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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1024807 No.1024807 [Reply] [Original]

What does /biz/ think of The Art of the Deal? Is it as good as /pol/ makes it out to be?

>> No.1024813

Never read it.

Just want to say trump is really good at word play to convince people.

80% of his words are one syllable, less complex, comes across as smooth and not unnecessarily elitist

He always ends his sentences on a key word, even if it means the way he starts his sentence is a little bit weird e.g problem, disaster, solution, wall,

He doesn't prepare speeches at his rallies, so that way he seems natural and honest because it wasn't spewed out by an assistant

He also shows great amounts of ruthlessness so that way others fear him and give in.

He is really a smart guy, he may come across as stupid initially, but, if we look deeper we can see that he is doing everything intentionally.

He also takes the most exteme position without breaking a law, so that way he can remain in the news cycle 24/7 getting free publicity

>> No.1024831

Cool, I watched the same video too

>> No.1024849

Yeah. It was a good video.

>> No.1024861

what video

>> No.1024863

I think this is the one:

>> No.1024875

I've listened to a small bit of it, seems alright. My boss has read the whole thing and says it's a must read for an business man. It's considered a business classic. Whether you want him to be president or not, when it comes to money, you have to admit that Trump is of genius Einstein level intelligence (156 Estimated)

>> No.1024893

read this

>> No.1024894

156 is his actual IQ

>> No.1024896

It's a little old, but for the visually inclined:

>> No.1024902


>> No.1025023


>> No.1025030

Can someone give me a gist of Art of the Deal? I've seen this book flying around here and there, and it seems like a very interesting book

>> No.1025584

Donald Trump literally explains that he's doing this in Crippled America as well. I guess he counted on his base not reading books.

>> No.1025589

Nothing is as good or as bad as /pol/ makes it out to be.

>Source: /pol/ regular

>> No.1025807

I actually did complete reading Crippled America before moving on to The Art of the Deal
t. Reddit

>> No.1026525

My father gave me this book when I was 12.

>> No.1026604

>Hi guise I saw 7 minute YouTube video that show me this
>YouTube tells me that trump does this to pander to his supporters
>therefore trump supporters are stupid meme

Fagit, Trump will beat Hillary and make AMERICA great again.

>> No.1026629
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How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.1026657

I can't take Trump seriously. His father had a real estate empire. He got rich by inheriting real estate. He would probably be richer if he left the money in a bank and lived of the interest.

>> No.1026684


also good.

>> No.1026688

we at /biz/ have proven this false many times over.
He could have had similar wealth, but not a similar lifestyle.

>> No.1027711

actually, i am a trump supporter.

I never said or implied his supporters were stupid, i was just admiring his social intelligence. So what if I learned it from a youtube video? It's interesting.

>> No.1027726

On top of that, by the time he received his inheritance he had already made his own millions with nothing but a loan from his father (which he paid back)

>> No.1027728

helloooo reddit

>> No.1027747


>he got rich by inheriting real estate

Come on now, this has been disproved for months.

>> No.1027772


>> No.1027810

I could make millions too if someone gave me a 10 million loan