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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10267081 No.10267081 [Reply] [Original]

>not loading up on stellar lumens

what the fucc are you doing with your lives anons?

>> No.10267166

I bought in at 2 cents mate. I'm packing.

Also loaded up on tio a while ago.

>> No.10267191

Been all in xlm since low single digit cents...literally no way this thing can fail kek.

>> No.10267202

Id rather kill myself but thanks for the shill

>> No.10267219

XLM is what separates diamond hand visionaries from pink wojaks.

>> No.10267237

Last three months there were literally zero XLM threads. Now there are dozens daily. I think XLM is about to dump hard

>> No.10267266

>pre-november 2017
>not loading up on stellar lumens

what the fucc are you doing with your lives anons?

>> No.10267282

when tf fairx
when cdbcs
come on snek

>> No.10267284

I fckin love XLM, it's my biggest hold.
However all these recent shill threads make me consider halving the stack, this smells fishy as a polish skank.

>> No.10267333

I think it's the rare time that biz anons are trying to help.

Instead of shilling shit like link/bch - this one has a

> full working product
> solid use-cases
> good business partnerships to bridge the gap with current financial leaders
> rated a non-security by New York department of financial services
> transaction resolution in < 5 seconds
> decentralization with concept of trusted nodes (not as decentralized as some, not fully centralized either)
> decentralized exchange in sdex
> Tempo + White Standard (and maybe stronghold although Tammy is a cunt) as euro/usd anchors

I could go on, but i think i've shilled enough. Do some research and if you decide this won't be one of the projects to survive the coming coin purge - you're never going to make it.

>> No.10267337

whats 1 lumen worth in 2020?

>> No.10267348

3 dollars

>> No.10267370

My more realist side says $1.50-$2 depending on crypto market recovery speed.

Optimist in me says next big run could take it slightly more than $3 for 2020.

Research leading me to these predictions? Took a dump that came out in 2 sections with a 3rd little shitlet dangling that dropped after some hard work.

>> No.10267377

no less than $1.50

>> No.10267387

xlm will be #1 of an 8t crypto MC
enjoy boys

>> No.10267404

In 2017 I thought it would be 50 cents by December 2018. Then it happened in December or January (forgot which) and kept going up. It even went over 90 cents. Which really threw me off.

>> No.10267408
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Roughly 1 satoshi (bch)

>> No.10267409

I'm all in 80% xlm, 20 btc (still thinking this is too much)

Please let me be wrong anon

>> No.10267414

what does that put 1 lumen at? im too lazy to do the math, pls gib

>> No.10267424

.014 LAMBO

>> No.10267436
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>> No.10267440

memebase announcement

>> No.10267539

Its due to the coinbase mention.
People realizing their memecoins req and link won't be added but one of the strongest cryptos in the whole fucking market, Stellar, will be.
Biz hates money tho so they probably won't buy any anyway.

>> No.10267545

playing vrchat

>> No.10267599

sdf still has 80b xlm to "dump"
they'll give them to initial interested g20 members who will launch cdbcs
which will require other g20s to follow suit without the airdrop
making a global asset liquidity layer backed by all the governments that interact with IBM and hold all the nukes
~40% of mc would put one around 40 bucks

above entirely dependent on cdbcs
everything else is meaningless
if the "state channels" in Q3/4 are this, we're all gonna make it

>> No.10267637

Where can i store this shit?

>> No.10267652

There are a shit ton of wallets - and a new tech called 'Google' that lets you magically search the internet

>> No.10267780

Ledger genius.
That or use a paper wallet.
Generate keypair here..
Sign up here for free xlm every week from inflation pool..

>> No.10267806

>if the "state channels" in Q3/4 are this
the state channels are not government states, its like lightning network channel states or whatever
IBM has said central bank issued currencies are coming soon, I have no reason not to believe it. there were also leaked documents confirming, could be fake I guess

>> No.10267843

youre missing the point
if you read their update, the reason they need LN is not for scaling like everyone else
its because supposedly they had lots of customers that needed private, large volume liquidity corridors that werent broadcast to the whole network
no idea if those customers are the cbs, but it would seem to fit...

>> No.10267854

Sounds like they should just copy PayChan from Ripple

>> No.10267867

Thought LN still allows to see the final channel balance change at the end of it being leveraged/closed and it wasn't completely private (only the internal channel transactions are private). Am i an uneducated fucktard?

>> No.10267894

Google we.trade

The biggest banks in Europe are going to use it to transfer information, such as letters of trade.

>> No.10267940


>> No.10267965


>> No.10268008

yes they do
they also require 2N maximal asymmetric transfer value
which makes hoarding by entities with huge amounts of fiat likely
i would guess when these channels get set up they only close out in the event of a major governmental catastrophe

>> No.10268028

it says that the backbone of this is hyperledger
sounds more stinky than snakey?

>> No.10268059

Ah, that makes more sense - it's private because they're always open and never close down (and even if they close very rarely it's hard to glean details from a single balance transfer change).

>> No.10268087

Hyperledger fabric - of which stellar is a piece. Think of fabric like a saas type platform with plug and play components - stellar provides functionality for a few components.

Anything cross border payment related IBM said stellar would be leveraged but who knows until we have confirmation/denial.

>> No.10268158

Isn't hyperledger fabric the name of IBMs private, permissioned DLT?

>> No.10268186
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>> No.10268223


Also a bit older but the initial press release about the collaboration from ibm (general details haven't changed) - https://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/53290.wss

So it's still unknown if it was leveraged until we hear something - anyone that says something different is speculating.

>> No.10268263
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>> No.10268297
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He's talking about a token that uses xlm as fuel I think.

>> No.10268319

>Posting screencaps of Reddit taken on your phone on 4chan

Holy fuck. KYS. Saged.

>> No.10268332
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>> No.10268351
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Oh my god, I just killed myself.

>> No.10268433

Stellar has the potential to become the new ethereum.
Thats also why they market it as a public service.

>> No.10268551

I'm loaded I'm loaded pls no more bully

>> No.10268574

thanks anon, saving some of these for my shill folder

>> No.10268618

im 100% xlm because i want to maximize my btc

>> No.10268637

All I know is they were giving it away to shithole countries.

>> No.10268645

then you dont know shit, because it never happened, kike

>> No.10268663


Just to name one, this same deal happened in a bunch of other places too

>> No.10268672

What's with the giant total supply though?

>> No.10268683

pretty funny, a week ago biz was making fun of xlm, now desperate threads. held my stack the whole time since the cypto crash.

>> No.10268701

It held up fairly well compared to other alts.

>> No.10268750

>initial airdrop
>as if other cryptos did not do this
kys kike

>> No.10268760
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Yeah it hasn't been hammered anywhere near as badly as most shitcoins. Glad I loaded up in October.

>> No.10268773