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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10182799 No.10182799 [Reply] [Original]

Why not invest in owning a gym? I am speaking about it on /pol/ as a place for us to train and make money legally. What are the pitfalls to owning a gym? Anyone with experience?

>> No.10182808

Sounds pretty gay. /fit/izens are notoriously self-absorbed and deeeeeply into the homoerotic

>> No.10182815

I think it would be a great idea to make a male only gym.
>t. roast beef

>> No.10182832

The pitfalls is that you may face people like me, that exercise at home and tries to convince other of the benefits of doing so

>> No.10182835

>male only gym
Found the poof.

Athletic club would actially make more sense. Gymfags have zero stamina, whereas sportsfags actually balance skills that would be useful

>> No.10182844

Security, insurance, power/ plumbing, initial investment in equitment, constant fucking maintainance, labour (not anyone but actually fit health experts/ nuts), taxes and all the other costs.

Plus location is everything. What seperates you and your rates from anytime fitness or another leading gym franchise?

>> No.10182924



>> No.10182944

more freedumb and better prices

I want there to be an implicit White/Trump/American identity to it so shitlibs with their twig legs can be triggered away from the gym and based boomer Whites enter with the shekels.

>> No.10182954

Gyms make most of their revenue from people who sign up for a long membership and only use it once or twice.

>> No.10182962

>ima start a business
>and scare off anybody that isnt alt right
>im sure this will be successful

>> No.10182968

Constant maintenence on what?

You literally buy the weights and machines and thats fucking it. No upkeep

Just hire some qt to work front desk and clean the locker rooms at the end of the night

>> No.10182971

>burned down by antifa two days later
>insurance company tells you "fuck off, racist"
/pol/tards on suicide watch

>> No.10182975

This sounds like a crossfit box in somewhere in Iowa.

>be alt right nigger
>start business and alienate 3/4 of customers

Everyone's money is green you dumb fag. That's why the hard right is never gonna make it.

>> No.10182976

Machines break constantly because of dumbfucks using them incorrectly and because of wear and tear.

>> No.10183002

Depends. The gym i go to still has 90% of the same machines they did 12 years ago. Quality hardware pays off in the long run for sure.
Oil them up every now and then and maybe change a cable every once in a while and it should be as good as new.
The place has been used by 99% whites though. Only the occasional rapefugee with free gibsmedat membership has been to the place.

>> No.10183007


>> No.10183028

What's your policy on glistening donkey schlongs on display in the sauna?

>> No.10183046

Its the eastern European roiders with massive arms and 2 plate half squats doing more weight than they can handle that fuck up machines in my experience. Why anyone cheat on machine exercises is beyond me.

>> No.10183052


>> No.10183083


thats why you open a real fucking gym with free-weights only

machines are for faggots

>> No.10183111

because the gym hype is rolling for a while now. That being said, if there is lack of gyms around id say go for it.

>> No.10183120

Fuck off ss tard. There is a reason every competitive strenght athlete and bodybuilder use them. They allow you to get in more volume without putting pressure on your joints.

>> No.10183124

Thats true. But it can be minimized by cooperating with your local anti-drug agency. Posters around the gym warning roiders that random drug tests may occur and termination of membership is due if caught.
If its a business you want attracting normies is the way to go and most normies feel frightened around big dudes on test.

>> No.10183130

You mean like the oxygen gym at Kuwait

>> No.10183141

Fuck I want to see this come true

>> No.10183151

Ah yes, let the nanny state save us.
I would never do steroids personally but they should be legal.

>> No.10183191

>chase a sizeable demographic of customers away
>expect to earn money

>> No.10183204

Have you ever been to gym? Treadmills and ellipticals break almost constantly. Even in the most well maintained gyms you'll probably see at least one broken machine at a time.

>> No.10183210

I know this will crash and burn but womens only gyms made an absolute killing. With the fun side effect of raising the price for non womens gyms due to loss of clientele

>> No.10183247

Not a reason to deny coverage. Read some policies once in a while fuckwit

>> No.10183249

>womens only gyms made an absolute killing.
Dividing demographics up like this is actually pretty smart. Planet fitness spefically targets people afraid of being judged who don't want to go to the gym in the first place. Creating a judgement free "safe space" for women is genius.

>> No.10183282

Theres literally 4 parts on each machine. Just stock a few parts up and switch them out? Whats that like $20 every few weeks?

>> No.10183304

The problem is that the parts are non generic and sold at a crazy mark up.

>> No.10183327

Guess what I am currently planning to do.

To the right wing haters.
It will not be open for every fuckface since it won't be that big.
Better have a small number of loyal mindliked people than s_o_yal faggots.

Have you ever been to a non retarded gym?

comparing top athletes on funny stuff to normal plebs, boy....

>> No.10183356

Can you give a brief rundown on exercising at home?

I need to get /fit/ and was planning on going to the gym but this sounds like a promising route as well. Thanks.

>> No.10183369

got to /fit/ search for a bodyweight general thread or ask in the QTTDTOT thread for some bodyweight infographs
If you have the room and some spare money:
Power rack, a bar, some plates, a bench, some adjustable dumbells -> here you go

>> No.10183415

Large startup to pay for the rnd and intellectual licencing of such, anything that's a machine that generates resistenr, treadmill, calves, bike, rower, generates electricity, sell surplus back to the grid or other partner. Freemasonry would be a big enough institution to implement something like this.

>> No.10183423

Resistance, cables

>> No.10183427

I owned part of a gym in the 90's, I wouldn't advise it. Consumers are very leery of gym membership contracts now, they are hard to enforce, cash flow can become an issue. Staff and maintenance will kill you. Best options is open a top tier resort style "fitness center" in a wealthy area or find some industrial space and set up a cheap as shit crossfit style gym with tires, dumbbells, rope, mats, i.e. shit that doesn't break and only needs cleaning. Anything in between you will get out competed by national chains who can market and advertise you out of business.

>> No.10183431

The main benefit of exercising at home is the comfort of doing it whenever you want. You don't have to go somewhere and come back: you have some minutes to spare, you exercise. By doing so, it becomes a pleasure that actually takes you from doing unhealthy stuff, and soon you would start craving the endorphins.

But do not overexercise, read about fitness and anatomy and learn to read your own body, and eat accordingly. A good post-workout drink/meal is so much better at home than at gym, and no words about winter/rainy days or holidays...

>> No.10183434

>OP trying to short anons

>> No.10183448

Where is your money, you utter fucking niggers? There are enough Whites without the need for niggers, wymyn and basedboys.

Imagine being so defeated as you are right now.


>> No.10183491

Thanks anons, I will be looking further into this.

>read about fitness and anatomy and learn to read your own body, and eat accordingly
I definitely got some reading to do... I'm a noob that doesn't know much about fitness and anatomy.

>> No.10183525
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Sounds like a pretty retarded idea with WOW, Planet fitness, and the ymca dominating. Count in cross fit and specialty gyms for boxing and you're a fucking retarded cunt OP.

>> No.10183558

in europe you either have 20€ cheap gyms filled with pakis, arabs, and blacks leaving everything on the ground and it's a fucking mess
or 80-100€ gyms with old people and some better offs.

having some nice location around 30-50€ for white young people is not a bad idea.

>> No.10183582

Dowbload myfitnespal and lern about macros and tde download fitnites and find a good program ti follow do this for 2 years consistently and you will see huge results

>> No.10183625


stopped reading.

>> No.10183636

competition is the problem. it's very easy to start a gym, so unless you do something really unique, if you're profitable it won't last because more gyms will open. it has some of the lowest barriers to entry of any business I can think of. You can buy it all on credit. It's just a big warehouse full of exercise machines

>> No.10183645

they dont realise kikes literally own them.

>> No.10183682

Well that is an argument.
Thank you for your input.

>> No.10183756

while the idea of cutting out women is good, commercially it isn't sound. while they are annoying to be around, they don't bend and break your machines too much. i would ban fatlifters, generally people over X kg and people that are too much into lifting

>> No.10183988

The main problems with this are:

1)You will have anywhere from 1-5 competitors charging $10-20 a month, possibly with other sign up incentives, which will be incredibly hard for you to compete with at first.

2) Very few people want a gym membership, and even fewer want to switch gyms to pay more somewhere else.

The best approach is not to try to compete with the $10 a month giants, but to find a niche in the world. Find a reason people should pay $60-$120 a month for your gym, and then market it to the right people.

I did the starting strength program (of course) and I had to go to a shitty gold's for $10 a month that didn't have enough racks. I would've gladly paid $80+ a month for a place where I knew I would always have a rack when I showed up, but there was no gym like that near me. The best I found was a place that had 10 racks and you would share one with 3-4 people every time, but I don't want to work out with other people I don't know well. While I'm not a member, they were charging $100 a month and had plenty of members. So right there is a niche, people looking for strength training outside of the big gyms where there is equipment focused on their needs.

>> No.10184023
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is that even allowed in the current SJW society?
i know that girl-only places is allowed, even encouraged, but guy-only places? sounds like you'd be lynched.

>> No.10184238

Giving something special like this?

>> No.10184276

>t. cucks trying to hide their emotional reactions behind pretend rationality
few businesses ever target an entire population. it's all about finding a niche and catering to them. there's 10% blacks in america and most of them are on the lower end of wealth, yet the sports shoes industry isn't dying anytime soon
business doesn't care about political correctness beyond the front-facing part. if you don't have a well-defined audience for your product, you're just gambling

>> No.10184329

Start a high class gym in the nicest area

It won't be cheap but you can charge>300 per month

Nice views, nice machines, tennis,squash, paddle, bar and restaurant, and laundry servicie

It needs to be a social place for meetings and business

>> No.10184346

Lmao. How much electricity do you think a couple exercise bikes actually put out?

>> No.10184507

I want to open a place that pays you in bitcoins to walk on a treadmills hooked up to a generator. You could open them in shanghai and pay half the mining earnings to them. An army of human slaves walking on treadmills to mine bitcoins for you. Jihan probably already has this desu.

>> No.10184531


>roid heads and niggers

no thanks, this is an aryan gym.

>> No.10184537

>Chosing between minorities and old people
The absolute state of Yurop

>> No.10184542

Consider this. Most other white peoples think you're disgusting and want nothing to do with you.

>> No.10184548

t. heard first time of Bitcoin and has no idea about the already existing economy behind it.

You could do that with an self created ERC20 token but not with BTC.

and that's why we want to bring some change

>> No.10184706

Their is no way to train your rear or hamstrings with isolation exercises without putting huge stress on your joints unless you use machines. Improving those muscles will make you less prone to injury. Stop the steroid witchhunt and focus on what works for naturals who benefit massively from a small amount of machine work.

>> No.10184761

those are the handful accessoir that may be ok.
I'm talking about 20 different machines for back, chest and shoulder, two different assisted squat machines, and some other shitty machines that does the same as compound only on a machine for the plebs.

>> No.10185487

which machines are best? any reason to use seated leg press instead of squatting?

>> No.10185531

I’ll always be that guy who does cocaine dude

She can’t take that away from me dude

>> No.10186538

This. That is why a large majority of them cater to women.

>> No.10186722

Not to replace it no. I leg pressed for the first time in over a year recently because I was too fatigued to squat because of heat stroke and That kind of reason all i'd ever really recommend it for. If you have some external factor that makes you feel fucked to the point you will probably injure yourself squatting maybe sub it in for one workout. Apart from what I mentioned (and I meant rear delts not rear as in ass) the only other machine exercise I do regularly is triceps work on a cable machine because of the lack of stress on the elbows which truth be told is probably me being a bitch.
Those aren't completely useless either in that they can be useful for training around injuries or for turning up and doing something when you feel like death but yeah I agree the majority of people using them are wasting time. Maybe they have some use for people doing drop sets but I don't know enough about that to comment.

>> No.10187185

a guy i went to school with worked on wall street for a while - no idea who for or what he did but he was very well paid - but his main passion was keeping fit, especially doing that crossfit stuff. he did a bit of research and found out that china only had about a dozen or so crossfit gyms in the entire country despite generally having a pretty strong olympic lifting community, so he quit his financial sector job and opened up his own box in china. afaik he's doing really well with it, too.

so idk, there's gaps in the market that you can find. in terms of a /pol/ gym im not really sure exactly what that means in practice as a concept, and how careful you'd have to be not to attract some genuinely dangerous people, seriously unwanted legal headaches or stress from being boycotted etc.

Taking it to the extreme would be liftin' in a gym while Erica blares on loudspeakers, the television screens all show Riefenstahl films, and pictures of the Fuhrer are all over the walls; something more mild which I would hazard a guess you're thinking of would presumably just mean something which plays no rap music, predominantly straight white male staff, maybe somewhere based in somewhere thats had a decline like Detroit or in Alabama.

hope you can find something you enjoy doing in any case, im guessing you're talking about this because you're in a similar boat to the aforementioned schoolfriend.

>> No.10187201
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>Lord Piana, we have yet another cardiotwink here. Should I exterminate immediately or try to convert first, like last time?

>> No.10187303


There's not a lot of money in it. You won't be able to pull capital to build mega gyms that appeal to normies. And If you are asking this question on /biz/ then your probably don't have the skills to open a boutique gym that appeals to athletes.

The best money marker in the fitness industry is on the coaching side. Good oly and powerlifting coaches can charge a shitton. I know several guys who are online coaches and make a pretty good living doing it. However, they are all high level lifters in their own right and its not something you can easily break into without a following.

>> No.10187988


Planet Fitness is one of the biggest strokes of capitalistic genius I've ever seen, made more ironic by the primary clientele being soft socialists. I've seen them hang banners advertising pizza and doughnut days, what the absolute fuck.