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File: 3 KB, 225x225, Odin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10194948 No.10194948 [Reply] [Original]

Accumulate Odn for Odin launch.

>1:1 Odn/Odin swap
>Low marketcap
>Low Supply
>Easy 100x
>No Claus

Time to get on board lads.

>> No.10195166

>No claus
Haha he was the only one who actually worked on odn by halfassing a messenger app. Who the fuck is the "no claus" team? Pete and Sagescam? Lmao, the ones that did PooP and tamico shit? You literally discarded the only member that worked on it and kept both KNOWN scammers.

Ask yourself this question. Whats ODIN purpose or goal? ODN was a token to fuel privacy apps such as the messenger. ODIN is what? They never answered this other than community buzzwords

It will be another pump and dump. Hell, in the long time odn will survive longer than odin

>> No.10195195

Shhhhhh i am accumulating this baby

>> No.10195216

>get scammed twice
biz literally NEVER learns

holy fuck

same people who bought back into peepcoin

buncha dumbfucks

>> No.10195308

Already bought. Would be dumb to not at a least take a chance on this while the cap is only 1 million.

>> No.10195311

>he was the only one who actually worked on odn by halfassing a messenger app.

actually he didn't work on ODN, he worked on his stupid messenger while literally refusing to do work on the platform or collaborating with other devs that were working on the platform. That's what started the shitshow. Obsidian was supposed to be a platform and the messenger was the first dapp on that platform. For some retarded and perhaps personal reasons, Blackstone considered the messenger more important than the platform.

ODIN is basically the platform that was promised without Blackstone and his messenger. They might or might not build a messenger on the platform but I'm not sure I give a shit anyway.

>Ask yourself this question. Whats ODIN purpose or goal? ODN was a token to fuel privacy apps such as the messenger.
It's the same goal as before. This hasn't changed, so I don't get your question. It's not like Blackstone's messenger was in working shape and it was fueled by ODN. That was mainly the problem. That fucking messenger was not even working on blockchain and he didn't give a shit.

>Hell, in the long time odn will survive longer than odin
ODN is dead. Unless Blackstone and the community decides to continue development on it, it's dead dead. If he had any plans to continue working on it, he would have said so by now. That guy literally doesn't give a fuck. Everyone was riding his dick at first, but he was a fucking liability and I'm glad he's gone.

>> No.10195317

>hiring new team
>not hiring bitwalda

>> No.10195486

You've got to be braindead to touch this shit.
Remember anime chan? Remember those odn threads?
Same shit but now during a bear market with most normies exhausted.

>> No.10195579


You’re never going to make it.

>> No.10195603

Lmao. Please tell me what your portfolio is worth.

>> No.10195623


About tree fiddy

>> No.10195660

Hi. There is a policy on this board that scammers are required to post their name, face, and address when promoting absolute shit coins. It's important that people be held accountable for their actions.

Please provide the relevant information or fuck off and never come back. We don't want your trash.

>> No.10195724
File: 5 KB, 250x222, 1517458122317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be an unethical scammer associated to 2 previous scam coins in 2014
>Hide in the shadows for a few years and reemerge again in 2017 during bullrun
>Offer blockchain advising service for another money grab opportunity, ODN
>Proceed to literally lie through teeth for months, not actually doing any work aside from making $500 website updates and UI mockups that are outsourced from a community member
>Proceed to hide wallet addresses throughout the entire coins lifecycle, almost trying to get away without having a blockexplorer until a communtiy member, Pixxl made it
>Sells off massively over months, making substantial profits in BTC
>Make hundreds of thousands of dollars while the majority of the community is at a big loss for not selling

Yeah, if you're still in this you are a literal retard, sorry to say. The messenger was never even connected to the blockchain and Sagemark/Pete both made off like bandits, while blaming blackstone for the projects failure

It gets even better with ODIN though. They make it a community initiative coin, mitigating further responsbility and paying a bunch of chumps in now valueless ODN to do all the marketing for a product that doesn't, and will never exist.

Holy fuck this communtiy is so stupid. I know Pelsjager is even more stupid for agreeing to take over Sagemark's role after he cashed out a ton of money on the community with a now zero worth coin.

He has to be getting paid under the table by Pete to be on this. No way someone could sleep soundly at night being associated to this scam project without being incentivized.

Jordan Schneider and Peter McClory both deserve to be taken outside in a firing range infront of their families and executed

>> No.10195749

>$900 of volume


>> No.10195754

it went from 60 million market cap to 1 million, wouldn't be crazy to get to at least 10 million imo

>> No.10195803



>> No.10195841

>biz FUD

All I need to know, thanks.

>> No.10196096

It's not fud. It's pure hatred and anger. We want these people to be tried in court and be left to rot.

>> No.10196204


Sorry you bought at ATH faggot.

>> No.10196231

You belong in a jail cell. You scammed a lot of innocent people. Don't you have any shame?

>> No.10196266

biz hating so much is actualy a good sign

>> No.10196340

This. So much this.

>> No.10196365

>All these one post by this ID posts shilling the project

I can't wait for the new wave of bagholders to realize they were scammed.

>> No.10196372


not hating.just feel bad for you guys that stilll shill this after obviously being taken advantage of all this time.

If I was in your shoes I would be mad too, but maybe its a hidden motive to try and pump this one more time for a chance to get your money back.

either way, good luck

>> No.10196411

The amount of misinformation and clear lack of knowledge of what has happened with ODN is staggering.

>> No.10196439


you're an idiot if you think sagescam and peter PoOPClory had any intention on putting effort into this fake platform coin.

>> No.10196462

Lost a lot of money buying high. Always do the opposite of what biz says. I bought it at 2 dollars and now it is worth 3 cents. It's down 99%. It will probably recover to 50 cents when odin launches, but I'll still never get my money back.

I have never seen a coin drop by this much. Butthurt losers are calling this a scam, but i blame the fud campaigns and blackstone not cooperating with the rest of the team. They've spent the last 6 months rebooting with a new team who seem way less retarded at least. High risk high reward. Can't really buy in cheaper than a 1 million dollar cap.

>> No.10196500

Lets see, lets see

>> No.10196521


There is no new team you absolute imbecile. Petey is dragging out this fake odin coin until his tax seasons hits a year. If there was a team you would have seen them by now or had a roadmap and actual blockchain + coin for ODIN.

You're going to be bagholding this garbage until its 100 sats

>> No.10196570

He never actually held. He is the same fag posting with a different IP that has been doing it throughout the thread.

It's the "subtle" shill technique of trying to be reasonable about a scam and off-handedly mention how high it will go relative to the price. The problem is he drops the act halfway through the post and just goes full shill.

>> No.10197583


Whats even funnier is this community pool thing petey put together now. 100k ODN/week or whatever to key contributers.

Fucking lol. Literally throwing dead coins in a community pool. They turned the bot off on this scam and the daily volume is less than $1k now. Even if you do get money in the form of ODN you cant even cash it out.

Man, I will ask again. why do the remaining bagholders continue to support this obvious dead project with no new team, roadmap or whitepaper? Are they that unaware as to whats going on?