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10247748 No.10247748 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10247755

none. buy btc and monero you retard

>> No.10247761

nipped, gooked, or chinked?

>> No.10247772


>> No.10247793

Definitely AION.

>> No.10247795

Aion is run by a board member of the Ethereum foundation. Icx is to focused on south korea. Wan is just a china copy coin

>> No.10247901

None, they are all MASSIVELY over valued holding any coin thats valued over 30 mill is in a bubble and arguably so is anything over 5 million.

>> No.10248006

the guys that are telling you not to buy aion because muh trs are accumulating

>> No.10248067



>> No.10248120

I own only AION among the three

>> No.10248125

aion and wan are both eth forks with some nice marketing and a bit of muh interoperabilty code. Actually, it's the same guy who did the marketing for both ICOs, BENN GODENZI now at cryptocurve. He even made that alliance bullshit.
Icon should be pretty clear (it's a shitcoin).

>> No.10248168

Aion reaching 10% value of total crypto MarketCap within next 2 to 3 years is not far fetched when you consider current Market shares:

Ethereum: 20%
Ripple: 8%
EOS: 5%

Aion is all these 3 things at same time:
1. Dapp platform with it own VM (Like Ethereum & NEO)
2. Router that interconnects heterogeneous networks
3. Framework for Spoke chains that can scale infinitely to achieve Unlimited TPS

>> No.10248177

Sounds like deluded link shills.

>> No.10248197

Sounds like you’re a salty poor fag with negligible intellegence.

>> No.10248230

Lmao. You're just saying whatever pajeeta tells you to.
10% of the market in the future when new projects get pumped out every minute? You're deluded and only focused on your shitcoin.

>> No.10248316

You’d soon change your tune if you did more than 5 minutes of research into Aion. If it’s not something you hold within your portfolio then I feel sorry that you’ve been pajeeted. Dyor.

>> No.10248327

Holding 10k, hoping to make it anon

>> No.10248333


>> No.10248401

Kek. It's the same as the "asic resistant meme coins"

Why not look at vtc, feather coin, and Grostlecoin to see what will happen.

>> No.10248460

How heavy are those bags? lol

>> No.10249154

ICX shit is way overhyped by ppl who bought at ico, trying to dump their bags

>> No.10249470

You know your shit, thanks for the lead on this Benn Godenzi fellow. Now I know to avoid any project that has anything to do with him. Lol good looking out.

>> No.10249494


>> No.10249702

>incomprehensible to laymen pajeet

>> No.10250190

Vitalik is an advisor to NUCO, parent company of AION

>> No.10250209

So what? he is an advisor to OMG and they're shit. And he openly shills them too.

All three of these are shit. I own a lot of ICON and it is just suffering. Don't buy that. I'd say go with AION as Matt is an intelligent guy but that project has no crypto hype

>> No.10250218

ICX basically owned by Dayli FInancial, no one in crypto has backing this powerful.

>> No.10250219

icx and wan are way over their ico price, so people can dump whenever they want

AION has found its bottom and it's pretty close to ICO price for the non-TRS holders. TRS holders aren't that many and they'll stop getting the TRS soon anyways

i'd consider it the best one from the 3 solely for this reason for the time being. it's a nice project too

>> No.10250311

OMG is a very ambitious long term project, it wont moon overnight. Ya, matt spoke is very smart guy with business needs in mind as well, just not tech

>> No.10250520

But the trs ends november

>> No.10251426

anyone who does not hold a considerable amout of WAN will bot make it. this is a fact.

>> No.10251564

OMG isn't shit and neither is AION.

Grow a brain.