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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 854x476, tai-lopez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10230959 No.10230959 [Reply] [Original]

How did he get so rich?

>> No.10230980

He bought-in on onions when the price was low.

>> No.10230997
File: 46 KB, 673x448, SOY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what I meant to post. Fucking mods.

>> No.10231191

How did he get so smart to do it?

>> No.10231201

lol assmad redditor

>> No.10231204

he's a conman, he's provided nothing of value to the world

>> No.10231212

Nawledge and mentors.

>> No.10231233

How is such a dweeby looking s o y b o y so confident?

>> No.10231757


>> No.10231785

While you were accumulating shitcoins, this nigga was accumulating KNAWLEDGE

>> No.10231790


>> No.10231831

I'm looking for a serious answer.

>> No.10231834

This is actually the truth. I would say half of his classes may be scams but he also gives out very useful info. I watch most of his live ig videos and he and his guests throw out very useful knowledge that I have honestly applied. I would say his digital marketing stuff is legit, not sold on his real estate or crypto shit atm tho

>> No.10231851


He didn't. He rented the house and car that he filmed that video in.

>> No.10231897

Pretending to be rich so people will buy his crap. A lot of the youtubers you see doing advertisements on how to invest and make 6 digit incomes do the same thing.

>> No.10231936

I thought it was a "dating service for wealthy people" i.e. connecting old rich dudes with hotties.
That might have been a baseless rumor, though.

>> No.10231976

idk but he's a fucking fruit. there

>> No.10232057

By scamming people into paying money to watch his bullshit videos where he tells people how to make bullshit videos to scam other people out of their money.

>> No.10232078

marketing, speaking, licensed financial advisor business and coach, nightclub investments, built lots of relationships with everyone he ever worked with, did widely publicized talks, etc.
It's more like what didn't he do. The thing he fails to mention in nearly every talk is the value of building good relationships despite most of his wealth coming from practicing skills that can't be learned from books.

>> No.10232247

He sold his soul to illuminati

>> No.10232257

>Pretending to be rich so people will buy his crap.

What this guy talks about is literally bullshit. Anyone who applies his words and succeeds has incredible luck, that even would turn out to be better, if they would apply basic common sense. But it SOUNDS good and works as a kind of a motivation for them, which is why even people who lost huge amounts of money with him do not hold it against him - because it "obviously" worked for him, these people think THEY made a mistake.

And they did. But the mistake was not them not applying the stuff he said in an incorrect way, but listening to people like him in the first place.

This is btw. also the way how "motivational speakers" work. Sound well and logical to get people on your side, provide "proof" it works with yourself, so they cannot hold their failure against your words and you created a basically failproof and even completely legal method to rob people WITH THEM CHEERING FOR YOU!

>> No.10232581
File: 935 KB, 500x250, 1485907559564.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These. Here is the Lopez process
1. Make a bit of cash running a number of scammy dating websites (basically sugar daddy sites filled with bots, like MeetingMillionaires.com)

2. Use that money to rent Lamborghini and a lavish mansion somewhere in LA. Install a large bookshelf in the garage and fill it random books from secondhand stores.

3. Work with a ghostwriter to develop a self help course (books, videos) that's filled with with generic platitudes but looks credible and comes with enough content that people wont call it am outright scam. Also, get an eCommerce website set up for your course and products.

4. Grab a bunch of affiliate links for other business products (books, courses) that you don't own but can earn a kickback directing people to to buy (so if it sells for $25, you get $5)

5. Record your first video (OP's pic) where you claim to be a wealthy person who's sharing the secrets of how to make money. Include links to your own course (which costs like $50 a month) plus those affiliate links throughout the video and in the description.
6. Use your Google Adwords account and your remaining funds to buy a shitload of video ads targeting people who are already browsing get-rich-quick type content (MLMs, real estate flipping, forex, crypto etc)

7. When the cash starts coming in (from the YouTube revenue, the affiliate links and your own course) actually buy all of the shit you pretended to have in the first video (because you're actually rich now and not just LARPing). Additionally, start investing in as much social currency as you can by paying celebrities/prominent businessmen to hang out with you.

8 .At a certain point, you'll become famous enough were you won't need to pay for celebrities to hang out with you or for YouTube to promote your videos. Now, all you need to do is keep churning out content so you can keep getting paid by your rube fanbase.

And that's all there is to it. Now you're rich and famous.

>> No.10232609


by lying and scamming, that's how

>> No.10233237
File: 15 KB, 307x462, 1530607803045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tricking retards into giving him ad revenue on his "37 secret ways YOU can be a million by the end of the year" videos.

>> No.10233510

How do I establish when it is my turn?

>> No.10233517


>> No.10233526

He became a meme with the here in my garage shit and that spread like a cancer