quite afford the luxury. Will do this once I /makeit/

>> No.10275038 [DELETED] 
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The thing is what causes mineral deficency?
Blood fucking acidosis.
Which guess what is caused by all those proteins.

>> No.10275040

Also lamb/beef liver has a shit load of copper, along with vitamin A, B12 and other stuff.

>> No.10275042
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you need to join crypto wizards seal of secrecy club on discord. if youi aren't there already

D1sc0rd code : FXfJqwW

>> No.10275076


Did you know that ZINC will make you full of CUM!?!? Your Lil Cummies will turn into BIG CUMMIES when you take Zinc supplements! Take ZINC today and your CUM will grow straight away!

Also you can now buy CUM on Binance - Very good coin, No FOMO!

>> No.10275088

I think they also sell seperately, but I wouldn't bother with it. Just finish your zinc only caps and switch to some with copper afterwards.

If you take them regularly, your body will obviously adapt, but I wouldn't overthink it.
I started off with 25-50mg daily and then progressively tapered off to 25mg every other day. Will probably take it daily again in winter season for those immune system gains.

>> No.10275102

>reading bullshit from diet gurus
>not looking at the usda guidelines that tell you 100mg+ a day is chronic overdose territory

>> No.10275151

Thanks brah
Kek sminem will deliver us from the dark days
I trust in broscience

>> No.10275155

1 30mg a day to keep the immune system in check.

>> No.10275173

Took it to cure a little bit of acne and it fucking worked. Apparently when you cum you lose zinc so you faggots who masturbate 3 times a day should take it

>> No.10275193
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magnesium is the big one man.
The spray on stuff is amazing. works immediately as its absorbed through the skin.


>> No.10275220

> 100mg zinc per day

Nigga you gon die if you keep doing that. 30-50 tops. And pick up the good stuff not that nature made crap

>> No.10275237

The spray on stuff gave me irritated skin so I looked into the research and it turns out that the spray stuff is a big meme and taking well absorbed forms of mg in a pill works just as well or better. The spray is is also annoying since it leaves a residue that you have to wash off. Fucking spray meme. I hate getting memed and so much of this type of shit is usually a meme.

>> No.10275238

Unless you're elderly, it will only cause kidney stones.

>> No.10275256

>Vitamin A 300 hg, Vitamin C 100 mg, Calcium 200 mg, Iron 3,4 mg, Vitamin D 2,5 hg, Vitamin E 6 mg, Thiamine/vitamin B1 1,1 mg, Riboflavin/vitamin B2 1,4 mg, Niacin/vitamin B3 16 mg, Vitamin B6 1,4 mg, Folate acid/vitamin B11 100 hg, Vitamin B12 1,25 hg, Biotin/vitamin H 28 hg, vitamin B5 6 mg, Zinc 2,5 mg, Copper 200 hg, Manganese 1 mg, Chroom 10 hg, Magnesium 375 mg
All in one tab a day, what do you think /biz/?

>> No.10275259

What's the good stuff ?
Gonna try Mg too thanks for the heads up

>> No.10275341

Are you a women? Don’t supplement iron if you’re a man. Just stick to basics, amino chelated magnesium, zinc and copper.

>> No.10275412

What are you, a golem?

>> No.10275414

I used to take 10mg on an empty stomach to fake sick. Throw up real quick before school, be actual sick for maybe 30 mins then vidya

>> No.10275481

>I'm taking 2 50mg pills
You should be taking that amount per week, not per day.

Chances are you're already ingesting plenty of zinc unless you're a vegetarian, as meat is full of it. Supplementing a lower dose is okay, but your current dosage is excessive and will have negative side-effects

>> No.10275486

My supplement is Pregabalin

>> No.10275538

Find yourself an integrated doctor and have a proper mineral analysis done. I had mine done turns out I have a rare genetic condition which renders me unable to adequately absorb Zinc. I'm on 110 mg zinc supplement per day. 30 mg is more than adequate for standard male but zinc does take time to accumulate in body only a few % is circulating most is built up in internal organs and semen

>> No.10275547

Yeah, my Warcraft 3 match was starting so I couldn't afford a second wasted typing "&", I had to send Peons to gold mine, build an Altar etc.

>> No.10275552
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this is all you need when it comes to concentration and awareness. 1000mg/day and you're set!

>> No.10275750


>> No.10275827

Anon I take two of these daily:


Great for acne, sex drive, immune system. It has copper so you don’t get a cooler efficiency.

As other anons have said 100mg is way too much, 30 is ideal

>> No.10275904

Probs should get my shit checked out yeah, good call
Good stuff, will get somma that shit once my current shit runs out

>> No.10276116

Nowfoods has has a good zinc monomethianine (spellcheck) / copper supplement. Cheap af too for a 3 month supply

>> No.10276166


All good anon happy to help. Other good supplements include magnesium and vitamin C, the latter you can get from eating a decent amount of fruits and vegetables but if you want magnesium I would suggest jigsaw health, they have a great selection and also have good vitamin c.

Vitamin D can be attained by spending 20 plus minutes a day in sunlight, don’t worry about supplements as a result

Also someone mentioned selenium above, best option for that is eating two Brazil nuts everyday

Hope this helps and happy to answer and all questions you have on this topic.

>> No.10277172

all those supplements are bullshit theres only one (or two) supplements you need

men under 26 should take folic acid
women should take folic acid and calcium
maybe take a probiotic too. the rest are memes and will make your stomach hurt

>> No.10277290

Take ZMA. Magnesium + Zinc. Eat whole eggs, chicken and high quality meat like filet mignon, whey protein, fruit but especially kiwi. Only eat 2-3 times a day but don't snack at all. If you need a snack, almonds are a great choice. The formula is simple: meat, vegetable, fat. Get plenty of sleep and lower stress levels to keep cortisol low. You want to lift heavy weights. The best lifts to raise hormonal levels are the squat, deadlift, and bench press. Keep cardio to a minimum. You are better off doing slow burning cardio such as lunging 400-800 meters, stair stepper, tire flips, medicine ball slams. Wake up at 5am everyday. Study, read, workout. Get better. Repeat.

>> No.10277492

I take a vitamin C supplement (1200mg) that also includes 40mg of zinc.
I take C mainly to live longer, but also it says it helps with tiredness and the immune system.

Taking C in high doses is the best thing you could do. Humans have a genetic defect that prevents us from synthesizing it ourselves.


>> No.10277605

zinc gives me a HUGE headache every time i take even 15mg. whats to give lads?

>> No.10277623

thats way too much.

zinc isnt water soluble and taking a hard mineral in that amount can fuck you up

>> No.10277998

There are different forms, try taking a different one (just don't take the shittiest one(the cheapest one)).

Also only take it after eating. It will fuck you up on an empty stomach guaranteed.

>> No.10278054


This anon gets it. I literally live off pasture eggs, vegetables, meats and fats as well. Vegetables should ideally be eaten rS (carrots for example) or steamed. Plus lift 4 times a week at least.

On the topic of other health related tips. Kegal excercises, google them. Do it 3 sets of 10 at least twice a day.

>> No.10278119
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enjoy your heavy metal poisoning

>> No.10278155

Ive been taking Anthroplex

It has Zinc and Horny Goat Weed in it

After I get done fucking plate #1, my sexual appetite is satiated until I take some anthroplex, then i fuck plate 2 and 3 with massive gisizms

>> No.10278208

I take about 35-40mg a day. I once popped a 50mg tab and I literally felt "high" and felt like I could focus on things better. just started recently so I don't know how much I should take desu. I take 11mg with multivitamins in the morning and I split a 50mg tab and take half in the evening.

>> No.10278313

Protip: for the same cost of a 3 month supply you can literally buy a year's supply of this stuff by buying the ingredients separately

>> No.10278499

Taking 50mg a day for about 3 years. Sometimes I skip a day or two. As said before here, that should be your upper limit.

Also, ask that shit on /fit/.

>> No.10279526

tried it and didn't notice any effect on me

>> No.10279647

we're all gonna make it brah

>> No.10279684

>I'm taking 2 50mg pills( one in the morning, one at night)
>Zinc toxicity is a medical condition involving an overdose on, or toxic overexposure to, zinc. Such toxicity levels have been seen to occur at ingestion of greater than 225 mg of zinc.[1] Excessive absorption of zinc can suppress copper and iron absorption. The free zinc ion in solution is highly toxic to bacteria, plants, invertebrates, and even vertebrate fish.[2][3][4] Zinc is an essential trace metal with very low toxicity in humans.[1][5]

I hope you don't eat beef, seafood, nuts, beans, or anything green.

>> No.10279766

Taking it to control acne, still pops sometimes due to my chocolate addiction.

>> No.10279787

Just one google search away.


>Zinc toxicity is a medical condition involving an overdose on, or toxic overexposure to, zinc. Such toxicity levels have been seen to occur at ingestion of greater than 225 mg of zinc.

>> No.10279798

36 yr old boomer here.
I take zinc for my ulcerative colitis because of lots of diarrhea.

>> No.10279974

just say 1g you uneducated fuck.

>> No.10280384

If you skin stings when you apply it it proves you are seriously deficient in magnesium.
Yeah there is residue, but tablets take 3 days to kick in im told. This is way easier for me.

>> No.10280718

It didn't sting when I applied it but after using it a few days in a row I couldn't bear to have my clothes rubbing in some places where I'd sprayed it. Would that still indicate a mg deficiency?

>> No.10281715

My daily multivitamin contains 900mcg of Copper Sulfate. Is that enough to stave off copper deficiency? I take 50 mg Zinc pills plus my multivitamin has 11 mg so 61 mg a day. Is that too much?

>> No.10282064

sometimes. its just makes me a little sleepier and my dreams a little more lucid and wierd

>> No.10282094

I take zinc out of that exact same bottle and one pill is already 273% of recommended daily value. You're overdoing it. But I do like it and I suggest it to everyone reading this. Just don't take more than 1 pill a day.

P.s. It also makes my boners diamond hard. I could hammer in a nail with this thing.

>> No.10282118

I've always found it weird that they can't measure the absorption of vitamin supplements in some study