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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 819x495, comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10215487 No.10215487[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

https://initiativeq com/invite/Bgao822GX
Get in faggots! free funny internet money. 14k once verified as the signup bonus. 11k per invited head.
You only need a email address to sign in.

Airdrop is invite only. I have 4 invites left. Clock is ticking on them. Join in get verified and then get others in once you are verified.

>> No.10215518

https://initiativeq com/invite/BXoQrIpzX

Quick verifications chaps

>> No.10215526

All invites left

https://initiativeq com/invite/HgeoPKpnGm

>> No.10215529

5 slots.

https://initiativeq com/invite/HgBlaphzm

>> No.10215535

correction. 4 left. quick

>> No.10215564

https://initiativeq com/invite/HWkuJxzQ7

>> No.10215574

https://initiativeq com/invite/rIJlgxGQm

Invites available if you want one
Free hat

>> No.10215582
File: 660 KB, 5723x5377, 1527671518912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 hours left
3 slots left
will verify asap

https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX

>> No.10215602

sir, when verify

>> No.10215609

https://initiativeq com/invite/Bgao822GX
3 left.

>> No.10215620
File: 77 KB, 640x640, cutepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I still have all invites left, will verify asap

>> No.10215634
File: 90 KB, 639x594, 1404238747951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being retarded and sink your coins into something with REAL 1000x potential https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534

>> No.10215639

How do i verify the only option its giving me is reject

>> No.10215651

initiativeq com/invite/rldiyAhfQ (add a dot before com)

Will verify instantly. Spread the love, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.10215654

u can use mine instead :)
https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX

>> No.10215670

this is all free you stupid pajeet.
only some time wasted at worst, not money. and if it pans out, out of just a little time you come out with some cash.

https://initiativeq com/invite/Bgao822GX
git in here anons before they expire. 3 left, instant verify.

>> No.10215678

What are they gaining out of running this blatant pyramid scheme, exactly?
>haha, not a pyramid my friend, only 5 invite max! :-)
>as soon as you hit 5 invites it increases

>> No.10215697
File: 107 KB, 583x774, 1516718970249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know that you dont lose anything here?
if its a scam than fuck it
if not than you get, what it seems, free money

>> No.10215701

more users.
The value of the rewards drop in time and as the user base grows.

They have a target number for a user base.

Thing is ATM they are basically paying you to join, even if you wont invite anyone, but of course you have incentive to invite people.

The stated intent is to make it a new payment system. That would be pretty shit if it does not have users. Because honestly it can be barely functional and if it has a userbase it is going to be worth much more than a perfect system that has no users. Thus investment in recruiting a large userbase.

As we are at the start of it we can get the best benefits out of it, with the only investment being some internet time.

>> No.10215703

am i supposed to actually contact the people i invite before i can verify them or is my link just fucked?

>> No.10215708

https://initiativeq com/invite/BXoQrIpzX

5 left bois

>> No.10215714

they have to verify their acc first with an email
after that you can verify them

>> No.10215725
File: 49 KB, 655x527, smartpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://initiativeq com/invite/HgeoPKpnGm

I don't think this is working, maybe everyone here is signed up already?

>> No.10215728

have you confirmed your email?

>> No.10215730

5 invites left, immediate verification
initiativeq com/invite/r48b4c1XX

>> No.10215734

and what annon here said.
If you are paranoid, make a new email for this, and then even if it is a email harvesting op, you literally have 0 risk for a potential decent to very decent reward.

Right. Get in here annons. These invites will expire in about 12 hours and in 2 hours i have to be on my way and without internet.
Come on, i know there are 3 annons that would like 14k internet funny money. Lets make a mutually beneficial arrangement so the invites don't go to waste.
https://initiativeq com/invite/Bgao822GX

>> No.10215735
File: 96 KB, 280x300, 1528316207260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think that too

>> No.10215742

When verify

>> No.10215747


>> No.10215753

only 2 hours left guys..
https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX
3 invites left

>> No.10215755

correction, 2 anons.
2 invites left.

https://initiativeq com/invite/Bgao822GX

>> No.10215765

You are verified, pajeet.

Just had to argue with your probably cousin for a while. He has done one to many scams and sees the entire medium as a scam.

>> No.10215783

1 invite left.
1 slav is squatting on the other.
Many Adidas tracksuits will be bought when the network launches.

https://initiativeq com/invite/Bgao822GX

>> No.10215786

Still some time left to help ur crypto grill out anons.

initiativeq com/invite/r48b4c1XX

>> No.10215806

https://initiativeq com/invite/BeuJna3M7

5 left

>> No.10215818

What a cunt

>> No.10215832

3 left - are you going to get your free money or die trying?

https://initiativeq com/invite/rH1oJzTzX

>> No.10215850

My apologies if I got the country wrong.

The hangover is not doing me any favors and the energy drink was instead a nice IRL fight over pointless shit, that got me a good mad.

Still i prefer to get other /biz/tards if this shit works out. Cheer up anon, and shill your link as well so you too can get some extra on top.

>> No.10215872

Is one a Pajeet if brown but born in England?

>> No.10215879


Gah. meant for >>10215818

See, my mad induced energy is already slipping.

>> No.10215922

https://initiativeq com/invite/BXoQrIpzX

3 left

>> No.10215938

https://initiativeq com/invite/BLuOzZM77

>> No.10215941


Well, this should go to /pol/ but i would say it kind of depends on how you ask the question.

I mean, unless you are certain of your pajeet ancestry, you may not be a pajeet, but worse, a mutt. Fun times with the extra genetic predisposition to diseases from both sides.

On the other hand, depending on your certainty of ancestry you could be a transplant pajeet (or hohol, or kebab or whatever)

Regardless of what you are, I would advise you to start making some precaution if you are still in bongland for the just in case. Bug out and fightan (bug out imho is easier to achive at a lower cost with some savings in good value holders and travel destinations where you have ancestry and potentially distant family to re-familiarize yourself with the local situation). From what i see the direction is not improving on a macro scale.

But you know better i suspect. Hows the situation on the ground there?

>> No.10215952

5 friends

https://initiativeq com/invite/HxDHbbM7m

>> No.10215962
File: 48 KB, 676x426, 1528349411863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come on guys you dont want to miss the last chance
https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX
3 invites left
time runs
i verify asap

>> No.10215986
File: 195 KB, 956x632, 886729BF-EE52-47B3-AC42-72C8A6881965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



https://initiativeq com/invite/r7DhEWf7m

>> No.10215988

5 invites left

https://initiativeq com/invite/rPjVBWGQQ

>> No.10216006

Signed up. Thanks.

>> No.10216010

And done. I am now at the level of OP pic related.

To be noted however, i have a little bit less as noted in the decrease in rewards over time.
>182992 vs183024

Still, even with the decrease, biz entrants are fine.

>> No.10216013

verified, no problem dude

>> No.10216022
File: 179 KB, 500x216, 1521669632612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX
1 invite left /biz/bors
were all gonna make it

>> No.10216036

Thanks for inv fren

Here is link for moar frens

Initiative Q is building a new payment network and giving away significant sums of their future currency to early adopters. It’s by invite only and I have a limited number of invites. My personal invite link: https://initiativeq com/invite/SQYgSbMXX

>> No.10216040

https://initiativeq com/invite/rPjVBWGQQ

>> No.10216056
File: 551 KB, 964x912, late.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one hour left!

>> No.10216062
File: 265 KB, 578x394, B089566F-2D1B-4B87-941B-32D3FA9BE22E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Verify me! 4 left:

https://initiativeq com/invite/r7DhEWf7m

>> No.10216068

only 1 left guys, and the clock is ticking down fast! DON'T MISS OUT!

https://initiativeq com/invite/rH1oJzTzX

>> No.10216080
File: 15 KB, 663x485, bobo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 frends remaining

https://initiativeq com/invite/HxDHbbM7m
frens, i verify you fast. thank you frens.

we all gonna make it

>> No.10216082

your links literally do nothing on chrome

>> No.10216084

https://initiativeq com/invite/BXoQrIpzX

Verifying now

>> No.10216099
File: 67 KB, 800x748, E9295AC9-5C76-47C7-9C4E-59A1BEDD48AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


100% bonus with my vip insider link guys, 4 left:

https://initiativeq com/invite/r7DhEWf7m

>> No.10216119

then use firefox
works for me
and u sould add an dot ... just in case you forgot

>> No.10216120

>initiativeq com/invite/r48b4c1XX
yo Marco! i signed up w/ ur link :) gimme dat verification baby

>> No.10216135

verifying now. Why aren't you FOMOing for free money, biz brainlets?

https://initiativeq com/invite/rH1oJzTzX

>> No.10216140

https://initiativeq com/invite/rxhotWfXm

Come and join (don't forget to add the missing dot in the link)

>> No.10216145

one invite
one hour
come on and join in
https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX

>> No.10216161
File: 92 KB, 600x534, 99731028-F18C-4A3F-BB36-0F5AAC9AE6BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lightning verify goys! And 100% bonus with my vip insider link guys, 4 left:

https://initiativeq com/invite/r7DhEWf7m

add . ^

>> No.10216171

https://initiativeq com/invite/BQ3nKWM77
come and join in babes, don't forget the (.) before com

PS ty Marco u legend

>> No.10216179
File: 68 KB, 444x608, shilling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shilling friends links on youtube

Go go go

>> No.10216188

getting of the internet, anons.

ty and gg on preventing invites from going to waste. May they help you out and serve you well.

As a good bye have some Pinochet.

>> No.10216197


https://initiativeq com/invite/rH1oJzTzX

>> No.10216206

https://initiativeq com/invite/BXoQrIpzX

get your free money bitches

>> No.10216224

4 invites left. I verify fast https://initiativeq com/invite/rPjVBWGQQ

>> No.10216235

https://initiativeq com/invite/Sx-47vp3G7

Join faggots

>> No.10216245
File: 608 KB, 1200x675, Togedude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verify me anon

https://initiativeq com/invite/B-xstZG7X

>> No.10216259

https://initiativeq com/invite/BQ3nKWM77

instant verification here come get your free $140k

>> No.10216275
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1528880546001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX
only 1 invite and 56min left
get in here fast

>> No.10216283
File: 105 KB, 1115x709, 1530264092182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://initiativeq com/invite/HxDHbbM7m

2 frens remaining

I'm getting nano vibes

>> No.10216296

Instant verification
I'm here all day

https://initiativeq com/invite/B-xstZG7X

>> No.10216326
File: 1.52 MB, 1080x927, 1525598450032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the game goes on
new 10 invites left bros already verified 5 users
get in here

>> No.10216333

forgot link
https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX

>> No.10216341

Everyone get in here, 5 invites left, will verify instantly

https://initiative com/invite/SwAR0bMXm

>> No.10216363

The easiest $100k you'll ever make in your life, and all you have to do is click once. Are you too lazy to make $100k from 1 click, nocoiner?

https://initiativeq com/invite/rH1oJzTzX

>> No.10216395

Will verify instantly

https://initiativeq com/invite/HegNZMGXm
https://initiativeq com/invite/HegNZMGXm
https://initiativeq com/invite/HegNZMGXm

>> No.10216405

Let's become frens

https://initiative com/invite/SwAR0bMXm

>> No.10216415
File: 39 KB, 560x560, 1530345953737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Initiative Q is building a new payment network and giving away significant sums of their future currency to early adopters. It’s by invite only and I have a limited number of invites. My personal invite link: https://initiativeq

>> No.10216417

https://initiativeq com/invite/SQYgSbMXX

>> No.10216455

Instant verification

https://initiativeq com/invite/B-xstZG7X

>> No.10216490
File: 258 KB, 516x649, initiativeq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also free airdrop tokens
easy 200$
https://www.avinoc com/r/Xbzzxq5p8cY4

>> No.10216491
File: 56 KB, 516x689, Bruce_Lee_1973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ay used your invite

>> No.10216500

10 invites with instant verifiction. Stop clicking on links with NO invites left and TARDY verification.


https://initiativeq com/invite/rH1oJzTzX

>> No.10216502

verify me nigga

>> No.10216506

https://initiativeq com/invite/BXoQrIpzX

Why do you hate money anon?

>> No.10216511

All done my fellow bizraeli

>> No.10216518

How exactly can I make $$$$ from this crap?

>> No.10216519

https://initiative com/invite/SwAR0bMXm

Guaranteed instant verification since I have nothing better to do right now anyway

>> No.10216521

this guy is slow.

>> No.10216525

https://initiativeq com/invite/HegNZMGXm
https://initiativeq com/invite/HegNZMGXm
https://initiativeq com/invite/HegNZMGXm


>> No.10216529

By registering, that's all

>> No.10216539

So this shit is worthless

>> No.10216544

10 invites left, verify asap
5 confirmed useres with my link

https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX

>> No.10216546

who cares if its worthless at least we've tried

>> No.10216547

It's either worthless or worth a whole bunch. The point is that you lose nothing by trying

>> No.10216553
File: 36 KB, 520x416, 1530553688871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe click the "learn more" button on their website?

>> No.10216599

Come on guys, stop doubting. 1 minutes of your time = potential $$$ in the future. Don't be a salty nocoiner. 10 invites, instant verification up for grabs here. GET FREE SELL HIGH

https://initiativeq com/invite/rH1oJzTzX

>> No.10216694

insta verify 2 users remain.

https://initiativeq com/invite/HxDHbbM7m

>> No.10216731

You want the money, I've got 10 pots of this honey. Don't dawdle biz, time is running out.

https://initiativeq com/invite/rH1oJzTzX

>> No.10216770

https://initiativeq com/invite/BQ3nKWM77

one more time lads. instant verification :)

don't forget to add the dot before com

>> No.10216804

https://initiativeq com/invite/SQYgSbMXX

>> No.10216833

still got 4 slots left https://initiativeq com/invite/BQ3nKWM77

>> No.10216881

come on nigga you're slow

>> No.10216883

you need to verify new users

>> No.10216927
File: 45 KB, 576x555, ggggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 invites left
pic related my verified users
get in here
https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX

>> No.10216962

Slow? I don't think so. You're verified. Now bizbros, cmon get yo honey, get yo money

https://initiativeq com/invite/rH1oJzTzX

>> No.10216965

Free slots are left! Will verify you faster than anybody!

https://initiativeq com/invite/rgwnMmzXQ

>> No.10217035

>https://initiativeq com/invite/BQ3nKWM77
last one :)

>> No.10217040

2 invites left

https://initiativeq com/invite/rPjVBWGQQ

>> No.10217059

This one’s better than Q’s, it’s credit of $100 usd to use in a new exchange, you an use the usd to purchase bitcoin or any other crypto

Same thing as Q, sign up with the invite link

https://mltrade (DOT) ml/user/register/35358

>> No.10217063

5 friends remain on friends acc :)

https://initiativeq com/invite/HGQZlQGmX

will confirm faster than lightning bolt

>> No.10217094

4 verified,
One last chance to get free Q 37k
https://initiativeq com/invite/rPjVBWGQQ

>> No.10217121

9 invites left bizbros, fast verification, awesome free money. All you gotta do is spend a minute.

https://initiativeq com/invite/rH1oJzTzX

>> No.10217244

5 remaining

https://initiativeq com/invite/HGQZlQGmX

insta confirmation of your funds.

>> No.10217271

https://initiativeq com/invite/BeBirW6M7

instant verification

>> No.10217302

Done Stephen, what now?

>> No.10217387

https://initiativeq com/invite/BMKzbVzXX

5 slots open, will be online all day verifying

>> No.10217392

8 invites left goys
come on and join
i will verify asap

>> No.10217398

https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX

>> No.10217408

https://initiativeq com/invite/BXoQrIpzX

3 invites left fellas

>> No.10217476

https://initiativeq com/invite/rgwnMmzXQ
3 slots left
100% approval rate!
Be fast!

>> No.10217518

2 slots left

>> No.10217649

4 slots, little time left:
https://initiativeq com/invite/HbGLlZpfQ

>> No.10217683

how the frick did you get that many invites?

>> No.10217689
File: 192 KB, 840x1120, 36498346_1763489377098596_421303649986150400_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 left, join us

https://initiativeq com/invite/SeCGMCnfX

>> No.10217690

... like 25 minutes

>> No.10217693

https://initiativeq com/invite/rXyC5-fXm

cmon lads just 4 slots left on this one

>> No.10217700

after your 5 invites are used you get another 10
thats the point of this new system, get as many people as possible
but after the next 10 youre not gonna get new invites

>> No.10217713

i see, that's pretty cool, how do you remove someone's failed request?

>> No.10217717

Last Spot!
https://initiativeq com/invite/rgwnMmzXQ

>> No.10217725

I have 18 minutes to invite peeps - accepting all instantly during this period
https://initiativeq com/invite/HbGLlZpfQ

>> No.10217732

they get removed automatically after a period of time but i dont know how long that last
i think after their invite expired

>> No.10217747

5 slots open
https://initiativeq com/invite/r-BoqNfX7

>> No.10217778

Mason verify your account Dick head

>> No.10217786

cool ty

>> No.10217819

thanks for using my invite fren

https://initiativeq com/invite/BeBirW6M7

instant verification

>> No.10217883

initiativeq com/invite/HbAMxJ6GX

Seven invites left.

>> No.10217959
File: 24 KB, 326x325, 1529728020046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://initiativeq com/invite/r-BoqNfX7

3 slots still open anon