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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 176 KB, 640x964, VeChinked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10235268 No.10235268 [Reply] [Original]

Can we trust this man with our money?

>> No.10235288

High IQ manipulative Con artist.

Tricked thousands of unexperienced sheep

>> No.10235300

Nothing went wrong. The rumours were true.

>> No.10235308

Feels so good not have been tricked by him, and having laughed all the fucking time about those fucking sheep cheering for their scam while being ripped off their money and time

>> No.10235314

I find the nose and hat pointless. The chinks have an already well defined history of cheating and scamming people that goes back even further than the kikes even if they are worse at it.

Fix that fucking image into a Yellow peril one. Give them the due credit.

>> No.10235371


Based chick scammers. Holla to my 中國人

>> No.10235374

Should have bought walton chain
vechink is a scam coin

>> No.10235416

This FUD is boring and unimaginative. Where is my innovative Vechain FUD? I'll even settle for a new Sunny rapist meme.

>> No.10235428

Why is there so much Vechain fud lately? It's holding better than the majority of altcoins.

>> No.10235435

Because it's unironically the new ETH. ETH was fuded to death back in the day.

>> No.10235439
File: 177 KB, 640x964, VeChinked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10235450


t. x node holder

>> No.10235488


... not everything thats has fud is eth tier. There are no shill threads either.

Vechain was the last alt to pop by about 3 weeks. Ven holders are capitulating now a bit later

>> No.10235518

I literally went all in on Vechain a few days ago, right before it dropped 20%. Nice.

>> No.10235521

Much better.

>> No.10235528

yep waltoncone is the next eth

>> No.10235564

I've been fudding harder than ever. Was hoping we could fall beyond $2 but I've bought half my position. I'll wait to see how the market responds in a few days to buy back in. Still hopeful for sub $2. Vechain's an easy target since the fan base is overly emotional and mainnet seemed to throw a lot of people off expecting a huge spike. The low transaction numbers (despite 'mainnet' not being properly launched) and mobile wallet seem to be helping.

>> No.10235762

Unironically miss the Sunny elevator stories, these retarded pajeets are sad and boring beyond belief

>> No.10236199

now that's the kind of quality content I come here for.