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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10193159 No.10193159 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>poor NEET
>make 5000€
>"yeha I'm rich!"
>"I can buy ANYTHING I want"
>Realise there is nothing I want to buy
>The things I really want are way more expensive
>understand that 5000€ are fucking nothing
>mfw the void just got bigger

>> No.10193175
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>> No.10193184

Invest it?

>> No.10193195

Making it is 2m+ depending where you life

>> No.10193203

money itself is next to useless unless you have an unimaginable quantity
skills and connections are the only way to actually get anywhere worth going
still, as a NEET surely it must be nice to be able to afford significantly more tendies than usual

>> No.10193284
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- Xbox one plus good games 300 bucks
- New iPhone 1000 bucks
- New MacBook 2000 bucks
- Nice watch 500 bucks
- Good haircut 100 bucks
- Some good sitting shirts and Polo's bucks 300
- Good leather shoes 300 bucks
- Some decent pants 300 bucks
- Prostitute 200

VOILA for 5k you can fuck, look good (for finding a roastie), have some amusement and for the next 5 years no spending on electronics

>> No.10193331

This. You can literally use money to buy more money OP, what are you doing with your life? Complaining?

>> No.10193349

This. Just don't fall into the trap of then wanting a yacht, or political influence, or a high maintenance wife, or a sportscar hobby or...

>> No.10193366

Reinvest, don't listen to this consumer whore. >>10193284

>> No.10193371
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>> No.10193428

>make 5000$ as a neet
>dont be happy about lasting financial stability

>> No.10193550

of course its nothing what are you 19?

>> No.10193570
File: 427 KB, 750x866, apu money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
