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File: 89 KB, 699x555, 1524290537012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10220135 No.10220135 [Reply] [Original]

BAT, everytime BAT releases anything that would make the price go up FUCKING BTC TAKES A SHIT, EVERY FUCKING TIME. BAT project is too good, its going to moon too hard, I think there is a conspiracy, there has to be, THE LAST 5 FUCKING TIME BAT SHOULD HAVE SHOT UP, PROVE ME WRONG, PROTIP YOU CANT.

>> No.10220156

Now you know how REQlets feel.

>> No.10220177

LOL REQ is nowhere near the level of BAT.

>> No.10220230

BAT has outperformed the market by like 150% the last six months
be happy you're not at like $0.10 rn

>> No.10220259

Bat its the only coin with a real use case
Buy now its like ethereum at under a dolla

>> No.10220262


>> No.10220353
File: 95 KB, 242x338, BATnigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its you faggot

>> No.10220362

>the absolute state of BAT fomoers

>> No.10220366

Yeah it’s way beyond

>> No.10220378
File: 51 KB, 557x711, atheist cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this picture of you on the internet.

>> No.10220479
File: 3.72 MB, 5778x4562, batevangelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you i was only fuding BAT while I was accumulating but now its turned into a damn conspiracy.

>> No.10220529

headphones in and fuck the world

>> No.10220867

Well how much do you have? Only 20k here :(

>> No.10221022

That should be enough.

>> No.10221044

>he didn't read the whitepaper

>> No.10221298

In 2-3 years everyone and their dog will have BAT, the 1.5 Billion in supply can only be spread so thin. 20k will be a king's share.

>> No.10221385


Fuck I hope so.

>> No.10221454
File: 239 KB, 1200x800, EichbrainBAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust in Eich.

>> No.10221491

That is as likely as everyone and their dog switching to duckduckgo in the same time-frame.

>> No.10221550

>Advertisers buy BAT to run Brave ads
>Users watch ads and earn that BAT
>Users give BAT to publishers
>Publishers encourage more users to adopt Brave ads
>With more users, more advertisers buy BAT to run ads.
>Cycle keeps repeating.
It's going to happen, Brave already has 3.1 Million Monthly Active Users, number is steadily increasing too.

>> No.10221602

Not even kidding in a few years you’ll earn bat from watching normie tv.

>> No.10221655

The conspiracy is that Brave is a shit browser

>> No.10221780

What price can we expect? I know that no one really knows but it seems like if everything comes together at the right time we can see a very healthy pump. I don't think $10 is out of the question by 2019. But that's a huge fucking guess.

>> No.10221785

wait for v1 faggot

>> No.10221805

BATs been .25 for an entire year now

>> No.10221953

If Brave ads happen on schedule, and the planned easy access Credit/Debit purchasing for BAT happens in Brave (Could be Coinbase providing that service) I see us reaching $10 end of year easily. Other cryptocurrencies have gone much higher for much less merit.

>> No.10221971

Wow BAT is still around. This was one of my first buys back in early 2017. Interesting idea but will never gain mainstream adoption. If it started to gain traction google or Facebook would wipe it out with the quickness.

>> No.10222159

Ive been using brave as my default browser for months, btfo.

>> No.10222216

>on 4chan
>using brave

.... right anon

>> No.10222243

Braves shit

>> No.10222354

Brave worked perfect on 4chan until Moot started tracking and selling your user data, Brave blocks that kind of shit out by default. Hit the Brave shields icon in the top right to turn your shields off and everything will work properly.

>> No.10222511

Turn shields off, works perfect. Only thing is you can't save pictures on 4chan for some reason.

>> No.10222642

This is true but v1 is really close, like weeks for pc, months for mobile. This is such an easy 100x.

>> No.10222652
File: 9 KB, 256x197, 1512871937224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn your shields off and everything will work properly

>> No.10222732

Except they can't do it be because it's their core business and they'd have shareholders file anti-trust lawsuits.

>> No.10222780
File: 38 KB, 1024x649, 1524021292293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10222855

thoughts on buying BAT now? seems a bit overextended for the moment on rsi/macd, any thoughts?

>> No.10222875

Of all the projects in crypto, this one deserves your money?
Hey, Anon do you wanna buy some BCC?

>> No.10222913


>150% gain

Jesus christ is this crypto or the stock market? What happened to muh 20x, 50x and 100x gains from few years back.

>> No.10222920

eh yeah ive just been in bitcoin/eth for awhile, i just recently put some in enigma and BAT, but small amounts of BAT for the moment caused it looks overpriced short term, enigma seems like a better buy at the moment

>> No.10222949

>making determinations using meme lagging indicators

wew lad. protip: buy BAT

>> No.10222983

I love bat and believe in it long term but I've also made a good amount trading it's dips. Everytime it goes low .20s i buy cause I know it's coming back up.

>> No.10223002

Anon, please buy what you want but shit projects stay alive cause ppl don't ask themselves simple questions....This market could easy last for a while, we have to lose some shit projects. ENG looks solid....

>> No.10223044

fucking this. it's like clockwork. I'm always worried i'm going to get caught with my pants down though (when i sell). Some mystery coinbase announcement is gonna end up fucking me.

>> No.10223217

ye i got a moderate stack of eng, seems like one of the better buying opportunities right now

>> No.10223442

Don't even bother trying to explain to these retards.

>> No.10224294

okay so i'm not the only one lol, this thing is like a super predictable pendulum.

>> No.10224304

There is a minimum iq requirement to understand how BAT works, I wish I was kidding.

>> No.10224461

55k here. Comfy.

>> No.10224510

Test fagging

>> No.10224526

Guys look at BAT right now, the faggots have to crash BTC to keep it down.

>> No.10225460

Luckily Normie Normanson only needs to understand: "I watch ads and get paid that internet crypto money" And the BAT economy can flourish.

>> No.10226003

BAT should have risen to above 30 cents today. But BTC killed it yet again, what a (((coincidence))).

>> No.10226819

All these short barts kill the alt gainers. They do this on purpose. They keep shaking btc until all the alt momentum has been spent then they shoot btc up. This is how they keep btc as number one.