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10209395 No.10209395 [Reply] [Original]

Link bros/frens and link haters.

Give me your best FUD about LINK that you saved/ thought of/heard of.

Bonus points for image versions.

This thread is not about countering it, or refuting. I just want to start my collection as I probably read hundred of pages of FUD already on this board, it would be nice to have it saved up.

I will start. Jimmy Ching Chong. BTC core cuck medium post about smartcontracts, and how smartcontracts will only work on BTC slow as shit blockchain which is manipulated by miners etc.

>pic related

>> No.10209404

Sergey is fat and gonna die

>> No.10209502

Jason Parser stole the remaining LINK Token, captured the codeship and is now on his journey to the stars.
Yes I'm drunk.

>> No.10209504

That's not even a FUD. Do better my dude

>> No.10209529

>ico doesn't use a smartcontract

>> No.10209555

REQ is below ICO price in ETH. If you bought during ICO and held it till now, you would've done better if you just held ETH.

>> No.10209639

ok where to I start. I'll break it up in posts.

1. Lets look at the testing so far (testnet been out 2 months) so far only thing tested is eth to usd price and has been used 2 times in the last week. There is absolutely no companies testing their contracts on the testnet....a testnet is created to TEST and there is no testing!

proof - https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0x20fe562d797a42dcb3399062ae9546cd06f63280#events

>> No.10209641
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nigga you can't even read what are you doing on chan

>> No.10209664

2. While R3 Corda, Chain, and others are popping off with news and new partnerships daily...many don't even know chainlink exists. Sergey and team think going into hiding and no public marketing is a good thing while they already have a testnet....and they wonder why there is no testing.

>> No.10209677

3. Sergey thinks he is above the community..as a matter of fact, so does Steve Ellis. They act like Sergey is just focusing on customers etc...if they don't announce 100+ customers at main net launch then he was jerking off half the time.

>> No.10209685


hahahah good ones. keep em coming

>> No.10209686

4. Chainlink is a side project, Sergey's real project is http://qed.vc/

>> No.10209713

oh don't worry, I'll go til at least 20

5. Daniel Kochis,Global Director of Business Development at SmartContract.com, was hired in April with 420 connections..now has 490. Do the math...not good.

>> No.10209732

6. Many think main net soon...currently the network is just an oracle. There is no network, aggregation, consensus, payments, penalties, link onboarding/offloading...shit that is at least 6 months of work. then you have testing and auditing which should at minimum be 1 month

>> No.10209748

7. Decentralized oracles are a meme considering companies trust apis from banks and trusted sources. Yes you can take a few from different trusted sources but once again, not necessary.

>> No.10209749

so 70 connections more is not good or what's this point about.

>> No.10209770

8. Vitalik roasts Sergey on the regular. He will implement oracles into ethereum in spite of the serge.

>> No.10209779

9. Chainlink and the smartcontract guys were not invited back to sibos this year.

>> No.10209794

10. TradeIX, Microsoft Enterprise Smart Contracts, IntellectEU, Corda, Oraclize, Ripple are already doing what Chainlink wants to do. Why would anyone want decentralized oracles when the big players will be on semi-private chains

>> No.10209811

If Chainlink was gathering partnerships and all that adding only 70 connections in 4 months is terrible. He did not come from a banking, blockchain, insurance, etc. background so should have made 70 new connections in a week.

>> No.10209840

11. Even if Chainlink becomes big (which it may) crypto is a meme especially bitcoin. Bitcoin can come crashing down and take everything with it. Link could become $0.05 regardless of its tech. Crypto in general is cringy...there is a lot of promise in the tech but 99% of crypto is going to go belly up.

>> No.10209893

LMAO good one, keep em coming, top notch material

>> No.10209903

Sergeys preggo. Thats the secret Delphi wants to keep hidden

>> No.10209926

Ok, enough fud. You guys want some positive news. This was partially known but here is the confirmation.


>> No.10210033

cap, don't have linkedin

>> No.10210071

He is smartcontract.com / secure asset exchanges new general legal counsel.
Also checked

>> No.10210072
File: 696 KB, 1903x4306, FireShot Capture 12 - Christopher Borders I Link_ - https___www.linkedin.com_in_christopherjborders_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10210109


>> No.10210119
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>> No.10210163

This guy is linker to jumpstart. I rememver a few months back people were digging their.

>> No.10210187


>> No.10210226

Oh you mean , the reality
Here you go

The basic problem with link is the fact that he needs to monopolize the oracle tech in order to be succesfull. If you follow the project you will know there are having lots of problems around having an actual "READY" tech and the worst thing is, that other projects are starting to talk about having their own oracles.

If Link can monopolize this niche will for sure explode, but needs to fix its own tech and do it seriously seriously fast.

Linkys on suicide watch
>52 btc volume
amongst the lowest on binanace for a few weeks now with absolute pajeet shitcoins that no one has heard about.
>Duhhhhhrrr volume doesn't mean anything

DAILYYYYY reminder this coin is shilled by pajeets selling a dream and hope of 1000x gains

>Pajeet buys snake oil $1 for 1ml
>Pajeet offers to sell at amazing price $20 for 1 ml
>Pajeet says $1000 EOY for 1 ml of snake oil
Literally no different than Link shills

Daily reminder
Biz said link would be $10 after SIBOS. Assblaster said $3 by April. The whale larper said $1000 EOY (all in the archives)

The only person who predicts correctly is the oldfag who always posts that black Amex saying it will keep falling until 0 (so far he is more accurate)

I refuse to let more of my biz brothers be pulled into the crab bucket. Do not waste your money on a pipe dream. You have better odds else where, play your cards right.

>52 btc volume

people still think swift will be using chainlink when in reality the smartcontract.com team just created chainlink ico as funding to develop a seperate product use for private in house use by swift. lmao.
there has been nothing to backup your delusions other than "muh sibos" and "muh swift logo on the website" in almost a fucking year. i seriously dont understand how anyone can get so emotionally attached to an obviously poorly managed project where the lead only communicates with everyone once every 4 months.

>> No.10210299

>crab bucket
well done


and what is this im looking at my negro

>> No.10210548

what pepole dont know is that chainlink will be worthless because the government are going to put supercomputes on each city to be banks.

>> No.10210611
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>> No.10211016

Not particularly a link fud but more a general smart contracts fud.
I'm with Jimmy on this one.

The moment you solve the oracle problem, which I'm sure chainlink will do, you are essentially moving the goal post and moving the single point of failure further back.

How do you get api into the chainlink network? Sensors that provide api cannot be decentralized to the extent chain link nodes are decentralized. Sure you can have competing companies provide their own sensors to send the real world data, but that's not decentralized enough and much more susceptible to a 51% attack.

>Inb4 read the white paper and learn about link tokenomics
I already did.
This encourages people staking their link in their nodes to find a good data provider so that your nodes retain good reputation.
Fine... Let say that company x consistently provided good data for many many months. You, as a node runner, would get company x's data because they have consistently provided you correct data and therefore yoy are more likely to be rewarded in link (see passive income).

Suppose you stake 1000k worth of link in the node as collateral. Suppose you chose company x as your data provider because they've been good to you. What if there was a bad actor in that company who collaborated with the right people and interfered with the development of a sensor ( let say added a backdoor) and during this critical moment, provided the incorrect data? What happens to the 1000k worth of stinky linkes you staked in the node? It's all gone...

This is why I say solving the oracle problem is NOT ENOUGH for smart contracts to be adopted by mega corps who literally put billions on the line.

My estimate is 10usd max per token by 2022

Protip: you cant

>> No.10211583

Op from phone. Stopped reading after >im with jimmy on this one

You are a brainlet

>> No.10211744

Anyone with ANY knowledge of C+and Linux custom script integrated GNU compilers knows it's a minimum 2-3 year AT BEST.

Link devs took the hard route of going for a SE Linux hardened kernel integration into their scripting tool - PRO TIP, since they are using it as part of the back-end mainnet core, it is essential it is 100% complete.

Even Linus Torvalds (creator of Linux) took 2 years to compile a similar scripting tool.

Sell this shitcoin and buy back later

>> No.10211803

LINK is a scam for high functioning autists, the scammy bits are buried deep in the details. The intelligence required to understand it in the first place means that there is almost no overlap between linkies and cashies, because bcash is a very simple scam for brainlet retards.

>> No.10212134

This isn't FUD. It's Objectively true