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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10246796 No.10246796 [Reply] [Original]

My own business is taking off and I just dropped out of college. Should I:
>stay in small college town
>wait for (serious) girlfriend to finish in two years, live below my means
>grow my business slower
buthave a better quality of life


>leave now
>ruin all of my previous relationships
>go long distance with my girlfriend, which will almost certainly end in failure
>be completely alone in another city with a bigger business community where I can network further, potentially increasing my monthly revenue three or fourfold
but have a terrible quality of life

>> No.10246822

also keep in mind im extremely young

>> No.10246828

Are you seriously asking /biz/ for business advice? lmao

>> No.10246866

do whatever man

>> No.10246874

well yes

>> No.10246884

if you would be making 3 or 4 times the money you are now in a big city then it would be a no brainer to move. but i doubt youre making that much so 3x current business would hopefully cover rent and food haha.

>> No.10246892

go out of town, have your business fail, and return with crippling debt

>> No.10246907


>> No.10246909

Follow the money. Unless she means that much to you and you want to marry her, if you cant imagine yourself that, go for the money. She will respect you for that, as women like ambition, success, security and wealth. She might understand and come with you. Thats what I did.

But really, its up to you.

>> No.10246912

second option
You'll never grow and learn in life if you don't cut ties and get out of your comfort zone.

>> No.10246919

sounds like a good idea anon.
well it's subscription based, right now I have 750ish subscribers, and with the proper promotion that I could get from larger companies in another area(where I'd also be more focused), I could easily triple that number.

>> No.10246922
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holy shit it's really not something you need random internet strangers advice on friend

do you consider the money in the city to be worth all the social stuff you'd be giving up?

answer and act accordingly and do not look back upon it

>> No.10246931

>She might understand and come with you.
She already understands, I mean hell I dropped out of college for this, if that doesn't take ambition and determination I don't know what does.

>> No.10247031

Is the pic your gf?

>> No.10247069

What business you have?

>> No.10247097

you are that SaaS guy. just fuck off already

>> No.10247136

nah but OP pic's vsco is reagancarlson
I'm not the guy from the entrepreneur thread

>> No.10247159

I'm a shit at business, but I have lived a happy life. When I look back if I were you I would always choose the first option. If your relationship fails you can always try to move on and move to another place to start from scratch.

Also important. University is a meme, but the contacts network you can create there is very valuable from a business perspective.

>> No.10247160

who gives a shit do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.10247165

This is a no-brainer. You move to the new city and leave everything behind.
Your sole job as director of a business is to make profits above and beyond what can be made anywhere else. You need to think in these terms.
What is it that separates you from profit? Define it, then eliminate it.
>Your previous relationships
What benefit do you receive from them? What costs will be incurred upon termination? From the sounds of it, they don't seem to offer much value to you.
>Go long distance with my GF
Forget about it because this won't work and I'll tell you why. You'd both be wasting valuable time, especially you. The stress incurred and the emotional setbacks will knock you off your game and prevent you from achieving your prime directive: to make profit. Dump her now, endure some slight pain, then move forward.
>be completely alone blah blah blah
Yeah this is a moot point unless you're some loser that still has time to engage in anything other than your prime directive, which I remind you yet again is to make profits. Technically, you strive to achieve the highest economic rents, but whatever.
Perfect age to take risks.

Like I said, OP: This is a no-brainer. Option 2 is the most profitable, and hence the only viable one.
Of course, if you wish to truly prove it to yourself, just discern what benefits either option provides, then assign a utility point to each one. Tally the totals and you'll have your answer.

>> No.10247176

Go to the bigger city. It will be worth it. You're too young to wait for her and you will both decide if it's worth it to stay together. Let her down very gently.

>> No.10247205

>(serious) girlfriend

>> No.10247210

Go the business route, but not -because- of the money. You'll have more money when you're older, money is a meme, do it to elevate yourself (you get more money from that as a side effect too)

>> No.10247247
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Go to a big city you won't regret it, people come and go but some opportunities only present themselves once in a lifetime. That being said, don't let money consume you, money is but an instrument of happiness and in the grand scheme of things, the only currency you will be kicking yourself over is time not well spent.

>> No.10247264
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aight, you lads convinced me. breaking my lease tomorrow and dropping the news tonight

wish me luck boys

>> No.10247274

(as in picking option b)

>> No.10247821

hi op.

I actually had this same situation a few months ago. For me it was go overseas, leave it all behind, get the training and work as a software dev (I'm halfway through degree) or stay here. Here and struggle on with the degree, stay with the GF and friends around. In the end I decided to go and leave to follow the money. But at the last minute I couldn't bear to leave my GF. She's such a sweetheart and everything is just top notch between us. Such a keeper.

Now I sometimes regret not going, as I struggle on with my degree failing half my papers in a 2nd world country instead of some rich EU country. What held me back most was fear. I was seriously worried I'd get depressed if I left it all behind. I've had a few year bout of it in the past and didn't want to go back there.. if I could go back and take the chance, I probably would but I don't know how things would have gone, culture shock, probably depression too..

OP I don't think either are bad decisions. The bottom line is you need to do what YOU think is right for you. There's more to life than money. Others here can help shine light on the matter in different angles to give perspective but in the end, YOU need to make the decision. You need to be at peace with yourself over it.

Also recognize that this is a massive decision and that it is hard. Its ok to be a bit distraught over it. I know I sure was.

No one here will have enough background knowledge about your situation OP, to really give a well rounded opinion. You will know best. Good luck, keep us posted.

>> No.10247861

I don't know what your business is, but I'm a big fan of slow and steady. I've watched some companies grow too fast. Everything is just falling apart at the seams. Shipping is behind, product quality is waayy down. Errors are being made, its not a good look. I think they'll pull through in the end but its taking its toll on the dude at the head of it all.

>> No.10247872

This girl is kyoot.

>> No.10247881

Long distance relationships don't work. You may as well end it if you're going to move away. And coming from a 34 year old, making life decisions around women is a mistake

>> No.10247930

RIP me and my decision...

>> No.10247960

do you really need to leave your town? what if you shill it online (ads, /biz/, news.ycombinator.com, fb, craigslist, etc)?

>> No.10247984

This. A girlfriend who is in college is not worth it. Who knows what she will want to do when she graduates in two years. She might say she will do xyz and stay with you, but once you graduate and move to the city and the real world, that all changes. You can find another GF in the city as long as you are social and around other people or don't mind shallow swipe dating bullshit.

>> No.10247995

Cost of living is going to increase considerable if you move to the city, so your 3-4x projections are probably skewed. Still, I think you'll find it a valuable experience to step outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Big city is a clean slate.

>> No.10248002

Oh yes, because all the best business relationships and opportunities come from Craigslist and ycombinator. You are the ultimate cuck. Go back to Ebaums World.

>> No.10248016

those might not be the best example but it is worth considering an option C.

>> No.10248024

OP hasn't said a thing about his business. all we know is that he wants more clients, and that he believes he'll find them elsewhere, nothing more. you can't assume anything from that point, which is why I offered some options.

>> No.10248027

This also isn't true. It depends on the city. I live in Chicago in a friendly, safe, and comfy neighborhood in a decent sized studio with a lot of windows and birds out the window for $400. Utilities are $90 more. Food comes from NEET bucks. I bike everywhere and you don't need a car in the city. My expenses, including eating out a few times a week and buying random shit only total about $870 a month and I could knock that to $770 easy by cutting out restaurant food and coffee shops more.

>> No.10248045

>Oh yes, because all the best business relationships and opportunities come from Craigslist and ycombinator.
>You are the ultimate cuck. Go back to Ebaums World.
>Food comes from NEET bucks
/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.10248084

Dude, what 400$ rent in Chicago? And it's a safe neighborhood? You must be living in the suburbs b, rent here in the city is at least 600$ and thats for a shitbox jo.

>> No.10248103

Boomers took all the wealth of a post WWII USA economy and tech boom and turned it into suburbs and Walmart. Now we support them with subsidies through social security taxes we will never see. If the government wants to give me that tax money back in the form of NEET bux, why wouldn't I take it?

>> No.10248116

How do you know you your quality of life will be terrible in the other city? It probably won't. You'll make new friends (unless you're really autistic). It's hard to answer this question imo.. It depends on how much you love your gf, how likely it is that you will stay with her for life, how much you value succes etc.

>> No.10248117

that's not what I'm highlighting..

>> No.10248138
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why can't we discuss this 10/10 in a /biz/ context, i.e. how much do i need to earn to get her

>> No.10248144

You do what is best for you. When your ship comes in, you better jump on that motherfucker.

>> No.10248159
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>> No.10248237

I have a similar but more extreme dilemma

thinking about going for the money desu

>> No.10248259

If you’re going to marry her pick 1, if not pick 2.

>> No.10248262

anyone else seeing this sick backyard setup?

>> No.10248270
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idk but I have every pic of her, she follows me on insta

>> No.10248284

I'm highly considering it, just way to young at this point

she already followed me from high school to college

>> No.10248470
File: 75 KB, 454x600, 1342701490636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell the girl to take a year off from school and go with you and get in some school down there to finish.
Just float the idea and try to read her.
If i had to pick though I'd stay, you got a lot of life left to leave everybody behind.

>> No.10248488

nice stomach considering her arms are that big

>> No.10248539

jealous much?

>> No.10248577

no just surprised. if i didnt see her in the swimsuit I would have said bitch needs to lose 10 lbs and would be a dime.

>> No.10248645


Option 3.
>Stay in college town
>keep young gf that you may marry (if she's in the right part of the crazy/hot matrix).
>Frequently travel/drive into the larger town to network and get opportunities
>avoid paying higher cost of living, helping you grow.

>> No.10249527
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Stay with your girl, worship her

>> No.10250156

if that is the case I'm sure you guys can make it work long distance. She could come stay in semester breaks, maybe travel down on a long weekend if its not too far? If you're thinking of marrying the girl, don't give up on that imo. Its something special and precious imo.. yea career is important too but I dunno man.

>> No.10250199

OP I know a dude who works about 16hrs drive away from his girl. He works 32hrs in 3 days, then fly's back down to spend time with his girl, do other things as well, then flies back up for 3 days.

monday: catches plane early, on the job at 7am.
tuesday: sleeps in his car in the parking lot. showers in the work toilet/shower space
wednesday: works his but off, later that night catches a flight home, spends the rest of his week with his chick working from home when he can. I've told him don't go too hard or you'll burn out but it seems to work for him. He's been doing it for some time. You could have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.10250258
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Buy lots of Litecoin. Wait six months. Get married. Crypto profit beyond wildest imagination. Retire at your new estate.

>> No.10250292

if you can, stay in your town, rent a small & cheap/shared place, work there and come back when you want to

>> No.10250350

You people and your obsession with women. Go chase your dreams, make it big and you'll forget about her in a week. Plenty of fish in the sea.

>> No.10250390

I guess you never had a gf that you really loved bro. Takes longer than that to get over someone, especially a relationship of a few years.

>> No.10250412

Sure bro, sacrifice your dreams for some roastie that will divorce you a couple of decades and take half your shit. Nothing lasts forever, get your head out your ass. If right now you're on a roll, and you think you can make it, pursue that.

>> No.10250996

leave and don't look back, no matter how hard it is

>> No.10251036

My gf isn't of that temperament. I know I'll never have to worry about being treated unfairly.

>> No.10251372

If you think you will still have a competitive edge in two years, stay and grow your business sustainably. Money can't replace quality of life. Don't listen to the anons sho have never been closer to a woman than through their screen. They dont get it. Also, Internet gives you enough opportunity it to network and expand without your physical presence.

>> No.10251380

if you listen to biz you will be poor in 3 years. get out while you still have money

>> No.10251392

You are fucked up, good luck though

>> No.10251423

Good for you, but don't count on it. You need to take care of your business first so you can be independent from possible fluctuations on her side of the deal.

>> No.10251473

How are you getting it "back" if you haven't paid it. Your getting other peoples tax money. 2/3 of our taxes go to parasites like you.

>> No.10251649

Post them all, anon.

>> No.10251672

Move away if you think your business will actually succeed long-term.
Chances are you won't end up spending the rest of your life with your girlfriend, so don't sacrifice opportunities for her.

>> No.10251686

I had this gut reaction. I have no idea what your plan and model look like, but take the move if you are 99.9% confident. Your indecisiveness makes it seem like you are not. >>10246909 is a good note, especially if you wanted to get married yesterday. Best of luck

>> No.10251915

well that's right. But there is also a chance that OP knows he's got the girl he wants to spend many years to come with. Many are quick to dismiss his partner. The right partner can be a great strength in life.

>> No.10251935

move, puzzy.

>> No.10252417

actual good advice on biz, wtf?

>> No.10252443

Look up Lena Paul