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10209780 No.10209780 [Reply] [Original]

If you don’t have a wife, kids and a home you are never going to make it

>> No.10209806

Dude Im only 30. Im still too young for all that.

>> No.10209867

i see your home was forked

>> No.10209885

fgt, I'm 20 years old, what the fk do you expect of me?

>> No.10209905

That looks like such a nice property anon

>> No.10209932

Having children is just a cope mechanism for mortals.

>> No.10209972

>no garden
literal 50yo boomer degenerate tier how do you live with yourself? I bet you feed your children processed frozen food and soda too. you're a disgrace.

>> No.10209975
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We would all like that but it's a thing of the past.

>> No.10209993

how did you into immortality?

>> No.10210006

LARPed until i warped.

>> No.10210036


I see you can’t convince a girl to let you put it in

>> No.10210043

Boomers that aren't making it.

>> No.10210218

thats an idea that started dying in the 60s

>> No.10210231

is it better to be married with kids and unhappy or alone but happy?

>> No.10210267

You'll never be perfectly happy.
Do whatever. You'll probably feel pain and regret over whatever you choose.

Do you want to be unhappy with children and big responsibilities, or unhappy with more free time, energy, and money?

>> No.10210362

"Der Ewige Boomer"

>> No.10210418

>If you don’t have a wife
How should femanons feel about this explicit bias?

>> No.10210444
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Mein Boomer

>> No.10210487

How the hell do you afford a house, /biz/? Minimum price in my area is ~$275,000 with a ~$70,000 down payment. It'll take me decades to save that much...

>> No.10210497

are you that anon that got doxxed the other day?

>> No.10210513

If a man has two wives. Then each one of these women has a husband and a wife. Easy

>> No.10210541

Wife is highest risk/reward investment you can make
good one: easy 1000x value
bad one: kys

>> No.10210603

what did she mean by this?

>> No.10210615


270k house. Top kek, try 1.5 million

>> No.10210646

gib parenting advice
unless your kids are fuckups then dont

>> No.10210696

OP stop posting your tiny garden.

>> No.10210758
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I want three boys and one daughter but its extremely irresponsible to get children if you are not sure you will make it or already made it.

>> No.10210777

Come to NYC where I live, crackhouses cost 500k and something actually decent in a middle class neighborhood is 800k. That's 200k down payment necessary. Even if I make 75k a year that's 50k after taxes. Even if I'm able to save 20k a year that's a decade before I can even buy and another 20-30 years of paying 4k every single month. Literally not possible to own a home

>> No.10210802

Move out of the third world?

>> No.10210867


Tfw grew up in Palo Alto, where the average a single family home is 3 million

>> No.10210877

Sell your house and retire?

>> No.10210900
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>If you don’t have a wife, kids and a home you are never going to make it
actually you are more likely to make it if you are solo because roastie and kids are a massive drain

>> No.10210935
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Parents have two houses worth 7 million with token loan grandparents have a house worth 2.5 million fully paid down, only child, I am basically set for life but I still work 60 hr weeks in private equity cause I like my high paying job. Yes I am OP.

>> No.10211030

Adopt an African even if you're dirt poor it's still n upgrade for them.

>> No.10211526

The goal is to finish college and live at home while working in the city for 3 or 4 years. Cost of living is high so salaries are comparably high. After those 3 or 4 years I'll have enough money to nearly buy a house for cash in the state I plan to move out to.

Mirin. I'm an only child so ill inherit this nyc house from my parents. Plan to keep it as a rental, easy 3 or 3.5k per month

>> No.10211594

normie get out

>> No.10211615
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>> No.10211648

dude plant some fucking trees back there holy shit

one of the worst yards ive ever seen

>> No.10211770

>invests in an asset that will outperform anything he does and essentially drain his resources without giving anything back

>> No.10212013

Nice place, Chris.

>> No.10212034

Feminism solved in one post

>> No.10212083

32 year old boomer here. Wife, two daughters and a bigger back yard than you OP. Sure don't feel like I've made it though.

>> No.10212128

>free time, energy, and money

seems way better

>> No.10212160

It is....believe me. You'll wish you had raised kids when your an old man though.
It's a trade off I guess.
Enjoy life more while you're young vs. enjoy life more when you're old in addition to having a family who will take care of you.

>> No.10212180

That's still a gamble in this day and age with divorce and wayward kids. Not to bring you down, but you talk like it's a sure thing

>> No.10212205

african children are a nice fashion symbol to show off to your yuppie friends
like a small dog in a handbag

>> No.10212264


it only works if you have a traditional family structure, like if you are asian or mormon

>> No.10212639

Asians are ladyboys and suicide cases and mormons are drug addicts, retards, and suicide cases.
Why would I want to be like them?

>> No.10212666

Fuck no, I would rather adopt a white child.

>> No.10213565

Good thread

>> No.10213636

and that's a good thing!

>> No.10213684

but OP, thats were im trying to make it too

>> No.10213707

In that case no Millennial is gonna make it because none of us can afford any of that stuff.

>> No.10213710

Buying BCH is the only way to make it in life

BCH is literally the new paradigm in crypto

I’m going to spread this on twitter, facebook, youtube everything everywhere

Everywhere and everyone will be buying and using BCH

BCH will go over 9000! Everyone will be using it and transactions will be so fast and cheap.

Did you not hear that everyone is buying and using BCH now?

Omg like BCH is brilliant!

Lets buy BCH and HODL forever

You didn’t think BCH could be stopped did (((you)))?

Didn’t you hear?

We will have 10 trillion market cap within the next year!

Buying BCH is the best way to success!!

I’m writing a book on BCH

BCH long foreverrrrrr and everrrre!!!!!
<3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Hey do you like BCH and making money?

Because I like LOVE bch!

Omg I love BCH so much!

I like talking about BCH and how fast and cheap transactions are. It is the real bitcoin. Roger Ver is brilliant and Craig Wright is Satoshi.

I love how BCH is backed by Satoshi too as it is his true vision as per the white paper!

BCH is the new paradigm!!

I’ll buy BCH and go long forever and everrr ;)

I’ve been buying BCH this whole time

I’ve been teaching others and I’ve gotten my neighbors and coworkers into buying BCH and we are all making a lot of money together.

I’m really popular now among my friends because I’m making so much money with BCH since the airdrop. A lot of my friends are making tons of money off of BCH and we’re going to make a lot more!

I can’t wait to get my own miner from vitamin so I can help mine BCH but until then I’ll just invite people to my house to buy BCH and I’ll also buy BCH in my car.

Buying BCH is the best guaranteed way to make money!

>> No.10213764

>he thinks he can get a good job in manhattan without connections or rich parents.
>muh college degree

Kek you're fucking delusional. Unless you're going to school for coding or engineering or some Ivy League shit forget about it. I've been trying for 3 years to get my foot in the door in manhattan as a programmer. I tried applying to jobs in other states like PA and NJ too but it's even harder to find work there. Currently wagecucking for 12 bucks an hour and live in a shithole.

>> No.10214132


>Implying you'll be doing the same hobbies you do now for the next 40 years well into your old age
>Implying you'll always be a beta and never realise that the only meaning of life is propogation
>Mfw he fell for the materialism and the YOLO meme

I'd like to know what you think when you're 70+

>> No.10214339


That is only a thing in poor neighborhoods. Upper middle class places have low divorce rates and well behaved kids

>> No.10214345


OP here

I am a 31 yo millennial boomer

>> No.10214561

Why do you assume I have neither?
I'll be graduating civil engineering next year, I already have 3 friends working for private companies making 75-80k who can slip my resume in, and I did well on civil service tests and can have a 55k job locked down for sure as soon as I graduate. I can easily get a 65k job after I pass my FE which will be this winter. I wagecuck right now for 16.50 an hour so I'm already doing better than you.

You fucking pathetic loser

>> No.10214582
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>> No.10214591

Cry more you faggot. That way something will change for sure.

>> No.10214601
File: 489 KB, 1792x1342, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here I just sold the wife high and dumped the baby on here so I didn't have to baghold, good riddance.

>> No.10214608

My "initial investment" was $2750
I am sitting on Binance with $727 nowdays.
1083 ADA
1337 LINK
8076 TRX
Whats my EOY? 0?

>> No.10214628

>tfw bitcoin cash is an actual boomer coin
>boomers too late for bitcoin buying a coin they think is bitcoin but cheaper

>> No.10214734

About 350

>> No.10214797

Eat a dick fuckin loser

>> No.10214815

1337 Link. Going to make it

>> No.10214906

You are the disgusting, fucking, degenerated loser who is less worth than one of the subhuman races.

>The world is so unfair and i cannot afford a house.

>> No.10214934

I'm 31 virgin with no gf ever and only 5 friends my entire life and 0 friends since age 17.
Don't know what went wrong but somehow I ended up in the bottom 0.1% of people this happens to.
People just hate me. But too late now, if the friends you have weren't made during childhood, teens, or 23 at the latest they'll never be real friends.

>> No.10214940

I'm also 6'4, naturally muscular and lean. I think going bald at 17 from too high test left everyone just not liking me.
Balding = death, socially.

>> No.10214943

I have and home and a gf, kids soon.

>> No.10214960

The East Bay is way cheaper. Milpitas and Fremont are good. I hear Vallejo is dirt cheap.

>> No.10215741


>> No.10215792

>too young
You need to consider the possibility you've failed to grow up. Nothing is more disgusting than an infantile adult.

An emphasis on "happy" as a state of mind does not attain it. Marriage and unhappiness are not synonymous. Nobody should be marrying into unhealthy relationships.

>>10210218 + >>10213636
Family values, owning property and a local community?... oh no, how hideous. Get out of here Bergstien.

>> No.10215960

I would if boomers like you didn't spike up the housing prices and inflate fiat

>> No.10216354

>bought a house
>been working on it for the past 3 months
>result is beautiful
>wifey gf dumped me yesterday because we have opposite personality types or something

She cared so much about kids and was willing to be a stay at home mom while I would make cash and provide. I feel horrible.

>> No.10216434
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>Left my gf years ago because she wanted to marry and have kids
>Now an anime NEET for 4 years and am 27
I'll get all those things if my coins 100x and turn me into a millionaire

>> No.10216577

What ? Where did that come from ? You bought the house together ?

>> No.10216666

I'm balding, have a gf, and friends. Maybe you're just ugly/autistic.
And there's no such thing as "naturally muscular" you skinny twink.

>> No.10216673

I bought it. She wanted to get a horrible tattoo, I told her why I'd prefer if she would get a different one (literally anything else) and it went downhill from there. She literally said that if there's even one part I dislike about her maybe we shouldn't be together.

She also said that after being gone for the weekend there was not one moment she had missed me. Pretty harsh, and I don't know exactly where it suddenly came from, but I'm glad it happened now instead of later.

>> No.10216686

Oh okay you clearly dodged a bullet there anon.

>> No.10216715

>If you don’t have a wife, kids and a home you are never going to make it
What a fucked up version of 'making it' you have OP. My version of 'making it' has literally none of that shite!

>> No.10216721

Bought my house in january and getting married on saturday actually. My mrs and i are planning on buying another house this year before i quit my job to start my landscaping business, august 2019

>> No.10216760

>But I happily pay property taxes to my government!

You are a renter and always will be one. You just rent a suburban tier property. There are thousands more who look at your property and think you’re a serf.

>> No.10216843


should have paid better attention to HER feelings. women are emotional creatures and you need to learn to interpret what is NOT said in addition to what is said.

>> No.10216858


she will get blacked after taking molly in a dark mildew smelling bar bathroom

>> No.10216887

You pay taxes whether you rent or not you retard.

>> No.10216986

>She literally said that if there's even one part I dislike about her maybe we shouldn't be together.
Literally impossible.

>> No.10217044

That was my response, but to quote her one more time "it's not about logic, it's about how I feel".

>> No.10217538


>Falling for the hedonism meme

>> No.10217560

Yeah, my 6 month old cousin doesn't have a wife and kids yet, so he's totally not gonna make it.

>> No.10217574

>OP trying to convince himself that the boring act of fucking the same woman for the rest of your life is somehow desirable

>> No.10217575


>not being arranged marriages the old aristocratic way

You are right, he isn’t going to make it

>> No.10217594

bullet dodged m8

>> No.10217599


>> No.10217635
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>how I know you are a virgin.
>women are like jobs, you need work experience to get one.
>I get hit on way more by women wearing my wedding ring than when I was single

Women are wired to chase what other women want/have. You have to have a wife if you want to get a girlfriend.

>> No.10217636

This is me. Had a gf some years back and regularly fucked her raw and made sure that she was on the pill because was too scared of kid responsibility. Now multiple years single neet degenerate who wacks off to animu. Funny thing is it doesn't really matter because one can simply do other shit in life and be labeled differently, in the end it's still always you.
>get a shave and be reborn
Might be a boomer meme but it's true, you will always be you no matter how successful or how much of a failure you are in life.

>> No.10217642

haha you rekt me there. Fair play

>> No.10217674
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>Women are wired to chase what other women want/have. You have to have a wife if you want to get a girlfriend.

thanks for the advice gramps!

>> No.10217697

>i am the kid
>the wife in this house is my dad's
>home is where i live

fuck you

>> No.10218066

32yo boomer here. No interest in kids, prob won't get married. Honestly I would rather be dead than live your lifestyle. You're bragging about having the most generic boring life ever. Have fun with that.

>> No.10218117
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Why do you hurt me, I thought we were friends anon.

>> No.10218118

And yet you can't do anything about it because you have WILLINGLY agreed to only have sex with one woman for the rest of your life and she can leave and take half your shit whenever she wants. Cucksville. Cuck.com. Cuckzilla. Nice cope gramps

>> No.10218177
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>Not knowing the first thing about keeping a women

She only gets bored if you can’t attract other women. If other hotties are checking you out, she is more likely to stick to you. Women rarely divorce cheating husbands contrary to Hollywood, they divorce husbands who become incel and are no longer attractive to other women.

>> No.10218297

it'll be soon when manchildren like you die, when we run out of oil for example

>> No.10218625

absolutely not true

>> No.10218654

god i love this meme

>> No.10218670

what if I told you that you're becoming too old to breed?

>> No.10218671

holy shit you're right

>> No.10218701

Lol, perhaps you have not read the apocalyptic sayings of Jesus of Nazareth?

>> No.10218710

shut up, Cell

>> No.10218788


If you adopt a white child then no one knows that you're a (((good))) person though, at worst they just think your wife cucked you...

>> No.10218790

>Funny thing is it doesn't really matter because one can simply do other shit in life and be labeled differently, in the end it's still always you.
keep telling that to yourself, kek

>> No.10218818

I agree op, family is everything, and providing a nice home is essential

I am going to have kids soon I think

>> No.10218842

When we come closest to each other we can create new life forms that carry on that continuity that stretches back all those billions of years, and in them are the generations of human beings who have struggled. That is magnificent.
tl;dr you are about to fail at life, kek

>> No.10218856

I'm assuming anon is male, in which case you're wrong. Men can have children well into their 40s. If anon is a female then yes she is running out of time.

>> No.10218904

Ive dated dozens of women and never been dumped once. Keep puffing that chest out cuck boy. Bragging about being married is pathetic literally 95% of people on earth get married it means nothing.

>> No.10218984

Wew lad. Can't wait until you get your wakeup call.

>> No.10219209

The thing about having one woman your whole life. Think a second. How big is a change you wont fuck things completely up at least once ( at least sometimes you are too tired or sick to follow whatever the fuck she wants again ).

Thinking about that does not make you feel stressed?

I had gf for 8 years and few times I was too tired or stressed to communicate properly was enough and the bitch left.

Think about it.

>> No.10219225


>> No.10219245

literally the opposite of this. once you make it, you can do all that if you want.

>> No.10219593


Lol enjoy being a pleb


>> No.10219806

do boomers really believe that anyone is envious of their marriages? lol

>> No.10220585

This thread is a prime example of toxic shame, crab in bucket mentality, and sour grapes.