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10209136 No.10209136 [Reply] [Original]

> Be me
> Wagecuck at an office
> Made the mistake of veing a hardworker
> Now the go to guy for my supervisor
> Asks me at least 1 "favor" a day, but usually it's at least 3
> Almost never returns the favor
> Has me go do work that is usually handled by someone else during that time of day
> Later back at my desk she jumps in and offers to help me
> She has helped before but usually half asses it
> Let her take some work
> Tells me how she is always available to help me or something similiar
> Huh!? I can handle my workload and if I give it to her she half asses it
> She gives me more of her work than I do to her on a daily basis and even orders me to do easy shit she should be able to do while she ignores other available coworkers
> Goes right over to two superiors a moment after taking the work and says shes helping me
> WTF you virtue signaling roastie

MFW she's virtue signaling and trying to look like a good supervisor

>> No.10209170

wouldnt want to be in your spot, anon. hang in there

>> No.10209201

>hates his job, yet doesn't quit and find something better
>calls himself a man
Pick 1 you weak willed cuck

>> No.10209255

Why don't you be a man and fuck her anon? she clearly wants you to. Oh I forgot you are PUSSY

>> No.10209449

that virtue signaling shit is common strategy for women in the work place. they're quick to call attention on every little thing they do because then it allows them to excuse poor behavior in the future by referencing those virtue signal moments... "you're late roastie anon", "uh ya I slept through my alarm because I was so tired from helping OP with his work yesterday", shit like that, its absolutely disgusting.

They also earn brownie points by talking shit about you behind your back in a subtle way. She'll go talk to the supervisor and say something like "uh so OP is doing his work, but I saw him doing it one way when i'm pretty sure its actually supposed to be done another way, and I'm very, very concerned about this" and she'll pile that on time after time until they've heard about her "concerns" regarding your work dozens of times, and then if you ever oppose her publically, or report her for something, she will have poisoned their mind so throughly that they'll take her side 100% and basically tell you to eat shit. I've seen it play out many times.

You're basically fucked at this point unless you can literally frame her for something horrendous and that can't be traced back to you in any way (like make her appear to have been stealing from the company, or put CP on her work computer or some shit, something really unforgivable)

Otherwise I'd start looking for a new job, there's no coming back from this ever.

>> No.10209503


>> No.10209553
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Women literally can't do my job much less be my boss, must suck to be a weak willed faggot.

>> No.10209564

Don't forget about AC. Women need to have the temperature a little higher and god forbid they experience the slightest bit of creature discomfort.

>> No.10209610

This. You're the one enabling her you beta faggot.

>> No.10209662
File: 58 KB, 500x379, office-space-cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, I wanna help you dude

She ask you to help her:
-Ask her if she first can contact her manager since you are busy with your job. -> She won't do this since it looks like she can't handle her work load.

- She ask if she can help you : only give her mudane simple work. -> she won't do this because she don't get credits for it.

Do this for 3 weeks and she will find an other cuck. Always make woman first humble , only help them out when you can show that you are truly the best. Then also take credits for this.

>> No.10209663

>has problem with a supervisor giving him work
Maybe they want you to do it because you are the only one who won't fuck it up. You can see negativity wherever you want if you look hard enough.

>> No.10209692

>manager has been giving my coworker her prescription pain killers
>work in a deli where it’s easy to injure yourself in a million different ways

I don’t have any solid proof though, no pictures or texts or anything. What do?

>> No.10209744

why do anything? let them cut off a finger or hand and deal with the consequences

won't have any impact on you at all

>> No.10209772

How about you grow some balls and fuck that attitude out of her? Oh sorry just spotted the s0_ y bottle

>> No.10210254

>not ingraciating yourself to her bosses
Do you even wagecuck? She'll fuck up, just wait on it and have the contingency plan available, and make sure you approach her leadership with it.

>> No.10210263

>putting your dick in the company ink
No, just.

>> No.10210287

she wants to peg. see if she'll put a pinky up your ass

>> No.10210301
File: 171 KB, 900x836, 1511318893852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell her the office needs a sex-orgy breakroom, and on your breaks, as a team building exercise, you all have to have an orgy

>> No.10210994

You post this thread every single fucking day. It's really not that hard you fucking autist.

Next time she asks you for a favor, tell her you can't because you're busy. If she comes back to bug you tell her you're busy again. The next time she bugs you yell her yours busy. Keep saying you're busy until she fucks off.

Is this a troll post? Fuck anon how autistic are you

>> No.10211509

Op here still at work. Have told her no in the past, doesn't work.

No benefits to it. She can't promote me and wage increases are scheduled so if she tries low balling I can easily call her out.

As nice as that'd be to tell her to call her manager her tone would likely change if I said that. Mundane tasks? She virtue signaled something simple, except it was a BIG STACK of easy work. She barely brought my stuff like an hour ago 3ish pm. She took it at like 9 in the morning.

>> No.10212458

What the fuck do you mean you've told her no and it doesn't work? Does she hold a gun to your head or a knife to your throat? Keep saying no till she gets it and fucks off. The o ly reason she takes advantage of you like this is because she knows you're a fucking beta. Jesus christ man grow a pair

>> No.10212554

Sounds like she wants to fuck you dude. Sometimes you gotta stop being the pessimist.

>> No.10212708

just stop helping her dumbass you are a busy man with important things to do

>> No.10212739


What makes you anons think she wants op like that?

>> No.10212761

You fucking posted the same thing 1 month ago you incel perma virgin larper

>> No.10212766

I'm agreeing with this dude. Looks like she's using any excuse to spend time with OP. Doesn't seem malicious to me.

>> No.10212791


This. I think OP knows and this is an attempt at humblebrag from OP.

>> No.10212803

do you make these posts everyday

>> No.10212969
File: 12 KB, 240x227, 9vi0eazb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is virtua signaling?

>> No.10214033


>> No.10214625

If OP really is an Autist I would advise strongly against making any interpretations from his way and view of describing the situation. He has no clue what is going on and probably misunderstanding the situation. As a fellow autism myself you will just have to deal with it OP.

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MAKE ADVANCES. There is a high chance you are not getting something, or don't understand what is really going on.

>> No.10214642
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Roasties can't be sma-

>> No.10214672

yeah im sure all of those accolades were achievement based

>> No.10214710

what kind of retard created this? taking the pain of coloring her name out but leave it be in the same picture.

>> No.10214767

Don't think I'm autistic. One of my fellow coworkers also notices that I'm the go to guy, a fellow underling. Can't wait to quit. Will talk to HR first and see if I can do a 1 week notice and just use all my vacation days that week and sick hours to waste those first and not answer any calls my supervisor makes.

>> No.10214770

She obviously does want op instinctively cuz he's the most productive worker, meaning he might be alpha material, but op has to draw a completely arbitrary line and STICK to it -- don't waver -- even if she cries or threatens -- cuz if he does NOT back down from this condition, she will jump on his alpha dick.
>otherwise she's a sadist who will lock op in a cage

>> No.10214781

Don't cock block him, not everyone is an actual autist like you. The way OP worded it, it absolutely sounds like she wants to fuck. Stick that dick in that company ink, OP! It'll at least be SOMETHING worthwhile this wagelave job has given you. Live your life, don't miss this opportunity. Fuck her, literally.

Just fuck her already, my man!

>> No.10214899
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1528619723646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these retards thinking this is sexual advances
College kids get out. This is one of (or more likely both) two things
OP is a pathetic bitch who helps roastie so she confess to unload work
Op constantly validates roastie behavior by giving her attention so she comes around like a shark smelling chum in the water
Masking a pass at her will only end badly

>> No.10214998

This is how pussy faggot blue pilled söýboy beta males think. An alpha male would tear that pussy up.