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10255217 No.10255217 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW trading crypto is my full-time job
>TFW I get to say I'm self-employed to roasties
>TFW I make more than all my wagie friends
>TFW I'm not even a great trader but the crypto markets are retarded so it's easy
>TFW browsing /biz/ counts as working

Who else here /comfy/?

>> No.10255277

What's your strat?

>> No.10255313

good larping

>> No.10255351
File: 353 KB, 1057x1019, OPisAfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. That's going in my cringe compilation.

>> No.10255490

Literally scalping 1-2% trades. I take positions no greater than 10k and end up making ~100-300 bucks a day. I'm not rich by any means, but it's way more than anyone pays in my stupid underpaid country.

The hardest part is just not tilting when you mess up, I'm really tilty so idk, I'm struggling with that.

Why are you so hostile, frens?

>> No.10255538

Do you trade BTC? With leverage or without?

>> No.10255548

>making any money over the past 6 months

Nice joke

>> No.10255574

After an extremely lucky 10x with ORI I am 1% up over my ATH in January. Do something wild and hope for the best.

>> No.10255584

are you me, OP? i literally relate to this so hard

i also have more in savings than literally all my close friends combined, just from trading over the last year

i live with a few wagie friends and they've started to glare at me as they leave the house to go to their wagecuck jobs, while i sit on the couch with a beer/smoothie (depending on the time of day) scalping shitcoins on binance and browsing /biz/

there are more of us out there than you think!

>> No.10255594

How do you know which coins to scalp? Isn't it 50/50 on if it will go up again? Or do you look at moving averages and RSI(etc etc)

Appreciate the answer bro.

>> No.10255629
File: 78 KB, 1659x505, memetriangle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess if you call making $20 a day self employed.
You can't bullshit me anon.

>> No.10255636

kek, it's not a coin toss it's a sleigh ride dowwwwn... don't hold your breath waiting for OP's super system

>> No.10256034

dude I am comfy as fuck. From a dead broke uber driver last november to making more money in the last 6 months than i did in the last 5 years. Feels amazing.

>> No.10256080

is uber driving worth it? even if its to turn the shit fiat to crypto

>> No.10256221

Look, whatever you gotta do to get your starter capital is worth it. I had been trading off and on in my free time since last summer, learning how to do it from this dude name Quickfinger Luc on YouTube. The mindset of trading like this guy is so fucking easy and it actually works. So I wagecucked hard on Uber for basically 20 days straight for 12 hours per day and started trading full time in late November. I figured I'd give it a month and if I could make even $2,000 I would be making what I did in Uber but would not be depressed and hating myself. Worst case scenario I could go back to Uber. Worked 12 to 16 hours per day trading. I'd even wake up in the middle of sleeping if my alerts went off. It was addicting, I'll be honest. I made some friends who all slowly went full time as well and we all hunted for trades together. Still do. Check out this guy on YouTube. There's no TA bullshit, just price action trading. Also he's not selling a gay program and he doesn't want anything from you. If you want to learn how to trade safely and not use leverage and only take long positions, this is the guy. Plus when shit is crashing is the the best time to make money. Changed my life completely. Never going back to wagecucking ever again.

>> No.10256247

Hey OP I want to be you. How do I start? I don't want to be a wagekek anymore

>> No.10256453

Op here, on my phone.

I leverage up to 2x only to buy my way out of a bad trade, but not really, usually.

Literallu best job on the planet. <3

I look for coins that are moving. I mostly do eth cause its like a leveraged btc, but I made my first EOS trade this week and it was neat.

Literally start by paper trading just looking for rsi divergences. You notice a trend and just wait for it to be about to change, then take a position. I found that entry points are much more important than exit points. Especially for peace of mind.

I basically just copied what Philakone does, I'm just much worse than him at it.

I love you buddy.

>> No.10256481

>trading crypto
kek...yea im sure you are profitable in this choppy as fuck market.

>> No.10256512

so basically you're a slave to the charts and candles instead of mr. shekelstein, glued 10 hrs a day to your chair and laptop...

>> No.10256682

Yeah, but I like it, it's fun. Also instead of pretending to work like I would in an office I get to play music and video games or whatever. Also I get to go to brunch a lot, which is lovely.

>> No.10256704

>making money
>in crypto
nice larp

>> No.10256712

OP here on my IPad. I’m a faggot.

>> No.10256722
File: 210 KB, 1920x1080, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP look into cryptofacilities and bitmex. you can take those size positions for only 1/50th the capital requirements and you can dial in your desired risk from there.

It's perfect for your strategy, check it out. It should move your practical risk down to almost zero.

protip: vpn

>> No.10256726

>OP forgets to mention his losses
come on man. I used to do exactly what you're doing. In this market it's so much harder. you can make 300 a day but one trade can wipe out your entire week's profits. there's nothing to brag about here.

>> No.10256877

>t. bitmex nigger trying to lure another sucker into his scam exchange

>> No.10256890

what do you use to cash out?

>> No.10256909

Based. But you must have had a dinky portfolio

>> No.10256926

You must use stop losses then donyiu mate?

Please explain this to the Norman's

>> No.10257048

Thanks man, I'll look into it. I'm really bad at changing the way I do things once I'm used to is, but it sounds like it's totally worth looking into.

That happened to me once a couple of months ago. Taught me to stick to my stop-losses. It's hard, but you gotta cut off the trade on its way down .-.

>> No.10257101
File: 20 KB, 310x232, relaxguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer cryptofacilities. their mobile support is dogshit but their GUI is so much easier on the eyes and the reduced volume is sometimes beneficial for that extra 1.5% on a short.

>> No.10257240

This. I've made more than 1k so far this week playing small changes.

>> No.10257285

stop loss is easy mate.

> 1) set an arbitrary risk limit per trade
like 1% of your $1,000 bankroll

> 2) determine volatility of the asset you're trading, as in the 24hr ATR of the last 10 days.
2% for this example.

3) size your position and take the trade.
if the coin is $1 per unit
and the volatility is $0.02 (2%)
and your risk limit is $10 (1% of $1,000)

then your position size should be 500 coins, and your stop-loss set to $0.98 (Entry Price $1 minus 2% expected volatility)
If you stick to your stop, your losses are limited to $10.

This is a simplified example but hopefully it'll shine some light for newbs

>> No.10257309

you risk 10k for a 1% gain?

>> No.10257367

no no, see

he's risking like $20 to gain $100... if he's doing it right. so even if you fuck-up 2 out of 3 times you're still making a profit.

>> No.10257477

I'm in Mexico atm so I use Bitso. I honestly have no idea for the rest of the world.

This is me.

And this is also clearly me.

No. Think about it. If you mess up a trade you don't go straight to 0.