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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10270939 No.10270939 [Reply] [Original]

I am a holder, everything about the project looks professional and well thought through

Assume mass adoption and thousands of API calls a day getting reimbursed in LINK: each of those transactions has to come across the ethereum network at some point for the node operator to be paid in LINK right? I understand that these can be batched etc. but still, is there any way around massive network congestion like we're seeing now for the payment part (and the node penalty payment part) that involves transferring LINK?

There isn't a way to just directly transfer LINK from one agent to another without using gas/eth is there?

>> No.10270957

Retard. How fast node operators get paid or fined literally doesn’t fucking matter

>> No.10270969

OK genius, how many of these link transactions can be batched in a single (eth price/gas) transaction?

>> No.10270991
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Go ask rory in slack or post a thread in r/chainlink and have thomas explain it to you. IF that information is even available right now i doubt you would get a suitable explanation from anyone here.

Just ask yourself if you really believe you're so smart you are the only one that has thought of this.

>> No.10271008

This is what I'll do
I would think this question has been asked a million times before; it almost seems like the value token is secondary to the relevance of the network- it would make more sense for the value transfer asset of the network to live on a transactions-specific network that can handle high throughput like xlm or something

>> No.10271011

yes, I believe I am

>> No.10271015

shit bro that's a really dumb thing to say even for a link holder.

>> No.10271205

I asked a similar question a while ago about on chain aggregation, because that would require every commit/reveal to be registered as an Ethereum transaction. Thomas wasn't fussed about it, but I don't know whether that's because it's too far down the track to worry about, or they already have plans in place.

>> No.10271313

>"can i have the benefits of blockchain without having to use the blockchain?"

>> No.10271382

it's not about batching token payments. Every API call (the actual data transfered) is an update to the smartcontract and it congests the network.

I've seen people ask about it and Rory's answer was
>bla bla we're monitoring ethereum's development
they basicly hope that Vitalik will get his shit together instead of doing badger dance

>> No.10271388

I know you're reading this thread Cryptowski

>> No.10271540

Regarding network congestion, I'm wondering if something along the lines of the lava wallet concept for 0xBTC could be leveraged (if you don't know what it is, the TLDR is that you can "send" tokens from wallet A to B by having party C submit the transaction; Not exactly the same here, but a similar principle could be applied).

Like, the aggregations and consensus can take place, then the single update gets sent to the contract, but it awaits/gets sent by another party as part of an eth/gas transaction

I think it could work, and at least help with the congestion

>> No.10271621

>Like, the aggregations and consensus can take place, then the single update gets sent to the contract, but it awaits/gets sent by another party as part of an eth/gas transaction
yea but what about the jobs/contracts that require constant updatking (api calls) every minute let's say?

>> No.10271643

That's literally what off chain aggregation is, but it's slated for "medium/long" term and will not be the a feature upon main net launch. I asked if Ethereum network speeds would be a bottleneck during initial deployment and Thomas didn't think so, but if they're expecting broad adoption they must have something in place to handle it.

>> No.10271684
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>> No.10271885

there is also the option of just sending total network transfers out at the end of the day or some similar payment period
that begs the question i asked above: does anyone know how many ERc20/677 transfers can be batched in a single ETH transaction?

>> No.10272623

chainlink is gonna be on skyfiber

>> No.10272661

He's not fussed because if they have to move platforms they'll do it.

>> No.10273176

stinky linky