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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10187412 No.10187412 [Reply] [Original]

>massive premine held by those originally in PoWH3D, meaning any new player in FOMO3D is automatically giving divs to thousands of players already in PoWH3D
>dev premine, but "t-they're the devs so they deserve a piece of the pie it's only fair :^)"
>basically an Etherhell clone with some bows and ribbons attached
>criticisms are NEVER refuted, literally a plan of "spam ad hominems and strawmen everywhere"
>they literally have a "shill to 4chan" channel in their Discord aloneside 30 other shill channels
>everyone knows it's a scam, but who cares just SPAM IT EVERYWHERE and siphon money from normies until there's nothing left
>coins have no real use case other than "m-muh betting game"
>ETH's GAS prices at an ATH but who cares bro just play the game anyway it'll all be worth it in the end ;^)
>website is LITERALLY called "exit scam"
>contract is already set to be cloned by multiple solidity devs within 24 hours of its release
>most people planning to buy into FOMO3D have no idea about PoWH3D's original history and the MULTIPLE times it has locked funds due to bad coding, lost funds due to bad coding, or had its website completely hacked
>instead of pointing any of this out, /biz/ would rather spam "scam" at anything and everything that moves EXCEPT for FOMO3D since these people also have heavy PoWH3D bags they didn't sell when the contract was at 19,000 ETH and they're desperately looking to recoup their losses
>literally every other pyramid has moved on except these faggots

There is not one single FOMO3D fag willing to legitimately argue with me. They'll call me names, tell people to move on, and spam sign-up links everywhere. NONE of them will actually tell me why FOMO3D is actually legit or good in any way.

>> No.10187441

Well ofc its a scam. Thats how every pozi and pyramid works.

The question isnt of this is scam or not. The question is how early am I?

Because if you are early in most ponzies/pyramids, you kinda win. Its suckers after you that dont.

So right now I just want to find out how the game works and if being early is an advantage.

>> No.10187473

wait so you are describing 99% of every single scam in crypto?

i dont think you understand how fomo3d works.
its advertised as an exitscam.

would you rather get exitscammed without knowing?

or a zero sum game where all players have the chance to exit scam.

your missing whats going on here.

>> No.10187497

You are automatically a latecomer no matter what you do. Everyone who invested in PoWH3D are the early birds. There are people who have been in PoWH3D for months now who will profit massively from this. They will spam /biz/ and every other place nonstop to sucker in normies to play FOMO3D.

>wait so you are describing 99% of every single scam in crypto?

No because 99% of all cryptos actually don't exit scam?

>> No.10187512

>massive premine...
There is no pre-mine. What you are talking about is another part of the PoWH3D ecosystem; an SDK that allows developers to tap into an advertising crowd of about 9000 people willing to shill your product because it gives them divs.
>dev premine...
Again, no pre-mine exists. You can check the contract yourself and see it's empty https://etherscan.io/address/0xa62142888aba8370742be823c1782d17a0389da1#code
>basically an Etherhell clone...
Yes, and?
>criticisms are NEVER refuted...
They are. Case in point.
>they literally have a "shill to 4chan" channel in their Discord...
Yes, and? Like stated above, PoWH3D is going to be an advertising eco-system.
>everyone knows it's a scam...
How is it a scam exactly? There's no pre-mine and the code is open source for you to check out.
>coins have no real use case...
A real use case like what, LINK? NKN? EOS? Crypto is nothing but promises right now, why not make money with it?
>ETH's GAS prices at an ATH...
This is true and it's a concern, however there's a long version of the game that has round timers which will allow for small gas price transactions to still count.
>website is LITERALLY called "exit scam"...
The entire concept is a parody to ICOs and how they exit scam people. What's your point?
>contract is already set to be cloned by multiple solidity devs within 24 hours of its release...
Good luck. We all know how the PoWH3D clones turned out.
>most people planning to buy into FOMO3D have no idea about PoWH3D's original history...
PoWH3D has not once locked up or fucked up because different team of developers
>instead of pointing any of this out...
Like with any other cryptocurrency. Wow. Big surprise.
>literally every other pyramid has moved on except these faggots...
And all of them have failed. Remember Ethpyramid's great new venture "Zethr"? Turned out great.

>There is not one single FOMO3D fag willing to legitimately argue with me
I'm here. Let's do this.

>> No.10187530
File: 1.04 MB, 788x297, gif10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10187568

When does this launch?

>> No.10187581

In less than 24 hours, check timer on https://exitscam.me/

>> No.10187612

>There is no pre-mine. What you are talking about is another part of the PoWH3D ecosystem; an SDK that allows developers to tap into an advertising crowd of about 9000 people willing to shill your product because it gives them divs.
>Yes, and?
So FOMO3D devs are copying Etherhell, repackaging it, and SPAMMING IT EVERYWHERE and you respond with "Yes, and?" then wonder why everyone hates you?
>They are. Case in point.
Because "Yes, and?" is such an AMAZING rebuttal!
>Yes, and? Like stated above, PoWH3D is going to be an advertising eco-system.
>advertising eco-system
>Crypto is nothing but promises right now, why not make money with it?
>Good luck. We all know how the PoWH3D clones turned out.
PoWM literally got to 4500 ETH, and that was months after PoWH3D came out. If someone clones FOMO3D immediately when it comes out, that will take away massive steam for it.
>PoWH3D has not once locked up or fucked up
The site was literally hacked days after it came out, redirecting funds to a different contract. Either you are calling it a lie deliberately or you don't know about its history.
>Remember Ethpyramid's great new venture "Zethr"? Turned out great.
Zethr isn't even out yet you retard, although I do agree that Zethr will also be a failure.

>> No.10187638

I wouldn't put money on this crap, but this guy is right, the risk however is not worth it imho

>> No.10187663

That's not really the definition for pre-mine but ok.
>So FOMO3D devs are copying Etherhell, repackaging it, and SPAMMING IT EVERYWHERE and you respond with "Yes, and?" then wonder why everyone hates you?
No, improving upon it.
>Because "Yes, and?" is such an AMAZING rebuttal!
Because that was the only rebuttal, right?
Ok, show me a single mainstream adapted usecase for crypto right now.
>PoWM literally got to 4500 ETH, and that was months after PoWH3D came out.
Yes, there was incentive to clone PoWH3D. There is none for Fomo3D.
>If someone clones FOMO3D immediately when it comes out, that will take away massive steam for it.
No. Fomo3D resets and everyone will have the chance to fight for the 10% of the previous pot with cheap tickets again. What's more enticing: doing it with 9000 other people, or doing it with a few hundred others?
>The site was literally hacked days after it came out, redirecting funds to a different contract. Either you are calling it a lie deliberately or you don't know about its history.
This is true, but it had nothing to do with the contract code. Also, there was a whooping 4 ETH mis-transfered that way that, to my knowledge, was given back to the people who lost it.
>Zethr isn't even out yet you retard
Oh but it was. It had a grand ICO and everything, ultimately fucking over their own userbase with a shitty low hardcap that was reached within 27 minutes or so. And then the contract code fucked up which led them to reset everything.
>although I do agree that Zethr will also be a failure.
Oh we can agree on this.

>> No.10187880
File: 1.22 MB, 250x250, gif5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so 4chan gives me an amazing way to exitscam without being the bad guy like every other token. and instead of taking advantage of this oppurtunity that has been worked on for months. i would rather just bash it... yeah makes perfect sense

does 4chan hates money meme really exist ?

>> No.10188058

Dude. I wouldn't bother. They're not even smart enough to get P3D and rake in the divs.

>> No.10188142

how is powh3d and fomo3d corelated?

>> No.10188177


yo i didn't get to see fomo3d on the testnet...

how do i play whats the strat?

>or just buy keys early and dump on later player?

>> No.10188317

P3d holders get dividends from fomo3d games

>> No.10188389

So I need to fomo back into p3d to get f3d divs?

Do I get any divs by just playing the game and loosing the top pot?

>> No.10188537

You can not sell the tickets or keys or whatever they'll be called. You literally hold them until round ends and then they will be auto-liquidated.
There will be dividends for early buyers and there's the incentive of having a lot of keys for that but also to buy the last key to get the pot.

No, you can play Fomo3D without owning p3d at all. But you'd benefit double if you had p3d. Fomo3D divs are different and isolated from p3d divs.

>> No.10188582
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 447332-flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another shit tier clone dev butt hurt? Probably etherguy or ethpenis crowd. Why you hate money and fun?

>> No.10188624
File: 1.71 MB, 250x250, 3Dglasses.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F3d ftw, this is going to be awesome!

>> No.10188680


but key price goes up right?

say i buy early (maybe waste afew keys) wait afew months for round to end, i'll profit right?

>> No.10188698

Yeah, prices increase over time by amount of bought keys. In theory you can "win" by just going full retard early game and waiting for the game to finish.