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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10230138 No.10230138 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not sure why anybody pays any attention to the price of LINK right now. The entire graph since the ICO literally means nothing, it's just a reflection of the crypto market as a whole.

I feel like even most of the linkholders on this board don't really understand what they bought. This isn't like the other coins where you're just trying to ride some momentary speculative bubble and then cash out at the right time. If that's your strategy here you are on the wrong coin. The fact that the price has fallen in recent months means absolutely nothing...

>> No.10230156

I am always doubting, but then I look at the top 200 wallets and wonder why folks would hang onto that amount of money into something "worthless". Someone knows something

>> No.10230158
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Inb4 200 posts

>> No.10230187

How much link to be in the top 200?

>> No.10230199

I'm not sure why anybody pays any attention to the price of LINK right now. The entire graph since the ICO literally means nothing, it's just a reflection of the crypto market as a whole.

I feel like even most of the linkholders on this board don't really understand what they bought. This isn't like the other coins where you're just trying to ride some momentary speculative bubble and then cash out at the right time. If that's your strategy here you are on the wrong coin. The fact that the price has fallen in recent months means absolutely nothing...

>> No.10230203
File: 97 KB, 1080x1331, Gigasergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many "investors" with ADHD here. Also, anyone making a thread related to Link's price dropping, when the entire market is dropping, is an autist fishing for (You)s.

>> No.10230211

looks comfy

>> No.10230220

>tfw I bought $800 of XRP in 714 coins

this seemed like the only viable coin because of its legitimacy. will it ever pop to $2 a coin or should i just hodl forever?

>> No.10230223

200k LINK. Absurd. No one would hold that much without knowing something

>> No.10230225

I don't even really mean the most recent drop, I mean all price activity since the ICO. It means nothing. I see so many posts from both fudders and holders who act like because a few months has gone by and the price hasn't risen that means it's over. You're right, they are impatient.

>> No.10230233

Basically no graph means anything aside from small directional changes. Even most low latency trading algos only use it as an entry indicator. It is never ever (satisically speaking) a predictable sign of large scale reversal. As for small changes, most avg oscillators do a good enough job of capturing that nut good luck making mony on reverson at that cap. Please tell me you are past the stage of "tecnical analysis". Shit. This is 4chan. Idk why I expected anybody here to understand finance at an academic level. Sorry. Yeah..im being a dick...in a bad mood soz. Idk why im even on here. Lol lonely af.

>> No.10230239

They bout to dump on our asses bro.

>> No.10230275

Yes they practice the /biz technique buying high at ICO price then waiting for it to drop below ICO price before panic selling low. Sound strategy that gets many /bizraelis far.

>> No.10230276

>be 4channer for years because this place is funny, spontaneous, and quick
>ride the coattails of actual autism power
>get rich

This is my final hurrah, I believe.

>> No.10230300
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Plus there's no volume. Take a look at the chart. No one is moving this crap, for better or for worse. Does anyone know if any of the top wallets have ever even dumped? I don't think many of them have.

>> No.10230329

Explain chain link and the Oracle problem anon

>> No.10230414

This is a pretty good explanation.


>> No.10230557

How will they dump millions of LINK? Honestly, there's no volume

>> No.10230577

its a meme

>> No.10230626

Link wallet bro covered this. Only one large ico investor has ever sold their link. Every other large wallet has held or accumulated.

P.s. can any marines post the link meme with the graduating dog wearing the link graduation cap?

>> No.10230639

370K Linkholder here. Unironically I don’t know shit. Never read the whitepaper. But I do understand the use case.
>Accumulating more

>> No.10230774
File: 2.77 MB, 2592x1936, mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

replace the pre packaged meal with this

>> No.10230800
File: 579 KB, 989x742, 177FE69D-46AB-4C9B-91BF-C10458359E1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>250k here.
If anyone notices their wallet rank lower it’s because I’ve been moving everything off Binance into MEW. I’m all in and here for the long haul

>> No.10230906

How do we know that those big wallets weren't just seeded by insiders/sirgay to make it look like some people see value?

The unwanted tokens have to go somewhere

Serious question, hope you have a good answer

>> No.10230968

>Honestly, there's no volume

There is tho between half a mil and a mil daily. What there is not is a lot less of the washtrading bullshit which is the curse of crypto

>> No.10230983

and your a meme, the compulsive link fudder

>> No.10231019
File: 14 KB, 278x278, 1529659105705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can go down the rabbit hole of hypotheticals for any investment, anon. Unless you have a feeling in your guy based off of the facts that you have, you would never invest in anything. It's a leap of faith and why crypto in general is a very risky market.

>> No.10231053

How the fuck are you comfortable with that much money in LINK? I hold 20k and feel like an idiot putting this much money into an internet meme. Are you seriously cool with dusting off $100-200k or whatever your cost basis was?

>> No.10231223

we're all going to make it frens

60k poorfag reporting in, i just have to wait a bit longer to cash out, hope the price doesn't rise to much when mainnet get's out so i get a lot of link staking and then can live of staking

>> No.10231269

Same goes for any other coin, everyone thinks they're holding the best projects. And why would they even sell at these prices it's not even worth it.

>> No.10231297

Wallets don't matter.Link is an all or nothing bet sunk cost for non bizraeli presale/ico investors. It's not worth it for them to take the time to sell and get back pennies on the dollar for their time spent. Besides, who would they sell to?

>> No.10231317

We needs oracles

imagine u gonna fuk som ho and she lik u payin up front and u dont wanna

so u set up a smart contract, she gets the money when your nut hits her skin nom sayin?

But how the smart contract know wats good?


>> No.10231382

>Please tell me you are past the stage of "tecnical analysis"
what do you mean? in the sense its a phase?

>> No.10231794

750k LINK here. Still need a lot more to “make it”