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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10262370 No.10262370 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss & add to this list of non-wagie ways to make money, whether it's passive income or creating other ways to earn money:

>Affiliate Marketing
>ATM's/Vending Machines
>Digital Marketing
>Parking lots

>> No.10262380
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I'll start with this, copied and pasted my post from a different thread:

I've been looking into how recruiting agencies operate, and it seems pretty profitable.

Let's say a company comes to me and wants to recruit a new employee who's salary will be $50k. I say okay, and I find the company a suitable candidate and charge the average recruiter's fee of 20%, translating to $10,000. It might take awhile to see this money, contingent on the newfound employee staying with the company for his first couple months, but the money is great, and everyone's looking to be a wedgie.

The goal would be to start a recruiting company specializing in a niche field, find companies to sign recruiting contracts with, and ultimately recruit a qualified candidate.

Not to get too far down the road, but my ideal is to have the company operate autonomously without me having to oversee and operate it.

Anyone have experience recruiting?

>> No.10263092


>> No.10263328

I love these thread,
Personally im down to get a discord and share ideas with peeps

>> No.10263430

Make one. But have no crypto discussion in it so it won't turn to shit

>> No.10263491

Friend's father did this. He had a cleaning company and just called any business with potential interest to see if they need anything. Finding personnel was easy, all the immigrants wanted work and could clean.

>> No.10263572

>Affiliate Marketing
Has anyone experience in Amazon affiliate marketing?

>> No.10263589

>high quality content for UE4 & Unity marketplaces. If 3D assets, they can be sold on Turbosquid etc. as well.

>> No.10263598

I just got a brand new powerful PC, and also have a 100mb internet connection (that's a fuck ton of internet around here), already have a job that pays the bills, food, rent, and some luxury, but I want to use the PC and internet to create a way of passive income for extra money. Do you have any ideas? I live in a 3rd world country, but not a shit one. Is it really profitable to start a blog and monetize it by placing ads? What else can I do? I have some design, photo/video editing skills and mild YouTube experience, but I don't have any ideas to implement. Can you give me some, or inspiration?

>> No.10263979


>> No.10264068


This is the worst Entrepreneurship ever because it isn't really scalable and I do the labour myself. It's more of a side hustle because I just do it on Saturday mornings for a bit of extra cash.
I do a bit of gardening for people on Saturday mornings. I mostly just mow the grass and sort out any weeds for them. Takes about 30 mins per house. I do like 3-4 per week. start at 9 done by 12. Puts an extra £2500-3000 per year in my back pokcet paid in cash.

>> No.10264154

someone pls make a discord

>> No.10264186

>The goal would be to start a recruiting company specializing in a niche field, find companies to sign recruiting contracts with, and ultimately recruit a qualified candidate.

So you mean like any generic HR contractor?

>my ideal is to have the company operate autonomously without me having to oversee and operate it.

So you read the Four Hour Workweek. Just hire some Indians to virtually manage everything!

>> No.10264194

there already is one you summerfag
discord gg/mVf7Ze

>> No.10264234
