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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10240899 No.10240899 [Reply] [Original]

What do Office Workers actually do At Work?

>> No.10240915

Most of them? Almost nothing.

>> No.10240917
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screw around on the internet

>> No.10240921

Most of them...waiting that their 8hour day is over.

>> No.10240924

How do I get an Office Worker job instead of working in a bank where I have to input data all day?

>> No.10240933

We sit around and wish for a giant meteor.

>> No.10240966

I shit possibly 15% of the day

>> No.10240970

Become good at something, or good at lying. Most prefer the latter.

>> No.10240992

They schedule pointless meetings so that they can have an excuse to get up from their desks throughout the day.
I was once invited to a meeting where the topic of discussion was what would be a good time that works for everyone to have the future meeting where we were supposed to actually discuss something of relevance. No larp....shit is ridiculous out there. State/federal office jobs especially.

>> No.10240999

I draw pictures of myself on post-it notes progressively looking more and more depressed

>> No.10241049

Browsing biz on my phone and chatting up cuties. I also spend a lot of time in the restroom watching porn.

>> No.10241057
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I play video games and read books. $20/hr. Government job.

>> No.10241077

Browse /biz & wonder what other people do during the day.

>> No.10241400

>finance temp job becomes permanent
>given greater responsibility, thrown into the fire
>work overtime every week, skip lunches, sucks overall
>goes on like this for a year
>find corner to cut
>cut corners
>tell boss, get praised for identifying le inefficiencies
>work half as much for the following 3 years

Now I'm like everyone else. Probably put in a true 4-5 hours of work a day and browse 4chan, watch footy, YouTube, check investments, etc., for the other few hours.

>> No.10241423


I managed a team of inbound/outbound sales people for a regional telecom company and all of the performance managing, coaching and developing that comes with that.

Never ending performance conversations and mind numbing excel bullshit.

55k a year plus bonus' , benifits , retirement plan ect.

I dont hate it. Totally middle of the road type of shit and I am ok with that

>> No.10241462

This is me I work as internal IT and was never given a true daily workload so when shit breaks I work and prevent it from happening again the other bit of my day is absolutely nothing

I'm open to thoughts here what kind of extra work can I pick up more money on the side while I'm here? Selling pot and shrooms is out of the question because we already have a guy for that.

>> No.10241480


>> No.10241489

What finance job did you had?

>> No.10241512

You mean besides trading crypto like the rest of us do?

>> No.10241528

>Write eBooks
>Create a blog
>Affiliate marketing

So much shit Out there

>> No.10241569

Masturbate under the table

>> No.10241571

I guess I can learn but where do I start and I would prefer something to do on top of trading crypto
I did labor for the past 5 years before this so I need my time fully occupied to feel remotely accomplished by the end of the day and I might as well make more money on the side while I'm already "working"

>> No.10241592

he said he wanted more money

>> No.10241619

Corporate tax but heavily involved in investment sales type stuff in a weird way. It's not an accounting type position, which is good because those always sound especially depressing.

>> No.10241622
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Getting paid by his wage cuck job and generate passive income, but right...i would go to bitmex and leverage 100x for insane gains

>> No.10241621

Not sure what your skill set it. I had a super slow job once too and I filled up my day working on programming side projects.

>> No.10241642
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Hospital security guard here... oh lads, how much i long for a nice comfy cubicle i can fuck around in and do nothing all day. You dudes have no idea how good life's for you.

>> No.10241656

Work some, but also spend a lot of time looking at Facebook, 4chan, etc, nervously doing so, trying not to get caught by their managers. Waiting for the day to end. Sit and wonder when life will become less boring. Talk loudly with coworkers about the new sofa they bought at Ikea or about how they are taking crossfit.

>> No.10241657
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What does /biz/ think about quantitative finance jobs?

>> No.10241704

white privilege jobs at their finest.

meanwhile, your superiors, the blacks, are picking up your slack with actual WORKING careers such as engineering, analysts, skilltrades etc.

>> No.10241733

stop. drop everything. go to the nearest restroom, give yourself a thorough look in the mirror, and repeat with me.

“I am a worthless subhuman”

you will relieve most of your subhuman stress and feel 10x better

>> No.10242173


>> No.10242223


>> No.10242226

God what a retarded thread.

>> No.10242240

why can't these faggots just send an email

>> No.10242250

middle management is the pressure release for the system

>> No.10242286
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>get in from 90 minute commute at 8:45am
>take dump, have coffee and load up email
>fire up podcast/4chan/r*ddit/discord in background
>answer some emails and update spreadsheets for most of the morning
>pretty much no one bothers me
>lunch at desk, shitpost some more
>afternoon much the same, podcasts, emails, draft reports
>maybe take a walk outside
>peace out around 5pm, sometimes later if there's traffic

it's not too bad tbqh. to be fair i have very very minimal oversight and get asked to do something maybe once or twice a week at most. maxing my 401k with plenty leftover, this boomer shit isn't too bad

>> No.10242294

I would unironically kill myself after the first week if I was forced to spend 8 hours of every single day working in that kind of environment.

>> No.10242307

also kek, this is so true

my LITERAL 30 year old boomer coworkers have been going on about their new apartment/house renovations/crossfit/new appliances and furniture

spot on my man

>> No.10242470

sounds like hell on earth desu

>> No.10242500

Other than the commute, why?

>> No.10242659

but hospital police doesn't do shit other than walk the halls and hand out visitor passes.

>> No.10242716
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Have my own office with a door and windows and a tv and shit. Currently have the door shut. Shit posting on 4chan and twitter while listening to the house grill that fag from the FBI. I'll probably do no more than an hours worth of work today.

>> No.10242736

People literally wasting their life away

Its not worth it
Give your life to Jesus
There is an eternal life to prepare for

>> No.10242747

they can't sit down

>> No.10242777

<75k mostly nothing, but more than 75k you actually need to produce work to justify your existence

>> No.10242813

they die, one second at a fucking time

>> No.10242887

made it

>> No.10242892

Being office cattle is nice when the economy is doing good and your overlord doesn't care headcount but once the economy takes a downturn you'll find yourself without a job and unable to find one because you have no skills. Just make sure you're saving and have a good rainy day fund.

>> No.10242928

post on biz, sit in meetings, look at my binance app on my laptop screen

write 10 lines of code per day