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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10218487 No.10218487 [Reply] [Original]

We are unironically here.
Prices can't go any lower because "muh mining costs"
The charts actually match up.
The market sentiment overlaps perfectly.

>> No.10218498

zoom out

>> No.10218520


>> No.10218528

>my retirement money is lost, how can we pay for all this new stuff? I am an idiot.

>> No.10218531
File: 51 KB, 291x300, 1530866085844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bull inc?

>> No.10218545

Why would I zoom out anymore? This is a market CYCLE. I've zoomed out enough to capture the cycle. The chart is on daily candles, if I zoom out more, to monthly, it shows the entire life of bitcoin not the simplified market cycle that we are comparing to.

>> No.10219129

We are at denial fyi.

>> No.10219164

The depression might last a while. But i use this time to buy.

>> No.10219168

he's meming newfren
you're right though, we bull now

>> No.10219176

this post is proof that we are in denial. fucking retards think that 6k is low lmao theres a shitton of people that invested 1k in 2015 and still have 30k+ dollars. 2015 was 3 years ago, let that sink in. if you think this shit has bottom out you are delusional

>> No.10219387

> angry newfag detected
Take it from me newfag, I first bought at 2011 and never paid over $1,000 / btc. This is the bottom. It’s a market cycle so I’m not sure what your irrelevant angry rant has to do with anything. I know you’re mad because you have no clue how these market cycles work and probably cry “muh manipulation” but we are unironically at the bottom. $4k is a meme. Let that sink in.

>> No.10219394

We are at complacency.

>> No.10219463

Zoom out

>> No.10219535


We are at Epilogue, followed by The End

>> No.10219552

The top-shillers still shill.
We barely started anxiety.

>> No.10219568
File: 18 KB, 476x400, 652E7F60-ED1D-4B80-A531-F8CD3EF1D663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ni hao, ni hao, bull nao, bull nao

>> No.10219578
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>> No.10219621

The depression has not even started imo

not even close.

>> No.10219633

This was obviously a sucker's rally

>> No.10219656
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1501730070189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we know what time frame this shit plays in? could be the monthly.

>> No.10219667

When the deflation occurs it will be so rapid you won't even have time to scream what happened to my linkies

>> No.10219673

Among normies it started a long time ago. Nobody still using /biz/ is going to be disillusioned by crypto.

>> No.10219992


>> No.10219996

sure it has. remember last week when /biz/ was dead and people only posted boomer memes? that's depression

>> No.10219998 [DELETED] 


>> No.10220005

I've been depressed for months, getting out of bed every day is a struggle for me

how can this possibly get worse

>> No.10220507
File: 190 KB, 1125x633, 1501032853322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to say u guys are right but i feel the same way as you do and it pretty much confirmed were in for some major JUST

>> No.10220813
File: 59 KB, 1180x616, YR2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this is unironically the most important thread on /biz/ right now

I don't claim to be an oldfag by any means, but I bought into crypto with what little money I had back in late January of 2017 and I've watched this whole year-some unfold
I knew we were in for a huge correction after December 2017 went fucking crazy, but to be honest I had been feeling like a bear market should come way before that; since maybe summer 2017 as I was and am very careful and wary about these things

But right now, as I'm writing this, I am unsure of where the fuck crypto as a whole is going, but with all things together, Bitcoin has only gone below $6k twice in this whole year, and there is now a long span of time with price history backing up that $6k
So, I have to say I'm finally now setting a buy order for my whole tethered stack at $6k

>pic related is back before the runup someone pointing out the strong backing behind $8k

>> No.10220877

What price did you sell at? Also, how did you know it was the peak of it all? TA or just feeling or?

>> No.10220935
File: 73 KB, 1024x768, 1269882_536989656370390_635989372_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serious concern, this chart is taking over /biz/ and yes it seems to fit the current BTC market. but has it been realised in any other market except crypto? if so I'd be thankful if anyone could posts charts of stocks etc that have followed the chart.

>> No.10220964
File: 398 KB, 645x773, 1518751975837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truthfully it was just a feeling after looking at the market for so long
iirc Bitcoin fucking doubled in December alone or at least it felt like that because it was super quick from Nov-Dec, and after that point I knew it was just time to get out at the first sign of danger
I tethered my whole stack then at like $16k which was pretty much right after BTC did a (small in hindsight) correction and recovery over the week between Christmas and new year's.
People had also been saying then on /biz/ (and will likely say again this year) that everything always dumps for Christmas, which it did

>> No.10221119


We are not even close to the panic stage

>> No.10221203

I panicked already tho

>> No.10221224

posting shit like this will indeed put us in Disbelief, followed by Optimism, skipping to Capitulation x10 because golden bull trap

>> No.10221297

Damn man, nicely done. I'm still holding. It's been painful :( . I think this time around I have learned lessons and the psychology of the cycles more. If we have another bullrun, I can be more weary of it all like you were.

>> No.10221484

Bears are at euphoria

>> No.10221594

screencapped to reminder you later this year to kill yourself

>> No.10221645
File: 34 KB, 655x527, biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave /biz/ for months
>come back to check
>it's still literally the exact same shit as last year
at least this pic is bretty gud

>> No.10221699

This. Boomer memes are depression. The “me, irl” self deprecating millennial humor that is indicative of bottom sentiment.

>> No.10221789

I just heard a crypto commercial on mainstreaming fucking radio. There's never going to be a bull run again. That was the ATH TOP. That was the tulip worth 1 MILLION. Sorry you missed the chance of a lifetime op it's not coming back.

>> No.10221801
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 1519850032358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sentiment in here is irrelevant. we're a few hundred, maybe a few thousand, highly autistic racists who spend time on a dead hentai imageboard.

>> No.10221848

Not with this market cap

>> No.10221906

> disbelief
Wow, we're already there.

>> No.10221962
File: 304 KB, 1408x506, 1510799375665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any reason you started the chart at 6.5k? surely not to trick delusional bulls right?

>> No.10221966
File: 59 KB, 697x571, nasbtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cycles are the same, but the charts never look exactly the same. This is depression. When one billionaire can buy the whole market, you know this is early.

>> No.10221992

>that 30 year old boomer who thinks the beyond insane growth last year wasn't actually the real golden bull run

Pfft, bitcorn ONLY went 20x, and every altcoin (except CHAINLINK) only went 100x at the very least.

Nah, the real pump is right around the corner

>> No.10222073

Looks like we are in for a 5-10 bear market and hope a quantum computer isn't put on everyone's block or in everyone's household.

>> No.10222083

The original chart marks the beginning and end of the cycle, and yours shows the entire lifespan.
> Protip: zoom in to analyze a CYCLE

>> No.10222099

But im depressed for 5 years now and still going when moon?

>> No.10222103

Feeling comfy rn

>> No.10222330

biz has a shit load of traffic and is a good gauge for the rest of the market

>> No.10222357
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>> No.10222364
File: 1.97 MB, 380x554, 97739E58-D24C-4C4E-B6AA-30F683826112.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depressed people do not think life is going to get any better. People still think the market is going to go back up at some point, so they’re not depressed. Get it?

Depression will set in when month after month goes by with negative price movements, when people start admitting that 2017 was the Golden bull run, when they truly believe it’s never going back up.

>> No.10222500

your chart says we're going a lot lower

>> No.10222609

I do believe 3-4K is possible but 5-6k is super strong

>> No.10222623


>> No.10222643

This was one quick depression phase...

>> No.10222645

>the zoom out meme

>> No.10222664

biz doesn't represent the market sentiment tho. people here are also pretty depressed/demoralized if they haven't been here long enough. think of the normies who were following bitcoin since like 10k and watched the run to 20k and the subsequent drop to 6k. they probably think it's over and the ones who made money got lucky like people who make money off penny stocks.

>> No.10222723

This.Stop thinking biz is the fucking market.It isn’t, the market is the guy who remortgaged his house in December, and now his wife has left him, and he has 8k left from the 120k mortgage and wants to kill himself.Biz is a special breed who won’t think the market is ever dead.Just like biz were the ones to believe in crypto back in 2011 when nobody else believed in it and it was worth fuck all.

>> No.10222751

So depress/disbelief?

>> No.10222768

Couldn't agree more, biz is a small fraction of the market. Not to mention that the threads are repeatedly done by the same people, giving a false sense of popularity

>> No.10222834

That's why ChainLink will fail.

>> No.10222859


>> No.10222865


>> No.10222922

You just agreed with a guy above that 6k was basically the bottom. Yet you don’t think we are in despair/depression?you are making no sense.

>> No.10222926

IDIOTS, obviously we're still at Euphoria.

>> No.10223056

>the real crash will be from 30¢ to 1¢

>> No.10223086

Most every asset follows a pattern similar to the chart, just over longer timespans with things like stocks. Crypto prices moves way faster and more drastic so its major market cycles are shorter. Take a look at silver and gold but use monthy candles, looks pretty similar. Same with dotcom boom on a larger time frame

>> No.10223110

zoom out

>> No.10223194

Friendly reminder BTC double topped at 20k signaling a top. Double topped at 10k signifying a top. Now we've double bottomed at 5800. Look at crypto twitter, everyone is posting tentative weak charts because sentiment is still in disbelief that like the previous rallies before, this one won't have any legs.

>> No.10223305

One token that disbelief is here is that bears have already now had time to formulate their meme, Bobo, and for it to become the foremost meme on /biz/

'member when all that could be heard on /biz/ were the truly pitiful cries of pink wojaks, and the delusional sentiment that we were going up back in February or March?

>> No.10223531

>people think we'll have another bull run when the last one was just 7 months ago
come on guys, you think a bear sleeps this little? price will dump again during christmas to ~4k best time to buy

>> No.10223643
File: 2.08 MB, 854x480, 1529342556101.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bears are delusional. This shit is not only revolutionary but has more money potential than even the internet because its an international stock exchange where the rich can hide trillions tax free. Wtf do they think this is beanie babies? Lmfao China comes back next year, ETFs in December, NEO $1000 EOY

>> No.10224556

We’re still in denial.

>> No.10224583


I think we are right in the middle of depression

>> No.10224611

fuckin' rights!

>> No.10224721

I bought this shit for 200 and still isnt selling lmao

>> No.10225096


What's the market cycle for going sidewards for 6 months called?