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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 300x300, DERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10184879 No.10184879 [Reply] [Original]

So, have your XMR funds already been stolen,yet?

>> No.10184899


>> No.10184923
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>> No.10184948

more dero FUD plz. Can u get it under 10k sats so I can reload sir?

>> No.10184952

Sorry, m8, but DERO is unFUDable.

>> No.10185353

Enjoy your no souce code, anon developers scam.

>> No.10185707

Scamcoin of the year!

>> No.10185800
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Nuff said, be my guest and catch the falling knife. Spot the onset on June 24 when the mods lied and started attacking the community.

>> No.10185849

Will get under 10k next week.

>> No.10186300
File: 55 KB, 695x496, DERO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking in sats
You guys are fags.

>> No.10186531

>muh shitcoin is better than Monero
^the most important red flag for recognizing a scam today.

>> No.10186688
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 1493374635920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same boring, repetitive FUD day after day after day
>meanwhile /biz/ is spammed to death with Q and FOMO3D links
>implying the Q Constellation coins will be worth $1 when the total supply is 10 TRILLION
>implying FOMO3D will go anywhere with gas prices of 70 or higher
>meanwhile, Dero quietly forming Foundation and starting a Q&A session soon
>nobody on /biz/ cares about the Q&A session because their questions will actually be ANSWERED and the don't want that since they just want to lazily FUD the coin some more and make up crap that isn't even true

The state of /biz/

>> No.10186735

>There can only be one scam going on at a time

>> No.10186742

Is this you Serena? The same stupid and ugly anime everywhere. This is not your sandbox to ban everyone for asking uncomfortable questions, fuck off bitch.

>> No.10186758
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Gonna need some sauce with that FUD operino.

>> No.10186760
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>not a single argument against Dero

>not a single argument against Dero
>"I know let's play association boogeyman and blame you for being someone else while insulting you because insulting you means Dero is automatically a scam!

That'll make myself feel better! :^)"

>> No.10186788

a privacy coin has to prove itself through use
devs shilling it on Twitter and discord is worthless
monero proved itself with the alpha bay takedown. noting else can match it.
sorry not sorry but these are the facts

>> No.10186842

There are plenty of questions you never answered, just ignored and banned people for asking so that they would never dare to spoil this scam. Look up previous /biz Dero threads to find a bunch of big issues people raised. Big red flag and the reason for the price dump.

>> No.10186855
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It's also a fact that Monero had secret mining on its network for over a year. Look it up if you don't believe me.

It's also a fact that a Monero dev runs the /r/CryptoCurrency subreddit. This isn't opinion. This is a solid fact that you cannot debate against. All you can do is go "m-muh Serena" and "8130289 quintillion coin premine" over and over again like the broken cuck you are.

>> No.10186869

The price dump is due to there being no new exchanges in 4 months. Exchanges will come after incorporation and source code release. Devs literally do not care if the price plummets to 5 cents or rises to $10 because once they incorporate and release the source code, the price will stabilize where it belongs.

Why don't you make a nice pretty FUD list of "red flags" so you can post them whenever you want to? Oh, that's right, you don't because every time one of you faggots posts one of those, we debunk EVERY SINGLE ONE of them.

>> No.10186877

Stop comparing to Monero and stand on your own.
The community hates you or is scared of you. Time to step down!

>> No.10186882

What's there to argue? This coin should prove it's worth without the onslaught of shilling and shitposting. Until then I'll hold and mine xmr. Dero is fresh and is gonna be prone to bugs and exploits for that reason I'm not touching it, for now anyway.

>> No.10186896
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>MFW I bought at 0.00005 and sold half my stack at 0.00027

>> No.10186908

>It's also a fact that Monero had secret mining on its network for over a year. Look it up if you don't believe me.
You mean the chink ASICS that the developers were working on a hard fork for before bitmain started selling preorders for? And since that hard fork the diff has shrunk by more than half and has been stable.

>> No.10186922

Ok, how's that to begin with:
1. View key does not show spent coins as per the recent /biz thread. How much of premine is really left? We'll never know.
2. There is no evidence there is more than 1 dev.
3. There is no evidence the source code works as described.
4. After numerous lies there is no trust left to the mods (not devs) and we cannot believe anything they say anymore. Instead of rebuilding trust they ban everyone.

>> No.10186939

>over and over again like the broken cuck you are.
Resorting to name calling just proves how wrong you are it's honestly sad maybe you should go hang out on >>>/a/

>> No.10186978

Kek the dero shill got btfo.

>> No.10186981

and an unknown amount of monero
use on the dark net speaks for itself. what market vendors accept dero? literally none. it's worthless as a privacy coin.

>> No.10187163 [DELETED] 


>> No.10187172


>> No.10187189
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>> No.10187209


>> No.10187217

>1. View key does not show spent coins as per the recent /biz thread. How much of premine is really left? We'll never know.

And even if we did know, they could have a hidden trillion dero premine and we wouldn't know, because its a goddamn private coin with no open source.

>> No.10187237
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>> No.10187239

You guys keep parroting "no open source" and "closed source" over and over again. Do you have any idea how stupid you look to everyone on /biz/?

A large part of the source code has already been out for months. You do realize Atlantis is not a completely new code and builds on top of the already released code...right?

You can read that source code right now if you wanted to.

>> No.10187249

>You can read that source code right now if you wanted to.
Only if you know your shit in cryptography.

>> No.10187280

You can check if an output has been spent. Ask them to prove it

>> No.10187305

...um? Okay, AAAAAAAND?

That's the whole point of a source code isn't it?

Are you so buttdevastated that it isn't written in 1st grade English that you can't understand it??

>> No.10187342

>A large part of the source code has already been out for months. You do realize Atlantis is not a completely new code and builds on top of the already released code...right?

"A part of the code" is useless you mongrel, only the whole code will enable one to truly check if everything is alright - how the blocks are verified etc. until then we won't know if devs are just creating coins out of thin air.

>> No.10187377

It's kinda a big fucking deal to know what your investing thousands of dollars into.

>> No.10187429
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>It's kinda a big fucking deal to know what your investing thousands of dollars into.
>implying 99% of /biz/ actually does any research into what they're buying

>> No.10187509


>> No.10187584

If Dero devs are comfortable with a 5 cents price then there is no reason to invest until it drops by 95% from $1 to $0.05 or all questions are answered and not ignored as usual because it would expose this scam.

>> No.10187596

not yet

>> No.10188169
File: 2.33 MB, 3286x4162, monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon holds an unknown amount of salt

Could someone give me a quick rundown on dero? I keep seeing threads but don’t even know what the big fucking deal is.

However I strongly suspect I won’t have to care. Correct me but what I’ve gathered so far is:
>privacy coin
>closed source (??? da fuq)
>sketchy looking just judging by the FUD
>smart contracts “””eventually”””?

Am potentially interested in new tech but look, all I can say is someone who’s been buying drugs on the DNM since 2013, what a couple anons have already said is all that needs to be said: monero has proven itself. I mean Verge shills were on another level of faggotry, whereas whatever Dero is supposed to be looks like it might hold more promise...

But. It’s been said that the XMR price is unironically a good indicator of the overall crypto market health. This is because one of its primary shining use cases is buying drugs. And that kind of userbase will not fuck around with any random sóybóy coin that flaunts muh privacy without a damn good reason, and experiential evidence to back it up. Basically what I’m saying is the shills of this shitcoin better know wtf they’re talking about before they go around making fun of god-emperor monero.

>> No.10188217

this is some trippy shit


>> No.10188254

this coin btw https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/monero/

>> No.10188871

>what the big fucking deal is
It's a big scam

>> No.10189169

> closed source
> unknown premine (code being closed at genesis block)
> all retarded buzzwords on the roadmap (maybe not IA, not sure).
> constant pajeet tier shill and attacks on xmr
No, thanks.