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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1026920 No.1026920 [Reply] [Original]

There are Levels to this shit.

The Natural State of mankind is Poverty.

99% of the wealth in the world was created in the last 100 years.

Resources were allocated in the manner of Kill them and Take their stuff.
If you survived pregnancy and your parents not bashing your head on a rock, you had a 50% chance of being killed by another human being.
Later Slavery was developed and there was a surplus of manpower, the Egyptians put it to good use and built some shit.

Proto-Capitalism was formed in the 16th century, when the spanish conquistadors brought 36 tons of gold and more silver from the new world and collapsed the European Economy with an inflation rate of 1.37%. This spurred the english to create goods to sell the spanish for their gold. This caused a few economists like Adam Smith and Jean Baptiste-Say to figure out that making things is far better off for the world than taking things, but nobody could read so no one cared. Before capitalism the worlds resources were cut up and controlled by might of arms or populace and other protections. Mercantilism was the first economic arms race. It was still pretty easy to kill the Spaniards and take their gold though. However in the New world capitalism was allowed to flourish.
Richard Arkwright, one of the first great capitalists of the industrial revolution, and NEET wigmaker, needed tons of cotton to make stockings on his new machines. See the Luddite Revolution. b/c of him out of the 50 Millionaires in America 20 were farmers. This was unheard of. Capitalism became Reality.
Marx bitched a bit because he couldn't stand the idea of profit. But we've figured out for a long time that the reason, that the blessing of new gold collapsed the economy, and a bunch of new stockings machines increased the workforce in the industry 100 fold.

Today we know that efficient use of Free Cashflow is the mechanism for growth in business and in life.

Personal Finance is the Bedrock from which you will grow

>> No.1026925

I started budgeting stuff.

>> No.1026938
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>> No.1026954

>its 2016

top kek

>> No.1027078
File: 34 KB, 485x391, main-qimg-def33e70610a4383f09c4788834e7062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Measurable Wealth and real thing of Value in this world is Time.

Money is just paper, shiny rocks, seashells and whatever other crap you want to use to trade easily and efficiently.

What you are selling to other people is time. always! That you will or have already taken time to do something that they need or want to do, and they can pay you to get their time back.

Interestingly enough humans are not naturally good with time. They overestimate capacity in the short term and underestimate capacity in the Long term.
Keep a time ledger for one week and report back.
/1Z3XDYJ bitly

Next I'm sure the consultants will love this the 2x2 Important/Urgent Matrix.
/1zGhUXW bitly

Even if you are just a homeless NEET, but objectively measuring your only resource, Time. You will naturally improve.

If you need Cash get on taskrabbit or craigslist and start exchanging value.
Eventually you can upgrade into hustling candy bars and water bottles in your spare time, between skill development.

Many NEETS think you need to be perfectly skillful trade your skill time for cash.
imgur com/gallery/iJD8f
imgur com/gallery/AOz0d
I hope this proves otherwise.

You just need to convince a few people that you're good enough and bam you're on your way to stacking up that cash to build your Warchest of Free Capital.

The first Warchest is $1000 dollars cash. Life is playing Roshambo with you. this is your KomboBreaker money. Build that meter up as fast as you can after you use it.

Often in building up the meter you may need to make sacrifices short term. Once you stop chasing money and simply having some reserves your lizard brain is freed and can let a few cycles go from making sure you don't die to other creative endeavor.

You can't control your emotions but you can control the circumstances which bring them about. You choose.

>> No.1027091

What do you suggest I do if I have a few thousand dollars, no HS diploma and am going to be getting kicked out soon?

I gave up looking for a job and I don't have many marketable skills.

Should I really buy some marshmallows or chocolate bars or whatever the fuck and sell them? This has got to be a /biz/ meme... I highly doubt people won't tell me to fuck off

>> No.1027438
File: 2.00 MB, 866x9058, 1428262281812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many thousands? What are your area's rents. Do you have transportation? Why did you give up looking for a job? Do you tell them no HS diploma?
What do you do with your time?
Can you shut up and do what you're told? Your Marketable skill.

Most people will tell you to fuck off. They'll tell it to you less when you have something to offer.

There was a group of guys selling water bottles out of the convention center. I pestered them for how they did it. it was 3k for the rights they probably sold more than that every day over the four day event.
You go to where there is a dense marketplace.

GED Military is a fantastic option


>> No.1027455

>How many thousands?


>What are your area's rents. Do you have transportation?
Expensive and No.

>Why did you give up looking for a job?
I couldn't stay at any job longer than 2 months. The other employees were always assholes to me and I just couldn't stand it for the most part. Although there were definite upsides besides just getting paid.

>Do you tell them no HS diploma?
I tell them I'm either studying or I finished. Most don't ask except for "Are you in school right now?" for availability reasons.

>Can you shut up and do what you're told? Your Marketable skill.
Depends what it is. I'm resilient to repetitive work but not really tolerable of most shit that such jobs entail.

>> No.1027506

Its really good that you've saved that starter warchest.
That's about 3 months of independence you've saved.

Hows your credit? Your families credit?

Acquire a scooter for now. 800 for a great one 500 for a solid one 300 for one that needs work usually. Unless public transportation is fantastic in your city.

Part of being a good hire is a dependable hire. The main nightmare of managers is, "are these clowns gonna show up to work today?"

My vote for you is probably construction work. Is there construction work in your area?

Assholes how? Did they kick you in the nuts and play with your nipples? Did they take you in the back and beat the shit out of you? Did they call you names?

Everyone is going to be an asshole in a shit entry level job. There life is shit. They're gonna treat people like shit, that's fine. Temporarily, While you're building the warchest.
Peter Sage might help with that a lot.

If you had all the money you needed and then some what would you do to enjoy life?

>> No.1027518

Now that I think about it UPS/logistics is probably a great job for you as well. It should be a fairly fast way to stack to 25-50k.

>> No.1027549

>Hows your credit? Your families credit?

Not sure, I got a credit card with $1k limit on it that I just use once in a while and pay off in full. I should probably get a credit check sometime soon. Should be fine unless someone fucked with it.

>Assholes how? Did they kick you in the nuts and play with your nipples? Did they take you in the back and beat the shit out of you? Did they call you names?

P much. I literally heard them laughing and making fun of me one time when they didn't think I was around.

Other times they got mad at me for things I didn't even do wrong.

>My vote for you is probably construction work. Is there construction work in your area?

Uhh I guess. I'm not sure I'm a good fit for it tho tbqh.

>If you had all the money you needed and then some what would you do to enjoy life?
I would move to some beach town and relax there all day drinking pina coladas, swimming in the ocean, eating pizza and other food, lift and do cardio at the gym, then when bored of everything else I would go to my condo and do programming/videogames/shitpost on 4chan, etc.

>> No.1027590

Thanks for those vids, they look very interesting, saving for later.

>> No.1027593 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 485x679, This is 4chan maggot make those fuckers eat there words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got very small dreams and probably no ambition.
C'mon, I wanna eat and float, and go home. What kind of a dream is that?

You're gonna need to figure out what the fuck you want to do. Your next goal should be to save up to travel to meet other people, find something that you want to be world class at.

I think its a good fit for you b/c its full of tough people and they'll toughen you up. Its exercise, in the healthy sun, and it pays pretty well. 30k as a scrub assistant 55-60k once you can be trusted by yourself.
Why do you think you're not a good fit. Are you missing body parts? or a girl? a twig or a fatty?

When they made fun of you, they were small people who found someone even smaller. But it hurt b/c there is usually a grain of truth. What did they say and why did it hurt? Why did you not confront them and call them on their shit?

The military should absolutely fix this childlike emotional sensitivity. People are going to be cruel, toxic, insensitive, mean, ignorant and bad to you each and every day. Take what is useful, eliminate what is useless.

And in every relationship from now on people are going to be mad at you for things you didn't do. No one but your parents are your parents and understand you like them. The only way to win this game is to make them respect you for the shit you do and keep doing well.

As far as the Credit. Check it now. CreditKarma and Credit Sesame and Quizzle will get you a complete picture. This should be monitored consistently because that's gonna give you the ability to gain a level. When you've got 50k in credit to throw at in investment later on you're gonna shut some people up b/c you're so young. If you're on decent terms with your parents and they have decent credit, You, dumb kid, can have the credit profile of an adult in their twilight years. Get on one of your parents cards as an AUTHORIZED USER, there profile affects yours, not the other way around. Also leave 1% on Card

>> No.1027596
File: 109 KB, 485x679, This is 4chan maggot make those fuckers eat their words.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got very small dreams and probably no ambition.
C'mon, I wanna eat and float, and go home. What kind of a dream is that?

You're gonna need to figure out what the fuck you want to do. Your next goal should be to save up to travel to meet other people, find something that you want to be world class at.

I think its a good fit for you b/c its full of tough people and they'll toughen you up. Its exercise, in the healthy sun, and it pays pretty well. 30k as a scrub assistant 55-60k once you can be trusted by yourself.
Why do you think you're not a good fit. Are you missing body parts? or a girl? a twig or a fatty?

When they made fun of you, they were small people who found someone even smaller. But it hurt b/c there is usually a grain of truth. What did they say and why did it hurt? Why did you not confront them and call them on their shit?

The military should absolutely fix this childlike emotional sensitivity. People are going to be cruel, toxic, insensitive, mean, ignorant and bad to you each and every day. Take what is useful, eliminate what is useless.

And in every relationship from now on people are going to be mad at you for things you didn't do. No one but your parents are your parents and understand you like them. The only way to win this game is to make them respect you for the shit you do and keep doing well.

As far as the Credit. Check it now. CreditKarma and Credit Sesame and Quizzle will get you a complete picture. This should be monitored consistently because that's gonna give you the ability to gain a level. When you've got 50k in credit to throw at in investment later on you're gonna shut some people up b/c you're so young. If you're on decent terms with your parents and they have decent credit, You, dumb kid, can have the credit profile of an adult in their twilight years. Get on one of your parents cards as an AUTHORIZED USER, there profile affects yours, not the other way around. Also leave 1% on Card

>> No.1027667

>C'mon, I wanna eat and float, and go home. What kind of a dream is that?

You asked what I would do if money did not matter to me anymore. That would probably be my average day, although I would take cool trips like taking a helicopter to skiing in Austria, going on cruises, etc etc.

>Why do you think you're not a good fit. Are you missing body parts? or a girl? a twig or a fatty?

I injured my shoulder and do not want to aggravate it. I guess I could afterall but I'm just a little cautious about it. Also I've lost nearly all my muscle from not lifting for quite a few months.

>What did they say and why did it hurt? Why did you not confront them and call them on their shit?

Just some random stuff about me not being able to do something that I wasn't shown how to do before. Makes 0 sense... They want me to somehow be able to do evrything and never be showed it.
>Confront them
And say what? p-please s-stop calling me names?

>No one but your parents are your parents and understand you like them
We don't get along to say the least.

I guess I'll check out the construction stuff. I think I might just get started by offering services to help people move. I think I could do that.

>> No.1027686

This is all resonating with me. Can I have an email or Skype to contact Yu? Flawless advice here mate.

>> No.1027691

> You asked
My point is this its vague and changing, you've got nothing exact and concrete to strive for. Without a true North. Your internal compass is going to be useless.
Probably, maybe these are all fudge words and the killers of success.
You're goals are just Further consumption. I was asking what you would PRODUCE, give back to the world.

> Shoulder
I prefer A.R.T. for most injuries, breaks down the scar tissue.

>Random stuff about you
Oh just that, this conversation wasn't even about you really, that was probably just folks blowing off steam about their shitty life. You're the FNG and a source of stress in their life. Its a purely emotional conversation, People can't help their emotions, but you can help their emotions by accepting their emotions completely without challenge, and happily moving on. In this situation I'd have said ASAP "guys I know I sucked, but I'm learning and will do better next time." When at a new job say that often and loudly even if you're kicking the pants off their KPI's

> Stop calling me names
No. You say, You guys are fucking cowards, If you've got something to say about me say it to my face, not behind my back. This is a workplace show some respect.

> I think I could do that.
Good man. Remember to apply for some jobs that you're probably unqualified for, but show a good energy and see if they have a better position for you.

>> No.1027696

>My point is this its vague and changing, you've got nothing exact and concrete to strive for. Without a true North. Your internal compass is going to be useless.
I cannot plan that far ahead. I could easily find a new passion as I could lose one in 5 years and probably even 5 months. It's hard to say exactly.

>Good man. Remember to apply for some jobs that you're probably unqualified for, but show a good energy and see if they have a better position for you.

Thanks for the tips I guess lol. I think I'm just going to lie on my resume as much as possible to fake my way into a good job, might as well since I got nothing to lose. If they don't hire me then I wasn't going to get hired anyway so no loss here.

>> No.1027708
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>You can't
You can you just haven't felt it yet. Your fires not lit. You see it in people's eyes, the hunger, the striving. Passion's are fucking useless, in fact passionate people are fucking terrible employees, because passions float away in five months.

The thing I'm talking about is a personal Mission, a compulsion, a mountain that needs to be climbed.

>> No.1027718

Everything sucks.

I only do things because I have nothing better to do.

>> No.1028056
File: 487 KB, 500x247, 0e6b110da1d64ddd61cfd347cf4cd6f2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the solution is the Yes man approach. Say yes to everything you find and commit for a year.

Even if you hate it all. You'll learn what not to ever do again.

>> No.1029797

So after you've got $1,000 cash money in the bank. You likely don't have immanent insolvency on your plate. But if it ever dips below. Stop what you're doing, fuck your friends, family and everybody else except the people you can provide value to in exchange for cash. Everyone else is not important, don't waste your time helping people who couldn't help you across the street.

So after your emergency fund is built. you can loosen up a little bit and flex some opportunity seeking muscles.

whether that's getting a job, second job which is just real in this economy, or enrolling in higher education or getting some other certification, or going to some fucking seminar to try something new.
Please don't fall for MLM schemes guys. If you're looking for opportunity on the regular you're gonna run into these clowns. If they ask you to tap your personal network to slang crap under 100k its MLM. Kutco, Herbalife, Insurance swaps, Electricity alternatives, Car club, and Mutual Fund grabbers.
Don't sell your network short for a couple hundred bucks.
You're saving them for a friends and family round for a big venture. Real money selling real shit, not cheap overpriced junk.

There's a lot of opportunity out there, you've got to nut up and take it. Once you're exposed to the signs that people leave, you realize there is more money around you burning holes in peoples pockets than you can imagine. There is also more work to be done than we have people who can do the jobs. So you need up your skills at finding and serving these needs.

>> No.1029864

yea, u got something like kik,skype ?