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10182077 No.10182077 [Reply] [Original]

What's your relationship with your parents like /biz/

>> No.10182095
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pretty good now that i dont talk to them since 7 years ago

>> No.10182107

Single mother who made every bad decision she could've done. Lazy, whiny dumb bitch living comfy in little shit town, who then bitches that there's no workplace available. When i needed her, she wasn't there, she was sucking cock and drinking in the bar while 5 y/o me was playing with C-casettes and starving couse i didnt know how to make food. Brought home 4 different candidates for a step-dad, all traumatized little boys in mens bodies. All alcoholics and fucking scum of the earth. She tough that i could use a dad, a rolemodel. Fucking imbesil.

Now, 25 years later she keeps telling me how important i am to her and how much she loves me.

I have 0 respect for that bitch, everything that is bad in me i got from her. If it wasnt for my grandmother who took me in to live with her at age 7 i would be the male equivalent of that dumb bitch of a mom.

Fuck you "mom".

>> No.10182381

Sounds rough but at least you realized she was a bad influence on you and got your shit in order.
What happened?

>> No.10182402

glad you asked op
mom went behind dads back before she divorced him and 'forgot' to take her contraceptive so she could get an extra 18 years of child support, never paid a dime of attention to me as a kid and used all the child support money on alcohol and tobacco, not even bills or a steady supply of food that didn't consist of bread and butter. fuck that bitch

living with pops now. he's a classic narcissist who sees nothing wrong with his actions, but deep down i think it's cause his dad never loved him either.

just waiting for chainlink to moon and fuck off to spain to start a new life.
glad i could post this blog entry, thanks op.

>> No.10182425
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Thanks for the post, I enjoy reading them. We’re all in this shit together.

>> No.10182483

20 years old guy. Have 3 sisters but all moved out at 18. Still living with mommy and daddy. Got fired from my job recently for breaking one of their 0 tolerance policy rules with a few other co workers. All experienced staff. Try to avoid and ignore mom and dad as much as possible and do my own thing because i dont enjoy being around them. This has been the case since i was 12. Thinking about going into the army. Been holding a large amount ethereum classic and it recently started gaining momentum because lucky coinbase listing. Waiting for lambo.

>> No.10182521

Thank you for sharing.

>> No.10182528

Mum died of cancer

Dad thinks im a failure

>> No.10182533

Distant. My mom is generally unpleasant and my dad is a lazy failure.

>> No.10182537

we touch dicks every night

>> No.10182626
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Complicated I love them but my mom is an alcoholic and my dad a lazy bum.

The thing (I'm myself a dad now) that bother me the most is how they where never interested in me. Like my dad don't even know what I studied at the University or ask what I'm doing at my current job. Also my mom (probally because of her addiction) always chose the easy way. Letting me spend hours watching television and playing on the computer when I was young. Instead of doing something fun as a family.

I could be mad about them , but the thing is they just don't know any better. I really try to break the patern with my kid.

>> No.10182684


Really good actually which just makes me sadder that I'm such a dissapointment to them.

>> No.10182698

My parents kept me in psych wards for the majority of my formative years. When I finally got out of that shit after surviving a serious suicide attempt(fist full of phenobarbital) I got wild as fuck for a few years and crashed hard. Wrote a book about all of it, John Mcafee read it but wouldn’t attach his name.

25 now, got 50k in savings and trying to ride the BAT train to escape this hellborne life.

>> No.10182739

This sounds eerily similar to me. How old are you and how’d you end up having a kid? I don’t see myself ever having kids because I’m a little baby afraid of responsibility and afraid I’d make the exact same mistakes my parents made raising me.

>> No.10182777

Difficult. They support me A LOT. I can study abroad thanks to them having saved up for me even though both have shitty manual labour jobs. I would be an idiot to complain here.

It's more about me. I'm becoming more and more distant because I want to spend more time alone and doing things when I want and how I want. I have been praised quite a lot after I was grew 15 y.o. I'm 21 now. I have awful narcissistic tendencies and am generally an arrogant prick. If I was a rich guy, you'd say it may be an okay behaviour. But I'm not. I'm just a nobody among nobodies. I stidy at a university in a good country, but it's been putting me down that locals didn't really have to do much to get a degree and become nobodies. I did shit ton of work to become the same nobody as them. Sometimes the seeming futility gets to me.

Thanks for letting me get this of my chest.

>> No.10182813

They divorced. I don't talk with my autistic dad unless he calls first. Really good relationship with my mom because we help and support each other.

>> No.10182845

idk m8, i've never seen them before in my life.

>> No.10182859

Its watevs. I see them more as strangers ive known all my life than 'parents'.

>> No.10182872

My parents are so proud of me and WTF'd by my level of success that they don't even know what to do with themselves. I kept their expectations low my whole life then WHAM, CEO of a successful VC backed software company.

>> No.10182957

They kept me shackled in a small wooden box under the bed, only to let me out for the daily hose down and to administer beatings.

A pretty standard childhood really.

>> No.10182961

I miss my dad. My mom is a fantastic mom.

>> No.10183508
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Yes you can make the same mistakes, I for instance know I have personality who is easily addicted to stuff. The thing that helped me enormous is being self dependant and finding role models. People who made it from a tough situation.

The kid came after I found who wanted to settle down.

If you are already aware of how you was raised and that it was not normal (en what you would change) you will become a good dad.

Gl anon

>> No.10183526

If not LARP, well done

>> No.10183530

I have a similar situation with my dad but weh must forgive anon and try and understand the reasons why they did this. I'm sorry, I truly am dude. Forgiveness can heal but you must try.

>> No.10183546

At least focus your energy on being grateful for having a great grandma, instead of hating your mom.

>> No.10183562

Pretty good.

>> No.10183569

Please, tell me some more. I also have an addictive personality and I can't focus, it's all an endless cycle of internet and porn.

My mother was sometimes abusive and sometimes distant. I think she also had a problematic childhood. I want to break the cycle.

>> No.10183573

>Thank you for sharing.

What the fuck? Is /biz/ just AA or something now. Eat a dick. Back to /r9k/ with you.

>> No.10184122

It's 4.7/5.0.

>> No.10184144
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i just realized that Pettson & Findus is the original Jon & Garfield

>> No.10184145

I haven’t talked to my dad in a year. My mom calls me once in a while to chat about nothing. I basically have no relationship with them.

>> No.10184252


If any person who had shitty parents has kids themselves, they are repeating the cycle. You may think you have "changed" or are "different than your parents" or however you want to rationalize it according to your perspective, but the reality is that you are not fit to be a parent if you had shitty parents yourself. The damage that was done to you by your parents is never fully undone, and it is transferred to your children by your behavior. A person having a child, when they themselves had a shitty parents, is the most irresponsible thing a person can do. A person may think they are breaking the cycle, but they are not. They are repeating it, just in a sadistic different way, because they think they are the special snowflake that completely breaks the cycle, which never truly happens.

>> No.10184351

it's great. they love me no matter what I do or what comes out of my mouth. Dropped red pills on those boomers and my dad knows I'm right and loves it. Mom is caring. Old man wants to get into real estate with me soon. I told him lets wait for another crash and buy up some property and rent them out. Gave me 6k to invest in crypto, (Now at 3k) but told him to wait it out and he trusts me.

>> No.10184448

Pajeet parents, really complicated. Can't really say you "hate" them because they make everything about the kids, make sure they're getting everything, parents never drink, stay together, save to give u a decent education etc. But the downside with pajeet parents is you don't have any autonomy at all, they force religion and vegetarianism down your throat, I was a vegetarian for the first 16 years of my life. No gf's. No drinking. Basically nothing that's"fun" for most teenagers. These overly controlling, conservative, traditionalist and superstitious morons for parents were actually the cause of me developing a depression because nothing was fucking allowed. At times, even internet access was restricted at home. As soon as I moved out at 17 (for college) , then never had to stay at home as I got a job immediately afterwards, my situation improved considerably. Eating meat now (I was a weak faggot from the diet I was raised on), had a GF, having sex, socialization, going to parties - doing what normal people see supposed to be doing and basically just living on my own rules and timings.

The worst part is not yet over though- they'll try to arrange my marriage, which I have to try and avoid/ fake or just stop giving a fuck and marry whoever I wanted that would mean parents would "disown" me, and it's not easy to simply go "who cares lol" since the first half of my life was pretty smooth and they were the ones who were responsible for creating amazing memories in my childhood - pre teen years. So a part of me can't imagine not having them (and everyone else in the extended family) in my life

Tldr; They're genuinely nice people but over controlling and religious so u have to make difficult choices

>> No.10184471

I also live with an abusive parent but that's easier said than done, especially if the abuse continues today.

>> No.10184772

My father used to smack me around as a kid.
When they divorced my mom took over his behavior.
I dont stay in touch with child abusers, even if these people are my own parents.

>> No.10184839

My mom is basically a carbon copy of her mom, a distant psychopath. All the women in my.moms family have an hero'd for several generations. I barely talk with her at all because well, she's a paycho. My mom married a man (my deceased step-dad) who beat me so badly I struggle with the physical affects decades later.

My Dad sets up franchises and then semi-abandons them for the next franchise. I'm the oldest of all his children and by far the most successful. The rest are successful but not as much as me. My Dad is getting old and realizes he didn't spend enough time with me and feels he's missing out. I'm more than happy to spend time with him whenever he stops by.

I love both my parents, despite the horrors I was put thru by a paycho mom and inattentive dad.

I'm here as a reminder to them that they created something wonderful at least once in their lives.

>> No.10184946

Pretty good. They like me and I like them. Surprised though they haven't straight up kicked me out of the house since I'm getting close to the tail end of my 20s, but to be fair I did go back to school and it's a hell of a lot easier working less and not paying rent. I also feel like my being around helps them stay somewhat sane

>> No.10185113

so your mother realized how bad of a parent she was and did her best by giving up her son and letting her mother raise you.

mother: great relationship. did the best that she could with what little she had
father: i tell people this: you wanna know the relationship i have with my father? I lived with the guy for 20 yrs. he only spoke Spanish. I only spoke English. that's my relationship.
i think he loved verbally abusing my mom in front of his kids. only good thing i can say about the guy is that he never hit us and he made just enough money to get us by for another week. (with the help of my mom who also worked 40hrs..and cooked and cleaned) my way of "acting out" was to wash dishes and finish right as he walks through the door. he would get so angry. side effect was the he would just yell at my mother for being a lazy bitch.
i was glad that my mother gained some confidence and started getting a personal life.
he hated every second of it.
he started cheating on her.
she found out.
she kicked him out.
major respect.
he goes from apt to apartment. friend to friend. My sisters still feel bad for him.
>mom calls me. your father has had a major heart attack. he is in the hospital.
>me: okay. but i just dressed to go to the gym. what do you want me to do about that?
>mom: it would be nice if you come to the hospital for moral support. your sisters are here and your brother is headed over.
>me: ....i think i will exercise first. I'll go visit after surgery.
fucker made it through.
>mom: we are getting back together.
>me: lolwut. sisters love it. brother is liking it. wtf? b-b-but are yall going to try to fix your marriage?
>Mom: he doesn't wanna go to therapy.
>me: lolwhatever. i can't stop you. you do you.
>father makes a complete recovery. even gets anti-depressants and for the first time in my 28yrs of life, he doesn't act like a complete dick.
>father starts to cheat on my mother 4 years later.
my whole family is shocked.
me: lolwut

>> No.10185184

So you went from having good values to being a complete degenerate? Lol, what a faggot liberal.

>> No.10185200

Dad is a mega retard asshole who pushes everyone away because of how much of a cunt he is. Mom is cool I talk to her every week or two.

>> No.10185212

Really good, though they don't know I'm a faggot yet

>> No.10185238

i feel nig, parents only have few more years where they can work, i make good money now at work in leaf land (about 27 an hour before tax). i really hope i won't disappoint them, they're feeling sad for me that i've never had a gf desu, im 25 turning 26. really wish chainlink would help

>> No.10185257

Unironically tortured me and accidentally made me stronger than everyone else

>> No.10185268

Like whips and chains?
Did it involve candle wax?

>> No.10185272

>lost 50% of your parents money lol
nice bait

>> No.10185281

Psychological tortue, kidnapping from psychiatric facilitys for insurance money, bassically sitting somewhere and not being told when I can leave for months. My parents didn't like taking care of me when I was a teenager, lmfao

>> No.10185296

- wack-off al you want only not to porn
- exercise
- eat good
- find a non - PC hobby

This will already solve a lot of the ADD problems, if your really tried above options look for medication.

Stick with people who wants to succeed in life . Let them mentor you if you have the chance. Also work your ass off so you graduate and succeed in business. Fulfilment in life will break the cycle.

Take care

>> No.10185309

What the fug.

>> No.10185320

I don't really talk to them. I mean, I see them on a regular basis, but I just don't really say anything. But I don't really talk to anyone. We never fight or anything, but I'm not really close to them. I'm pretty sure they love me though. My dad was kind of distant when I was growing up. He tries harder now, but I generally feel awkward around him. I was close to my mom growing up, but not so much anymore.

You might be interested in the book "In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts" by Gabor Mate. He talks a lot about the relationship between childhood trauma and addiction. Even stressed parents, who otherwise seem to be very loving, can cause problems.

>> No.10185336

single mom did her best but was insanely stressed the entire time as she worked as an ER nurse. took it out on brother and i by being mentally abusive/controlling.

spent 6 weeks every summer with dad and step-family. they were pretty chill.

never felt a strong connection with either of them, havent talked to dad in like 14 years. only reason i talk to my mom is because she would probably go insane if i didn't see her at least occasionally. nothing against them in particular, i dont connect with anyone(except you guys <3)

they both did their best and i harbor no resentment. there comes a time in every 30 year old boomers life when you have to forgive your parents guys. everyone is just trying their best in a mad world

>> No.10185351

They still visited me every weekend. Difficult to rationalize still. The doctors were easy to understand because their bosses and $$$. I still think about it and it probably entirely changed my life course to some degree.

>> No.10185369
