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File: 5 KB, 225x225, RLX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10223815 No.10223815 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10223903


>> No.10223910

0.0002 seems reasonable

>> No.10224070

It's at 1 cent now with 1 billion total in circulation.

>> No.10224107


>> No.10224117

There are shittier projects worth more than this one. Is it unreasonable to assume this one may go higher once it hits a normal exchange?

>> No.10224420

Ok, I'll take 10 cents.

>> No.10224434

It could go higher yes. I could find $100 in my driveway too. This shit will go nowhere, doesn't mean you can't make money on it. I'm not going to try though.

>> No.10224446
File: 271 KB, 1017x1191, Screenshot_20180710-204129_Ghostery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheeh OP.. should have sold when it hit .02

>> No.10224448

Oh well it can't be any worst than my coss "investment".. c-can it

>> No.10224460

It hit .02?! Oh for fucksake..

>> No.10224473

I believe in it. If it's set up the way I think it is, the price should go up or stay the same after each completed build up to a certain point. Even with 2 billion coins, I don't see why $5 is out of reach. It will take a couple years, but the value is there.

>> No.10224484

Just get out when you feel comfortable. People seem to believe in it for whatever that's worth.

>> No.10224600

Whale here, probably. I base that on no expertise but it 40x'd during that bull trap in May. Not many of the other whales have dumped. Team is good about communication and provides regular updates. I'd say it's worth throwing a hundo or two into it, come back in a year to a potential 20x. No need to go all Lin our anything but definitely worth a hodl to the top of good bull run in the market.

>> No.10224638

Maybe I don't get it but how is a 1 cent token going to be pooled together and be a major part of funding millions of dollars into construction that takes years to complete

>> No.10224762

How many are you holding? Going to Vietnam?

>> No.10224841

"Although there are real estate development opportunities in the developed world, many of the best, most lucrative opportunities are in the developing world. However, these development opportunities are seen as too risky for much investor capital to invest in.

On the blockchain, Relex will increase transparency in investment opportunities that could otherwise be too risky/opaque. This gives a great understanding as to why transparency (via blockchain) is important: http://www.jll.com/Research/Global-Real-Estate-Transparency-Index-2016.pdf..

Regular fiat funds are also illiquid due to regulatory lockup periods, as well, whereas cryptocurrency creates greater liquidity for access to funds. This benefits real estate developers in being able to optimize their management and operating costs regarding many resources freed up by utilizing the Relex blockchain funding platform, which allows more rapid deployment of funds to better able to execute real estate development construction in less time and at lower cost.

There is additionally the digitization of the terms of our existing paper contracts is planned to create variable smart contracts condition events that better enforce terms between investors and project owners, aiding in building trust and transparency between project owners and proxy developers. Smart contracts are deterministic exchange mechanisms controlled by digital means that can carry out the direct transaction of value between untrusted agents.

Lastly, consider this vignette:

Advisory Guy A says to Project Owner A, “Hey, let's make a contract. If you pay me a fee, say, 3% on a 100 million USD multipurpose office/apartment building with a shopping mall component, I will source the investment for you by connecting you with my contact, and when I introduce my contact, if my investor invests, you pay me the $3 million...”

>> No.10224856

“...The problem with this, and what has gone on for over 100 years, is this: How can you be sure that when you introduce your investor, that the investor and the project owner will 'play ball' In other terms, how can you be certain that Advisory Guy A does not get the run-around and the deal is done without Advisory Guy A's knowledge?

This is why private equity investing turns from an initially super simple concept into a battle of wits to somehow lock in the deal so the investor and project owner does not go astray.

However, there has finally been a change to this dynamic by way of the introduction of the blockchain ledger. No more is there a need to structure a finely worded agreement to serve as oversight when the blockchain does that and more. That is one problem that the Relex blockchain solves.

Additionally, it completely disrupts the 100 year old Advisory model of Project Owner A, Advisory Guy A, and Investor A, because when you have a blockchain-based model, not only do you have bulletproof accountability that the developer and investors act as intended, but also that it disrupts the advisory commission model.

Because now the incentive is shifting to redistributing these commissions to the investor where it rightfully belongs. This gives the investor a further cushion on their investment.

This also completely overturns thousands of advisory businesses and the old Chinese merchant referral model for real estate development investment advisory because now the fees they charge render their business uncompetitive, as there is officially no reason to charge 2%, 5%, or 10% commission.

With Relex, the 'good ol boy' financial network is crumbling before our very eyes"

>> No.10224909

Doesn't really answer the question. How does my 1 cent token fund a construction project. Who is holding my tokens during construction and when do I get it back with interest?

>> No.10224918

"There are a few reasons why we needed to have our own token:

1) SEC/FINRA will not give approval while completely dependent on another cryptocurrency. What if that crypto were to crash for a reason completely external and uncontrollable by Relex holders? With Relex as the vehicle, though, we would be able to switch to a different blockchain if need be in the future.

2) SEC/FINRA would also not agree to having the value of a real estate development cryptocurrency be directly linked to cryptocurrencies used for many other things. The value of RLX is directly linked only to Relex and we are in complete control of how our platform works.

3) We need the feature of having smart contracts to reduce paperwork hassles and also create contractual agreements that only operate after certain objectives are completed.

4) We could not do the things we wanted to reward our holders if we were on a different platform. For example, Relex Life would simply come into existence with no airdrop for our company's supporters. We wanted to benefit those who have supported us. And we cut away the 1 billion tokens in the team wallet, so making a profit off it for ourselves wasn't an objective, either."

>> No.10224932

Model is described on their site

>> No.10224940

Seriously why did I need to read all this

>> No.10224978

Basically you have to buy their tokens and deposit them back to the team, who sell them at market rate to fund the development.

>> No.10224990

Because you should know what you’re investing or not investing in perhaps?

>> No.10224992


>ETH bonuses are sent back to investors when developer distributes profits.

Ok, what happens to my RLX tokens after I send them to the developer. When do I get my RLX tokens back?

>> No.10225004
File: 1.71 MB, 1242x2208, 5391BA40-A0E3-4F28-B602-47D7D5A32170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relex model

>> No.10225013

So to fund a 100 million dollar project they will need to market sell 100 million coins, but wait, that will drop the price...

>> No.10225035

Horrible math sorry how many coins do they have to sell lol

>> No.10225052

You don’t get them back; you bought into the project with the RLX tokens you basically traded ETH/fiat for, and they sell them at market price to fund it. The use of a token on the Ethereum blockchain makes foreign investment far easier, that’s why Relex has hundreds of millions in contracts with Woodfine Capital and you could actually invest in their projects until recently when they put it on hold to redesign the site.

>> No.10225082

Woodfine capital, which has less than a million in assets, which has not made a profit in the last 2 years, and which has 90% of said assets in just loans? This woodfine capital which has hundreds of millions in contracts with Relex?

Good lord you are so full of shit.

>> No.10225083

For instance and simplicity sake, say a developer needs $50 million before he can move forward. We invest 25 million rlx at $1. So now he has half of what he needs. Then the price of relex doubles to $2, and that's when he cashes out to get his $50 million. It’s highly unlikely to happen like that, but the fund raising process can potentially take months. The investor was still locked in at $1 even though the dev held it until it was worth twice that amount. Then on the returns when its all done, we see them as if we put in 25, not 50. If so, you might ask, wouldn't it be in our best interest to fund a project rapidly rather than have it sit for months?Relex has said the price will be variable instead of fixed. In the case of a nosedive where the price is halved, they said they eat the risk. But price is locked at time of investment. So in the scenario I described, it we would see returns as if it were 25 mill and not 50. That may just be the cost of having protection in the case of depreciation. But it would still mean getting it funded as soon as possible would work out better for all parties involved.

>> No.10225110

So they are constantly recycling RLX tokens. How can RLX rise in value if they keep market selling them?

>> No.10225126

The contracts are right here:

>> No.10225173
File: 937 KB, 3120x3120, 06953941-D052-41A7-9C34-BFD016F7E558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice FUD, Pajeet. How do you think they’re developing property RIGHT NOW?

>> No.10225225

Bc the value of the RLX token can still increase when others are locked in at the prior, possibly lower market cost. The team isn’t going to just mega-dump and crash their own coin, that’s why projects aren’t funded in a day.

>> No.10225233

Fucking idiot, that's completely meaningless. I can write a contract with you right now for a right to purchase my farts for a billion dollars and you won't buy a single one.

Yeah they're going to develop properties with their $1 million in assets, get fucking real rakesh.

>> No.10225252

Read tf up
Q3 17 report:

Q1 18 report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1szHI7xBdh-Lu2CSYMj5M3i8FEPtHUTgY/view?usp=drive_web

>> No.10225260

But it can also decrease. You're acting as if it will always and only go up. How is the first project going to be funded when they have to sell 50,000,000 @ .01 cents?

>> No.10225279

Relex is a scam, try to visit squawk advisors site (parent company) and see what happens

>> No.10225282

They’re literally developing luxury property in Vietnam right now. Yeah and your contract would be meaningless bc you’re a nobody lmao. Relex is on track to get full FINRA/SEC approval via Katipult, they’re not some ICO con job.

>> No.10225333

>luxury property in Vietnam
So.... A mud hut?

>> No.10225355

I wrote that.

>> No.10225393

I just don't see how it's going to work out. Wish you all the best though. Good luck

>> No.10225394

Yeah just trying to counter the FUD, sorry forgot to add quotes.

>> No.10225483

Bump. I'll explain a bit further in a min. Driving atm.

>> No.10225635

So how this works is as follows:
1.) prospective build sites are scouted.
2.) developers put up their projects with wallets that act as an interest poll so to speak.
3.) if you're interested in funding that project, you send 1 RLX to the wallet.
4.) when enough interest is there, the dev opens a project wallet
5.) funding begins
6.) funding is reached and the dev sells the RLX at market value, or .01 above.
7.) they use the funds to build
8.) once build is complete, they return profits to the investors in ETH. I believe it's 12% a year for 8 years.
This is what is confirmed. There is still some unconfirmed. How I believe the unconfirmed will work is is in the next post

>> No.10225691

85 million... No don't have time for Vietnam. It's a generous offer but work wouldnt be amenable to travel.

>> No.10225743

Is what I wrote the other night.if that's is the case, then in a scenario like what is described above youd only get the profits for you part in the 25 million. The dev would keep the rest allowing them to start another build quicker. In the event the price dips instead of go up, so the opposite of that scenario, relex eats the cost difference. They have a portfolio set aside to cover that cost. I'm not sure the amount though.

But the meat is the fact that the funds are in constant circulation. Sent to devs->sold at or above market->bought by new investors->rinse and repeat. Ideally, the price would only drop in a bear market where everyone is hit or if some dipshit fat fingers a sell order.

All of this occurs on the blockchain so you can see who put in what and how much the dev has. It cuts out a bunch of shady business practices contractors use.

>> No.10225748

Holy shit, Cointelegraph?
That’s 10x my stack

>> No.10225794

Plus even if your aren't interested in using relex as intended and only see it as another currency, it still works out for you due to the constant movement. By my calculations, the price of RLX is on a slider between $0-210.93 (the price needed for it to match bitcoin at its all time high. Now we're all aware its never going to get that high because its a token and even the best of the rest of cryptocurrencies haven't even gotten close to that monstrosity). However, because of that large slider and guaranteed movement, I don't see why $1, $5, or even $40 is out of the question given enough time. Years? Absolutely. But not impossible by any means impossible.

>> No.10225844

How does one divest? Say after a couple years in cocobay, I want to move on, how does that work?

>> No.10225849

Gib rlx plz

>> No.10225878

My issue is even if they have $150 million to fund developments how many can that realistically fund? It's going to take years to build said developments and turn a profit. The amount of volume they need to fund a project for 50 million @ 1 cent is outrageous. They will likely have to dip in on the first development. Please explain this to my tiny brain.

>> No.10225937

Any idea of when it will at least be on CMC? How about being listed on a major exchange?

>> No.10225970

That I don't know. I'm not a member of the relex team. What I just described is aside from the first post just speculation that makes sense to me on the basics of how it works. I'm sure they have a solution to scenarios like that, but I don't know.

Unsure. You could ask them. It could be that its only partially crowd funded. At least for the first few projects. And funding Is definitely going to take some time. Hell, even the average real estate development project right now still takes months to fund. It should all be outlined once the platform launches. I won't lie to you. At this time I don't know. That may be where the partnership with woodfine comes in.

>> No.10225999

For CMC, we are unsure. We keep applying but they say we don't meet the requirements, which is bullshit. We've had over 100k volume multiple times. We think the problem is social media numbers. Or CMC is just crooked. I mean they list legit shitcoins that have $4 daily volume. It wouldn't surprise me if CMC took bribes desu.

And for the major exchanges, they are in talks with a few top 10s and 20s. They turned down hitbtc. Not sure who the others are due to NDAs. Hitbtc doesn't have an nda though which is why we know.

>> No.10226013

I take it you are a member of the RELEX team. Good luck with the project. Hopefully we'll see you on some major exchanges soon and not just IDEX / EtherDelta.

>> No.10226033

Nope. Not a member of the team. But I do hold a bit of it. Just trying to answer questions about it with what I know.

Everyone should always DYOR and answer questions. And while it probably comes off as shilling, that's not my intent. If you think a project is good, go for it. if you don't, don't.

>> No.10226222

Look, I've already said too much
about my stack for me to feel
really comfortable please drop it.

>> No.10226270

And a literally who real estate developer with zero track record and no profits is somehow going to raise $150 million during their pre-ipo entirely based on the virtue of it only being purchasable with an also literally who cryptocurrency.

You are intentionally misleading people with your ""'hundreds of millions of dollars contract"". I really hope no one bought this shit coin because of you.

>> No.10226408


>Derp derp derp millions of dollars derp derp derp misleading people deeeeeeeerp!!!

Jesus you guys resort to the worst fud. I'd put money on you having a picture of Justin Sun stapled to the inside of your ass, or do you have too much LINK and Vechain blocking your large intestine? Typical bizlet fud attempt.