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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10186612 No.10186612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>thread about The Rothschilds just got deleted
really makes you think

>> No.10186620
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it does make you think...

>> No.10186762

>dumb poltard get surprised when mods who haven't done their job in months delete the thread shittier than pajeer scams

>> No.10186972

jesus christ can't you fuck off back to wherever you came from and let us discuss business
why do you mongs even complain about "/pol/tards" anyway, i checked that place the other day and it's literally filled with anti-white stuff

>> No.10186999

Fuck off, /pol/.

>> No.10187005

Rothschilds control finance and the US economy through the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve literally loans out your tax dollars (without congressional approval) to international and domestic banks who then in turn loan YOUR money back to you at interest. The majority shareholders of each major bank are other banks.

There is a reason it is called "usury", because they are USING you to make themselves rich at your expense.

Why no one has assassinated that family yet I'll never understand. They've been running shit as early as the 1700s-1800s. They are responsible for the deaths of millions.

>> No.10187013

That's fucked up man.

>> No.10187026

What was it about? If it isn't /biz/ related and borderline banter mixed with political views, it's going to get removed

What did you want to ask about the Rothschilds anyways and/or how it is related to business/crypto?

>> No.10187059

this board is BUSINESS & FINANCE


The Rothschilds are very much related to the finance industry, if you want to better understand how absolutely rigged this entire system is.

>> No.10187064

Reason and truth destroy the cabal. Truth will set you free. Just study the Austrian school of economy. I got rich reading Bastiat and Mises.

>> No.10187069
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Well... did they actually figure out how to destroy them...?

>> No.10187086
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>stirring up butthurt just because
>whining while nothing gets done
really makes you think

>> No.10187090

YEAH! this is the new reddit now! fucking racists

>> No.10187091

For as much as I know, The Federal Reserve is a financial machine no other than the World Bank or IMF.

I don't believe anyone 'controls' these machines, because you have to understand how much impact these machines have on the world. Thus, it's not as easy as one king being at the top, it's more so a group of capitalists who are trying to govern the financial machine of the world in order to progress it forward.

That's just the economic side. And in essence, the Rothschilds are 'loaning' themselves the USD as well, since you have to understand, the more USD dollars makes everyone poor, except the people at the top (who started with lots of gold/assets/land). So unless they want to utterly destroy the entire economy, just so they can have a few extra dollars, it wouldn't be sustainable and the world economy would have crashed already due to the corruption and over-exaggeration in the economy

>this board is BUSINESS & FINANCE
o-ok /pol/tard, you go can to /x/ or /pol/ if you really care about those theories in your head that have no factual proof to show.

>This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.
>currencies (including cryptocurrencies)
>including cryptocurrencies

>> No.10187095
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no fren we're playing the spreading awareness game

>> No.10187099

Knife to the lungs

>> No.10187108
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>They created another one? You know the orders.

>> No.10187114

we really need to solve the shitskin problem

>> No.10187115

Will you stop blaming some imaginary conspiracy for your own failure and start working on improving yourself one day ?

>> No.10187126

By burning the bank?
Smart one.

i'd tell you to go back, but you'd probably bring 10 more of you faggots here, so just do everyone in the world a favor and just kill yourself.

>> No.10187136

USD is already on its way out. The USA won't be around in another century I would bet money on it. Hyper inflation, devaluing the dollar, it has happened ever since we got rid of the gold standard. Guess where the gold went? "Oops we don't know"

We are already starting to see an entire generation who will not buy houses, have kids, or retirement thanks to student loans. We are seeing cars being loaned out in 8, 12 year terms now. Yet somehow you think it's going to get better in another 20 years? No, the solution will of course be to take more of your rights and more of your freedoms - UBI, more government dependence, ride sharing, renting. You won't OWN anything.

Go read some history faggots. Even Lincoln met with the Rothschilds to try and finance the Civil War.

>> No.10187141
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Conspiracy...sure thing rabbi. By the way, which coin should I buy next?

>> No.10187148

How about you go back, /biz/ has a strong tradition going back to niggercoin and calling the bancor scam during their ICO. You're clearly new and you're not fooling anyone with your weekend damage control brigade

>> No.10187157
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Reminder: racist nazi retards are just as bad as the NWO apologists. It's the most basic divide and conquer.

>> No.10187173
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>my link vore thread got deleted
Really makes you think

>> No.10187175


>> No.10187177

>butthurt reddit thinking hes apart of something bigger than his lonely autistic night he spends every night
keep holding my bags you stupid faggot

>> No.10187199

stop projecting

>> No.10187255

Reminder: it's us or you nigger/nigger apologizing leftists and you hit first

>> No.10187275

Mr. Rothschild, you might as well log in.

>> No.10187310

>the USA won't be around in another century
That's because the US empire isn't supposed to be the leader of the world in a century, and just like how the British Empire literally transferred the power to the American Empire, as the Bankers took their own reigns to further economize the world, you will see the entire world transition into a global financial machine
Do you think you would have been on 4chan (made by an American) if it wasn't for those simple actions?
Do you think we'll be able to reach the stars if it isn't for the the simple actions today?

I can talk out my ass just like you are doing right now.

>> No.10187322

That russian exploding sniper round should do the trick.
But who's going to shoot? Nobody wants to go to jail, cause if they do, they're probably going to be tortured for killing one of the leaders, or worse.

>> No.10187350

Nothing you've said contradicts what I've said, so I'm not sure what you're even rambling on about.

>> No.10187351
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>> No.10187415

>No, the solution will of course be to take more of your rights and more of your freedoms
In some truth, a global and collective world will have to depend on systems such as the ones you described.
But chances are, they can't progress into the new chapter if the world isn't ready for it. As you can see today.

There is also the elephant in the room that no one likes to talk about, and that is true corruption. How will the world combat it?

>> No.10187438

Maybe the "new chapter" isn't so desirable if you have to make people suffer for it.

>> No.10187528

Do you think our ancestors didn't suffer? What makes us so privileged, not to suffer?
Suffering is a part of life.

>> No.10187560

What makes you think you are entitled to make other people suffer for your commie utopia pipedream?

>> No.10187589

I want to get gangbanged by the Rothschilds and I am not even gay.

>> No.10187609

>rothsadults bang ur boihole and shower you with $1,000,000 USD

>> No.10187696
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The Talmud teaches Jews to lie in business. Exposing the risk is very biz related.>>10186999

>> No.10187710



>> No.10187731
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>that 30 year old boomer who still thinks his "political ideologies" weren't created by oligarchs to control the population

>> No.10187747

This. If you even think about race or any ideology/non-personal spiritualism then you have a low IQ and will die poor like every other peasant like you.

>> No.10187811

lol you've come to the wrong place then, brainlet

>> No.10187816

found the antifaggot

>> No.10187817

And then Lincoln was assassinated for printing his own government issue currency because they were trying to charge him ridiculous levels of interest to finance the war.

>> No.10187860

fuck off you stupid fucking retards
nothing wrong with racism or nazis

theyre more disruptive than you and your pc faggotry

>> No.10187935

What makes you think you deserve all this free tech, that literately came from (((capitalism/communism))) efforts

>> No.10187957
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>be a plutocrat
>see a bunch of people protesting and wanting to take the money and power back from me
>need a short distraction while I hide the assets
>accuse the lighter skinned protesters of being "racist"
>the brown and light ones actually start hating each other

>> No.10188024

>Be a white man
>See your country being silently invaded by laws the same plutocrats set and encourage
>Naturally don't like this because all of human history is embedded in your pysche
>Get called a "dumb raycis" if you want to avoid your own extinction and replacement
>Somehow convince yourself you're being clever for being a progressive encouraging his own genetic legacy ceasing

State of you, wholly pathetic

>> No.10188050

Is something wrong with taking it in the butt?
If your faggot ass wants to do it, I don't care. But sexual matters such as gay and lgbt should be in the privacy of their own homes, not in politics and the way of life. Saying that, what America did and the entire world is simply giving free gibs for any special snowflake.

A final solution for those problems hasn't happened yet, but don't you worry, soon it'll be fixed.

>> No.10188214
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>be your brown neighbour next door
>trying to earn a living by driving a taxi
>plutocrats fuck us both in the ass with taxes and regulations
>get blamed, called a nigger and beat up

>> No.10188227

What I don't get is, when does shit start? There are some small groups of neighbors that may be interested in defending their turf. OK. When do these groups of neighbors become people that take back their land? If you say your house is yours and I say it's ours, this usually got solved in a very simple way. But I don't see it coming and I don't understand why time would play in your favor. And then I see people who think things will end where they must because of fate, maybe manifest destiny would have been preferrable than this but at some point someone changed his mind. So I understand the being pissed, maybe some things should have been done differently but I'm interested in where I am and where I can be. I don't know where the solution is or where you're going to find the power to realize it but if you want changes in the real world then things must happen outside taiwanese shrimp breeding photoalbums. But if you know something I don't and the recruiting is going to your liking, keep at it.

>> No.10188377

Doesn't happen. Blacks have disproportionately high crime rate as we all know. There is no reason to keep them around in my country. Why do we? Because billionaires want it

No one is trying to recruit anyone, what are you talking about? If you're not sufficiently fucked by your death drive, then you will find an issue with what I mentioned

If you are fine with going extinct, being replaced (in your ancestors land), then you go for it, don't bring me into your fucked up games though, so go get snipped, don't encourage third world sub 90 IQ barbarians to move next door to me.

>> No.10188398

maybe because they actually worked hard and rose from the bottom up to build a financial empire capitalizing on stupid fucks like you.

>> No.10188463

> go get snipped
I am married, I have a son.

> don't encourage third world sub 90 IQ barbarians to move next door to me
I'm saying they're inside already.

>> No.10188484

>Worked hard
>Inherited wealth for generations


>> No.10188510

omfg read how they started up you adhd xoomer

>> No.10188551

The Federal Reserve is so busy printing money, they need the country to print along with them. Oh, the irony.

>> No.10188675
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>Doesn't happen

>hating every single black man, woman and child who ever lived because there are a lot of black criminals unrelated to them at the moment
Yes, hate your fellow man, such a good goy. These disgusting brown skinned people are out to get you!

You know they only care about money and influence, right? Billionaires don't care about race, sex, political views or religion but they use it to divide the population. It's identity politics, same as with feminism: divide the population and make ordinary people hate and blame each other for everything from taxes to uncontrolled immigration, while at the same time consolidating power and wealth.

>> No.10188699

Those are cherry picked cases, but even if it did happen, it's entirely justified given everything else.

>Yes, hate your fellow man, such a good goy.
Who said anything about hate? Except you, of course?

Billionaires want immigration, the people don't. (Except a minority who do after literally years of indoctrination and propaganda in music, movies, culture, news, everything), you know?

Enjoy extinction, that's all

>> No.10188798

you're picking a 99.99% white country for your cherrypicked example. somehow i doubt the czech blame africans for taxes

>> No.10188808

How much do the Rothschilds pay you for these posts? You don't do it for free, do you?
>b-but t-those are cherry picked cases!
You just said that it never-ever happens.
>Who said anything about hate?
If you calling beating up an innocent man "entirely justified" (whatever that means) doesn't count as hate, then what does?
>Billionaires want immigration
No, they don't care about immigration. They care about their money and power, and immigration makes little impact on them.

>> No.10189075

Why are you arguing with the /Pol retard tho

>> No.10189089

Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.







>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

>> No.10189135

we can be friends with other races, each in their own country with their own people. Now kys

>> No.10189173

Thanks slowpoke. I did not know about the JIDF before. Everyone on /new/ who didn't fit the image was called JIDF back in the day.

>> No.10189193

Fuck off commie dog

>> No.10189244

>nothing wrong with racism or nazis
Wanting to kill someone because of the way they were born and that they can do nothing to change is fucked up. Racism is a lazy way to avoid judging people as individuals.

>> No.10189245
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Mr. Rothschild, I am disappointed in the quality of this batch. Are you telling me that these are our finest specialists?

>> No.10189433

you are beyond autism. Read and learn faggot

>> No.10189448

So do these Jews inbreed or what?

>> No.10189579

>implying WW2 wasn't completely staged to create the "antisemitic" cover for the elites, create the UN and make even more money

>> No.10189605

a documentary on jews came out 3 days ago


>> No.10189629

I am sorry master. Most of the other ones have offed themselves. DOTR is real???!!??!???

>> No.10189642
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>> No.10189648
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>> No.10189726

damn kikes

>> No.10189752

explain for the brainlets pretty please

>> No.10189785

lurk moar

>> No.10189806


>> No.10189816

4chan is a honeypot in case you haven't noticed.

>> No.10189962
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>> No.10190013

The only thing business related on this board is /smg/. Business acumen here is sadly low. The only knowledge people might have is trading strategies, but that’s not business

>> No.10190732
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>Aquinas spoke of the mythical city on the hill; soon that city will be a reality and we will be crowned its kings.

>> No.10190898

discuss business? ok retard which shitcoin do you want to lose money to? other than /smg/ nothing here is business.

>> No.10190915



>> No.10190919

>muh safe space

>> No.10190953

you have one option, get rid of all the shitskins or get rid of all the jews (any color)

what do you choose?

>> No.10191132

>He doesn't know about the Rothschild nano-shield skin implant

>> No.10191502

Yield curve flattening does not necessarily mean that it will invert.

>> No.10191520

Shit up faggot. Rothschild control money supply. Is very relevant.

>> No.10191950
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>> No.10192028

I know your feel OP. My black granny tranny cocks thread got deleted as well. We all know that /biz/ is for politics and porn. Can't even spell /biz/ without /b/

>> No.10192029

>the current thread is still not deleted
really makes you think

>> No.10192039

Whatever I choose here I don't have a how I can believe in. Chatting, waiting, voting.

>> No.10192425

everything I post is a larp anyway

>> No.10192437

Who are the shareholders of the FED?

>> No.10192469

U realise shitskins wouldnt be here without jew wars? No jews =no shitskins here.

>> No.10192581

Well, who uncorked Libya? That's where most of the "refugees" came from.

>> No.10192601

The latter. Whites could deal with shitskins in the past, they've never been able to deal with Jews.