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10236290 No.10236290 [Reply] [Original]

Former truck driver here. Ask me anything.

>> No.10236313

Why did u stop

>> No.10236324

What is your favorite brand of truck? Who makes the best trucks? and who makes the best trailers?

>> No.10236327

how afraid are truck drivers of being out of their jobs within 10 years from autonomous trucks?

>> No.10236328

How's the stress levels? Not having to talk to or interact with anyone to make a living is my ultimate goal in life.

>> No.10236329


>> No.10236334

Do you have bladder control issues? I know a former driver that has them.

>> No.10236346

are those truck stop girls hot and clean?

>> No.10236363

Did you pay out of pocket to go to a CDL school or did you do one of those deals where a trucking company pays you to train for the CDL in return for working for them for a year or so?

>> No.10236370

Do all truckers fuck 18 year old puss at truck stops?

>> No.10236380

did you use tobacco or any other drugs

>> No.10236391

Ok. So the thing about trucking is it's great for people that are loners and don't want to interact with many people. you will have to talk to the receiving people are the warehouses you deliver to and on occasion the state police that pull you over just to ruin your day.

stress. it can get stressful. uneless you are an owner op. you are on the companies time so that means to drive when they say. that could be at night in the rain through some pretty shitty traffic. it can get stressful.

other dangers are truck stops have some pretty sketchy people hanging around. i've gotten into a few confrontations. but for the most part it's relatively safe. except for road dangers of course. crashes happen and with big rig trucks they are fatal a lot of the time.

>> No.10236408

Has anyone ever tried to rob you?

Have you ever been in a crash?

>> No.10236414

probably at least 5 years away, and even then companies might want a real person guarding the truck, or congress might pass a law requiring someone in the truck lol
from what i hear its just boring as fuck. waiting for loads is the worst part. and the pay is pretty terrible so most young people don't want to do it

>> No.10236418

24 yo former trucker here also I found weed to be more of a upper for me than cocaine but I would alternate the two

>> No.10236420

Hey I’m about to get my CDL here one I’m clean any wisdom to share?

>> No.10236442
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>waiting for loads

>> No.10236445

Where were you born?
Where were you raised?
Name two things that you crave

>> No.10236452

Current trucker here. I've paid for a BJ from a qt Asian at a legal brothel in Winnemucca, NV. I have yet to see a truck stop whore that I would put my dick in without it being wrapped in an entire roll of duct tape. I did see a fat negress in Little Rock wearing only a tank top shirt and high heels. Not sure if she was having a bad night or a really good one.
Self driving trucks can't deal with weather like rain or fog yet. Even without legislation protecting jobs, they're >5 years out.

>> No.10236453


I paid $3,000 to attend truck driving school in 2007 where i received my certification and my CDL class A.

But yes companies will pay you to do that. The reason i went the trucking school route was i wanted the ability to pick and choose which company i went with. when i graduated the school had a ceremony and recruiters where there from all the big name companies. you just picked the one you wanted and signed on the dotted line.

If you go the company paid route you may end up owning them if you don't like the job and quit before a year or two is up. so do your homework.

>> No.10236465

No. but if a thief is smart he knows truckers keep very little cash on hand. truckers are paid via direct deposit because they live on the road and can't go to a bank every week to deposit checks. thus they carry very little cash.

>> No.10236469
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What do you think about Block Array?

>> No.10236473

Is it true 9 out 10 get colon cancer ?

The heat from the engine goes up and penetrates your ass.

Coming from a friend who went to school and said fuck that

I'm sure youll never admit to it

Just like cops have highest suicide rate but it's not disclosed to the public.


>> No.10236478

Hammer down bucko

>> No.10236489

Confirm please. And be honest how much does it burn after sitting for so long. Science also proves that exercise is futile. Robots are coming . Automated to the max

>> No.10236490
File: 50 KB, 500x300, 1523063216882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you

>> No.10236492

I fucking hate you assholes and can't wait until you're replaced with machines and off the roads.

>> No.10236495

Truckers probably sprinkle Metamucil on their diner breakfasts at 4am.

>> No.10236502


>> No.10236506

As for health. i only did the job a while. but if you do it a long time you can have health problems. you are essentially living in a box on wheels. you will drive like 5 or more hours a day and on your break you are too tired to do anything but sleep.

i idled the shit out of my Volvo truck. i remember i went an entire month once without ever turning it off. it was companys truck so quit frankly i didn't give a shit.

>> No.10236526
File: 987 KB, 1440x2560, IMG_20170601_083851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh machines will replace you ree

Lol not in your lifetime kiddo stay triggered cagie wagie

>> No.10236566

Is there any room for being your own boss in having a cdl?

>> No.10236572

The beetus is way more likely. About 2/3 of drivers smoke and get no exercise,so heart disease is rampant as well. That explanation for colon cancer is on the level of Africans thinking that raping a baby cures AIDS, btw.

>> No.10236583

i only pulled 53' dry vans. i had a volvo automatic truck. it was nice but sometimes it refused to shift correctly. it looked excatly like the one in my pic.

>> No.10236598

Not unless you own your own tractor and pull for landstar. and i don't mean fake OO like company lease plan BS. i mean like you literally buy your own truck. but good luck because they are expensive as a mofo.

>> No.10236614


>> No.10236641

I'm surprised no one has asked how much money i made yet.

>> No.10236690
File: 23 KB, 482x305, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever think of driving one of these instead?

My wife drives these at a gold mine just out of town.

>> No.10236705

that's fuckin badass. I've done some time in cranes. normies dont get that industrial machine life

>> No.10236707

op i have 140k in cash, could i buy a semi and hire a slave to drive for me? do owners make a lot? this one guy brags about how he has a truck and driver for amazon

>> No.10236710

i didn't like living on the road. it gets to you after a while.

not unless it paid good. i'd rather work in an air conditioned store and sleep in my own bed at night.

>> No.10236715

How much did you make?

>> No.10236719
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I got a call from a Prime Inc. recruiter and am heavily considering

>> No.10236729


>> No.10236739

back in 2007 i think i started at like 35 cpm and averaged about $450 per week. sometimes $500.

recruiters love recent grads from schools. because schools teach you so they know your not some idiot that's gonna crash their shit. you will have your pick of almost any company.

>> No.10236746

so what are the barriers to entry and typically how much do owners make?

>> No.10236757

you would probably have to carry an insane amount of insurance. insurance for the truck and for the cargo.

>> No.10236760

Yeah fair enough dude. My wife works week on week off, 12hr shifts @$45 aud an hour. ($33.20 usd) is this comparable to the states?

>> No.10236767

Absolutely deluded lel

>> No.10236775
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I just would rather they pay since I'm not trying to cash out any crypto, this is like a 2-3 year gameplan to stack cash and dollar cost average.

I enjoy menial jobs because I enjoy being alone with my thoughts and/or listening to podcasts/audiobooks for long stretches of time and I don't have much opportunity to do that other places I've worked in the past.

>> No.10236776

thats more than the average trucker makes in a week but driving a dump truck in a mine is a different type of job.

>> No.10236797

Like 300k/yr

>> No.10236844


r u serious? How much you need to buy a truck?

>> No.10236870

Do you truckerfag post on /o/?

>> No.10236884

How much meth have you done?

>> No.10236897
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my sides

>> No.10236941

no. and im not a trucker anymore. just a guy that did it for a while and offering advice.

>> No.10236967

Was you scared of Apache or Sioux attacks?

>> No.10236976

What does your wife's son drive?

>> No.10236985

Dont get too excited. Owning a business is way more stressful than you think. Managing emplyoees being the biggest pain in the ass

>> No.10237014

i encountered a few indians. they where mostly rude and stuck up. i remember going into this one shop and asking for directions they the girl just looked at me like i was speaking chinese. so i mumble to myself "i guess you don't speak english" and she said "yes i do actually" and i was oh. your just being a cunt? they better be glad the spainiards didn't conqured this land or they would have all been exterminated.

>> No.10237044

Truck drivers are going to be the second people that autonomous cars replace. Right after cab drivers.

Remember that every time you solve a captcha you are bringing yourself closer and closer to unemployment if you are a truck or cab driver.

>> No.10237088


But it is significant. Sitting all day is what I did at my job and it fucking killed me

>> No.10237121

i've been working like almost 30 years. i've had all kinds of different jobs. one thing i can say with certanty is all jobs suck in some way or another. some jobs just suck less than other jobs. so you have to find a level suck you are comfortable with. unless you are some big shot industry pro making 6 figures then whatever. go pick your nose at your desk. you'll never know what real work is. and im not even critisizing. that's a good thing. because work is fucking gay.