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File: 33 KB, 655x430, Jibrel_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10254766 No.10254766 [Reply] [Original]

Tokenization of assets is literally one the 3 biggest use cases for blockchain. Which project tackles this new paradigm besides Jibrel Network?

>> No.10255073

Good question.

Nobody can answer it.

My bets on JNT, not like I know of any others.

>> No.10255250

I was hoping I could diversify.

>> No.10255275

Jnt has the first mover advantage and even if there is some other good project, there is no reason that they can't coexist. But tokenizing is the next step in crypto that's for sure

>> No.10255283

Maker DAO maybe? I'm not 100% certain on that. I think there are a few that aim to tokenize assets, but none that are anywhere near as far along as Jibrel.

I agree though that tokenization of traditional assets will be one of the big areas crypto can really excel.

>> No.10255301

how would one tokenize an asset? what are the assets being tokenized? why is it a new paradigm? lol

>> No.10255315

LOL ur so fukin stupid just buy JNT its free money you idiot its such a big deal

>> No.10255321

Read some of the jibrel medium posts.

>> No.10255329

>spoonfeed me
Sure is summer here.

>> No.10255384

I'm really surprised this shit is still in the fucking gutter, but then again I fomo'd in with my life savings at $.70. I've been buying all the way down but it really fucking hurts knowing I could have a 10x more JNT if I would have waited.

It won't really matter if they succeed in creating a decentralized autonomous bank but that will be a really long way off given that they can't create a wallet and are doing scammy shit like flashing that tweet then deleting it.

>> No.10255391

So others may not answer your question but I will.

If you can tokenize an asset you can do several things like make a non liquid asset now have liquidity. You can perform arbitrage with assets quickly and with assets that are physical.

These are just two examples of what can be done with asset tokenization. Financial institutions will love it because it's a way for them to be more liquid primarily.

>> No.10255582

It's not really scammy since they didn't try to pump the price with it (when you see an announcement pump the price, it's in almost 100% cases market makers doing pump & dump, JNT has no market makers, for better or for worse). Simply a slight incompetence in their PR. My guess is that they planned to announce the partnership they alluded to before, but changed their mind for some reason. They mentioned getting angry calls from their partners in the past.

>> No.10255663

It literally said Jwallet right around the corner but now it's been pushed back 6 months.

Literally Justin Sun tier chicanery. Make the fucking new website and wallet already. I could have done that shit myself in this amount of time.

>> No.10255753

TRON - copy paste of ETH, mostly hype and marketing. Follow their twitter, you will see what I mean - at least 5-10 tweets a day about random crap that isn't useful.

JNT - Original idea, no hype or marketing. Obtained the licensing to operate in a bunch of regions / countries for varying types of financial assets.

Big difference between the two. People always seem to complain about little shit like a wallet? Why would I want the wallet now when they haven't even released a beta of their tokenization platform..?

They could have released some half assed wallet and site months back, but why? Is it to appeal to mouth breathers like yourself or the ones in TG?
Tokenization trials begin in Q3 allegedly, that is what one should be looking out for ($5M and $10M). Could care less about wallet dev.

>> No.10255757

Seriously. Why aren't stocks turned into cryptos? I'd much rather have a stock that I can own and transfer myself and be in control. Not sure the regulators want that so it probably won't happen, but it could be amazing. Any type of asset where you need documentation can be thrown on a blockchain, including deeds to property, wills, all kinds of shit.

>> No.10255838

Like I said before, I'm all in on this shit with my life's savings and am not going to sell, probably ever. If this shit works out it'll be the safest money in the whole crypto space.

I really like the no hype appproach, which is why the tweet situation rubs me the wrong way. I literally don't give a fuck about the wallet, but the fact that they announce it but fail to deliver it is what upsets me. These niggers literally get face time with central banks but can't deliver a fucking wallet?

Again, the wallet itself is incosequential. What matters is their inability to deliver. I have a real hard time believing that this thing will be live in Q4 if they can't deliver anything on the development side.

They're not doing stocks. They have a medium post as to why. Commodities would be enough for me and precious metals on the blockchain would be a superior to physical precious metals in most instances.

>> No.10255878

I see your side. My apologies didn't see you were the live savings guy - your not a mouth breather.

Sometimes it is hard to measure success, especially with something like this. There are many things going on behind the curtains that we do not know of.

With any project, I can expect delays. They have realized this and have attempted to make more realistic deadlines for themselves.

In any case, only time will tell. All I know is $0.14 is super cheap, I want to pick up some more.

Almost want to see bitcoin dump further so JNT can hit the <$0.1 mark. Ideally $0.05.

>> No.10255884

>Not sure the regulators want that
They don't, which is why Jibrel works on smart regulations. So no, you wouldn't be able to send your Tesla shares to ISIS, but you'd be the owner of the shares.
>They're not doing stocks.
For now.

>> No.10255897

Does anyone know if Kucoin is now KYC/AML? I want to buy some more but I don't want to get hassled with withdrawing it to a cold wallet.

>> No.10255914

Kucoin has no liquidity. Use Bibox.

>> No.10255917

It hit .09 the other day. I wish I had more to throw at it right now, but I'm pretty much maxed out on JNT already. Holy shit though, wish I saw this dip coming.

>> No.10255923

I tried to sign up for an account on there and it kept fucking up. I guess I can try again. Does Bibox do KYC/AML?

>> No.10255933

I still believe that we'll make it but I expect more stomach churning bumps in the road than when I bought in.

Go read the medium post on the subject. They think securities on the blockchain is a stupid idea and provide sound reasoning as to why-- mostly because of they can compete with the speed of HFT and transparency isn't desirable, but it's been months since I read it.

>> No.10255934

There are a few

>> No.10255957

Thing is, we specifically would like to see coins that are almost entirely about asset tokenization.

JNT is 100% this, whereas other coins / tokens may have one small piece that relates to this.

>> No.10255996

Bibox does not do KYC/AML and it has the most volume.

>> No.10256024

Signed up. Thanks man.

>> No.10256069

XLM brainlet

>> No.10256074

Why do I have to wait 6 days on coinbase to be able to send out? I have done this before and it was instant.

>> No.10256099

You didn't buy with a debit card. You bought with an ACH transfer. Now you get to sit for a week while the price crashes.

>> No.10256161

>mostly because of they can compete with the speed of HFT
I know what HFT is, but I'm not sure what do you mean by this.
Privacy can be implemented.

>> No.10256166

I'm fucking done with coinbase. Last time I moved fiat in they put a 3 day hold on withdraw...funds were locked in a withdraw for 3 fucking days! The reasoning was "to ensure security"...wtf is that? what 2fa and the text conformation link were for ensuring security.

>> No.10256231
File: 105 KB, 768x569, 27xp-afghan-master768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>according to Muslim belief, God revealed the Quran to the Islamic prophet Muhammad through the angel Ǧibrīl...

kek, no red flags here, no siree...

>> No.10256265

You know how rich the MENA is?

>> No.10256339
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1511053900075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Bitshares has had tokenized currencies for ages but you faggots think that a few scammels found out some ground breaking paradigm lmao
those idiots are total amateurs, they promised jcash right after the ico and now all of a sudden they find out that they need to recreate half of ethereum's infrastructure and onchainsolvency doesn't work because if it did Carlos Matos would have a Noble prize by now

Have fun holding this scam
>muh don tapscott
>muh CZ on the coference
>muh sheikhs

None of them give a single fuck about your tokens. Suck a fat one scammeled losers!

>> No.10256346

My concern is whether a tokenization that threatens to replace several layers of Jewry has much of a future. Is the age of SWIFT banking over? Regulators will have fun with this.

>> No.10256379


Try again.

>> No.10256971
File: 20 KB, 811x142, ↓ 0-00002291 JNT-BTC - Bibox-AI enhanced encrypted digital asset exchange Enters 2-0 Era 7-13-2018 9-44-21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Bibox mean by this?

>> No.10257650

Jnt has the first mover advantage and even if there is some other good project, there is no reason that they can't coexist. But tokenizing is the next step in crypto that's for sure

>> No.10257702

That's why it is currently trading nearly half of ICO price? Okok. Keep telling that to yourself every single day :^)

>> No.10257705

>Noble prize

Thanks for your input.

>> No.10257853

I have to put in my passport and shit on bibox too? jfc

>> No.10257867


>> No.10257983
File: 32 KB, 100x100, jibrel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wa'alaykum as-salām infidels may the father of small smells bless you.The honey only sticks to the mustache of the one who licked it. Jibrel is the sweetest honey, sweeter than the dew on a desert chubby boys face at sunrise. Repent infidel, do not judge the fatman as appetite furnishes the best sauce. Think infidel think of the going out before you enter we rise as angels in the desert sky soon be patient and you will get what what you want whether camel, fat goat or desert chubby boy patience patience abu buy buy special special price ilā al-liqā'

>> No.10258018


>> No.10258027

This is one of the top priorities of Veritaseum, they had their ico in April 2017. Has patents, MOUs, partnerships going. I hold a modest bag, if they succeed, you do not need much to make it. Biz sucks.

>> No.10258036

>Financial institutions will love it because it's a way for them to be more liquid primarily
agreed but they wont use this sand nigger coin to do it: https://coinstelegram.com/2018/06/03/fusion-fsn-has-secured-123-billion-in-financial-assets-on-its-revolutionary-cryptofinancial-platform/

>> No.10258092

No, they only do a small portion towards tokenized assets.

Interesting, need to look into it. I like jibrel however, we will see.

Literally never heard of it and it has a higher market cap than JNT lol.

>> No.10258101


>Chink coin
Pick one

>> No.10258201


Swarm Fund is already doing this. They're way ahead of Jibrel.

>> No.10258237

>Swarm Fund
>way ahead

>> No.10258379

oh you're one of those retarded china hustle fags huh? no wonder you're holding JNT kek have fun being poor

>> No.10258405

I take it you have never worked with the Chinese? These are the most slimy, shady, nasty "business" "people" you will ever meet. Not only that but the vast majority of the time their technical people have no idea what they're doing and can only copy; never create.

-t. worked with a Chinese manufacturer for four years

>> No.10258508

I'm not saying they are trustworthy people. Before I invest in anything chink I look twice as close. I'm saying its retarded to lump all chinese into one basket because you watched some propaganda "documentary" like you and all the other neanderthals on this board. DJ Qian is a boss and he will make this project succeed, I have no doubt.

>> No.10258527


>> No.10258555

issa hotdo, no hotdoo

>> No.10258598

Look, I hope your investment works out for you, but my dealings with the Chinese for years tells me anything China related is bound to be bad news. Good luck.

>> No.10258658
File: 34 KB, 962x187, Veritaseum -VERI- price- charts- market cap- and other metrics - CoinMarketCap 7-14-2018 12-12-48 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, just bought 100k.

>> No.10258674
File: 56 KB, 380x285, durka durka copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jihadi Coin is being taken seriously? Wew, lads

>> No.10258675

>china is bad
>gives all his money to a 25 year old saudi