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10238308 No.10238308 [Reply] [Original]

I was around some legit boomers earlier. They were discussing an $800k house as if it was nothing. I jumped in and said "I'd probably wait for a housing crisis in a couple of years and scoop it up for 50-70% off"

Should have seen their faces lads. Probably the same face 30yo Boomers make when they read a post fudding their shitcoin.

>> No.10238312
File: 135 KB, 1024x749, grashing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. normies never learn. they bought BTC in january and theyll buy my real estate bags now

>> No.10238317

>mfw millennials think housing crisis happen every couple years like clockwork

You still don't understand why 2008 was such a big deal do you.

>> No.10238323

Don't these people learn their lessons?
The recession had houses going for less than it costs to build them. Only problem at the time was it was almost impossible to get a loan, even with a large down payment.

>> No.10238346
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Crypto markets fuck with your mind and make you think 20% profits are weak and that you wait for 50% dips.

>> No.10238352

The past isn't important but the future is for making money.

We our setting up for a large housing crisis. Millennials can't afford houses and the boomers are either dying out, moving out to assisted living, or downsizing to smaller houses.

Gen x can afford the houses, but there isn't enough of them to buy them all.

If millennials don't buy expensive boomer houses then there is going to be a massive housing crisis that will make 2008 look like a picnic.

>> No.10238362

why? explain pls

>> No.10238363
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30 y.o boomer here. I short everything including your shitcoins.

>> No.10238366
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To be honest I just ask when Boomer's Trust accounts are going into play. "When are you going to die already so that the money can flow back into the economy you old fucking hag?"

Can't wait for 2030, expect Consumerism to surge for a brief time as the Boomer genocide kicks off

>> No.10238370

Could this be like a cute 2d videogame

>> No.10238378

Millennials are going to rent forever.
Real estate companies like no other are buying up single family homes and becoming slum Lords.
Those real estate companies are never going to die and need to liquidate their housing stock.

Good luck with that delusion.

>> No.10238384
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>> No.10238385
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Kek my older brother is 30 and in the position where he can buy a nice house and I'm like don't you dare fucking do it there's a crash coming soon and his kike roomate is like oh there's not gonna be a crash soon and my brother sides with me lol his roommate doesn't like me because I'm wise to his Jew tricks but can't say it.

>> No.10238386

Not much point in owning a house if you not having kids to leave it too desu

>> No.10238389

Right now in NYC where I live there are fuck loads of expensive apartments completely vacant because overseas investors bought them all and nobody can even afford to rent them

>> No.10238403

Yes make it. Mega bobo shooting red lasers at Bitcoin robits. Special move is summoning Bogdanoff. Final boss is sminem.

>> No.10238404

Renting forever isn't bad if the inevitable downturn of the market cycle comes.
Buying a house is literally taking a leveraged long and betting on the idea that your house appreciates in value, which depending on the political climate, the area and the general state of the housing market might not happen as consistently in the future.

>> No.10238413

That's literally all new york is now. You're better off just living right across the river and paying only a third of the living expenses.

>> No.10238424

related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YE9qb1Nhw4A

>> No.10238425

>implying the NYC market has any relevancy to the rest of the country.
If anything, that's an example of why millennials will never own a home, foreign investors are snatching shit up left and right.

> he doesn't think we're about to go through outrageous inflation.
Yeah buddy, homes are never getting cheaper.

>> No.10238439

There's no way ((they)) are stupid enough to repeat exactly what they did to Germany is there?

>> No.10238463


> Yeah buddy, homes are never getting cheaper.

Where did I hear this one before? hmmmmm.....

The whole shit scam is coming down a lot sooner tan most of you think.

>> No.10238467

Oh shit that was you. Haha. Good conversation. You did shock us a bit

>> No.10238478

2/3rds of Americans don't have a basic financial literacy. Like stuff a 10 year old should know they are oblivious to.

>> No.10238482

weak larpers are the worst pls off urselph

>> No.10238483

>implying the next totalitarian regime doesn't want America to be in the same economic position as 1920s Germany

>> No.10238490

I'm a 25 year old millennial/boomer and I just bought a house a few months ago near Boston. Don't really care about a potential housing crash because I'd still be throwing away money by renting, and I doubt homes near big cities will fall in value that much anyway.

>> No.10238502
File: 15 KB, 470x282, japanese-home-prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire western world is undergoing demographic collapse, if you want to see what things will be like in the future look at Japan

>> No.10238505
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Crash confirmed

>> No.10238513

Then why boomers buy them? They clearly have no intention to leave anything to their children.

>> No.10238522

lol housing crisis. jokes

>> No.10238550

o fuk

Japan is one of a kind for a lot of demographic/economic ratios, it's really weird. Their population got a terminal case of the anime and stopped reproducing.

>> No.10238558
File: 38 KB, 600x600, oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it. I'm buying gold.

>> No.10238562

>Their population got a terminal case of the anime and stopped reproducing

The same thing happening in Europe(east and west), North America, Australia/New Zealand, Russia, Korea, China

Unless you are suggesting a bunch of dirt poor third world immigrants are going support the 800k mcmansion market lmao

>> No.10238587

We are in agreement. Housing is a speculative bubble that will come crashing down again in the near future

>> No.10238616

The 2008 crisis was because of debt and other factor, houses prices going down was an aftermath, not even close of being a cause, they were just a colateral.

While I agree there is a bubble even if they pop to nothing it wont be a 2008 crisis in general scale.

>> No.10238648

This is actually scary. I feel we reached the peak as humanity.