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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 89 KB, 977x565, TAU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10218544 No.10218544 [Reply] [Original]

I believe that there are many coins that have the potential to grow in the near future and my hand picks will be TAU, NEO, ADA and XLM.

These coins have managed to find themselves a better place in the CMC rankings and they have been able to progress throughout the year. All of these lie in a similar category and they have shown some great potential to grow. There are some variations in between them but the one I look into is the price. These coins are both cheap and expensive and if bought at the right time they can surely help one to have a good source of income!

There are many other coins out there but I personally prefer these as they are the ones that stand out to me due to their features and price consideration.

>> No.10218577

Brainlet here - can somebody please shill me in lamden.
I just like the fact they have 11 mil supply and are cheap. Usually plays out well in a bull market.

>> No.10218581

I have 3 of them in decent volume,
but the large portion is TAU as it's the cheapest and was able to get most of them easily!

>> No.10218594

Take NEO out, expensive and doesn't offer anything special.

>> No.10218598

erase every shitcoin without a working product from that list you brainlet.

>> No.10218613

all of these shitcoins have already supermooned

>> No.10218619


Lamden's ultimate goal is to facilitate the creation and use of blockchain technology for enterprises.

To achieve this, Lamden offers an open source developer's tool kit that allows businesses to launch their own fully-customizable private or public, blockchain in minutes.

The 4 main components of Lamden’s developer suite are Saffron, Flora, Clove and Cilantro.

o do so effectively, a blockchain with highly attractive features must exist, however, currently existing options like Ethereum or Bitcoin are very limited (i.e. they are very good for one thing and not so much for another). Thus they would carry their own limitations onto new blockchains based on them.

Therefore, a project with a non-limiting blockchain, free, lighting-fast transactions, future-proof governance, ever-evolving infrastructure and atomic swaps naturally embedded in its core was necessary.

>> No.10218640

Not really I think I still feel that they have the potential to go MOON again,

i.e, we will be seeing TAU's mainnet in the Q4 and I believe that will be the time when it actually hits it to its peak.

>> No.10218642

ITT: how to destroy your personal capital

>> No.10218651

lmao bro, take a look at the market yourself
all the coins I have mentioned are increasing day by day.

>> No.10218663

I personally like TAU alot considering their progress and all the hype surrounding it,
but I can't argue on what it offers that other platforms dont?

>> No.10218692
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I wonder what he meant by this

>> No.10218715

-100k TPS

-Sidehchain capability

- Python powered

-Atomic swaps

- MN

-ZERO TX fee

This will give you something to defend it.

>> No.10218726

It's a whitepaper and a dream lol

>> No.10218805
File: 8 KB, 300x168, we di.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the most irrelevant things I have seen in a long ass time, this ain't a Neblio complaint center.

>> No.10218858

your pajeet is showing

isn't TAU still an ERC20 token?

>> No.10219666
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Do you think that this is how normal people post?
>make a fake conversation about TAU and a bunch of other equally hopeless shitcoin so that is does not look like a TAU thread as such
>but since this conversation is fake I will make TAU look like the winner
>I bet that no nobody will notice then that this is just another pajeet scam thread
From all Pajeets I have encountered you are the most retarded and most visibly desperate.

Nobody needs a shitcoin that makes a decentralized candy crush

Nobody needs all of that bloatware that comes with your shitcoin.

>> No.10219676

A great project, finished reading the whitepaper!

Now most of the coins made pretty bad decisions and the biggest example is EOS. Lamden's mainnet is coming out in Q4 and I think that's pretty fucking great the crash will be gone by then.

This coin is 10x with no doubts at all.

>> No.10219725

Yes still ERC20, the actual product isn't here but waiting for the mainnet launch, dose it matter! They have been developing the project for quit some time. Clove update was good step and progress looks great since the crash. I think it can create a buzz in the market, although EOS was ruined but I have hopes for this one.

>> No.10219743
File: 1 KB, 125x46, 1531240900690s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the coins I have mentioned are increasing day by day.

Does brainlet believes this?

>> No.10219764

EOS has side chains and has said that they will from the start so this is fake.

>> No.10219817
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In order to create fake hype the Pajeet will start with a new thread and reply to himself using different IDs so that it looks like a real conversation between real human beings. In fact he will often even spam several threads at once in order to make it look like there was a real vibrant discussion on this board. In truth it is never more than one single Pajeet and I have jet to encounter a case with two Pajeets shilling one coin.

Normal human behavior like for example humor and especially inside jokes are completely missing in those fake conversations. All that the monkey does is what the monkey has seen before. He can at most copy funny stuff that he has seen on other threads and paste it into his own. But no joke repeated for all eternity stays funny forever and his lesser mind is completely incapable to come up with anything witty on his own. Thus you will never find an original inside joke related to a shitcoin in a shillthread.

>> No.10219830
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It does not matter if you post constructive criticism or racist jokes. In almost every instance the Pajeet will attack you using tree different IDs in his vicious hope to make you feel like an outsider for doubting his lies. Just look at those places from which these Pajeets are coming from and realize that he can never become a productive member of any society and that he has to attack you. His existence is dependent on stealing the white mans riches and he simply has to deny that there is anything wrong with his coin.

In the beginning he simply admired all higher minds and he continues to worship cows for their intelligence and the depth of their soul. But on /biz/ he quickly learns that those stronger brains are nothing but a source of pain for him. After fearing intelligent criticism he starts to become more and more fearful of intelligence itself. He thus quickly becomes first envious, then resentful, then hateful and finally cruel and embittered toward everything that is white and beautiful.

You can see for yourself the true nature of his cruelty and hate when you watch those videos where Asian women wearing high heals slowly stomp cute little animals to death. And if you believe that these are just single exceptional cases then watch the food in a Korean seafood restaurant. Watch those families with their children enjoy the suffering of those mutilated but still alive animals who's flesh they are eating. Realize that this is all the compassion that you will ever receive from them and that they will treat you just the same if you let them.

>> No.10219831

The market will shoot that's obvious and I think they made the right decision Mainnet can help them grow exponentially! Lamden is no doubt a gem, team looks promising as well. At the end of the day decisions are made by them.

I don't think it really matters that the actual product isn't here, there's something called roadmap so no hard feelings for this.

>> No.10219838
File: 166 KB, 661x642, 2rfOV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The funny thing is that even if the Pajeet ends up being successful with his cryptofraud he will still end up being poor. Even if he were to win the lottery he will never escape his situation because he will never escape his own nature.

Once he ends up having any money he will waste everything on frivolities and meaningless shit just because it is flashy or shiny. If he has a million he will never buy any tangible investments or plan for retirement. Instead he will buy every extra you can get for a Lambo even if he does not understands what it actually does. Just think of all the shit those Gangster Rappers purchase. Within 6 months there will be no money left. Within another 3 months he will have to sell his Lambo to pay the bills. Within another 3 months he will be back on /biz/ shilling the new fork of Bazingacoin.

This is the nature of every Pajeet and his children and their children for all eternity. That lower creature is forever doomed to his misery and everything he touches will fall apart to ashes and dust. He will forever dream of being rich because he is too primitive to dream of becoming white.

>> No.10219862

>literal fratboy token shilled here by a bunch of college football "alphas"
>bullshit empty promises with vague statements about "blockchain for business"
Fuck off m8. It still frustrates me that this scam went past the ICO stage

>> No.10219908

>EOS has side chains and has said that they will from the start so this is fake.

Yea all these comparison charts are marketing BS

Also not sure why they have masternodes checked for EOS unless they mean the Block Producers.

>> No.10219919

I like the idea but they are failing to differentiate it from other Dapps! I think they need to work on that fast, most people just go for the specs on the website and hardly anyone opens the white paper!!

>> No.10219954

Dude the project is different people are stupid!! It's not for normal buy low sell high!

Lamden is a modular blockchain. There are several differences between lamden and the other modular blockchains. One of the biggest differences however is that there are no transaction fees. How then does the Proof of Stake holder earn rewards and prevent spam from free transactions? The answer to this is written at the link below and summarized here. If a chain doesnt wish to have spammed transactions, they can implement a fee using tau and only Tau, the token of the lamden network. "This means that if they don’t have any Tau, they will have to purchase some. This will increase the demand of the tokens and establish an economic viability for the chain to exist in the long term.

>> No.10219975

>free transactions
>if you want to prevent spam you have to implement fees

Absolutely retarded

>> No.10220057

Dude are you even living in 2018!

What's the purpose of Blockchain if you can't cut the middle man? The target market for Lamden is enterprises and they will not want to use a product that imposes fees. Imagine a food payment service or a cab service using blockchains, why would they fucking want a crypto that charges extra feeeeees!!

The whole purpose of using Blockchain Technology to solve everyday problem we have. We are in the boom because it's a new technology, with time as many projects exist, the number will reduce though but they won't die out. Nope, they can't die. There are way to many problems to be solved on this planet.

>> No.10220412
File: 92 KB, 1024x768, 95ca94a855d75b0c2efb510291ccffc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The target market for Lamden is enterprises

There are no enterprises that have any need for TAU or dapps platforms like TAU because nobody needs a decentralized candy crush. In all your threads you have so far failed to show a single use case for this scamtoken. You have even failed to come up with a hypothetical dapp that will be downloaded 72 times over 10 years for c99 each. This is how you give everyone the proof that there is no usecase and everything you spam is nothing but lies and empty promises.

>> No.10221083


Have you read the whitepaper! First thing this is not my thread, I'm sad that you don't the use cases of this project and blaming the OP for not mentioning them. Go read the whitepaper if you even care for the use case lol.

It's pretty easy to count the numerous applications of this project by yourself. Just imagine a blockchain which offers you a speed of 10k tps and that too free. It's obviously cutting down the middle men! the applications go on just use your head mate.