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File: 121 KB, 1200x800, 466110195.jpg.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10245957 No.10245957 [Reply] [Original]

Pizza Bigot edition
Popular brokers for stock trading:

>commission free and no minimum to open

> How is it free?
Robinhood earns revenue by collecting interest on cash/securities and fees from their Robinhood Gold service

Interactive Brokers
>$1 commission per 100 shares. $10k minimum to open, $3k if 25 or under. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:

Previous thread:>>10243078

>> No.10245963
File: 64 KB, 352x320, DRINKRELISH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first for no drink relish

>> No.10245981

When did we switch back to the incorrect IB info?

>> No.10245982

GREEEEEEEN ID GET means dow jumps 2 percent tomorrow

anything else we flat

>> No.10245985
File: 55 KB, 256x250, 7yx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wasnt tampered with
you did it yourself

>> No.10245986

You are such a faggot, you deserve whatever you are suffering from for larping as a girl online.

Also where the fuck is Ratsuchan?

>> No.10245989

What's wrong with it?

>> No.10245993
File: 267 KB, 1061x1792, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

petrol products are tariffed
what buy

>> No.10246003

nothing wrong with Rats!

>> No.10246009

buy shares of Damnit Bobby (DBY) nao

>> No.10246010

Commission should be $0.005/share, $1 minimum.

>> No.10246011

Ratsuchan-poster and Nicky are the same person right? He's right above you!

>> No.10246012

tits or gtfo

>> No.10246014

Ty grim <3

Also market plz crash tomorrow

>> No.10246016

I have been drawing hentai of his stupid waifu and I have been waiting for him to post on here again so I can show him what a slut she is.

>> No.10246019
File: 169 KB, 915x799, tariff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody wrote all this
and the paper section...

>> No.10246023

Are you long or short corn?

>> No.10246031
File: 55 KB, 482x638, hew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse moi

>> No.10246034

sbux continues to disappoint me
expecting good stuff from Wal-Mart quarterly report. selling in the meantime
gpro up by 1.7% tomorrow
going long on IBM
holding BABA

>> No.10246036
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>> No.10246052

what tickers domestically produce industrial chemicals because it seems literally everything is on the tariff list

>> No.10246053

Hanging in with LTBR and UXIN, same old song and dance

>> No.10246056

wheat my dude. wheat

>> No.10246070
File: 37 KB, 720x960, 36732391_2155758814438226_3250968726115188736_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, right now I only have this pic of this sketch I did this earlier while I was drunk with the lightest shade graphite I had. I will detail it some more and work on Shreck's face and make it more anime style. I will eventually create a doujin where she gets turned up and Shrecked out like an onion.

>> No.10246078

i got in LTBR and then sold most of it, whats with it? are they a clean company? anything supposed to be coming up?

>> No.10246081

did anyone else cover their oil shorts today?
im thinking it will rebound for a day or so maybe, so i took my delicious gains from shorting from the top off the table

>> No.10246085

Hmm... off the top of my head I'd say Dow, DuPont, Procter & Gamble....

>> No.10246090

Damn, this pic was before I added the tail even...

>> No.10246102
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>> No.10246103


>> No.10246108
File: 96 KB, 502x417, 1364753053191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomorrow is Friday the thirteenth

>> No.10246123

What are you holding man?

>> No.10246126
File: 94 KB, 391x369, ratsukunfate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ratsu-chan fell for bulltrap
but for love of god

please post the Ratsuchan hentai
me need this so badly

Honestly me not know any about Corn
been trying to wrap head around Corn, Meat, and Sugar for awhile now
Commodities are hard and very competitive....

but if you must answer, long corn, it look like it bottomed out on last years low

>> No.10246127

Yes, I told you this was going to happen. Just accept Ratsuchan as the slut she is.

>> No.10246129



>> No.10246149
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>> No.10246148
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>> No.10246152

I promise to deliver more in the future.

>> No.10246154
File: 31 KB, 249x838, chrome_2018-07-12_14-26-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world's worst portfolio. I'll probably redo everything in a month. I've only been red because of some bad BABA puts I got wayyy to greedy on.

>> No.10246159
File: 184 KB, 800x600, 26ad088da4b2adac28c71e54e840682f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh wtf sorry I totally ment to post this picture
promised not to post any more vore stuff >_>

>> No.10246171
File: 486 KB, 822x650, rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10246174

you're never gonna get anywhere with your money spread so thinly

>> No.10246181

Snap to 20 :(

>> No.10246189

she could easily slide over to that cheese

>> No.10246190
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x720, 1477991337080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about putting half my stack in BABA, MSFT, and FB. And just using the rest for short term stuff
I sure hope not

>> No.10246191

he's obviously a newb

>> No.10246208

Can’t wait to drop these iq bags tomorrow

>> No.10246217
File: 106 KB, 1599x779, VIX chart set up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last friday the 13th, what happened?
if i remember right, it was pretty flat

the VIX is set to explode desu senpai
i really doubt it. pic related

VIX is still forming an uptrend, weve just been in the valley since february

>> No.10246220

Until you have 15 or 20k in an account I would suggest going for around 8 total picks at most unless you are doing a long term growth plan and have money coming in from other sources. If you get 15-20k go for 10-12 picks at most. Once you are around 50k I would say its safe to play with around 20 things at once, but its honestly hard to responsibly keep track of more than 25 at a time.

>> No.10246245
File: 285 KB, 1500x1500, 81LlF2pO8SL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what will you do when the VIX goes back to 11 tomorrow

>> No.10246250
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I'm still learning everything. Thanks for the advice.
With time I'll get good.

>> No.10246252

Don't tell waifu...

>> No.10246261

Just closed my Acorns account for a profit of a whopping 1% after fees. Have $670. either going to put it all on T or gamble like you cucks in Robinhood for elite gains. wat do?

>> No.10246264

market will dump tomorrow

cap this

>> No.10246271

ITM calls on T

>> No.10246273
File: 18 KB, 136x140, EEC6B4CF-78E1-4F8D-AC72-1F2D741A3BB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the LCI moon mission?

Bought some more shares today with my paycheck. Up to 270 shares now which is a lot for me

excited as fuck senpai

>> No.10246291

All goes well we back to low 20s in August.

>> No.10246304

so if I'm interpreting this tariff report correctly

domestic industrial companies are going to moon when they go into effect?

>> No.10246309

buy another $1000 of TVIX and hold through the weekend like a madman, that's what

>> No.10246322

For my birthday I'm going to commission a anime girl drawing of AMRS-chan
What should she look like?

>> No.10246325
File: 76 KB, 576x1024, 1529872025632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in 400 shares and sold some puts.. all together about 9k into the trade

>> No.10246335

sell my VXX put
buy moar VIX calls
same shit i did today

>> No.10246339

Come at me bro.

>> No.10246345

Green hair with an orange streak/flip is how I imagine her. Maybe with a green sweater over an orange tank top? Also yeasty...

>> No.10246400
File: 134 KB, 1500x1500, 71qIe8Ul4hL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about when it goes to 10 next week

>> No.10246415
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Does /smg/ dab every time they make 1 dollar?

>> No.10246421
File: 99 KB, 1599x775, charting the fucking VIX is not that retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shouldnt hold TVIX too long m8
VIX calls are the way to go right now imo if youre long vol
about as cheap as they get

im currently shorting vol to raise money for more VIX calls desu senpai

im certain were headed for another spike

i can do this all month if i have to
if it gets down there im unironically all in

>> No.10246425

12 out of the next 13 weeks I get $ for doing nothing. I love me muh dividends

>> No.10246438

also isnt next week the start of ER?
no way its gonna be that low

>> No.10246443

didn't mean to respond to a post my bad

>> No.10246455



>> No.10246523

Kek, looking forward to seeing more of this.

>> No.10246562

>making money
what is that?

>> No.10246582

thats true
actually it starts tomorrow

>> No.10246591
File: 252 KB, 1920x1440, short term VIX futures vs VIX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a cool chart
its the nearest month VIX futures contracts overlayed over the actual VIX

what exactly is the discrepancy?

>> No.10246592
File: 7 KB, 255x197, lube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do one of Ratsu being stuck in mousetrap with her booty sticking out and everyone in /smg/ in line waiting 2 take turns having a go at her and

Ratsu all like -_-;

x.x mouse logic every1

it should involve lube
imo amyris color scheme awful tho

>> No.10246696

Baka Knee

>> No.10246710
File: 170 KB, 458x458, cerveja-budweiser-lata-50cl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fomoing back into a ton of consumers including BUD
this dip is over, its now or never

>> No.10246785
File: 94 KB, 935x364, 2018 vs 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a cool little chart
i guess we aint 2008 nao
but we sure look a lot like 2015 nao
the way VIX looks rn, i could see it happening, but the correlation isnt that strong imo

also this is of course implying that this seasons ER is like last one where everything just goes down in spite of good or bad news

>> No.10246789
File: 1.34 MB, 1366x768, 1497040199213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SP1! just broke 280 for brief moment for first time since march
w-what did you mean by t...his?

>> No.10246793

I’ve got 500 HMMY and 500 ALT
Someone tell me some good news about either

>> No.10246800

You're about to break even when ALT moons and HMNY goes bankrupt.

>> No.10246803

look it up
its important on these ETFs that reset daily

>> No.10246810
File: 52 KB, 1044x299, vix2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey VIX guy have been trying learn VIX better, you have any like resources on learning the VIX you can share?

>> No.10246841
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Bulls on Patrol

>> No.10246881
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Guess what saying is, am already doing this with own custom algo so that why do CORN USD

is there any advantage to using contango vs custom method?

>> No.10246916

what is happening in august that would drive the price besides meme lines? New drug coming out?

>> No.10246961

third quarter results soon, and the tendency for midterms to push the economy forward.

>> No.10246989
File: 115 KB, 1416x683, how to long vol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no im honestly making it up as i go
ive started to notice some things tho

one thing that is STRONGLY correlated is when hi yield bonds dump and the indexes moon, then a VIX spike is coming (pic related was the first time it worked for me. note that this was BEFORE i had your indicator). it also worked yesterday.

theres definitely no actual resources out there for trading it. all i do is bet against whichever way it goes. you wanna react to its extremes. so right now vol is really low. so im prepping for it to spike back up. if you look at the chart for VIX, its a bunch of needles really. it never stays at one spot for long. if you see it headed for an extreme, take up a counter position. its MUCH easier to short vol than to long it. you can also do both (which is what i do when it starts getting low like this)

for my long vol trades, i buy $VIX calls
for my short vol trades i buy VXX puts

as for how the various VIX etfs work (since i know you dont really options) look up the various holdings that each one has. some are OTM options contracts that are about to expire. some are futures contracts. some are medium length to expiry. idk theres a lot of them. its important to remember that they will react very violently the closer the contracts they hold get to expiry

>> No.10246995
File: 89 KB, 1508x1361, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I openly laugh at all the virgins in here who talk shit about twitter

>> No.10246998

Interesting but what's the actual strategy here?

>> No.10247019

Nice gains bud, I should use calls more often honestly.

>> No.10247028

Tomorrow you're going to get rekt, poorfag

>> No.10247035

what does "$32 call" mean?

>> No.10247036

>+254% RoI
dont get greedy anon...

i think its kinda like a low rent version of arbing
you compare various ETFs that track things w their actual spot. long and short those accordingly when they get too far off

>> No.10247044

the dude has 27k in long options
i really doubt hes poorfag

>> No.10247050

>he didn't get the joke

>> No.10247064

Question for you robinhooding traders: wtf is it like doing your taxes? does the statement just do a profit/loss situation or do you have to deal with every transaction?

>> No.10247073

its a option with a strike price of $32 and expiry date of 9/21
it gives the holder the ability to buy a share of twitter for $32 up until 9/21 if she wants to

>> No.10247078

>buy a share


>> No.10247140
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>> No.10247142
File: 176 KB, 744x420, VIX futures term structure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres another cool thing to watch.
think of it like the yield curve almost
this chart is of the various VIX futures contracts. the x-axis is how many days left on each contract.

notice how the curve gets flat for a little in the middle? im betting that will be a time of great gains. but over here on the left, w the near term contracts, it looks like VIX is overextended down too far (not to mention were headed into ER season, which always brings more vol)

>> No.10247152

the futures curve changes shape all the time but the Oct-Dec flatness/backwardation has been present for a while. I assume it means "government isn't doing shit so close to an election".

>> No.10247154
File: 188 KB, 760x453, African-Sulcata-giant-tor-022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought pretty hard about catching EMH falling knife this morning for an oversold bouncy bounce. Decided against. Still too much sell volume, not enough buy volume to force a short squeeze. Will see how it looks tomorrow morning. Daily RSI is now 24. I'm being extra cautious on this one as it has broken all 2018 support at this point. Don't know why.

Current portfolio for weed/weed pharma/hemp sector is TBP, TBP warrants, RTI, HEMP, and VFF. All are swing trades in progress. No long positions at this time.

>> No.10247169

>the futures curve changes shape all the time but the Oct-Dec flatness/backwardation has been present for a while
thats why im pointing it out. i remember anon pointing it out a month ago. still there, in the same place. i think midterms will rule. but first i think we have a bit of a correction to get through desu

>> No.10247414

So we should all be shorting papa John's right? John is still completely in control of the company he just "stepped down" and the stock soared. It's headed right back down.

>> No.10247438

Seems that way but it so obviously seems that way but you could also be fucking crushed when they announce a rebranding effort right before the NFL season starts and the stock soars 30% off people thinking its the next dominos.

>> No.10247440

That feel when I'm a major player in their merger with IT consulting.

They are both so big and stupid. Literally thousands of poojeets work there doing data entry and waste millions on useless software .

I'd be pissed if I owned shares. im ready to start leaking shit.

>> No.10247488

I just can't see the NFL ever coming back to them under any circumstances. The company is still named after him after all. You bring up a good point, if something seems blatantly obvious on Wall Street it usually ends up being a fake out.

>> No.10247504

better coke
better pizza
papa john's

>> No.10247536

>better coke
You mean Pepsi? Buy Pepsi Co. Solid team. Solid returns. Same great taste.

>> No.10247554

I'm still mad at PEP for justing me on my ER puts. I'm not ready to reconcile yet.

>> No.10247665

of course you're gonna get JUSTED when you bet aginst PEP that's just how it works

>> No.10247669

Futures mooning, The bullrun continues, Day 5

>> No.10247682
File: 123 KB, 973x1299, cornhole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no im honestly making it up as i go
>theres definitely no actual resources out there for trading
dang ok ty for nice answer
kinda figured this from looking around

your short / long strat is sound as heck and that contract close is good too
guess am gonna have to wrap head around bond yield and options contracts...it something that still not understand fully

oh my god
so you saying 15 - 16 people are predicting bull market?

(buy/sell, long/short, same thing)
Basically pic related, it an EOD index so you never ever hold and always sell EOD

made one good corn trade on RH doing this but this strat really for a MEX

>> No.10247894
File: 155 KB, 1413x685, HYG divergence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so you saying 15 - 16 people are predicting bull market?
no but if we continue to see this flatness stay there, and move towards us, we can expect low or lower vol when those months come around. again, not an exact science.

but i think midterms will give us a boost desu

>gonna have to wrap head around bond yield and options contracts...
bond yields go up as bonds values go down
when we see HYG dump, that means their yields are spiking. yield spikes in hi yield bonds, w no cataclysmic reaction in stocks, means that there will be increased volatility (pic related). ideally corporations and their debt (this is what hi yield bonds are) should move in tandem. them dumping implies credit risk in the market

for options, watch the vids in the OP for the absolute basics. you can buy and sell the volatility ETFs themselves, and they are leveraged, but id be wary of buying and holding TVIX and UVXY as they tend to always go down. imo the way to start getting comfy with trading vol is to start by SHORTING volatility.

wait for vol to spike (watch VIX charts and SPY, NOT UVXY/TVIX as they are not accurate), then buy yourself some SVXY (or short sell UVXY/TVIX for more leverage). after vol spikes it will usually spike back down very quickly. exceptions are in times of increasing unease, but even then, if you go short at the top of a large VIX spike, youre almost guaranteed to get some sort of move if you wait long enough (the exception being this february).

just remember, its FAR easier to react to the VIX than it is to predict it. predicting it is what im trying to do rn, but its something ive been working on for a while. try buying SVXY (as its only 0.5x VIX % move) so you can get a feel for it. dont do this if you think its still gonna get worse. short vol at the BOTTOM of the S&P

>> No.10248058

I do the same thing pmuch. It's basically BTD.

>> No.10248145

>Futures broke 2800
RIP rkg and comfy

>> No.10248216


>> No.10248217
File: 125 KB, 1234x807, peeps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Div broski here (110k/10% yield, that guy), any old heads around? How is /smg/ doing these days? I created the name /smg/ and I'm legally required to remind you all. What about /drinkboys/ is that still a thing? I miss yall, even though I never really knew yall.

>> No.10248231

Would you recommend an options spread to minimize risk while doing this or do you just buy straight SVXY calls / UVXY puts? Good posts my man. >>10248145
We all warned comfer! RKG I think knows what she’s doing.

>> No.10248240

Yeah, 5/5 here, get ready for some ABC bitches.

>> No.10248272

SVXY is worthless now.

>> No.10248285

Nobody is gonna give a fuck about this nigger shit in two weeks, Papa's is gonna go back to normal

but normal is constantly losing to Domino's so maybe puts are a good idea. I'm still pissed that I missed out on buying calls for this bounce though, I saw the story after market close yesterday

>> No.10248351

The way you minimize risk with volatility is to limit exposure. Don't gamble anything you can't afford to lose.

>> No.10248366
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>> No.10248399
File: 67 KB, 512x512, jpm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets do this JPM, let's moon tomorrow instead of tanking after earnings as usual.

>> No.10248412

what do you consider mooning? 5%?

>> No.10248417

do you really have $200k in JPM shares?

>> No.10248430

I will hold till a total loss.
This market will BLEED in the next week

>> No.10248437

5% would net me more than enough money on my 107 calls. Also I don't like the touch of sarcasm in your voice big5chad
kek hell no, these were buy orders placed right around close.

>> No.10248444

That's over $200 million friend.

Also, Nintendo is mooning on the Tokyo exchange, so that's good for me I guess, maybe I actually called the bottom correctly this time.

>> No.10248503

Ive wanted to buy Nintendo for so long but never did, why do I do this to myself?

>> No.10248513 [DELETED] 

Say, hypothetically, that I work for a private company that, I recently learned, is considering buying a small (>50M) OTC public company. Hypothetically, if I buy shares of this public company, would I be insider trading or otherwise on the wrong side of the SEC or feds?

>> No.10248522

>if I buy shares of this public company, would I be insider trading
Yes, but only if they catch you.

>> No.10248530

You woulda been fine til you just outed yourself

>> No.10248549

Eh, I wouldn't worry too much, it's only up a little over 2%, not exactly a moon mission yet. It could just as easily shit the bed and crash back down later.

>> No.10248557
File: 30 KB, 1860x125, 9d201f86784751a6f9b2ca45adc49ab1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the company?

>> No.10248566

kek, you just cucked yourself; your IP address has been logged and your post has been recorded. If you try to buy that OTC company now then they're going to use that post as evidence against you when they slap you with a lawsuit.

>> No.10248570

You will get hit with insider trading as well anon.

>> No.10248586
File: 238 KB, 640x361, no_idea_what_im_doing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else buy that Broadcom dip?

>> No.10248590
File: 58 KB, 768x960, 1494784133627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the T puts you had given up on are suddenly worth something

>> No.10248595

I was considering it but I didn't know why the dip happened, or anything about the company for that matter.

>> No.10248601




>> No.10248609

More importantly, a green day for bank stocks.

>> No.10248611


right here nigga

>> No.10248616

JPM my nigga

>> No.10248625

looking good AH, although I know that means literally nothing.

>> No.10248632
File: 29 KB, 399x385, 1512240787963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the trade war bear crash meme

>> No.10248657

Apparently they bought CA Technologies, and a lot of people saw that as weird, so they got slammed. I'm just regurgitating what I read this morning.

>> No.10248668
File: 163 KB, 268x330, drinkboys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/drinkboys/ never dies

>> No.10248670

CA Technologies surged 18% today, by the way.

>> No.10248684
File: 64 KB, 680x680, bluedrank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll drink to that

>> No.10248696

we got this bro
we just have to try our best tomorrow!

>> No.10248727
File: 614 KB, 997x1500, The-Secret_book1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a good buy to me
Don't worry anon, I read this and will be using the strategy, we literally can't lose because of my positive thinking.

>> No.10248764

Does anyone have any thoughts on AT&T's anti-trust lawsuit getting appealed by the government and passed up to a higher court for review?

>> No.10248785

that would probably work, but i havent done it as i trade a cash account. just be careful on how the greeks work on those leveraged ETFs

hey buddy
everyone still drinks and does drugs and is a degenerate gambler, so not too much different

>> No.10248812
File: 185 KB, 790x837, frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. Just making sure you faggots didn't go soft on me

>> No.10248824

as masochistic as ever
where ya been?

>> No.10248841

I'm working my way through a 15 pack right now and bough blind calls for JPM tomorrow if that helps.

>> No.10248848

Attorneyfag here, I believe ATT will win. The government didn’t have an argument in court and ATTs was solid. I’m long ATT and will increase my position this dip with all my bimonthly investment ($500). Dividend may be close to 7% if it drops to 31 or below

>> No.10248859
File: 126 KB, 604x516, happykitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a daytime job delivering flowers for more chip stacking. Trying to retire by at least 40 (only 28 now). On track for at least 10k in dividends this calendar year. Life is going solid man.

This makes me feel much more at home :-) buy a call for me broski

>> No.10248890

MPC has been very oversold, get in while you can

>> No.10248910
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 2bbd05a22f66e6d8cace53ec636c4614f1c5a27d96ea7324af1654f6bdb7e2ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good for you m8
tho i never pictured you as a flower girl lol
>buy a call for me broski
im buying a VIX call for you tomorrow kek

>> No.10248911
File: 77 KB, 382x380, 1445715419709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omfg!!!! thank you so much for this
cant really say anything here desu eyes glazed over will have to read this again but very good stuff

>> No.10248944
File: 67 KB, 784x645, turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, bitches love flowers. I get way more play delivering flowers than I ever did before. If only these hoes understood dividends. But hey, can't have it all right? haha

>> No.10248994

Welcone back friend!

>> No.10249005

You should probably at least blow him for that kneepad.

>> No.10249017
File: 48 KB, 640x656, potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If only these hoes understood dividends
they dont have to
>marry rich (w prenup obviously)
>invest wifes family trust
>compounding divs

>> No.10249036

Wait, is this the guy that murdered a trap and had to go on the run?

>> No.10249046
File: 42 KB, 750x393, IIF96Bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look, there's someone I recognize. What happened to Big5 guy? Finally shoot up a workplace or somethin?

Fair enough, you ain't lyin. Maybe instead of a house and a prosperous life, I should just spend money on a nice watch and a shiny car.

Nah, that aint me. I'm the broski with 100k yielding 10%. I usually say that every time I post lol.

>> No.10249057

What exactly is going on with DB? They are still sitting on a huge pile of cash. It’s hard for me to imagine such an institution shitting the bed in what’s been generally a decent bull market the last few years. They have a relatively low float, so I’d be inclined to think they are doing some moon mission sorta thing. What am I missing?

>> No.10249070

You see, goddamnit this is why we need trips
They are a european bank
Need I say more?

>> No.10249082

Where’s your 100K in, I’m yielding 4 at 94 but all safe stocks.

>> No.10249109

They're way overleveraged into various derivatives, like, many MANY multiples of the amount of cash they have.

>> No.10249115
File: 90 KB, 680x638, edukate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually post my entire portfolio roughly every quarter; someone around here should have it saved hopefully.... Lots of REITs and midstream partners. My most recent purchases include SMHD & DM

>> No.10249117

>Maybe instead of a house and a prosperous life, I should just spend money on a nice watch and a shiny car.
its probably easier to marry into crazy ass real-estate than it is to work your way up in the biz. that shit kinda seems like a pain anyways

unsure which would cost more in the long run tho

>What exactly is going on with DB?
>They are still sitting on a huge pile of cash
theyre sitting on a big YUGE pile of cash in the same way that bear was desu senpai
>It’s hard for me to imagine such an institution shitting the bed
i see you are unfamiliar with DB then lol
>What am I missing?
the EU

>> No.10249142

I’ve got a few reits I just don’t like the volatility. I’ve got STOR, DOC and CCI but that’s it. I’m risk adverse tho

Good luck on your early retirement, looking to do the same here

>> No.10249146

Communists can't manage money, it's that simple.

>> No.10249153
File: 110 KB, 965x605, demi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey profit, do you have the last portfolio screenshot I posted for this guy >>10249082

I don't want to make a whole new one just for right now.

>unsure which would cost more in the long run
A breezy is a depreciating asset. I'd much rather wack it alone in a mansion watching some youporn on a 95" TV than deal with some entitled hoecake.

>> No.10249159

just glancing at DM it looks good, can anyone tell me anything about it? Bought some shares today, at a glance it looks pretty undervalued..

>> No.10249161
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>> No.10249169

i dont sorry m8
my old comp died

>> No.10249171

they are about to have trade talks and this will all be resolved.

>> No.10249176

>A breezy is a depreciating asset. I'd much rather wack it alone in a mansion watching some youporn on a 95" TV than deal with some entitled hoecake.
i never said there wasnt risk, did i?

>> No.10249194
File: 379 KB, 1125x2436, 27B41CE2-5844-4D7D-B479-937F4557CCDB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my portfolio meme edition: 1/2

>> No.10249208
File: 13 KB, 318x248, nigaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like STOR, 9/10 would buy if market crashed (7-8% dividend minimum)

Here are my holdings, I'm not gonna weight everything out and all that right now;


>pic related

>> No.10249212
File: 362 KB, 1125x2436, 004DAD2F-34B1-4D23-9FAB-686462B4D588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/2 be gentle

>> No.10249215

Wish I kept my QQQ 7/20 otm more than a few minutes after open. Made a quick $300 but could’ve been more.
Sbux is my only dip buy that isn’t gapping up yet. Celgene and Micron have done a nice number for me even after Wednesday’s gap down, but sbux options seem to just bleed their theta every day. The last few days have been relatively low volume

>> No.10249225

You have a lot of stocks but only across two different sectors, diversify type more nigga.

>> No.10249234

Wish I kept my QQQ 7/20 otm more than a few minutes after open. Made a quick $300 but could’ve been more.
Sbux is my only dip buy that isn’t gapping up yet. Celgene and Micron have done a nice number for me even after Wednesday’s gap down, but sbux options seem to just bleed their theta every day. The last few days have been relatively low volume. I’m giving those October options another 2 weeks to shine and if they don’t I’m exiting 50% of my position and then the entire position by second week of August if it’s still meandering around $50

Well, so far 2 out of 3 being potential winners is fine by me.

>> No.10249235

You have a pretty good spread, it teeters on boomer but it's not boomer.

>> No.10249242
File: 68 KB, 1442x735, diversify.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10249249
File: 748 KB, 790x667, xxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coca cola

>> No.10249250

what does your special "Risk" skills tell you about DM?

>> No.10249253

I have 10k to buy stocks with anons whats the moon tomorrow?

>> No.10249256

Please explain bc My understanding is I have commodities, reits, finance, casino, pharma/healthcare tech and utilities/mobile. And what would you recommend the sector I diversify to?

>> No.10249262
File: 57 KB, 600x334, comfy fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloody friday tomorrow

>> No.10249268

month out 13-14 strike VIX calls

>> No.10249282

needs moar silver and lead
and at least another 100k in sketchy biopharms and OTC plays

>> No.10249327
File: 6 KB, 56x56, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long $IQ or $BILI
Dew it

>> No.10249340
File: 925 KB, 4264x2768, tru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not invest in china you commie!

>> No.10249364

I am borderline that boomer but a quick profitable trade would be a win for the USA so just doing my part.

>> No.10249370
File: 106 KB, 1200x675, BILIBILI MACRO LINK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$BILI because eps forecast better and their users are more loyal then $IQ. $IQ had very hard drop in traffic on June.

>> No.10249585

So this is the new /smg/, threads die at 11pm, fucking boomers.

>> No.10249603

way 2 fuggin expensive. You gotta go to at least 20 to make it worth the money, 22-28 ideally. Im eying sept/dec 22 calls.

>> No.10249627

nah, high delta a best

>> No.10249651

besides, ya cant always bet on a cataclysm if you wanna trade vol desu senpai
im expecting vol to pick up going into ER. its almost certain that it will from this ridiculous low. so imma short vol till it does and flip those into "free" calls

>> No.10249657

There is so much positive propaganda for JPM tomorrow, it has me excited.

>> No.10249670

Man I don't really like this market right now it's pretty unstable and unpredictable. You got earnings, trade war, indexes at all time highs struggling to break resistance.

Going to play it safe and hold my LCI and ALT. I might fuck around with UVXY if things get shaky.

>> No.10249674

ALT is going to make people a lot of money very soon.

>> No.10249685

The retail hype and positive propaganda is what has me worried more than anything.

>> No.10249690


I've been tracking ALT the entire week. Few more days and BOOM to the MOON. Might even happen tomorrow.

>> No.10249692

>Going to play it safe
>hold biopharms
>might fuck around with UVXY if things get shaky.
unironically gonna make it

>> No.10249696

That is why I think this is going to be a big one. I think it's going to tear or tank tomorrow,

>> No.10249699

nothing scares me more than
>shut up and buy it nyaa
especially w banks kek

>> No.10249717


LCI is fine, it's a solid company. They aren't fucking with experimental shit it's basic generic drugs.

ALT is my diamond in the rough.

We're making it senpai.

>> No.10249726

>I think it's going to tear or tank tomorrow,
i think its gonna tear, THEN tank

i wasnt kidding. im holding those

>> No.10249739

yeah, and the 20s have high delta when vix actually spikes.

20 isn't a cataclysm. 20 is above normal. We are in a period of historically low volatility. idk. I always prefer short term ATM puts and long term way OTM calls for trading vol. Slightly OTM calls have this "eh" uncertainty about when you're supposed to cash in. When there's a big spike for way OTM calls, you can feel it in the air and know its time to unload.

>> No.10249751
File: 85 KB, 271x286, crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up tomorrow
>JPM 98

>> No.10249767

If I wake up tomorrow and see JPM at 98 i'm gonna rub one out and go back to sleep.

>> No.10249781

If I wake up and JPM isn't on underwater while also being on fire I'm buying a pair of kneepads and becoming a femboy

>> No.10249789
File: 1.94 MB, 248x431, 1491270464465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of volatility puts
>my UVXY puts when VIX near term futures currently @ 8%+ contango

>> No.10249791

The dividend won't grow much more if at all, but the company could see some upside. I would buy like .75-1% of your investment in it as puts as insurance encase it shits the bed.

>> No.10249801

So you want it to be sideways?
If JPM moons i'm buying one of those for an hour

>> No.10249820
File: 189 KB, 755x687, 1515816598986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you to get in the /OPKO/ hyperbull, now you are going to die poor. That was 2 weeks ago and now it is already up 44%, wow! Why the FUCK did you not listen?


>> No.10249829

Where is that guy that said VIX was in eternal contango and XIV is a sure bet lol

I remember that, was almost a year ago

>> No.10249839

Any thoughts on OSXQ, I'm looking to get out into some high dividend stocks and they have managed to maintain theres for a long time.

>> No.10249842

>I would buy like .75-1% of your investment in it as puts as insurance encase it shits the bed.
good idea.

>> No.10249846
File: 286 KB, 518x521, rtl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely absurd low volume pump
PoC still 277.4 by large margin

am not worried yet
the slightest dump will destroy 20 points
will see in 6 hours

>> No.10249865
File: 800 KB, 540x405, 1531324557733.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking you can stand up to the PPT

>> No.10249878
File: 211 KB, 730x783, 1515894540266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enbridge energy partners(EEP) going to moon soon AND it pays a 13% dividend

>> No.10249890
File: 82 KB, 1412x658, tides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna lie i do also have some moonshot ones from a while ago, but i dont think its going there just yet

VIX is an odd thing. it fascinates me
it reminds me of the ocean. you get one big wave out of nowhere, it washes over you and you get your shoes wet. you werent expecting it. then you wait and watch the next wave it doesnt hit you, so you keep walking. but that waves tide pulls in a bigger wave etc.

as for
>We are in a period of historically low volatility
you know what happens before a hurricane on the coast, right?
the tide rushes out, the beaches dry all of a sudden. then 5 minutes later, everywhere around you and even a mile inland is covered in 10-100ft of water. these things always come in groups. i dont think february was the last one, and i dont think it was the biggest one either. that wave that shook us february was just the first one. it was so large that it pulled in another one, it just hasnt gotten here. well know for sure in a few months, but im betting this is going to be a period of increasing volatility. the VIX simply wont go back to 9 like everythings all hunky dory (at least not for many years). its never worked like that before and it never will.

>> No.10249930

It's getting bought out, isn't it? The MLP I've been keeping an eye on is BPL. It pays 15% and its going to moon sometime around Late Q3-Q4. I've been trying to get in at the bottom.

>> No.10249934
File: 349 KB, 800x900, 20b5d853c8cac9388303ca4e31a7e36c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes deff LONGGG
high.... volatility... bond.... yields
keep oscillating... keep oscillating...
your about to spike? increased volatility at the top....! oh my god such high volumeeeeeee

>> No.10249943
File: 126 KB, 1366x768, 6family-rowcrop-r4b009242-1366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10249964

35.86 is the reversal level that will send it to the MOON

>> No.10249994

If you are a dude, you have a gift.

>> No.10250014

people cant into VIX
its not a stock or an ETF or anything that obeys logic. the only thing it obeys is fear, and fear comes on all of a sudden. its always the unexpected that moves the VIX, so its incredibly hard to guess.
the only thing you can safely assume is that it will move rapidly in one direction or another at some point in time


>> No.10250022

ratsuchan should be flat

>> No.10250028


RKG posted voice a while back. definitely gril

>> No.10250040

That just confused me

>> No.10250050


I mean you say that now but no one would have guessed that XIV would literally get delisted because of a non-crash event in the VIX. All it had to do was spike 25% in a day.

>> No.10250072
File: 4 KB, 250x250, a23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10250084

make the call

>> No.10250142

they shouldve looked at a chart of the VIX then. tripling overnight is literally what the VIX is known for.
i never traded XIV for just that reason (still lost a good deal trying to short that first spike tho). i knew we were at all time lows on VIX itself so i always scoffed at the fuckers getting 90% YoYs as being retarded, and lucky. once i saw this article, i knew the jig was up.

im still convinced a good deal of that shit was set off via futures manipulation to rob all the retail kids who were buy and holding short vol positions. lol i remember seeing the carnage the day after when someone posted a link of a reddit that was based around shorting the VIX as a career lol

>> No.10250147
File: 143 KB, 1599x775, VIX weekly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10250149


That article on the guy (former target manager) trading the VIX as a career was the strongest sell signal possible

>> No.10250175
File: 91 KB, 480x337, 78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to browse the XIV subreddit, people were making excel spreadsheet with buy/sell signals based on calculations and making mad money

And they got a sell signal before the crash, I know this because I was using one and ignored it then got wiped out lmao, most people who were following a strategy got out safe

>> No.10250213

lol i know they make him look like the biggest retard ever. i shouldve just went all in VIX LEAPS right there. i honestly considered it. thought
>theres no way wall st will let this slide

>people were making excel spreadsheet with buy/sell signals based on calculations and making mad money
unlike a lot of people, i dont think the VIX is impossible to guage desu
ive been fascinated by its almost tidal patterns since i learned about it

>they got a sell signal before the crash
if id have known what i do now, i definitely wouldnt have shorted that first spike. so im definitely better equipped than i was. i didnt get wiped out, but it fucking HURT and it took months to recover. definitely opened my eyes to this game tho, and forced me to learn a lot more about what i trade, before i trade it

>> No.10250239

Dearest Big 5 Guy,
I may switch out my holdings of NMM for it's brother NM. It appears to have more upside and hasn't mooned yet.
If you think this is foolish, please let me know

>> No.10250242

>and forced me to learn a lot more about what i trade, before i trade it

Yeah a lot of people shorting volatility didn't know what they were getting into. I did months of research before hand so I knew getting wiped out was INEVITABLE at a certain point, so when I did get rekt I wasn't surprised, but then you read on reddit and shit retards using their life savings kek

>> No.10250300
File: 7 KB, 1320x90, nmmhold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't put much research into NM, NMM has alot going for it imo. I would post some DD on what NMM has done in the past couple years and why i think it's bullish but i'm pretty sure noboy would read it and then everyone will come out calling me a faggot. NM might do well too i might actually buy some NM after looking at it right now, maybe only a couple thousand shares though since i usually like going through filings.. but BDI is up like 100% YoY which is a plus for shippers.

also i have about 7k in cash.. does anyone have any suggestions as to where to put it?

>> No.10250392


>> No.10250462

You can drink my relish, RKG, you degenerate.

>> No.10250463

If you want the comfiest holds in the world, it's always T and CVS
No moon, but so C O M F Y
(our our goddess AMRS)

>> No.10250514

T isn't too comfy right now. Every time it's about to take off it shits the bed.

>> No.10250534

i don't really like fucking with shit trading over 2bill market cap.

>> No.10250590
File: 135 KB, 798x1000, 1456606527864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not anytime soon.

I did some DD on this earlier and ran it through my algo.

I came up with a price target of $10 by August 13th; 82% probability. Low end: $8;39%. Either way, it's going down.

I'm pretty sure you are getting rused like with BGFV.

Do with this information what you wish.

>> No.10250609


>> No.10250643

I also have a magical machine that ran an algo and it said four billion by tomorrow morning with a 99% probability. Low end three billion. I swear this is all true, I got a super computer from a tiny elf named Bing Bong, and the algo from Santa in 1994.
Do with this information what you wish.

>> No.10250686

$T is going to keep going lower, to at least 31.65 area
Why do you like T

>> No.10250710
File: 60 KB, 225x225, 1401388525981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's cute.

Mine actually incorporates market data, stochastic modeling, and is extensively backtested.

What's your target on it? Do you own shares? I need to get an idea of how salty you are going to be in a few weeks. I'd like to get it in the screencap. I saw $20 earlier from another individual.

>> No.10250746
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, 140139824121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I forgot to mention I like your name too. "calculated gamble" It's a clever oxymoron, right? Very cool

>> No.10250813


>> No.10250866

if LCI dips i'm buying more. not sure why you just have to come in here and troll.

>> No.10250894


I'm not. Can't handle a bit of criticism or differing opinion? Did I touch a soft spot? One of us is wrong, time will tell.

>> No.10250941

just funny you come in just to say you ran some special algo that tells you where the price is going to be on an exact date. You must be very fucking rich huh? i mean if you know exactly where the price is going to be on what day you definatly have millions from following that algo huh? also BGFV made me over 27% return in less than 6 months.. not sure how thats "getting rused" ...

>> No.10250949

does that algo tell you if there is news coming out next week too? i mean id really love to know more about this algo of yours that has made you a multi millionaire.

>> No.10250978

>exact date.

I think you need to refresh yourself on some basic math. I gave a probability within a timeframe.

Maybe I need to refresh my memory too and please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the estimation on the BGFV call here was $15? No?

>> No.10251014

so you are saying making 27% gains in 6 months is bad? Wow your algo must really make you really rich if 27% gains in 6 months is peanuts to you. i'd really like to know more about this algo of yours, is there news coming out on LCI next week? sounds like your algo has all that covered.

>> No.10251016

>does that algo tell you if there is news coming out next week too?

I think we've revealed who the true troll here is.

>> No.10251048

well does it? you said in this post>>10250590
>Either way, it's going down.

So it must be telling you that there is some news coming soon if you know that "either way, its going down" because i mean.. like news isn't important in stocks or anything r-right?? i mean there is no possible way that news of partnership is coming out anytime right? your algo is telling you that there isn't going to be any news?

I really am interested in this algo of yours that made you soo rich that you come onto /smg/ to post about it.. does it say what stocks are going to go up to? can you please tell me a couple that will go up in the next month???

oh and can you put on a trip to back up this claim, you know.. because like it's not like you can just come in here shit post then slide away with all of your awesome algos id really like to listen to some of your picks if you could be so kind and atleast put a name on so i can make the millions with you off your algo.

>> No.10251050

>so you are saying making 27% gains in 6 months is bad?

I said the call was wrong. I'm not interested in how you manage to personally salvage it.

>i'd really like to know more about this algo of yours, is there news coming out on LCI next week? sounds like your algo has all that covered.

No, it doesn't

Why don't you tell me? Surely you must be very confident that there is big news and that it is positive news to completely ignore technical indicators.

Numbers > crystal ball speculation.

>> No.10251081
File: 41 KB, 850x400, quote-he-who-lives-by-the-crystal-ball-will-eat-shattered-glass-ray-dalio-7-11-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said the call was wrong.
making 27% in 6 months is wrong?? hmmmmm ok buddy.

i've been using my strategy for years and I have been consistently profitable using that strategy.. no algo involved. Just my very own research and patience. You think that i am going to change my strategy because some anon comes in and post about his algo saying its going down?

How long have you been using this Algo of yours? years id assume since you trust it so much. Please share some picks, put on a trip and lets do this, don't be holding out on us, we want a piece of this algo that has made you a millionaire

>> No.10251097
File: 13 KB, 530x492, 1404535728198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been in these robinhood threads for quite some time and have done my far share of pro bono work.

I mostly lurk here for entertainment and occasionally will call out horseshit when it stinks enough, like tonight.

I'm not giving you all the details, but I can recommend some good material for you to read on basic quant and TA if you are interested so you can start making money without gambling on your crystal ball.

>> No.10251128


Won't be neccesary for me to use a trip, as I stated above.

I'll be here the week of August 13th though, and we'll see where LCI is at :)

>> No.10251133

i'm afraid your machine is your crystal ball so i'm afraid it is you who is looking at a crystal ball.

>I can recommend some good material for you to read on basic quant and TA if you are interested so you can start making money without gambling on your crystal ball.
how long have you been trading? how long have you been profitable. Do you think i should change my strategy up even though i am profitable? made over 50% last year currently up 26% on the year, should i change my strategy because i'm not making enough? what is your return if you could give me more insight as to the great returns you are getting by looking at a chart and reading a crystal ball (algo)

If you are going to try and troll you are going to have to try alot harder than what you are doing, your troll game is lazy just like your stock research. Sorry bro.. sounds like you suck at life due to your laziness

>> No.10251214

report and filter cryptoboomers

>> No.10251332
File: 1020 KB, 2048x1152, 20180713_091159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /smg/

Had to drive to work today because I need my car tonight. Self-driving cars soon hopefully. Navya has announced an IPO.

>> No.10251572
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 1513405460197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight /smg/ I am tired and you are all nice people even BigFartGuy

>> No.10251579

What do you think about BILI, /smg/?
I get the feeling it will get volatile as fuck from now on.
Pardon me if I am using the "volatile" term badly, i'm a /v/ brainlet who is new to investing.

>> No.10251669

I think they've gone to the moon. Don't buy.

>> No.10252029

>pizza bigot edition
Fucking kek
I love you guys

>> No.10252107


you come you get 2 scoops

>> No.10252128

Goodnight, grim :)

I'm not quite here yet... Long fucking week... I'll finally be free this afternoon though

>> No.10252143

>I'm not quite here yet... Long fucking week... I'll finally be free this afternoon though
the fck are you talking about

>> No.10252174

I have work, and there's no fucking way I'll let my phone ping 4chan off my company's routers
I sometimes just work from home, but definitely have to go in today

>> No.10252328

>tfw browse 4chan on my office computer
>tfw browse roll20 on my office computer
I could watch porn and get away with it.

>> No.10252396
File: 850 KB, 1037x1004, 420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to catch the altran falling knife
>get knifed

>> No.10252430

I know it's too soon, but so far looks like someones unloading the bankz

>> No.10252638

Holy fuck HMNY is going bonkers today.

>> No.10252705


Vidya is winning. Make sure you have a percentage of your portfolio in ATVI, TTWO, EA, and the like. Blue chips in the making.

>> No.10252715
File: 238 KB, 620x653, 1509751524866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought first stocks of my life yesterday
>literally who stocks, not suggested by anyone
>bought from my understanding of the vidya industry
>16 euro of commission
>one day later, one stock is up 2%, the other 6%
>I'm already even and paid the commission back

What is this feeling. Is this how rich accomplished people feel? I'm coming home.

>> No.10252768
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>> No.10252787

I just found out HUYA IPO'd in May. Fucking sad. I could have made easy bucks.

>> No.10252818
File: 464 KB, 849x1200, 1498991444325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@_@ this drama if we gonna gap up past 280 or not
Gap up was only way for bull to get past 277.4
Like think gap up only way for bull to get past 280...

>> No.10252834
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yaya congrats!

>> No.10252835
File: 1.99 MB, 1463x1513, 854f8f1d95ca85a004f1bbb0770b24a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seriously fucking tempted to buy CPK.
Their stocks fucking plummeted at the end of March because non-jap investors found Monster Hunter World didn't have the traction they wished for. They are right but overplayed the whole thing, the game still was a success. Especially for Capcom who has just restarted looking at the global vidya market.
I currently think CPK is undervalued and should go up with the release of MHW on PC happening on August 8th, but the moody foreign investors worry me. Maybe I'm worrying too much

>> No.10252857


>> No.10252875

Mh:w pc release will flop
Capcom is not relevant anymore
Even mahvel was a failure

>> No.10252923
File: 72 KB, 636x900, 70df9cf87b5809a32cbe2ed758546610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mh:w pc release will flop

Dude if there is something I'm 100% certain of is that MH:W PC will never flop. Plus, there is DmC 5 in production and faboys are screaming like rabid groupies. The more I write this to tell how much of a retard you are and the more I'm getting convinced buying CPK is a good idea.
I live in Jap, went to attend a panel with some Capcom fucks in March, tons of foreigners, they are looking at the global market and not Jap only anymore.

Keeping an eye on them but too scared to do anything since I'm a newbie. Thanks tho

>> No.10252942


Here, let me give you a present. Check the fucking sales of the games on steam. Data has been calculated from an exploit of the achievement system on steam last week.

>> No.10252947


Fuck it posted without the link, here
MH:W will sell 2 millions in 4 months MINIMUM

>> No.10252951

Capcom is pretty irrelevant. They shit the bed with mahvel and sf5. Re7 didn't set the world on fire either. Only thing they have going for them is re2 remake and it needs to do gangbusters. Invest in better publishers ATVI, TTWO

>> No.10252955

Buy nintendo if you must pick a japanese vidya company

I have little faith in the other big ones
Capcom, konami, bandai namco, etc... all old and busted

If you want some strong vidya developers on the upswing you should look at eastern europe
Paradox, cd project red, 11 bit studios

>> No.10252963
File: 2.39 MB, 1842x1439, Capture+_2018-07-11-15-04-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DF and CGC good long term holds?

>> No.10252964

They will be lucky to hit 200k in 4 months. PC players aren't hungering for a 6month old game they already played and forgot about on PS4.

>> No.10252971

>Paradox, cd project red, 11 bit studios
>konami, bandai namco, etc... all old and busted
Agreed on that too.
But Capcom, I get this feeling that I need to buy some before MH:W comes out... Just to sell after it peaks right after the release

>> No.10252972

Good advice, CD project red is on course to be the next rockstar if Cyberpunk lives up to the hype.

>> No.10252983

>if Cyberpunk lives up to the hype
Personally I'm a bit worried about Cyberpunk after E3, I'd wait until I see the gameplay. I do not fucking trust any journalist who tried it.

>> No.10252990

Dontnod probably too, they made Life is strange. I don't play vidya anymore but it sold well

>> No.10253007

Fellas, there's no need for all this angry homoerotic posturing. LCI has a very liquid options market (bizarrely so for a company with that low of a market cap). Anon, if you think you know both timing and magnitude of an upcoming price drop, buy some fucking puts, that's what they're for. These aren't fucking sports teams here

>> No.10253016

Gotta remember it's not coming until holiday 2020 at earliest. Wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being a split gen ps4 release and ps5 launch title

>> No.10253045

Investing on the vidya market during the next gen console release is gonna be fun as fuck
But yeah, they definitely have time to "polish" and improve the game.

>They will be lucky to hit 200k in 4 months
You're so wrong my dude, PC fags have been begging for a MonHun since the day of yore

>> No.10253064

Even if they've been hungering for it most of them already got their fix elsewhere. Also if you think Capcom isn't going to bungling bay the release you've got another thing coming.

>> No.10253091

Good morning.

>> No.10253132
File: 615 KB, 1416x2400, 20180713_075448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plan 4 2 day!
If 280 breaks
282.3 next target!

If 280 fails break, expect easy fall to 274!
Resistance @ 280 still strong hopefully no gap up!

wtb better handwriting

>> No.10253148
File: 81 KB, 980x590, resize_HnwJvazeQkoj7GuUI4P3xRch1Efg5F0Y_980x590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for a gamble, something under 3.00$, I know yall got something for me

>> No.10253152

As someone who already played 500 hours of MHW on PS4, I'm definitely going to repurchase it for PC.

It'll be worth it just for better graphics capabilities and reduced load times.

>> No.10253156

i think the modern vidya industry is beneath contempt and i say we amass an army of disenfranchised autists to short major vidya studios for putting out shit games

>> No.10253163

LB 32.5C 8/17

>> No.10253170


unless the next monster hunter is a f2p battle royale game then capcom. is. FINISHED.

>> No.10253175

Nah they are too busy autistically screeching at Kathleen Kennedy for ruining stahhhr wuuurzzzz.

>> No.10253181

>adults playing video games

Never gonna make it

>> No.10253182

nah, something quik

>> No.10253187

id prolly play that

thats why i need to get em all riled up to brute force my shorts for me. this will be just like GG lol
just point and make some ridiculous claim and watch the autists pick it apart

>> No.10253189
File: 20 KB, 398x297, anakin-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people think star wars only just got ruined now

>> No.10253191

People here worship fucking Japanese cartoons for fucks sake, put a sock in it boomer.

>> No.10253196

actually not a bad idea, if you look at the valuations

>> No.10253204

UVXY 10C 8/03

>> No.10253211
File: 137 KB, 516x330, nic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wells fargo
guess Im buying that today

>> No.10253212

im only half kidding
either way we shouldnt discuss it here desu senpai for obvious reasons

seconding this >>10253204

>> No.10253213

I agree, star Wars is actually getting better but that doesnt stop the virgin incels riling shit up because they can't handle a pair of tits wielding a lightsaber

>> No.10253242


>> No.10253246

nope, europoor here, that goldmine is illegal for me, seriously since eu banned most of the good etn, etfs and all the other cool shit, i've started to become bit more pessimistic about the brussels (before this shit was true eurofag)

>> No.10253248

I mean, it's still garbage, but it's been garbage for a while; people tying Star Wars fandom into their personal identity are fucking crazy

But good goddamn, DIS has a really slick and well executed PR campaign going to tell everyone that anyone who don't love their new movie is a nazi virgin, I'm just admiring it. Shoulda bought in back at $98.

>> No.10253262

Star Wars was literally never good, but I think it's funny how the fans always hate when a new movie comes out and basically everything other than the original trilogy sucks. Like why even be a fan at that point?

>> No.10253266

Ok, I guess your gonna say it was Disney false flag Twitter accounts that harrassed their actresses and started all those petitions online. Sure thing Alex Jones...

>> No.10253269

wtf was with this in autumn 2017? haven't paid to it any attention until recently

>> No.10253273

The EU is just a kinder, gentler version of Brezhnev's USSR. You don't even get the interesting Stalinist phase or the Khrushchev space program, just boring stagnation and decline. It's sad, really.

>> No.10253276

Reddit became obsessed with it and lost everything.

>> No.10253282
File: 961 KB, 300x300, flying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$BILI flying again pre-marke.t see you later nerds.

>> No.10253283
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Hey leave Alex Jones out of this !

>> No.10253299

please tell me theres a subreddit
i need this in my life

>> No.10253304

New thread >>10253302

>> No.10253311

Nah, you just get some articles trending on social media about how if you don't like THING you're subhuman, throw in the culture war stereotypes, and the opposition shows up on its own. Cheaper, too. Like I said, I'm not mad, I'm 'miring.

PR firms are more paranoid and secretive than defense contractors are, I've done IT work for both. If you don't think to yourself "am I being played by an advertising firm?" anytime you have Deep Feelings about a product, you are.