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10183838 No.10183838 [Reply] [Original]

One thing that bothers me about the potential cryplets connection is the thought that Link has nothing to do with it. Is it possible that smartcontract.com may be working with Microsoft, but they are 2 separate things? Are they 2 separate networks that makes Link worthless as it relates to cryplets? Maybe smartcontract.com will make money by working with cryplets, but it will be separate from the value of Link. Not saying that the Chainlink network won't do well on its own, but maybe we shouldn't get so excited about the Microsoft connection.

>> No.10183853

Nahh. Your concern is stupid you retard. Just buy link and get rich.

>> No.10183867

>several tech giants meet up in a room several times a year and everyone works on his own solution to the oracle problem
now THAT would be retarded

>> No.10183891

You should sell anon. You don't deserve to be rich if you doubt link.

>> No.10184020


This is actually legitimate concern. We don't know the relationship between cryptlets and ChainLink. We know that cryptlets serve the same purpose, but on the other hand why would sergey help them if they were replacing his product offering.

>> No.10184031


Didn't Sergey patent the term 'cryptlet'? Or something like that?

>> No.10184040

I think ChainLink will be the behind-the-scenes oracle provider for all these different corporations, but they’ll rebrand it to their product. So Microsoft will have “cryptlets” which is ChainLink, but it won’t be called that. Same for all these other possible corporate partnerships

>> No.10184045

We know he claimed a cryplet domain name the same day cryptlets.com was bought by someone else...and he's said they are working with Microsoft on their bletchley offering.

That's all.

>> No.10184048

Or Microsoft runs a bunch of nodes making all of the free software they've been releasing create an endless supply of money for them.

>> No.10184053

This doesn't make sense from a functional standpoint. To use ChainLink Microsoft has to use ChainLink nodes...it doesn't make any sense to call them anything but what they are.

>> No.10184219

This is juicy

>> No.10184227

He may be helping because they may be getting paid by Microsoft to do so. Smartcontract.com may be viewed as the top dog for work on oracles and may be assisting other projects as an advisor or consultant.

>> No.10184262

Maybe Chainlink is meant for the big fish, SWIFT, Salesforce, etc, while cryplets will be the more commercial version for the masses.

>> No.10184298

>inb4 FUD

maybe LINK testnet is a prototype to show these big shots how things could work. if it's functional maybe they will adapt it for their own solutions somehow? I'm not tech savvy enough to understand if that could be the case.

>> No.10184554

I've thought about this too, but then there is evidence of connections to the actual Chainlink network. That's why my worst case scenario is that Chainlink and Cryplets are separate networks, aimed at a different clientele. Chainlink and it's Link tokens are a product of smartcontract.com. That doesn't mean that is the only product that they may be working on, especially in consultant roles.

>> No.10185064

I think this is likely.

We have reason to believe that they are separate products. Right now if you look at the schematics for Microsofts blockchain cloud offering, there is no room for ChainLink. Cryptlets is clearly going to be an independent Microsoft branded solution in their ecosystem.

>> No.10185490

My worry, if this is the case, is that Chainlink won't have the monopoly that we hope for. It will still get use, but Cryplets will likely be very successful too.

>> No.10185498

is 30k link enough to make it, lads?

>> No.10185515

It's not a stretch, in my opinion, to envision Chainlink as the middleware for Salesforce, SWIFT, etc, while the Microsoft Cryplets grabs the commercial market. That's not fud, as I think Chainlink can still be very successful.

>> No.10185524

Cryplets = shadow fork
Any corporation that was considering chainlink would have seen the army of autistic racist neckbeards sperging out all over the place and don't want to associate with it so they forked it

>> No.10185603

Need 100k to make it

>> No.10185623

Something like this could be the case and wouldn't be terrible. Sergey was probably just excited to have Microsoft as a smartcontract.com client and content to collaborate with them in a consulting capacity. This was 2016..so I'm sure he wasn't swimming in major tech firms interested in oracles.

>> No.10185667

What's the significance of 100k?

>> No.10185794

It means you'll own 100,000 LINK tokens

>> No.10185835

Is that to buy a node or somethin?

>> No.10185937


Cryptlet Schema: { "title": "Cryptlet Schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string" }, "publicKey": { "type": "string" }, "config": { "description": "describe what Cryptlet does", "isolation": "boolean", "...": } }, "required": ["name", "publicKey"] }

This is an exact JSON schema fit (other than title) to the Chainlink Adaptor JSON found here: https://github.com/smartcontractkit/schemas/blob/master/schemas/adapter_schema.json

This finding was the first thing which made me think "Man, it's actually using it"

>> No.10186043

Yes. 100k needed for a node if you can't afford 100k then your tokens are worthless. No poorfags allowed. You a poorfag?

>> No.10186694

Oh shit this anon figured it out.
Swifts smart Oracle is rebranded chainlink and Microsoft cryptlets is Microsoft's interface into chainlink.
In other words, chainlink is the underlying back end infrastructure and companies access it through their own front end product.