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10201990 No.10201990 [Reply] [Original]

Can I pay someone in xmr to kill me? I have around 45 xmr and 3 bcc.

I just want to cease to exist

>> No.10201998
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itll be okay fren

>> No.10202029

We only accept stinky linky for hits.

>> No.10202030

first target sergey for exit scamming

>> No.10202043

Ok but its gonna cost you half a million linkies

>> No.10202185
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>mfw he discovers quantum immortality is real and all suicide attempts will fail
>mfw he discovers there is no such thing as death even once your body dies of natural causes. consciousness is eternal, you're here literally for eternity. get used to it

>> No.10202464

That frightens me far worse than death.

>> No.10202489

In fact I’m pretty sure I shot myself in the head one night and yet my existence keeps going. Like a new reality just forked off and I continued on with a bit of residual memory of that night.

>> No.10202516

He's actually not far off the mark, but you shouldn't worry about it. Your conscious mind is wiped every time you die, so it doesn't really feel like you're immortal.
That's not exactly how it works. You might just remember that you ended your life in a previous iteration that way, but this time you didn't.
This isn't hippy Hindu reincarnation as other people/creatures based on karma. You're just born in the same life over and over again no matter what you do.

>> No.10203081

it's the truth. that's the deep reason behind anything bad. you're stuck here, forever.

kill yourself? what a fucking joke. no seriously, kill yourself. you think _____ is bad? kill yourself and see what happens then. lmfao

>> No.10203100

you not remembering doesn't mean other people can't. we don't want to, that's for sure. or we shouldn't want to, at least. but some times we do want to, or think we want to. the memories are definitely accessible. but it's a heavy load, mostly.

>> No.10203121

>you not remembering doesn't mean other people can't
I was just saying that's the case for people in general. Why do you think I'm spouting this nonsense? I'd have to be insane to think this shit was true unless I actually remembered my previous lives to some degree.

>> No.10203128

you are insane though, you just don't remember.

dw its all good though ;)

>> No.10203134

I will not kill your wife's boyfriend but nice try

>> No.10203138
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it’s against the teachings of my religion but i am almost certain i put a bullet in my head in the spring of ‘08

>> No.10203153

Very hot woman going in very fast proccessing speed

>> No.10203175

>You're just born in the same life over and over again no matter what you do.

explain this for a brainlet. when you die, you get rebirthed into the same life that you just lived, but with no memories? so if someone is born in the 90s and dies in 2060 or something, they live that period of time over and over again? makes no sense, although I probably misunderstood you

>> No.10203197

You understand just fine. You will always live in this time period. Why do you think that doesn't make sense?

>> No.10203268

There is a flaw in this idea: It would mean that life is deterministic because non of the choices you or your parents/grandparents etc make a difference because they are going to end up with the same people, your mommy is going to shoot the same egg and your daddy‘s very same sperm is going to inseminate that egg. The probability of this happening is converging to zero. It’s almost certainly impossible to end up with the same genetic material for every single soul coming to existence in multiple iterations... If there are infinite parallel universes, there could be one universe where it happens over and over again but in your theory, what’s up with the infinite - 1 universes?

>> No.10203281

I’ll hang out with you OP.

>> No.10203302

does that mean there's no free will? since you're the same person living in the same time period, you're bound to make the same decisions over and over again. which means that everyone else living in this period is doing the same thing as you and nothing ever changing. seems a little far fetched and very depressing

>> No.10203347

First off, I never said life wasn't deterministic. I'm still trying to figure out whether the timeline is malleable or not. Secondly, even if it's not deterministic, you can still be reborn an infinite number of times. There's just infinitely more universes out there where you don't exist because one small detail that led to your birth was of by a small degree or more.
I'm still trying to figure that one out. I think everyone who doesn't know this is how the world works will ultimately live the same life over and over again. Though, I'm not sure that knowing this helps at all. It could very well be that remembering I'm in a loop is part of my loop. It'd be like if there was a movie about a guy who figured out he was in a movie. Even though he'd "know" this, he'd still just be a character in a movie that can be replayed an infinite number of times with the exact same events unfolding.

Here's something to prove I'm not full of shit. I remember Bitcoin runs up to $13k, drops down to like $9.5k, runs up to $24k in December, then a huge pump up to $36k in January. Accessing these memories is like putting together fragmented thoughts, so I might be off a bit, but this is the general run. I also die in February, so I don't know what happens next, but it looks like it starts to crash.

>> No.10203404

>I also die in February, so I don't know what happens next, but it looks like it starts to crash.

your larp is showing. if you know for a fact you die in february there is no way in hell you would spend your time anywhere near a computer. why not take this chance to test your theory and live your life to the fullest?

>tfw you take my advice and live recklessly and end up killing yourself in february like you said
>tfw this was always meant to happen
>tfw you path in life is to be indirectly killed by an anon on a street shitting forum

I'll keep the btc price movement in mind, although I'm sure you're full of shit.

>> No.10203416

buy cyanide with your xmr or fuck off

>> No.10203441

I'm a very simple person and I literally feel like an old man in a young man's body. I fucking hate the concept of "living your life to the fullest" in terms of going out and doing stupid bullshit. I enjoy sitting on my ass and putting as little effort into my existence as possible. John Lennon's quote "Time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted" is a pretty accurate quote to how I live despite that hippy and I having different thoughts on how to enjoy wasting time.

Besides, my test to see if the timeline is malleable or not is going to be tested sitting on my ass on my computer. I've got some much more profitable investment opportunities coming up. If I can buy/sell them at the right numbers, then the timeline is malleable, because I completely screwed the pooch the last time I was alive and knew of these opportunities. Also, I don't die in an accident. It's like a stroke or brain aneurism or something similar with my body basically fucking up and killing itself. From what I remember, I basically have a panic attack for 2-3 minutes then black out. I'm only estimating February because I know it's after the January Bitcoin pump, but it's still cold out because I was wearing a hoodie, so it couldn't have been March yet.

>> No.10203444

well, on a scientific basis, we don't have free will
there's a famous case where a man killed his wife
He drank some cough syrup that had a rare side effect that caused night terrors. It's because of this side effect that the man strangled his wife to death in his sleep.
So if a chemical can cause us to kill, even if it wasn't intended, why can't a different chemical cause us to do something else? The answer is, that's exactly what happens, that we are at whim to the chemicals our brain is injected with.
I mean it's grim, and edgy, but as far as we know we don't have free will
as far as we know

>> No.10203455

I've definitely taken that into consideration. It does seem obvious that we're just bags of chemical reactions responding to our environment. I only question whether there's something greater beyond this force now that I'm personally experiencing something beyond our current scientific understanding of our own existence.

>> No.10203477
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>there's something greater beyond this force
interesting theory my good friend
Indeed, there is something more at work here, after all, we are not animals!
I have a theory, that Humans are capable of free will, it's in our capacity, yet most of us rely on our impulses and our animalistic hedonism to guide our actions.
For example: A cows stomach sends singles to the brain saying it's hungry, the brain tells the mouth and muscles to eat etc
Now a human brain gets those same singles from the stomach, but even to the point of starvation, we can resist those impulses. Though it takes allot of will power, we can do it. And as far as science knows, there's no natural status for will power, nor chemical in the human body that can prove why or how we are conscious.
Well, that's the idea anyway, I could be wrong

>> No.10203502

>I fucking hate the concept of "living your life to the fullest" in terms of going out and doing stupid bullshit
it doesn't have to be stupid shit man. it's literally living your life to the fullest on your own terms. if you wanna spend your last days sitting on your ass being comfy then so be it.

what's the investment opportunity? you don't have to go into detail, but what's so significant about it that you remember it over multiple lifetimes? I'm sure this is a larp but I'm too interested at this point.

>> No.10203581

It's just a handful of shitty penny stocks, but if I get in and out at multiple points, they have the potential to turn a couple hundred bucks into millions. There's multiple 10x points between peaks and valleys, I remember one specifically was a 40x. If I multiply the biggest peaks and valleys I'm going to focus on, it'd be something around 5,000,000% gains. Although I figure it'd be impossible to get the very bottom and the very tops, especially since with so much money I'd inherently disrupt the patterns I remember from last time. So I mean even just 1m% gains would be absolutely incredible.