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File: 202 KB, 960x720, skybetter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10264119 No.10264119 [Reply] [Original]

articles full of positive predictions about btc greatest comeback. so the news-oracle is telling us to keep out shit together. reading this I suddenly had a premonition: if skycoin has everything that btc doesn't and btc comeback will attract even more users, it means btc won t be able to support everyone sooo users will start to look for alternatives and here is the point of absolute practicability of sky

mic drop

>> No.10264168

It seems logic, just that btc went from 2th/s to lightning network which is 60th/s. looks adaptive enough. what makes you think it won't continue to upgrade itself enough?

>> No.10264199

as my celestial gut is telling me. more new users will come on board. waves of people, not one at a time. they won t be able to support everyone and we will go again to 1h waiting for a transaction. sky will be there with a rocket like speed to back up. imagine the impact. solutions in crisis are memorable. screenshot this

>> No.10264208

Is that synth???

>> No.10264233

Sky supporter here. I think we have to baby step the whole sky implementation. the vision is healthy and DOable. Many are talking about it lately, fud and shilling everywhere. From an observer point of view, it's a good sign and it means the project is starting to florish but we shouldn't rush into an utopy.

>> No.10264253

Bitcoin UTXO has blocks with the transactions and outputs in the same block. It leads to added complexity (read: security vulnerability) for implementation of stuff like coinjoin privacy protocol. Skycoin uses UT/XT which is basically a bipartite dag with separate transaction and unspent output objects. Implementing coinjoin is straightforward.

>> No.10264279 [DELETED] 

True, anotjer Sky supporter, all the noice, both positive and negative, means that there is a lot of focus on Sky. But, it also means there will be a lot of speculation and this only adds to it's volatility. And..for speculators volatility is good, it means possible wins (and losses). In the end I think Sky need both solid investors and speculators alike. But I would like to thank all the shillers and Fudders for adding to the value of Sky :) (btw I prefer my Lambo in orange)

>> No.10264305
File: 177 KB, 607x608, 1520121397917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this OP
matches your thread

>> No.10264306

True, anotjer Sky supporter, all the noice, both positive and negative, means that there is a lot of focus on Sky. But, it also means there will be a lot of speculation and this only adds to it's volatility. And..for speculators volatility is good, it means possible wins (and losses). In the end I think Sky need both solid investors and speculators alike. But I would like to thank all the shillers and Fudders for adding to the value of Sky.. (btw I prefer my Lambo in orange)

>> No.10264362

pretty down to earth myself devs never made stupid promises. they just presented the plan and they focus on delivery. constantly updating the community

>> No.10264368

how is "nobody cares what you think and everyone thinks bitcoin is better than skycoin and normies dont even know it so your shitcoin will fail"

>> No.10264371

so u are saying as long as btc will grow and
crypto becomes mass adopted, btc will fail

>> No.10264403

No way to argue with stupidity. But yes, volatility means going up...and going down...

>> No.10264441

Another sky thread with broken pajeet tier english

>> No.10264442

But, as a ousides, it strikes me how much discussion is going on about BTC and SKY. To me, as a simple economist, it seems that they are interconnected, if one goes up in value, so will the other. But, as in any volatile market, what goes up will go down again. What intrigues me is how the present trade war is going to affect the value of digital coins...

>> No.10264459

long story short: skycoin is the solution

tooo damn slow. sky has 300 tps and it will go to over 1000 tps, visa like speed. numbers are speaking for themselves.

yes, everything is pointing btc failure. it will rest in a digital museum while skycoin will host that digital museum on its platform. feel me?

>> No.10264462

every time Im tempted to buy I think about these obvious paid shills

>> No.10264465

In wasnt aware we had to do an english test before we can join in the discussion? But could you care to explain what 'pajeet tier english' means, its not in any disctionary that i know of.

>> No.10264477

Not in your dictionary cos you’re a pajeet or spic
Fuck off

>> No.10264484

no need to add any references to sexual intercourse. thank you.

>> No.10264504

What the fuck is wrong with being a spic? Eh? Be very glad you are hiding somewhere in a basement, or else i'de come kick your ass and feed it to the dogs in your courtyard

>> No.10264528

given it some thought, i would think that the present tradewar would sustain the value of 'non-combattant currencies'. since this tradewar is going to be global that means that any national currency is toxic. Meaning a bright future for BTC and SKY and the likes.

>> No.10264529

Spics detected.

>> No.10264548

>What the fuck is wrong with being a spic?
Nothing, I know plenty of halfcasts and ome of them are okay.

>> No.10264549


>> No.10264557


>> No.10264567

Im Mexican and I'll beat u up if I ever see your stupid gringo face in pubic

>> No.10264587

30 year old Mexican boomer here, holmes. We out here buying Tron and listening to daddy Yankee muchacho. Buy Tron mijo, many moon coming

>> No.10264599

nachos and tequilla to everyone just stop this shit already

>> No.10264603


>> No.10264623

Lots of merry cocks around here. Yes technically sky is better than btc. While there no way to compare their value, 3rd gen. Blocvchain based coins are the future. End of story

>> No.10264624

No one can claim to TBC and SKY aren't fun!

>> No.10264630

Biggest problem with Bitcoin is the POW consensus algorithm. All coin emission is paid to the miners in block rewards, the miners get transaction fees on top of this. The mechanics of mining favors pooling of hashpower and massive colocation of operations. What would have been decentralized is now dominated by groupthink under the threat of ostracism. The incentive system of POW mining forces miners to spam the network with transaction fees to create congestion and raise transaction costs for all users. Miners are also forced to block beneficial upgrades to the protocol when there is any threat to their business model. Miners who fail to adopt these destructive behaviors are cucks, and they will be naturally deselected. That being said, BTC is likely to reach a new high before we see its demise. Bitcoin has too many supporters incentivized to hide the truth. As in all cases where mass populations are concerned, the only way to learn is the hard way.

>> No.10264668

So the btc miners are eventually working towards their own demise.. is that what you are saying?

>> No.10264677

Gtfo fudsters

>> No.10264711

why has my new skycoin wallet taken a week to sync and is still not done?

>> No.10264722

Because you didn't trade in your Skycoin for a coin with a working wallet.

>> No.10264727

This is a stupid fucking idea and crypto and you guys are going to lose all your money.

>> No.10264744

Sure they are, a tale older than the hills. Demise is slowly achieved through the accrual of negative effects of behavior, the advancement of disease in the system. The most impressive displays of human motivation and creativity throughout history have always been achieved in the pursuit of spreading misery far and wide in order to postpone the inevitable.

>> No.10264853

PoW sucks. All manipulation and mining monopolies. Obelisk on the other hand is killing it because influence over the network is created through trust and nodes have their own blockchain and this assures a smooth behavior.

>>BTC is likely to reach a new high before we see its demise
DVAN is signaling positive indicators, a price surge at the horizon

It will be better for everyone if BTC is overwhelmed. I like your scenario, it wouldn't be nice if it will crash. Even if sky can succeed after a crash too but sky needs a big community with strong foundation of trust

>> No.10264878

This is the most Hispanic threat I've ever read.

>> No.10264890

Because you're either on 56k or you have a problem with your computer.

>> No.10265521

t. retard

>> No.10265878
File: 858 KB, 646x819, moonwhen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10266256

You should write a book synth senpai

>> No.10266938

This is Synth. I have spell check and can spell. The poster is not me.

>> No.10266974

98% of the altcoin market is just scams.

Skycoin is one of the four coins with software developers who are in it for the long term. The other coins are just scams to steal money from the public.

>> No.10266991

The real Synth starts ever sentence with "buy my pajeet coin". You're not the real Synth!