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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10265591 No.10265591 [Reply] [Original]

Buying insurance of ANY type is for moronic, risk-averse fat little Boomer cucks who are easily swindled out of their money by scam artists, prove me wrong.

>> No.10265601


>> No.10265747

>dying because you didn't invest in a scam


>> No.10265753


>> No.10265773

>hit someone
>break their spine
>they'll never work again
>pay hospital bills and the amount they would have made in their lifetime if they were working

the insurance isn't just for you

>> No.10265777

you mean like any insurance?
my dental insurance was the best thing i ever got. saved me more than 30k net.
healthcare? that stuff will be neat whenever you get seriously ill but definitely wouldn't die. like a fucked up kidney or something.
or just life insurance that makes sure your kids get money if you get run over by a drunk teenager? that's retarded, i agree.

>> No.10265840

>Save huge sets of money not paying an insurances agency
>0.0001% possible event happens so the monthly deposit goes to the guy instead of insurance agency removing the middleman and still probably saving more money

>> No.10265858

Literally can't relate to any of these because I have a healthy functioning body and I brush my teeth frequently.
I'd rather have extra money in the pocket that I invest in the market averages which will give me higher return in the long term.

>> No.10265917

If you live in America, you will average 3 or 4 crashes in your lifetime. You don't get to pick their serverity or when they happen. If they come at a financially sensitive time, you will be unable to make payments on the things you need to make money (car, place to live, gasoline, electricity), forcing you into debt with no way out.

>> No.10265927

I'm 26, sole income for my family of 5. I have a 1 million dollar term life for 30 years that expires when I'm 55. If I die before then, my family will have their house paid off and college as well. If I die after 55, they'll all be adults and can fend for themselves. My home will be paid off too, anyways.

>> No.10265947

The thing about averages are they account for bad drivers as well.

>> No.10265949

True, especially car insurance. It's unbelievable that anyone can believe that the government compelling you to purchase a service is anything but moronic. Take my advice, skip car insurance and just ride a bike instead: only drive when you have to. If you're a male under 25, you'll save thousands a year.

>> No.10265958

You aren't as special as you think you are.

>> No.10266102

Let's say i am average an i hit my car 5 times in my life. Average non fatal cost of the accident is 7500. That's 37,500 life time cost.

Average cost for insurance is 321 bucks that's 3852 per year. Let's make it 3800 easier on your side.
Average life expectancy of a us citizen is 78 years
. Minus 18 years for beginning of your life and 18 end that's 42 years of driving. Let's make it 40 to make it easy.

That's 110k paid over your lifetime.
You're definitely getting scammed. That's not including the 8% yearly compounding if you put it in the snp500 yearly average on the amount you save.

>> No.10266126
File: 1.60 MB, 1093x1077, [RH] Fate kaleid liner Prisma Illya - 11 (OVA) [Dual Audio] [BDRip] [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.35_[2017.07.08_22.28.07].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree

>> No.10266127

>Average cost for insurance is 321 bucks

lol what? I pay like 120 dollars for 2 vehicles

>> No.10266132

> paid over
I meant after the cost. That's after deduction of the average accidental coverage

>> No.10266152

That's the averages not just shit cars. But let's assume we did slash that in half. That's still double the amount you pay.

>> No.10266160

Since you want to talk about insurance, I'll let you in on my secret plan to revive the crypto market.

What we need is like an insurance token. It could be the "financial responsability token". We IPO, then use the funds to hire lobbyists to pass law, allowing FRT as an alternative to insurance or requiring insurance to own a certain amount of FRT.
Since legislation is involved, we could make it a requirement by law that FRT be valued for insurance purposes at the highest value it attained during the previous twelve months.
This would allow us to have a coin that moons continuously and never again goes down in value.

>> No.10266910

Life insurance is to give your family an income for a period of time so that they can adjust to the change in income, especially if you are the primary bread-winner.