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10192573 No.10192573 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who enjoys the wagecuck lifestyle?
>came late from work last night
>slept after midnight
>woke up
>ate breakfast
>fooled around the phone for few hours
>tick tock, time to wageslave again
>too tired to masturbate, unconsciously been on NoFap for 3 week
>too stressed about work to overthink about how pathetic my life is
>get to enjoy my well earned money in the beach at weekends

>> No.10192583

Yes, you are

>> No.10192589

I work from home on the weekend too. You're not a real wageslave.

>> No.10192608

You are a psychopath, if you truly enjoy that lifestyle.

>> No.10192609

Weekend are my days off.I said I spent my paycheck in the sun drinking cocktails and tanning . Obviously eating at fancy restaurants by the beach and having cuties smile at me all the tine. Not everyone is a crypto loser like you who "works" at home. I am surprised how you have the nerve to call it work.

>> No.10192613

>So why do you want this job in particular?
>Bitcoin. I need money to buy bitcoin.

Is this how you nail a job interview? I've given every other stock response, none of it works.

>> No.10192614

I enjoy it. I work outside, once you've done that you realize it's the only work fit for men

>> No.10192625

If you don't wageslave, what's the meaning to life? I would be bored to suicide if I were rich to the point of doing everything my heart desires. The objective meaning of life is constant struggle and improvement, Pain and Gain.

>> No.10192634

Me too, it's really physical labour with a little bit of mental involvement in it.Why do I do it? Because it's what men do .

>> No.10192784

>If you don't wageslave, what's the meaning to life?

Lmao at the wagie cope. If you unironically think this, you are just a boring piece of shit but I suppose Aristotle was right. Some people are meant to be slaves. They prefer to spend their limited time on earth working for someone else instead of spending time on improving themselves (no, this doesn't mean laying on the beach all the time like a brainlet normie)

>> No.10192802
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you ever heard of a thing called a hobby? you don't need to wage slave to experience "constant struggle and improvement". all this tells us is that you're a 0 personality shit stain pajeet fucking retard

>> No.10192822

That's one hell of a shit bait. I mostly work from office but have the ability to work from home. Most of the time it's 4 days in the office and 1 at home (friday), although I can work more days from home if need be.
It doesn't matter if I work from home or from the office. If there is a work to do (which is most of the time) then I'm doing it. I don't see how working from home is any different than going to the office.

>> No.10192842

>improvement is being useless parasyte wasting mommies money on crypto

>> No.10192892
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You should work hard and pay taxes to fund more parasites from the third world instead

>> No.10192925

Working is the biggest waste of time and mundane inane activity imaginable

I legitimately feel sorry for you if you feel like you need to work In order to have “purpose” and “meaning”. Weinstein has your mind, body and soul tricked into thinking being his good little puppet is the meaning of life

>> No.10192926

Another day in paradise huh brother?

If I dont work for a period of time I go crazy. Right now I have no probs working 3 days a week at a up scale apartment. I get to sit and trade crypto or shitpost and once in a while help a guest or visitor which I dont mind.

Then once I'm done....
>after work buzz
Where everything is more enjoyable for an hr

Being full NEET is torture

>> No.10192957

t. no personality brainlet

"muh parasites" everyone has already heard this shit 1000000x already, you aren't saying anything new, retard.

>> No.10193034

>sits at home all day shit posting, fapping, and staring at charts
>thinks he has personality and a life worth living

I have no doubt if you are a true NEET you live a shit pajeet life with no purpose. Just find whatever you can to pleasure you for the time being not realizing everything sucks when you do it over and over days on end.

>> No.10193052

I enjoy my lifestyle too. Though I make 6 figures get to work from home 3/4 of the time, am on site 1/4 of the time and the company pays for everything (hotel, food, taxis, plane ride,) so I'm not sure I qualify as a wagecuck.

>> No.10193066

As long as you work for someone instead of for yourself, you are a wagecuck.

>> No.10193067


You're not "improving" anything except your ability to be a good slave though.

>> No.10193080

I honestly don't mind it, I get my own office with a bathroom in it and can dick around drawing and reading/browsing the ch0n or meditating for about 3-6 hours of my "work" day. Sure I'd like a higher salary but I have a side hustle that puts me right around 6 figures including my wagecucking salary which is pretty good for a 27 yo boomer. Plus I get to wear fancy clothes to work and all the cuties at my job and when I go to lunch mire cuz they think I must be super important because of how nice I dress.

>> No.10193084

I would get bored sitting around all day. I have a hard enough time on the weekends as is.
40-50 hours a week is no big deal, when it starts getting above 60 I get cranky and in the 70-80 hour weeks I pretty much lose my mind and my life falls apart.

>> No.10193087

I'm a handholdless friendless virgin 20 years ex neet and my wagecucking is my only contact with the outside world.

It's not so bad.

>> No.10193092


>> No.10193099

When I have a job it's usually quite enjoyable. But I'm currently unemployed and I absolutely loathe applying for jobs.

I also know I'd rather spend my time elsewhere. I'm trying to set up my own business, but it's barely running. But working on your own thing is a lot more enjoyable than working for someone else.

>> No.10193114

That really depends on what you do. If you have demanding work that requires thinking and continuous improvement, then yes you are improving your skills in whatever you do. Even better if your employer offers trainings and certs. Not only your skills and market value increase, but also you can use skills you get from wagecucking to build your own business.
If you flip burgers or work as a night guard then yeah, you are not learning shit.
On the other side, looking at candles while investing $500 accumulated from allowance is not really an improvement either.

>> No.10193124

Depends on your work m8
Suppose your job is playing first violin for an orchestra, or leading cutting edge research, or playing a sport professionally?

>> No.10193127

learning and becoming a God.

>> No.10193132

check out that wagecuck cope