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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10197847 No.10197847 [Reply] [Original]

What's your MBTI /biz/? I'm curious to know what personalities populate this board. I am unironically INFP, and yes I am a gigantic sensitive faggot. What's yours?


>> No.10197860
File: 8 KB, 221x250, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>myers briggs

>> No.10197866

its not fun

>> No.10197869

INTP. i imagine most of this board are intps or infps as well.

>> No.10197874


Although I think this chart is meme because everyone scores INTJ

>> No.10197875
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Intj here, feels bad man

>> No.10197890


>> No.10197904

oh god its true

>> No.10197906

INTJ. I believe in Myers-Briggs because without fail if I think someone is a real asshole and I hate their fucking guts they're always an ENFP.

>> No.10197910

I'm a fuckin leader

>> No.10197912
File: 2.44 MB, 2864x3448, MBTI_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 pers
what a shit piss fucking test

better alternatives:

>> No.10197924

INTP here.

>> No.10197936

ENTP master race. F types don't belong on /biz/.

>> No.10197961

INTP here

80% Link
20% Eth

>> No.10197968

ENTJ overlord here. Feel like MBTI just reinforces the social and professional success I already enjoy in life

>> No.10197971

INTJ when sober
ENTP when drunk

>> No.10197973

Take this shit back to /r9k/.
It's worthless, just like your board.

>> No.10197978

I'm a scorpio. My horoscope looks good for today!

>> No.10197982

INTP NEET weirdo here. We gonna make it boys.

>> No.10198010

Big 5 Maximalists must leave.

>> No.10198017

well everyone using his brain

>> No.10198054
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I'm a leftist vegan basedboy. But I wanna get rich and fuck them sluts like every one of you

>> No.10198058
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INTP mostly, but with fluctuations to E and J.

>> No.10198087

ENFJ, Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.10198099

Maybe the only ISFP here

>> No.10198122

>make it
unironically no

>> No.10198169

ISFJ, I wanna get rich so I can go to college and find a good woman and raise a family. That should honestly be the goal for all of you too, I mean like Nas said, You're only wealthy when your child's upbringing is better than yours.

>> No.10198202


>> No.10198209

>I can go to college and find a good woman and raise a family.
I've played around with this idea as well. It's either that or go for the high score and die with a huge net worth.

>> No.10198215

INTP and im all in monero and bch

>> No.10198235

no crypto cause its trash

>> No.10198309

INTJ Übermenschen reporting it.

>> No.10198320

Copied and pasted the results. The fuck does -A and -T mean

>> No.10198334

go back to beddit you fucking faggots

>> No.10198391


>> No.10198462

ISTJ through and through

>> No.10198474


42% EOS
27% BTS
6% TKN
5% ENJ
5% SC

Can verify. Completely unromantic.

>> No.10198568


The description sounds almost nothing like how I actually think? I guess if you put too many neutrals it gives you pretty random shit. Also



>> No.10198670

Same. Estj reporting in. Find yourself an istj lady and you are set. Never been happier

>> No.10198685

Also all in in Tel

>> No.10198701

100 % NKN

>> No.10198702
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what do i win

>> No.10198727


>> No.10198730

>half of the people I know think I'm on the autistic spectrum
>other half think I'm a sociopath

INTJ master race reporting

>> No.10198994
File: 648 KB, 2030x1500, 1531051613826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INTJ here

Definitely a "strategist" as I play life like a chess board, the only thing is that I suck at chess.

Plus, I'm not really good at any real skill so I can't couple my strategy with any real world functionality. I'm just going to kill myself if I don't settle down into a good life by 35. Also, surprising to see how many fellow INTJ's there are here bros. I can relate.

>tfw craft a master plan in your head , meticulously planned out
>one little detail IRL goes wrong and your whole plan goes to shit

>> No.10199017

have taken this test several times over several years and have always gotten INTJ. when I had to go into a psych hospital they talked about how my INTJness relates to depression. I don't know anything else about it tho what else does it mean anons

desu I think this is all kinda bullshit anyways

>> No.10199024

only took the quiz once tho

>> No.10199045
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So you guys know INTJ's are just 2% of the world population right? Isn't it crazy how we're all here congregated on one board that seemingly has our types make up the majority of the user base? The world tends to congregate in groups based on the MBTI test, its the craziest thing and it proves to me without a shadow of a doubt this test isn't bullshit. We, the social outcasts with above average intellect and self awareness, while being too lazy to achieve any of our potential, congregate on 4chan, while an ESTJ or whatever will generally find a huge amount of fellow ESTJ's at the basketball court , or in the center of their works cafeteria hall or something. Isn't that cool how people group together autonomously and unconsciously based on their own traits? The MBTI test just classifies you based on these defining traits. This thread is just proof that this test is truly one of the most incredible things to come out of science this century.

>> No.10199089

its just that a free speech place like 4chan attracts that sort of person
Its different on other websites

>> No.10199096

Cool story. Do you blow your therapists with all that gratitude?

> INTJ here.

>> No.10199099
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>This thread is just proof that this test is truly one of the most incredible things to come out of science this century.

This test has nothing to do with science though. Some random people just made it up. I think I've done it 3 times over the years and got a different result every time lol (INTJ, INTP, ISTP). Something like big 5 is more science based.

>> No.10199160

you have a poor understanding of science
>t. ESFP

>> No.10199196
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>> No.10199460

If you're an Ixxx anything and a man, you've got low T. If you're an Exxx anything and a woman, you've got too little E and not enough environmental T.

Get yourselves checked, faggots. You're not le puzzlemaster because you're in your head 24/7. You're in your heads 24/7 because you feel like you have no control over your reality. It's the same reason basedboys obsess about video games, NEETs online forums, and weebos in anime: they don't believe they can find a worthwhile existence IRL.

It was true for me before I got on T. Went through life swinging from one escape to another: video games, masturbating, binging, ugly bastard, traps/futanari, online boards, etc. Virgin, skinny fat, INTP believing I was better than most people. Nah, man you're just average at everything. The only reason you know about more useless shit than the people around you is because they're not spending every waking moment plugged in. They're out there, making human interactions, living relatively well-adjusted lives. If they were plain looking with bad personalities, they'd be on the same level as you.

Get on T, stop wasting your youth. Mental illness, social clumsiness, and lack of passion are non-existent.

>> No.10199554

Fucking kek anon

>> No.10199591

intj and sometimes p when I'm faced with problems I know nothing about. I perceived my way through hodling after joining your retarded ponzi club in November against my better instincts and now I trade these meager gains with the cold calculated rigor of a seasoned vet. I wish I were a fucking normie until i actually talk to one.

>> No.10199594

I would guess that most people who hangout on 4chan are either INTJ or INTP. I've consistently seen these same personality types being more prevalent for a long time

>> No.10199604

I don't see NEET anywhere

>> No.10199670

Anon are you me?

>> No.10199702

>I sell testosterone and testosterone related accessories

>> No.10199705

all these INTP/J 4chan browsing faggots thinking they're special when in reality they're just autists who can't flirt to save their lives and resort to browsing a japanese anime forum for their social life

t. intp/j

>> No.10199796

apparentrly i am INTP-T

>> No.10199809


>> No.10199882


Na, you were just shy bro. Introvertedness and shyness aren't the same thing. Also prescribing T based on a result of some pseudoscientific test is pretty fucking stupid. Myers–Briggs is basically just Big Five for stupid people.

>> No.10199892
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I shouldn't be here...yet here I am. I love watching you guys cry over losses

>> No.10199965

Mbti is retarded! /biz/ don’t fall for this pseudoscientific crap.

There is literally no truth to it, complete bogus. Now fuck off!!!!

>> No.10200031
File: 390 KB, 1286x1237, Screenshot_20180708-173606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually get ISTJ on these tests.

Also what does pic related mean when combined this?

>> No.10200167

don't be too self conscious, it might hurt

>> No.10200274
File: 344 KB, 1632x1375, 3QS3D46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my entj chads at?

>tfw know how to network with millionaires since teenage years
>get invited to country club as a young college student to partake in discussions
>top school in stem field
>stopped chasing women cause boring; rather chase money instead

>> No.10200319

ISFJ and it really does make sense and also makes sense why i do so well as a semi driver for a small local business

>> No.10200322

>implying flirting and getting pussy is what life is all about, not learning and doing everything you can to enrich your life.
>my dry dick stays super stinky, intj/intp determines the fate of our world and every technological leap forward

>> No.10200376
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>> No.10200385

This chart confirms to me that I need a Muay Thai or MMA gym

>> No.10200420



>> No.10200453



>> No.10200484
File: 88 KB, 1181x767, personality test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an INTJ when I was younger. Am now an ENTJ.

>> No.10200540
File: 2.76 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESTP reporting in. I know I should not be here yet I frequent this fucking site for 8 years now

>> No.10200546



>> No.10200568

Yea intp-t here

>> No.10200588


all in on zilliqa

>> No.10200814

Was INTJ, ENTJ now

>> No.10201282

INftP here, weed makes me F stress makes me T

>> No.10201712
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>tfw I haven't seen another person say they were ISTP on one of these threads.

>> No.10201845

I've been INTJ for the past 5 years.
Answering truthfully each time, did it for school.

>> No.10202567

What do you do for work anon.

>> No.10202869
File: 174 KB, 1200x946, wallstreet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I own a digital holdings company specializing in E-commerce brands. I unironically make $100k+/year. Was difficult to get where I am, but wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.10202888

INFP also OP

>gigantic sensitive faggot
sounds about right but ive hardened up a bit

>> No.10202943
File: 22 KB, 217x225, 1449526884861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MBTI is a thinly veiled behavioral nudging psyops for normies


>> No.10202956

Crazy thing is that I work as a server and put on a fake persona just to make some money. Grew up on 4Chan and loved every minute of it. Definitely made me less squeamish and careless today. Primarily giving financial advice to my so often so that she doesn't fuck herself over in the long run.

>> No.10202960

lmao don't project your social failings on the rest of us