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10267229 No.10267229 [Reply] [Original]

Is Capitalism failing public architecture?

>> No.10267249


>> No.10267260
File: 73 KB, 800x533, literalcancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, postmodernism is

>> No.10267288

I'm used to that one now. Much preferable to the dull condos popping up like mushrooms in the area.

>> No.10267306

it's like a video game or movie where a virtual world is infected by a virus that slowly takes over everything

>> No.10267573

>promoting "public" anything

>> No.10267592

communism destroyed it with bombs

>> No.10267656

Buildings owned and financed by public companies are some of the most beautiful in the world

>> No.10267724

Yes, we build cheap and fast. But the notion of building for ego or pride in the modern day can be more frightening, albert speer for one. The world changes, buildings are influenced more and more by economics over power.

>> No.10267738

there are always exceptions, but not many

>> No.10267759

How much would that cost to build?

>> No.10267777

Honestly both buildings look like shit.

>> No.10267825
File: 7 KB, 224x225, plotinus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes it is. Capitialism is just as subversive as communism. Communism hated Western architecture because it reminded Jews and other weaklings of their incapability of beauty. Capitalism is the other Jew that has reduced everything to a dollar; Beautiful architecture that takes decades and immense amounts of labor isn't cost efficient nor is it good for business. It is physically manifested idealism in a world where idealism is too expensive or a "waste of time" according to Jews and Boomers. Take some time out of your life to create something beautiful and feel yourself connect with the eternal truth of Beauty.

>> No.10268475

In general, you are right. And yet in modern times, the few artisans who have learned the old strategies are so few and far between that when boomers do want something built to look like in the old days, these guys are racking up big bucks.

>> No.10268627

Quads confirm.

>> No.10268748

They might be few, but they are recognised, because in the end, beauty trumps all.


>> No.10269554

"public architecture" tends to be a waste of money as councils would want fancy over the top shits that may not always create the intended effect. it is also a huge money pit and encourages bribery (encourage/bribes architects to use excessive amount of material for everything like stair balustrades, wall lining decoration, etc. The materials would then be inflated in price and somebody will leech off the excess)

Capitalism will always seek the most efficient way of doing things. It isn't hurting architecture, shitty architects are hurting architecture. Beauty doesn't come from excess, a skilled architect can create something nice out of a constrained budget.

Pic related would cost way too much and provide little rental income.

>> No.10269607
File: 89 KB, 920x632, 920x920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is "public art". Gov't hires "artist" with an ego bigger than Jupiter to do a painting. Public criticizes the bad art, but the artist refuses to fix it because the public hurt her feel feels.

>> No.10269954

That's what a 3rd grader made in pottery class..... Right? Eistein? Cmon

>> No.10269985

Kek has spoken

>> No.10270002

I am an artist and how the fuck does some shithead get paid to ruin public spaces like this? I want in. I can reduce my quality for a bigger pay if necessary.

>> No.10270038
File: 255 KB, 1000x750, bowforttowers045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Correct. Government funded projects in my parts are always shitty. Overpriced, tax funded, committee chosen, trash.

Pic related cost $500k.

>> No.10270056
File: 131 KB, 1000x750, Bluering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, same city, cost $470k. Even the fucking mayor came out and said it was awful.

>> No.10270120

There has to be some money laundering/bribery involved in shit like that.

>> No.10270132 [DELETED] 


Oh certainly.

>> No.10270177


Certainly. Incompetence and corruption teaming up to produce monuments to failure.

And the cost! The bowfort towers is 12 steel posts, about 40 cross beams, and a few rocks. A team of local metal fabricators could have slapped that shit together for $15k, most of that going to pay the traffic control and crane because of the scale.

>> No.10270256

Shit like this is part of the unrest that's happening in Nicaragua right now. In Managua they spent millions of these fucking retarded LED trees and fountains but can't keep power on in the fucking city.

>> No.10270339

Well we are in a race to reach peak technological advancement. Everything around us is based on efficiency so that we can advance faster and faster. Maybe once we finally reach the singularity we will build for aesthetics.