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File: 191 KB, 666x800, EmperorTrump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10236981 No.10236981[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will we ever have a president as savage as Donald J. Trump again?

>> No.10237000



>> No.10237004

he's a Jew and his family are Jews

his son-in-law Jared Kushner shares investments with George Soros and other JYC mafia kikes.

go back to your bluepilled board /pol/

>> No.10237018


>shitlibs complain about "muh economy because muh trump" 25/8

>> No.10237038


>> No.10237041
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 1497395586642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a jew.

>> No.10237051

>t. sweating kike

>> No.10237052

rumor has it kushner and peter thiel are a thing

>> No.10237054



>> No.10237066

>boomer threads all over, gun threads all over, assblaster summoning threads, china scam threads, fucking bannana threads, WE WUZ KANGS threads.
and you complain about a thread that has to deal with the economic leader of the US. who currently started a trade war with the rest of the assholes around the world. this guy is my fucking hero. fuck off

>> No.10237090

I love this pic btw OP. I barely talk to my dad anymore cause he became a socialist and every conversation we have is how illegal immigrants should be allowed in the US (I'm a second generation legal Irish immigrant btw). This is what these dems think these days.

>> No.10237091
File: 48 KB, 590x350, main-qimg-9ee1d6af0b451315b8b9f1e6cc3169fc-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump shills
pic related your weak chinned, fish lipped Jewess Ivanka before her crypto-Jew surgeries

>> No.10237107

Not unless we figure out how to make the up and coming generations grow a set of balls and judging by what's going on it will be women with a set prosthetic balls.

Zoomers are a disgrace to evolution itself.

>> No.10237165

>”Legal Irish immigrant”
Lolololol get the fuck out of my country you disgusting mick. Legitimately nobody wants your useless kind here. Go back to Ireland please.

>> No.10237169

It's only gonna get worse.

>> No.10237175

so creepy how much she looks like her father.
hot and ugly at the same time.

>> No.10237176

Trump is just a NWO puppet. They put different presidents in power in accordance with the current sociopolitical and economic environment.

>> No.10237177



>> No.10237181

No. And trump will be a one term loser anyway. He wont be able to fool the rural poor like he did this time. come 2020 they will still be waiting for those jobs and the first candidate to come offer some gibs will be the next president. mark my fucking words.

>> No.10237199

I said this 10 years ago on Digg and everyone laughed.

>> No.10237204

If it wasn't for us Irish, this country would be filled with nothing but cucks who bend over backwards for nigs.

>> No.10237210

way better than fat beaner mexican cockroaches tho

>> No.10237216
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>> No.10237221
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>> No.10237240

what else did you say 10 years ago

>> No.10237322


Uhmmm actually... i have never voted for the president before because they have all been fuckheads, i didnt vote for trump when he won... this time im gonna showup and vote for him.

So thats plus one vote who literally has never casted a ballot before, if he can make me come out of the woodwork im sure he has swayed others on things and stuff.

>> No.10237454

No if it wasn’t for the Irish who came here originally and helped build this country with the Italians and Jews. You fucking new Irish scum are just trash literally the same tier as Mexicans. Stop putting yourself on a pedestal and go back home WE DONT WANT YOU AND NEITHER DOES GOD EMPEROR TRUMP

>> No.10237461

no cus he will run america into the ground hahahaha

>> No.10237470


>> No.10237483

New irish ?

What the fuck are you talking about, the irish are doing what they have always done keeping to themselves and shooting at the british from the grassy highlands.

And now.. they are shooting at the immigrants northen ireland let in because they are the fags.

Dude you gotta be dumb and high.
Irish are based as fuck
And love budweiser for some reason

>> No.10237485

Wasted vote. Hope your not a working class person.

>> No.10237490
File: 23 KB, 250x237, 1523236146853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a joke at first
Now he is ACTUALLY the greatest president of all time. Fucking love this guy, but most of all: I love angry bitch ass ancaps and commies

>> No.10237496

Ripping economy. Lowest unemployment in decades. Forcing good trade deals. Sorry if you are so salty that Drumph is the best president we have seen since Teddy Roosevelt.

>> No.10237508

You're fucking retarded.
I can't wait to see retards like you mass suicide when he gets a second term

>> No.10237518

Checked. Long live Trump

>> No.10237521

Emperor Baron (lol at the name)

>> No.10237535

-Lowest unemployment in decades

Most literal "Thanks Obama " ever

>> No.10237545

I can't wait until you see Trump on Mt. Rushmore.

>> No.10237552

>violent, drunken rapists with vaguely catholic leanings that focus on saints who refuse to assimilate
The only difference between an Irish rat and a Mexican one is the accent, they're both sub-human.

>> No.10237567 [DELETED] 
File: 163 KB, 1493x996, download (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.10237569

well that's retarded because none of that is currently true so yeah

>> No.10237576

Playing the lefty shell game eh? Everything good Trump does is really Obama's fault. Everything bad under Obama is...

>> No.10237581


Thank you based Trump for being the hero we deserve. A Dark Knight.

If you're anti Trump you're anti American

>> No.10237591
File: 174 KB, 1493x996, winning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10237608

>be obama
>implement policies that create the slowest economic recovery from a recession ever

yeah Thanks Obama for showing us what NOT to do

>> No.10237634

Donald Trump's great-grandmother was named Katherina Kober that's a Jewish last name REEEEEEEE!!

>> No.10237636

>But muh late night comedians turned propaganda shills can't be wrong. They told me he was a dum moran nazi!!!

Every salty leftyfag.

>> No.10237653
File: 145 KB, 646x700, upjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best summary of my feelings on trump. eat shit haters. trump is doing awesome. you mother fuckers better hope that shriveled up cunt ginsburg can stay lucid for 6 more years.

>> No.10237699
File: 43 KB, 469x359, spidy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spider man

>> No.10237714

"Slowest economic recovery from a Recession ever?"

I'm sorry, I have to ask

Are you mentally retarded

>> No.10237725

How about you swallow this redpill while you garagle my cock.
Are you retarted, dilusional or a paid shill.. its one of the those confirmed
Everything i said is 100% true
I literally have family in waterford.

They are hush hush on IRA talk because thats what the IRA does. Snipes british.

Ive sat on bars older then the USA and watched bloodtrue irishmen get trashed off budweiser (its actually much better then then our version of bud,diffrent regulations)

And... go fucking look at immigration charts or mosques built you will see a fucking stone wall from southern to northen irish line. I know for a fucking fact that hibabs have been shot in cold blood cuz they wandered too far in south ireland, but i guarenfucintee you will never hear a word about that on MsNbc

Stop talking like you know shit child, you clearly dont

>> No.10237732

You fucking mongoloid he is of SCOTTISH and GERMAN ancestry and both of those countries HATE the Irish. Get the Irish THE FUCK OUT OF USA honestly the most worthless degenerate race I would take literally anything over a dumb shit Irish and so would our president believe it

>> No.10237740

I'm the most impartial spectator you ll ever find

Trump did literally nothing regarding this subject, jobs were already increasing when he took office due to Obama's work even though he didn't believe " in those damn job reports, they are fake, everyone knows that"

>> No.10237742

no, look it up. it was the slowest economic recovery in US history. stay mad berniebro

>> No.10237744
File: 77 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek you're probably one of those retards that walks around saying shit like "hurr durr the stock market is doing better that means that everyone has a job now hurr durr". None of my friends have jobs with pay anywhere near consistent with their level of expertise. I would with someone that had a Masters Degree in STEM and he was working for $10 an hour. That was just a crash test. The real crash is coming soon.

>> No.10237748

Are you actually using the SP index to justify jobs hahahhaha?

Next you re going to tell me trickles down economics works and Harley moving their production elsewhere is also bringing in jobs

>> No.10237759

>Drump dindu nuffin.
>Jobs were growing with Obama.
>Jobs reports are fake

The absolute state of the left.

>> No.10237773

Bruv I'm not even American

"Slowest economic recovery " Isn't really an argument especially since if it was slower than the years after 1929, which I kind of doubt by the way, there really can't be a comparison since first there was no new deal type policy that literally employed a huge number of Americans under the federal government and two there was no war 13 years later that brought both woman into the work force and soldiers into the payroll

Why am I even arguing with Russian bots?

>> No.10237783

Job reports are fake was sarcasm bruv that's what Trump used to say remember?

I understand it's tough to listen to your president changing faster than your national identity but try to keep up burger friend

>> No.10237903

Eurofag confirmed. Enjoy your diversity gangs and diaper balloons while I enjoy mooning to the future in the golden age.

>> No.10237922
File: 1.21 MB, 480x287, 1524083806620.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10237930

By 2030 your country wl be predominantly brown.

Enjoy fatty friend

>> No.10237939
File: 966 KB, 2062x2999, NatGeo6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hilarious coming from a eurocuck.

>> No.10237947

>trickle down economics
kys faggot.
The chart shows that trying to say this boom is somehow Obama's doing is fucking stupid to even remotely try to claim.
>the day trump gets elected we start a parabolic break out of 2+ years of trash markets, on triple the volume
nahhhh couldn't possibly have anything to do with trump right?

You tell me, what did Obama do that caused the economy to start BOOMING the day Trump got elected?

>> No.10237962

I'm not french nor English nor German.

I'm chilling bruv

>> No.10237984


Friend I understand the truth hurts but I recommend you read Irrational Exuberance if you think an election should have or had that effect on the market

Now that you have been illuminated go back to your pol troll box and stay there

>> No.10237998

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10238033

So you're not even going to try to defend your claim that it's all thanks Obama?
Of course you're not because you can't.

>> No.10238082

Pinko leftypol fags on /biz/ Lol what are you guys even doing.

>> No.10238473

Yes. Fuuuccckkk Trump. Cheetoh piece of shit. Never been so embarrassed to be a burger. POL faggots are the scum of the earth.