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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10199907 No.10199907 [Reply] [Original]

>business & finance board
>everyone is a meme coiner with no business or financial knowledge
Anyone talking about starting a business or buying one just gets shat on.

>> No.10200166


>> No.10200681

I have an affiliate marketing business and an ecommerce business. What's on your mind champ?

>> No.10201667

shill your coin or get the fuck out

>> No.10201672

I'm a hedge fund quant what can I do ya for kiddo

>> No.10201679

I have no business experience whatsoever, what do you want to know?

>> No.10201720

Can this be the business thread?

I have an online job board but am having trouble finding posters obviously since I just launched and am like pagerank 10 million.

Would it be a bad idea to get job listings from similar sites and message the recruiters telling them I would like to post their listing for free on my competing job site? That way I have some content for people to look at.

I'm also finishing building a recruiting webapp similar to recruiterbox. Basically a CMS recruiting platform where they can add questions and make recruirements and add many positions. You see a lot of the bigger websites use something like this on their careers page. How could I find clients for that as well? Just email some companies using competing software and say that I do a better job and am cheaper?

>> No.10201736

It used to be okay before the crypto craze

Now it's literally all just children betting their allowance on literal scams.

>> No.10201831
File: 5 KB, 493x156, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sell books on Amazon and make a bit of easy cash every month.

Pic related is last months' sales. 100% passive.

>> No.10201869

I wonder how you get your inventory.

Do you just buy boxes of books from a publisher?

>> No.10201901


Which coin is this?

>> No.10201965


I use Amazon's print-on-demand.

I wrote the books myself.

I never have to take orders or ship anything.

>> No.10201973

ever get bad reviews?

>> No.10201985

What are your books about ?

>> No.10202009

That's cool. I bet it's satisfying to know that someone, somewhere, is reading your book right now and enjoying it.

>> No.10202019

late adopters hoping to get rich on mainstream crypto, its pretty sad really, they had everything right infront of them a few years ago, and they've waited until the past 2-3 years to get in?

>> No.10202297


No. Even though I have sold hundreds of copies of my books, only like 5 people have ever left reviews. Lowest was 4 stars. If anyone gives me bad reviews the plan is to buy some 5-star ones if I have to.


Not telling the niche, but non-fiction health-related topics.


It's a bit strange to think about. I sort of feel an impostor syndrome since I wasn't an expert on the topics that I wrote about.

>> No.10203428

How did you promote or market them?
How long are the books?

>> No.10204422

>a business that isnt shilling

>> No.10204610

How make money sir from the internet sirs?

>> No.10204946

How'd you get started? And if one were to start now, how do you break past the over saturation of the current space?

>> No.10204977

>starting a business in 2018
we're too smart for that here. have you looked at the world lately? what the fuck makes you think that's your best option, because society holds "business owners" in such high regard at the present time? unless you actually have a good idea (you dont), fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.10205004

I am thinking about taking £50k from my granparents and buying some businesses. A sandwich shop (£12k) and a convenience store (35k) that sells alcohol and cigarettes.
Both have low rent, only one has a business rate (think tax), and both have existed for several years. Cafe is on a busy high street and the the convenience store is in a major student area.

I can make my mum work in the sandwich shop and I can work in the convenience store myself, until I find some indians/muslims to work in it for for minimum wage.
I think I can get 2 - 4k gross profit per month.


p.s. 50k is nothing to my granparents, so if I fuck up it's not a big deal.
Shut up /pol/tard loser.

>> No.10205023

fuck you wagecuck. kill yourself. you want something for nothing. and your IQ is too low to get it. that's the only difference between you and me.

>> No.10205032

I'm literally richer than you.

>> No.10205055

Hospitality requires a lot of micro management and your product has a shelf life for less than a day tops.

Get a laundry matt. Way better hustle

>> No.10205059

If you were richer than me you wouldn't be fucking around buying a convenience store, let alone asking /biz/ whether you should do it. You wouldn't go through all that effort in a shit business for a measly 2k-4k a month for that level of risk. You even inherited money and you're still poor. You're a spendthrift retard who wants something for nothing by buying an established "business", and it's going to end badly for you.

>> No.10205069

>make your mum work

Kys at your nearest convenience

>> No.10205071

Had an online software business, fucking normies annoying you 24/7 for minor bugs and shit, so I'm taking a year off and seeing where my cryptos take me.

>> No.10205076

Seriously this unironically rustled my jimmies

>> No.10205145

50k is literally less than 1% of what I have.
So yes, I am literally richer than you.
Stay mad, poor faggot.
My mum has lots of experience working in a deli. She had a financially successful one, but she sold it.
She'll be great.
I'm looking for laundry mats, but there aren't any right now.

>> No.10205164
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so you have more than 5 million dollars and you want to make your mom work in the sandwich shop you're afraid to buy for 50k. it all checks out. you know what, don't kill yourself bud. you're alright.

>> No.10205176

You have to start somewhere and starting small is the best way.

>> No.10205396

Quit being fags and let's actually get a quality discussion going here

>> No.10205449

how about not writing shitty software pajeet

>> No.10205506

I enjoy reading about Anons' successful businesses, even if some of you are LARPing. It's inspiring knowing that even autists on 4chan can start a successful business from the ground up.

I have an artistic talent but I lack the drive to market myself and sell my artwork, but I think if I ever start a business it'd be based around that.

>> No.10205615

okay anons I really need your help on this one
I am a second year finance and accounting masters student, I should get my masters degree two years from now if everything goes well, I am a good student, not top of my class but I get shit done and I'm confident in my ability, also I would like to add that the school I'm in is considered among the top 5 in my country in its respective field
right now I'm on vacation, and I was able to land a very nice paid internship for the rest of this summer, the company is an american multinational and one of the biggest in the world in its field, the thing is they were looking for a long term intern to form and turn into a full time employee, but they accepted me even though I'm not available long term because they said they were impressed by my CV and my good grasp of english(kinda rare in my country)
they said that I can work these two months and at the end I can decide if I want to continue with them or get back to finish my degree, but I can't have both ways, also I would like to add that I will be working in the finance department but the job is a low level one, and isn't really related to my education, as of the starting job atleast, maybe in the future I will get promoted

I'm torn, I really can't decide which option is the safest and most rewarding long term

>> No.10205630

This board was made to discuss dogecoin FYI

>> No.10205811

holy fuck. are you retarded?

>> No.10205820

>no arguments

>> No.10205914
File: 8 KB, 299x251, KDP-00-Logo-614x256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to crank out a few shitty books to earn a bit of cash on the side

What kind of books should I write, and how long should they be? What sells?

>> No.10205934
File: 100 KB, 1024x972, Obamas Democrat Plantation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just lost my small store about 2 years ago and still haven't recovered financially. I'm bitter as hell, but I'm not sitting on my ass and taking government money... no, I work 2 jobs now to pay off my debt and live. Small business life is not as glamorous as it seems for 75% of owners.

>> No.10205965

You need 50-75k+ words

>> No.10205989

>business is mostly based on networking
>wants advice on business
>goes on anime message board where users are anonymous
there's hundreds of strong business communities
if you come here for anything but crypto and shitposting, you're not dedicated to making money

>> No.10205996

For minimum or just for general length?

>> No.10206010

Depends on the genre, google it.
I would say it's bare minimum if you don't want to make your book dirt cheap.

>> No.10206022

How did you get in, and did you have previous experience in IB/PE? What programming languages do you use?

Im seriously interested because I have a msc in finance but know literally 0 about programming and being in a HF is kinda like my dream job