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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10235830 No.10235830 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a brainlet who sold low and bought high. Now I need to make it. Which is the best coin out of these three?

>> No.10236215

WTC no question, it's about to have an apeshit breakout incoming, and it's a top tier project.
AMB is not bad, but you wont see much movement for the next months.
VEN is just done,,,

maybe go 80/20% WTC/AMB

>> No.10236284

AMB is gonna be king, 100 companies under NDA.
look at those transactions mah nigger, real world adoption inbound

>> No.10236322

>VEN is just done,,,
kek it hasn't even launched yet

>> No.10236371

I don't own any of the projects but wtc is the only one I plan to buy.

>> No.10236510

This post is coordinated shill. Escape now.

>> No.10236541

Or is coordinated shill to look like shill with the purpose of keeping you away. Thus doing what they want

>> No.10236556

neither because biz lunch money has literally no affect on any market anywhere

>> No.10236655
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>just about to start investing in amb which would be my first crypto
>my junky reliable 98 corolla shits the bed and now I have to get a new car
Fuck me right, I hope if amb does breakout it waits for me

>> No.10237637

wtc easily. amb and ven aren't bad though.

>> No.10237663

kunal, why post thread after rakesh post? in telegram deepak say one every 20 minutes! if it not your turn to post, you guarantee very poor result!