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10272272 No.10272272 [Reply] [Original]

Post your business idea so we can give feedback.

> but someone will steal it
faggot, ideas are a dime a dozen, its all about implementation

no crypto

>> No.10272320

Asteroid mining & metal foundry in space with 3D metal printing. The universe would be your oyster.

>> No.10272351

I have missed out on 2 real estate deals by only looking at Zillow occasionally.

Sometimes their website takes 48 hours. I want to build a service that crawls hudhomes & VA repos - deliver them to my inbox and beat whoever is buying these.

>> No.10272358

I am apprenticing as a tool and die maker. In a few years, I would like to have enough money saved up to invest in a manual lathe, a bandsaw, a precision grinder, a Bridgeport with a rotary cross slide table, and ultimately a good quality CNC machine.

There are many job shops in my area that are overloaded so they outsource their lesser work to other local job shops. The quality of the work is often hit or miss and I see it as an advantage that I'm not quite ready to take.

I've been thinking about taking an extra 2 years after trade school to study mechatronics so I can better service/repair/modify CNC machines. My background was initially in IT. I quit in 2015 and people still look for me. I admire that and help out those I'm closer to but I just grew sick of doing it.

>> No.10272368

>idea stealer
I find ideas that might be worth something, use my crypto funds to get a team together, and outcompete the person who originally had the idea.

>> No.10272373


Take it
>Virtual Realities will provide access to the budding industry of Virtual Reality to the masses. With the onset of new technologies the VR market is ready to explode on to the scene. New technologies can often have barriers of entry to the individual and this company aims to capitilize on the new demands. We will provide (1) Affordable access to otherwise too expensive VR technologies (2) Provide a first of its kind center for the VR gaming community to rally around (3) Provide the unique experience of being able to have a large number of VR sets in use simultaenously and cooperatively (4) Spearfront the VR tournament gaming scene by offering the first center for teams of users to compete in VR (5) Double as an internet cafe by allowing PC terminals to be used seperately from the VR sets (6) Cater to all ages and types of player from children to the elderly (7) Offer educational workshops and classes taught in VR

>> No.10272382

CNC machine look so fucking complex like it has to be so fucking precise or it's ruined

>> No.10272384

but someone will steal it

>> No.10272397

that's not an idea.

>> No.10272408

Are you 100% percent sure there's no a single comparison site for real state with notifications out there ?

>> No.10272431

that doesnt mean you will be successful. Its really about implementation: myspace, friendster, orkut all came before facebook.

and what happened to those ?

>> No.10272433

Zillow has email notifications - but it takes up to 48 hours for them to go from HUD/VA to Zillow.

I've looked and not found anything that's faster (and some of the alternate sites don't pick them up)

Honestly Zillow *may* have been fast enough. I have setup email notifications and will try next time (there's only one REALLY good deal ever 2 - 3 months where I'm at online).

I would also like to start the process of pulling information from assessors website + court records on who has been filed against for non payment. Figure out how much they owe off of the County Clerk's website. Show up at their door on the good deals and offer an alternative that won't ruin their credit.

>> No.10272463

so a VR arcade ?

>> No.10272471
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Puzzle island holidays, like Myst. Rich bored people visit an island (or some other secluded place), stay overnight, and solve a bunch of puzzles and unravel a mystery. Like a very high-end luxury escape room. Seriously restrict the number of people at the location at any given time, but charge a lot for it.

>> No.10272485

More like a VR internet cafe than a VR arcade. However one of the larger laser tag/party/family centers did basically the exact same thing although it's more expensive since they have a massive business to support.
My first job was in an internet cafe, just a small time little hangout where I grew up and played games with the other kids that went there.

>> No.10272496

myspace sold for almost half a billion, thats gotta be a success

>> No.10272514

The decentralized 4chan. Truly uncensorable.

>> No.10272535

sounds ok, is this something a lot of people in your field would love to have ?

rich people are only interested in debauchery, so unless you can spice it up, its shit.

>> No.10272552

Create study posters for university kids on a subject I am all too familiar with. (Got My doctorate in)... I have a friends who are artist. Gonna ask them to draw it out for me. Obviously the póster will be unique in its own right.

Investing 1-2k to create 2 designs. Print them. Post them on Etsy. Higher mark for framed. And market them on FB ads to target my demographic.

Do this for 2-3 months see what the reception is. If it goes ok, double down on fb ads, market to organizations.

See reactions, alter and change accordingly. Have a poster done within 1-2 months.

>> No.10272556

I've thought about this before...a blockchain is actually well suited to host something like 4chan
- or something like that which 4chan pretends to be (uncensored)

>> No.10272601
File: 58 KB, 186x255, hmmmmmmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this thing that I know would work. If I could find some way to provide a service that people want yet only I could provide, I would be rolling in the dosh

>> No.10272636

the founders probably got way less than that.
meanwhile Zuckerberg is worth 80 billion today.

I personally think VR/AR is going to go the way of the PC. Every house in the future will have a high quality VR/AR device.

I'd suggest think how to augment every day life with this tech.

there's a dozen startups doing this right now. its worth reading up on them.

>> No.10272641

mushroom grow kits
make them retard proof
the end user would only need to add boiling water mix it all together and wait

the kit would include
1 spore syringe for microscopy of course (completely legal in 48 states)
6 quart jars of sterilized wild bird seed
1 brick of cocoir and a few quarts of vermiculite
1 storage tub prepared for the grow chamber
1 black garbage bag

all that would cost like $25 and easily sell for $100
for $100 the end user would get 4-16oz of mushrooms depending on how well they maintained temperature moisture and contamination in the fruiting stage

>> No.10272688

without knowing the subject it sounds like a nice little business for some extra money.

>> No.10272715

>mushroom grow kits
a quick search resulted in many kits being sold already, why would anyone buy your stuff ?

>> No.10272730

a lot of kits for sale follow the outdated PF tek
the tek I would recommend is easier and yields more fruits (bulk monotub)

>> No.10272752

already exists, kinda, for shitake shrooms at least, but instead it's spores and a literal block of wood that you have to water sometimes.

>> No.10272759

make a paintin company
hire everybody in town
make a website to rate their work
organize a syndicate
own the best painting business in town

>> No.10272792

yeah those are cool
I don't intend on ever doing any of this but it's something I daydream about
there are some really smart people playing with mushrooms/mycelium and extremely efficient methods
and everyone always seems to be asking for mushrooms but no one wants to grow them when it's extremely easy to grow them yourself

>> No.10272807

Enamel pins.

Vectorize some designs the kids love (Pokemon, Roblox characters whatever) in Illustrator, manufacture a bunch of enamel pins from some Chinese factory, sell them on Etsy.

>> No.10272886
File: 185 KB, 1100x619, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opening a designer fruit store in a upscale health conscious town
create a story for each fruit and sell it for an outrageous mark up

When I think about the fruit I eat most of it is poorly sourced, and the times I get really good in season fruit is few and far between
Japan has a designer fruit industry because of their gifting culture and I think something similar could work in USA

>> No.10272928

The peaks of the highest mountains are reached after an arduous journey from a lowly place.

>> No.10273613

I was at the city hall for code enforcement and plan approval, and i overheard one of the city employees talking with a guy about code enforcement while going over his construction/remodel plans for the VR arcade he was