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File: 276 KB, 1028x817, 1531145807710-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10205769 No.10205769 [Reply] [Original]

The only objective difference between BTC and BCH is that the latter can be used both as digital gold and also to be sent p2p for a tiny fee. Do you agree?

>> No.10205788

well.. i would say kys

>> No.10205797

You can't use a deflationary currency to buy and sell things. The only thing it's good for is a store value.

>> No.10205930

I hope all you shills die a painful death tonight. I don't care what coin you shill. Just die already.

>> No.10205993
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>You can't use a deflationary currency to buy and sell things. The only thing it's good for is a store value.

>> No.10206041
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>buy thing with currency
>currency goes +40% the next day
>damn should've kept it as a store of value, not spend it
pic related, its you

>> No.10206196

hes right you retard. basic economics.

>> No.10206244

>for a tiny fee
until BCH becomes as big as BTC and fees skyrocket - not as much maybe, but still bad.

>> No.10206281
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Everyone in this thread is a retard.

1. A deflationary currency can be used to buy and sell things. appreciation eventually slows and one has to eat and have a place to live. Additionally people have a limited time horizon due to the possibility of death and want to spend money on good times. Also, there will be investments that have a higher ROI than sitting on money.

2. bcash is shit, Bitcoin will be both a store of value and medium of exchange.

>> No.10206304
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>> No.10206315
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>> No.10206333
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>> No.10206361
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what brainlet would put the toll road as the segwit tx's when they're cheaper to send?

>> No.10206394

the only objective difference is that bch can handle 100+ transactions per second (Paypal scale) while btc can handle only 7. Another difference is that bch can be used as digital cash while btc cannot. Also, bch triggers btc bagholders XD

>> No.10206412
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>BTC isnt Bitcoin

>> No.10206424
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>don't buy thing with currency
>currency goes +40% the next day
>be 40% in profit but die from hunger because you didn't buy food for 2 months out of sheer greed

>> No.10206450

sure thats why noone ever buys electronics because they get cheaper every year. peole dont camp at apple stores to pay thousands for a gadget thwy can pick up for half the price a year or two later. keep drinking the koolaid goy

>> No.10206496

if you think this is bad you're a brainlet cashie

as lightning matures and we get a statistics on how money is moving through people routing transactions we'll be able to develop more advanced financial tools with statistics to back them up
not to mention lightning is infinitely more efficient than on chain transactions, look at ethereum you can't even sync a full node without having extremely powerful hardware and internet connection

>> No.10206501
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>believing BTC is Bitcoin in 2018

>> No.10206520

noice trups

>> No.10206532
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>what is cash

>> No.10206558

Beecash is centralised and subject to the whims of jews and chinks.
Buttcoin is decentralised and subject to the whims of no one.

>> No.10206565
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>> No.10206641

congrats on your firsts 4chan posts. Here is your (You)

>> No.10206661

how many times do I have to tell you idiots... nobody academically interprets an abstract. Not in academia anyways.

The conclusion is where you Scholars will find what the paper proposes and/or proves.

this is why nobody takes you fucks seriously.

>> No.10206684

Fees will never rise on BCH you dumb nigger. BCH is the real Bitcoin.

>> No.10206693

apparently I'm a financial institution now
feels good man

>> No.10206719
File: 202 KB, 663x715, NEETPledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When corecucks REEEE about muh node counts but then move all transactions off-chain where they can't be validated by their raspberry pies
>When corecucks accuse every other coin of being centralized but then connect to their banking hub to do transactions
>When corecucks claim bitcoin is a store of value not realizing CASH is the best store of value because it can be exchanged for goods and services at any time
>When corecucks claim to fight the system while being owned by a subsidiary of a large bank

>> No.10206734

you do realize there's a physical limit on how much data can be broadcasted across nodes
the higher the amount of data is the more expensive and prohibitive it is to run a node
the fewer nodes there are and the costs associated with operating one centralizes the entire network

so look into a future where mainstream adoption takes place and which scaling method is most practical
also 1 sat/byte on bcash is 100x more expensive on average than lightning network

>> No.10206749


True and funny, nice one anon

>> No.10206770

Fewer nodes means there's fewer nodes, they're not related to how decentralized Bitcoin (BCH) is. Mining is the only thing that matters.

Data is extremely cheap, as is storage. Try again, corecucks.

>> No.10206771

what point is this pic trying to make? that it's the same chick or that there are low test males and high test males preferences in women?

>> No.10206862

so fewer nodes validating a network where miners have all the control
you don't see how that balance of power can go wrong?
If/when the few large nodes/miners decide change the rules (after a halving or two) you will not have the ability to fork the network
the base layer is compromised by requiring a large amount of resources to validate it

also no it isn't cheap, you need to realize that not only do you need hardware you need data and bandwidth at all times to validate incoming blocks
this will limit the amount of nodes. Look at ethereum there are very few full nodes and as the network grows it only gets smaller

>> No.10206875

>doesn't believe SBI is a bank

cashclowns deluded as fuck! literal dick junkies will eat the cock spew of their chink master.

>> No.10206883

Yeah they aren't trying to take your ability to transact and move it off of a transparent p2p network.

>> No.10206908
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No idea what you're talking about

>> No.10206928


one has a scaling future and the other doesn't

any more questions?

>> No.10206979

Miners always have control, nodes are for confirming transactions. You don't seem to even understand the very basics of Bitcoin and yet here you are spreading misinformation.

Data IS very cheap and is only getting cheaper. ETH is a shitcoin and has huge scaling issues due to its very short block time.

But keep shilling your vaporware 'lightning network' as if this fabled piece of shit could ever function at scale.

Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

>> No.10207008

if miners always have control then we would have S2X

>> No.10207100

the fact is miners aren't developers, users, or services.
they only make up a fraction of bitcoin and if they act outside consensus they will checked
the few that did go through with S2X found out it was shit and failed on the first block so good luck with your miner controlled fork

>> No.10207127

>newfag trying his best to fit in
How adorable.

>> No.10207140

also bcash developers are garbage
look at the EDA and 100k+ bcash that was "mined" outside the original mining reward schedule
I honestly doubt it was mistake and was just a way for miners to take advantage of you cashies who shill their product

>> No.10207150

segwit transactions are cheaper

>> No.10207170

Miners got hoodwinked by Blockstream and their propaganda campaign.

>> No.10207182
File: 582 KB, 1282x822, 7E6AEB82-D681-4140-9420-50A454D74C71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trading the security of the blockchain for buggy routing software

>> No.10207207

aww those poor miners
glad they have their own network now with control over the nodes and an EDA to give them 100k+ bcash outside the original mining reward distribution consensus
wouldn't want to upset bitmain cash they deserve to always have control of their fork it only makes sense

>> No.10207219

you don't understand this at all.
the security is higher than ever on the main chain
in fact 1 bitcoin mining pool could btfo bcash at any moment

>> No.10207291


If you don't trust miners you shouldn't be using bitcoin

>> No.10207311

Well I guess the balance of power is going wrong right now because non-mining nodes don't have any power.

>> No.10207351
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>trust miners

>> No.10207358

miners are only 1 part of the ecosystem
everyone is incentivized to act in accordance with the consensus rules
everything needs to be balanced and making node requirements too large throws the ecosystem out of balance

>> No.10207365
File: 1.14 MB, 1106x1012, pepelooking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>When corecucks think "trustless" means having a central banking node to route all payments

Do you think your shilling works? You trust miners to act in their own economic interest. Why do I have to explain this?

>> No.10207368

I mean your shitcoin is about to be pwned by a bank dipshit.

>Mr. Yoshitaka Kitao is Chairman at SBI Global Asset Management Co., Ltd., SBI Capital Management Co., Ltd., SBI Financial Services Co., Ltd. and SBI Securities Co., Ltd.

>He is on the Board of Directors at Sbi Ala Hong Kong Co., Ltd., Quark Pharmaceuticals, Inc., SBI Hong Kong Holdings Co., Ltd., SBI Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., SBI Ven Holdings Pte Ltd., SBI Wellness Bank Co., Ltd., SBI Japannext Co., Ltd., SBI Children's Hope Foundation, SBI Investment Co., Ltd., SBI Korea Holdings Co., Ltd., Morningstar Japan K.K., SBI Holdings, Inc. and Premium Financial Services Co. Ltd.

>Mr. Kitao was previously employed as Chief Executive Director by Wall Street Journal Japan KK, Admiral Capital KK, SBI Card Co., Ltd., CDI Capital Group LLC, SBI Incubation Co., Ltd., Artfolio Corp., Chairman by Kawaden Corp., Chairman by ARUHI Corp., SBI E*TRADE Securities Co., Ltd., and SBI Partners Co., Ltd.

Banks, Pharmaceutical companies, Insurance companies... No not (((them))) at all

>b-but SBI is a good bank.

>> No.10207371
File: 100 KB, 960x960, flashback-1988-get-ready-for-a-world-currency-the-economist-magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because an initial transaction is validated by the block chain, and any sequential transactions are validated by the participants in the lightning channel, not the rest of the network.

Honestly, it's so retarded to me that people still think a flood network like bitcoin can scale to the whole world. That would be like if every computer in the world was on one network, and whenever they sent a packet of information, they would have to send it to every other person on the planet. Guess what, we have routers for a reason, so we can route packets so we don't have to send our packets to literally everyone on the planet. Same can go for transactions. As long as an initial transaction exists on the base layer, the sequential transactions are information only needed by the participants with that transaction, because why the fuck does everyone else on the planet need to know how you're dividing your shared bitcoin.

For the record, I think there is an eventual need to raise the block limit, but this by no means is going to help bitcoin become a world currency. If you don't understand this you are a retard.

>> No.10207390

Exactly. Bitcoin was not designed to run off of charity. Non-mining nodes do not secure the network.

>> No.10207394


Blockstream employs the developers who have access to the git. SBI does not employ any Bitcoin cash developers

>> No.10207404

Can you tell me why DGB isn't better than both BTC and BCH at doing both of those things?

>> No.10207415

thank you finally a good explanation

look at the above post and see why having a non-mining node is valuable

>> No.10207446

Hey Bcore fags, why are you pro Bitcoin core, and contra Bitcoin Cash.

For me it's looks like BCH is the better option.

>> No.10207471

>You trust miners to act in their own economic interest.
That's not what trust means, you fucking retard. Bitcoin is built around DISTRUST.
This is what retarded cashies always resort to when out of arguments.

>> No.10207482


I don't think people reading this thread have realised but this poster is paid to post here to counter logic from BCH proponents. This is the only way 4chan can be censored (via a deliberate misinformation campaign). Plebbit has their kids who can ban you for not towing the Blockstream party line but they really can't do jack shit here. I don't doubt he's not the only one paid to spread lies and sow confusion on this board.

Just to remind everyone again: Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin.

>> No.10207495

Plebbit mods*

>> No.10207500

>That's not what trust means, you fucking retard. Bitcoin is built around DISTRUST.

Yes, that is exactly what trust means. Fuck off corecuck

>> No.10207518

That doesn't explain why non-mining nodes are valuable. He's also off. There's a reason why the block time is around 10 minutes. It's to give nodes enough time to process transactions.

>> No.10207567

Bitcoin is divisble down to like the 8th decimal place so technically there is infinite bitcoin retard.

>> No.10207569

get a grip faggit I'm not being paid
sure I'm a millionaire from crypto investment but I'm naked in my bed countering your stupid arguments with valid points

what's your angle consistently pushing your agenda?
why don't you disprove what I said?
I beat you with facts so you fall back to the paid shill meme and tell others not to look into what I said

>> No.10207577

>Blockstream employs

You stupid piece of shit. Blockstream was founded by the core developers you fucking moron.

SBI has (((publicly))) stated that they want's to control over 30% of the bitcoin cash hashpower short term... Your network will then be pwned by SBI in the long term.

>> No.10207586

I dont even care about this gay debate but seeing people get triggered over this statement is entertainment enough for me

>> No.10207589

non-mining nodes are valuable because you can verify the network
when you can't verify the network yourself you're trusting a large miner/service provider
don't trust verify

>> No.10207597

Bitcoin cash wouldnt be looked at as a joke if they had given it another name instead of trying to confuse the shit out of people.

>> No.10207607

Why is it always with corecuck shills that you can’t construct a coherent argument without contradicting yourself two minutes earlier?

>> No.10207609
File: 1.76 MB, 5000x5000, NEVEREVEREVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blockstream was founded by the core developers you fucking moron.

Blockstream is also a company which took investments from large banks. They have only profit in mind while producing bitcoin. Stop drinking the Banker kool aid you dumb cuck.

Also, nice backpedal. So SBI doesn't own bitcoin cash, but only 30% of the hashpower at some point in the future? Yeah, bankers owning bitcoin is the same as some bank owning some fraction of the hash power on bitcoin cash. HAHAHHA holy shit you corecucks are deluded as fuck.

>> No.10207661

reminder that 80% of BCH shills here got caught in the 'flippening' back in December and bought for 0.2+ BTC. They just want to unload their bags on you on the next pump, they dont really believe the shit they spout.

>> No.10207672

This is another fallacy. When you use SPV you're not just trusting a miner, you're trusting the network as a whole.

>> No.10207676

Its not looked at as joke. Its still 4th in mktcap and their camp is marketing the hell out of it. Id argue they are gaining supporters

>> No.10207680

Not only was Blockstream founded by Bitcoin Core developers, the CEO of Blockstream is personally named in the Satoshi whitepaper. Look it up his name is Adam Back.

You idiots all act like Blockstream infiltrated the core devs... motherfucker it was them the whole time. They know what they are doing and Jihan Wu, Roger Ver, Calvin Ayres, and Craig Faketoshi, Amaury Douchebag are whiny little bitches who can't get their way.

well here comes SBI to give BCash that bitcoin experience. grab your ankles ladies.

>> No.10207694

You're right. SBI doesn't employ any developers because bitcoin cash barely even has any developers. Bitcoin cash literally has 5 people working on "their" software. Really all they did was copy cores code and added some BIPs (Bitcoin Improvmenet Protocols) that changed a few constants.

Tell me, which entity is controlled by a single entity.

Here is a list of developers and their commits in 2018 (had to only include up to 2+ commits for bcash and 4+ for bcore)

Bitcoin Cash Repo:

214 Amaury Séchet
69 Shammah Chancellor
47 John Newbery
36 Jason B. Cox
16 Pieter Wuille
12 Matias Alejo Garcia
10 Russell Yanofsky
9 MarcoFalke
8 Jonas Schnelli
7 Matt Corallo
7 Wladimir J. van der Laan
6 Matej
5 Jim Posen
4 Andrew Chow
4 Andy Chen
4 Suhas Daftuar
4 joshuayabut
4 practicalswift
3 Antony Zegers
3 Jimmy Song
3 João Barbosa
3 Luke Dashjr
3 matra774
2 Andrea Suisani
2 Daniel Connolly
2 Jorge Timón
2 Marko Bencun
2 NicolasDorier

Bitcoin Core Repo:

478 Wladimir J. van der Laan
271 MarcoFalke
108 John Newbery
100 practicalswift
94 Pieter Wuille
62 Jonas Schnelli
56 João Barbosa
50 Russell Yanofsky
40 Andrew Chow
30 Anthony Towns
30 Ben Woosley
29 Karl-Johan Alm
27 Jim Posen
23 fanquake
22 Suhas Daftuar
21 Matt Corallo
18 Chun Kuan Lee
17 Cory Fields
14 James O'Beirne
13 Evan Klitzke
13 Luke Dashjr
13 Sjors Provoost
12 Gregory Sanders
7 MeshCollider
7 murrayn
7 wodry
6 Jorge Timón
5 251
5 Conor Scott
4 Akio Nakamura
4 Jeff Rade
4 Jesse Cohen
4 Johnson Lau
4 Randolf Richardson
4 Roman Zeyde
4 Vasil Dimov
4 fivepiece

>> No.10207695

SPV can fuck you out of your coins if they follow something like S2X for example

>> No.10207710

oh and by the way the reason why there is some overlap in developers like Pieter Wuille for instance is because bitcoin cash continues to take code from bitcoin core because they don't have developers who can write it themselves.

>> No.10207718

>So SBI doesn't own bitcoin cash, but only 30% of the hashpower at some point in the future?

keep playing semantic salad there chief.

>took investments from large banks.

SBI is a large bank. your coin is doing the same thing jackass.

>> No.10207739

nice one! fucking team of developers my ass.

>> No.10207743

That's a problem with the wallet though.

>> No.10207792

Actually this place is easily subverted because the mods are not democratically elected. We have no idea who they are and they delete threads all the time. Take /g/ for example. You cant even criticize linux there or you will be temp banned and thread deleted.

>> No.10207967
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>bitconnect can be used as digital gold therefore its equivalent to bitcoin

>> No.10207969

why do you fags always whine about r/bitcoin on Reditch? You have your own several subreditchs . Fronting like an oldfag while whining about a subplebbit is pretty fucking sad.

>> No.10207995

I cant take Bcashers seriously. Are these just 14 year old fucks bummed they lost $20 or something. All you hear is corecuck? Who the hell is cucking who? I got my BCASH for free for holding Bitcoin lol. If anything you got cucked when so many sold at over .2 crashing bcash. Do you retards even know what the word cuck means? If every Corecuck, censorship, blockstream conspiracy, Nodes dont matter post would just put $1 into bcash it might have a higher market cap than XRP lol. Until you can actually live off crypto with ease none of this actually matters, and I am not selling shit.

>> No.10208002

Shut up cuck

>> No.10208003

It’s an important part of crypto history to note bitcointtalk and the bitcoin subreddit were ran/moderated by the same ppl exerting the same censorship on both.

>> No.10208043

I disproved everything you said multiple times you retarded corecuck.

>> No.10208050

what does it smell like /biz/?

>> No.10208051
File: 5 KB, 259x194, Didndonufin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one. You sure showed me. No actual retort. That insult is so overused it has no meaning anymore.

>> No.10208066

well you're a nigger too then

>> No.10208138


Weak fud. Bitcoin Cash has 6 separate Dev teams thus 6 separate githubs and all their developers are omitted from your propaganda post you filfthy lying kike.

>> No.10208146
File: 51 KB, 635x591, I know that feel bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>These are the people defending bitcoin

I almost feel bad for corecucks

>> No.10208177

Yes, and thanks to the internet you can see the reason why Cobra/Theymos doesn't allow bitcoin fork bullshit shitposts. it's called "bitcoin" not "which ever fork of bitcoin wants to pretend to be Daddy for a day". Seriously, it has nothing to do with your fork. Besides bitcoin talk has a ANN section for shitcoins and forks so... what's the deal?

cash clowns are the crypto version of a juggalo.

>> No.10208181
File: 6 KB, 299x168, well.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not defending anything. Calling people who own bitcoin and got free bcash for free cucks is just silly. Again just insults no retorts.

>> No.10208213

you are the liar or you have been lied to. Bitcoin Unlimited , Bitcoin XT , Parity and whatever else bitcoin cash likes to front on their site as "dev teams" are either EOL softwares or like Parity AIO wallets for several coins. The only "development" going on is Bitcoin ABC. You can see from a list of active nodes that 90%+ all run Bitcoin ABC. Bitcoin ABC is being developed by 5 guys. the rest of the code is from bitcoin core. the anon is 100% correct. you are the misinformation spreader.

>> No.10208505

Kek nice fud champ. Try harder though, noone believes you blatant lies.

>> No.10208656

it's super easy to look up. calling it a lie does not disprove this fact. Amaury Sechet is actually credited as the person who started bitcoin cash. you cashclowns should get out more.

>> No.10208707
File: 19 KB, 896x453, nodevelopers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just took this pic related just now... I can't even make this shit up.

>> No.10208880
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bitcoin cash's development team is better muh blockstream
>literally rips all of core's code while having no active developers
claims lightning isn't good, but say they'll copy the code if it is good
this is the classic chinese knock off strategy it's hilarious how stupid cashies are

>> No.10208992
File: 26 KB, 659x451, 1c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bcash has been completely btfo in this thread
but they'll be back tomorrow to shill to people who don't know any better

>> No.10209028

>they'll copy the code
Wonder if they'll call it LNC

Lightning Network Cash is the real Lightning Network lolololol

>> No.10209565

yeah bcash is cryptocancer

>> No.10209633

you can send millions of dollars in btc for 4 cents
four fucking cents for four million dollars
keep trying bcashies

>> No.10209640

now post the part where it says the chain with the longest proof of work is bitcoin

>> No.10209645

fees will never rise because no one will ever use it

>> No.10210087
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That's really only proves anarchocapitalism doesn't work, which is why AXA was successful at injecting the Blockstream malware to hijack the project. Mike Hearn himself said that, and he was number 3, right after Gavin.

>> No.10210576

I much prefer the one on the right

>> No.10210814

>need to eat tomorrow
>don't buy food today
>currency goes +5%
>don't buy food next day
>currency goes +5%
>don't buy food next day
>currency goes +5%
>starve to death

>> No.10211640

How do lightning nodes advertise their capacity and routes? Oh right, by broadcasting to everyone. In fact the chatter is much higher than miner to miner because miners want to receive announcements while lightning nodes only want to receive transactions.

>> No.10211796
File: 1.55 MB, 1296x700, fresh beauty vs discarded hag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i disagree, BCH is much more than that

>> No.10212078

>>10208992Roger Ver, Jihan Wu, Calvin Ayre, The 8btc mod (19hZx234vNtLazfx5J2bxHsiWEmeYE8a7k), Jiang Zhouer, the bitcoin.com cofounder, the Coinbase founder - all BILLIONAIRES who can complete the flippening with their own cash TODAY.
They're not doing so because they'd rather invest in BCH adoption. BCH adoption is skyrocketing while btc adoption is dropping.
In a few years both St Kitts and Antigua will use BCH as their main currency (Roger is working on St Kitts, Calvin is investing in Antigua more money than their GDP exclusively because of BCH adoption), Craig Wright will increase transaction counts by circumventing corrupt governments in Africa for money transfers (this one is not certain but very possible considering his funding), Roger is speaking to VIP-s every other day, including Japanese bank CEO-s, stock exchange owners, etc. Brian Armstrong will push BCH and shit on BTC subtly every chance he gets, bitcoin.com wallet is the most popular mobile wallet and it literally shits on BTC, propaganda/censorship effects are fading, Purse just added BCH meaning that normies can use it to get 20% discounts on amazon, Koreans love BCH and they seem to matter at least as much as Americans and significantly more than eurofags, miners are looking for ways to destroy BTC in the next few years otherwise their profits will crumble, LN is proving more and more of a failure every single day, Wright will patent-troll startups into moving into BCH, tipping on github is now possible with bch, smart contracts are coming in November, stress tests are a massive success, charities are popularizing BCH in struggling countries (Venezuela today, others will join in if trouble arises), Free Society project is progressing well, Circle is adding BCH next few weeks, Ayre who became a billionaire from gambling is going to create BCH-only online casinos